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Effects of Organization Culture,Understanding and Attitude Differences Expected in the 2nd Air Force Logistic Command, 王孝遠、賴文魁


Academic year: 2022

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Effects of Organization Culture,Understanding and Attitude Differences Expected in the 2nd Air Force Logistic Command,


E-mail: 9417988@mail.dyu.edu.tw


Any enterprise should have been fully careful planed and assessed before carrying on an organizational convert by a large margin, let along, the style of the national defense undertaking body for a long time is conservative, it is heavy and complicated for the

organization, regarding finishing the task as the work and leading. The military factors have to find out a proper way for transferring In order to save government's budget expenditure, promote their competition while the time they are facing the change of internal and external operating environment as well as complying with national defence logistical system of countries in the world.

Fortunately, on January 29, the 89th year of the Republic of China, both of The National Defense Law of National Defense and The Rules of Organization of National Defense issued by the President of ROC resulted in The State-run Privatization of Army's Factory obtained the source basis of the law eventually. The subjective for the present study is to research that will the organization culture, understanding of changes caused by privatization, and attitudes toward changes caused by privatization etc. create significant influence to who got promises from the organization, as well as research the connecting and dependence among the literary interfaces with the case of State-run Privatization of Army's Factory of the 2nd Air Force Logistic Command, Republic of China as the research object. Of which 280 were valid, the investigation were carried on distributing of 320 questionnaires to the subjects then collected data were analyzed with such as correlation analysis, regression analysis, route, analysis of variance, T assay analysis etc.

statistic analysis methods. Results of the research is as follow: 1. Organization culture has had a significant impact on organizational commitment. 2. Organization culture hasn’t had much of an impact on the understanding of changes caused by privatization. 3.

The understanding of changes caused by privatization has had a significant impact on the attitudes toward changes caused by privatization. 4. Organization culture hasn’t had much of an impact on the attitudes toward changes caused by privatization. 5.

The attitudes toward changes caused by privatization have had a significant impact on organizational commitment. 6. There is causality for Organization culture, the understanding of changes caused by privatization; privatization improves the attitude, the attitudes toward changes caused by privatization, organizational commitment.

Keywords : State-run privatization of army's factory, organization culture, the understanding of changes caused by privatization, the attitudes toward changes caused by privatization, organizational commitment

Table of Contents

封面內頁 簽名頁 授權書………iii 中文摘要………

………v 英文摘要………

………vi 誌謝………

…viii 目錄………ix 圖目錄………

………xi 表目錄………

………xii 第一章 緒論 1.1 研究背景………2 1.2 研究動機………3 1.3 研究目的………

………4 1.4 研究流程及研究範圍與對象………

……5 1.5 論文結構………7 第二章 文獻探討 2.1 國有民營化

………9 2.2 組織變革………

………20 2.3 組織文化………32 2.4 組 織承諾………36 第三章 研究方法 3.1 研究架構與研究設計…

………44 3.2 研究變數之操作性定義與衡量………

………46 3.3 研究樣本………49 3.4 資料分析方 法………53 3.5 各量表之因素分析與信度分析………

………55 第四章 實證研究分析與結果 4.1 各研究變項之描述性統計………

………67 4.2 員工個人特性在各研究變項之差異分析………69 4.3 各研究變 項之相關性分析………77 4.4 各相關衡量構面間之影響關係………


………82 4.5 各相關衡量構面間之互動關係………89 第 五章 研究結論與建議 5.1 研究結論………97 5.2 建議與研究 限制………99 參考文獻………

………104 附錄………



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