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Academic year: 2021

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紅血球生成素影響 P19 分化神經元之神經纖維生長及生長相 關基因表現研究

紅血球生成素 (EPO) 是一種具有神經保護性的細胞激素,其與紅血球生成素受體 (EPO receptor) 結 合後,藉由活化 JAK/STAT 訊息傳遞路徑,調節抵抗細胞凋亡的下游基因表現,以促進細胞存活。

然而,在神經細胞的發育過程中, EPO 引發的訊息路徑,與其他細胞存活或細胞生長相關的訊息 路徑之間的相互關連研究尚不明確。在本論文的研究中,我們利用畸胎瘤細胞株 (P19 EC cells) 分 化而來的神經細胞,進行 EPO 對 P19 分化神經元細胞存活與生長相關基因的影響。在 P19 EC cells 分化的過程中,除了原本使用維生素 A 酸 (retinoic acid) 誘導神經分化之外, 另加入了纖維母細胞 生長因子 (FGF8) ,使 P19 可以 monolayer 的細胞培養形式直接分化為神經細胞。螢光素酶活性分 析 (Luciferase activity assay) 的結果可以得知,於 P19 分化神經元外加 EPO ,可促使生長相關蛋白 (Growth-associated protein ; GAP-43) 的 P2 promotor 活性增加。除了以外加 EPO 進行實驗外,本 論文研究中也利用了含有 CMV promoter 驅動 epo 基因表現的 plasmid ,轉染 (transfect) 進入 P19 分 化神經元,使 EPO 基因過度表現。研究結果顯示,無論是外加的 EPO ,抑或是利用 transfection 使 EPO 基因過度表現,皆有助於 P19 神經纖維生長。 GAP-43 為神經纖維生長的 marker ; Bcl-xL 功 能為抵抗細胞計畫性死亡,此兩種基因皆受到 EPO 的調控, EPO 可以促進 GAP-43 及 Bcl-xL 的基 因表現。 JAK 抑制劑 -AG490 、 PI3K 抑制劑 -LY294002 、 MAPK 抑制劑 -PD98059 皆會阻斷 EPO 對 P19 分化神經元於神經纖維生長及維持細胞存活的促進現象,此結果意味了 EPO 的神經保護功 能涉及了這三個訊息傳遞路徑。而 EPO 的神經保護性不會被 NGF 受體抑制劑 -AG879 所抑制,並 且可以 AG879 抑制 P19 神經元細胞存活的情形被緩解。實驗結果進一步發現 AG879 會抑制 P19 神 經元 Bcl-xL 的表現,但並不顯著抑制 GAP-43 的表現。 epo 基因在 P19 神經元的過度表現,可以回 升被 AG879 抑制的 Bcl-xL 表現,同時也回升了 GAP-43 的表現量。因此,本論文研究結果,除了 證明了 EPO 會透過 JAK 、 PI3K 、 MAPK 等訊息傳遞路徑促進神經纖維生長,並且發現 EPO 基因 的過度表現,可以回升 NGF/TrkA 訊息傳遞受到抑制時所降低的 Bcl-xL 表現量,也促使 GAP-43 的 基因表現 , 可能藉由此一作用使得 EPO 可緩解因 NGF/TrkA 受到抑制所降低之神經存活。


The Effect of Erythropoietin on Growth and Survival-Relate d Gene Expressions in P19-Derived Neurons

Erythropoetin (EPO) is a neuroprotective cytokine that is known to mediate anti-apoptotic gene expression via EPO receptor and the JAK/STAT signaling pathway. However, the interplay of EPO signaling with oth er survival or growth-related signaling during neuronal development remains unclear. In the present study, we used pluripotent embryonal carcinoma (EC) P19 cell line-derived neurons as the experimental model to examine the effect of EPO on the survival and growth-related gene expressions. We modified the neural in duction protocol of the P19 cells with addition of fibroblast growth factor 8 (FGF-8) in the monolayer cult ure. Luciferase activity assay shows that exogenous application of EPO could increase GAP-43 P2 promot er activity in P19-derived neurons. For the EPO effect, we applied exogenous EPO as well as established a n epo gene overexpression system by transfection of CMV promoter-driven epo gene plasmid into differen tiated P19 neurons. Our results show that both EPO gene overexpression and exogenous EPO administratio n enhanced neurite outgrowth. The growth-associated protein-43 (GAP-43), a marker for outgrowth and ne rve regeneration, and an anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-xL, an EPO-mediated gene expression product, were bo th enhanced by the EPO treatment. The EPO enhancement of neurite outgrowth and neuronal survival was blocked by the JAK inhibitor AG490, PI3 kinase inhibitor LY294002, and MAP kinase inhibitor PD98059, three of the EPO receptor downstream signaling pathway inhibitors, suggesting that these pathways are inv olved in the EPO neuroprotection. However, the EPO neuroprotection was not blocked by the NGF recepto r TrkA inhibitor AG879, and seems to reverse the AG879 impairment of neuronal survival. Furthermore, w e found that AG879 significantly reduced Bcl-xL but not GAP-43 gene expression, and overexpression of EPO could reverse the AG879 downregulation of Bcl-xL as well as further up-regulate GAP-43 expression . Together, our results suggest that EPO-mediated neurite outgrowth depends on the JAK, PI3 kinase, and MAP kinase signaling pathways, and EPO overexpression seems capable of attenuating the NGF/TrkA hyp ofunction-reduced neuronal survival by upregulating Bcl-xL and GAP-43 gene expression.



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 the lymphocyte function-associated antigen 1, or LFA-1, was so named because antibodies recognizing this structure interfere with lymphocyte cell adhesion events and

SF11310 張基晟 比較 Ipilimumab 加上 Etoposide/Platinum 與 Etoposide/Platinum


 眼睛是心靈之窗,心靈是眼神之源。在眼球後方 感光靈敏的角膜含有 1.37 億個細胞,將收到的信 息傳送至腦部。這些感光細胞,在任何時間均可 同時處理

• 是細胞不正常增生,且這些增生的細胞可

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