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The decompositions with respect to two core non-symmetric cones


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The decompositions with respect to two core non-symmetric cones

Yue Lu1· Ching-Yu Yang2· Jein-Shan Chen2 · Hou-Duo Qi3

Received: 12 November 2018 / Accepted: 11 October 2019

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2019


It is known that the analysis to tackle with non-symmetric cone optimization is quite different from the way to deal with symmetric cone optimization due to the discrepancy between these types of cones. However, there are still common concepts for both optimization problems, for example, the decomposition with respect to the given cone, smooth and nonsmooth analysis for the associated conic function, conic-convexity, conic-monotonicity and etc. In this paper, motivated by Chares’s thesis (Cones and interior-point algorithms for structured convex optimization involving powers and exponentials, 2009), we consider the decomposition issue of two core non-symmetric cones, in which two types of decomposition formulae will be proposed, one is adapted from the well-known Moreau decomposition theorem and the other follows from geometry properties of the given cones. As a byproduct, we also establish the conic functions of these cones and generalize the power cone case to its high-dimensional counterpart.

Keywords Moreau decomposition theorem· Power cone · Exponential cone · Non-symmetric cones

Mathematics Subject Classification 49M27· 90C25


Jein-Shan Chen jschen@math.ntnu.edu.tw Yue Lu

jinjin403@sina.com Ching-Yu Yang

yangcy@math.ntnu.edu.tw Hou-Duo Qi


1 School of Mathematical Sciences, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin 300387, China 2 Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei 11677, Taiwan 3 School of Mathematics, University of Southampton, Southampton SO17 1BJ, UK


1 Introduction

Consider the following two core non-symmetric cones Kα :=

(x1, ¯x) ∈ R × R2

|x1| ≤ ¯x1α1¯x2α2, ¯x1≥ 0, ¯x2≥ 0

, (1)

Kexp := cl

(x1, ¯x) ∈ R × R2

 x1≥ ¯x2· exp



, ¯x2> 0, x1≥ 0

, (2)

where¯x := ( ¯x1, ¯x2)T ∈ R2,α := (α1, α2)T ∈ R2,α1, α2∈ (0, 1), α12= 1 and cl(Ω) is the closure ofΩ. We callKαthe power cone andKexpthe exponential cone1, whose graphs are depicted in Fig.1.

1.1 Motivations and literatures

Why do we pay attention to these two core non-symmetric cones? There are two main reasons.

In theory, Chares [5] proposes two important concepts (i.e.,α-representable and extended α- representable, see “Appendix 6.1”) involving powers and exponentials and plenty of famous cones can be generated from these two cones such as second-order cones [1,8,10,15,23,24], p-order cones [2,27,44], geometric cones [4,16,17,26], Lp cones [18] and etc., one can refer to [5, chapter 4] for more examples. In applications, many practical problems can be cast into optimization models involving the power cone constraints and the exponential cone constraints, such as location problems [5,21] and geometric programming problems [4,31,34]. Therefore, it becomes quite obvious that there is a great demand for providing systematic studies for these cones.

Location problem [5,21]: The generalized location problem is to find a point x∈ Rnwhose sum of weight distances from a given set of locations L1, . . . , Lmis minimized, which has the following form

(P) minx∈Rn m

i=1wix − Lipi

where · pi(pi ≥ 1) denotes the pi-norm defined onRn. If piis equal to 2, then the above problem reduces to the classical Weber-Point problem. Denote by x:= (x1, . . . , xn)T ∈ Rn and a:= (a1, . . . , an)T ∈ Rn, Problem(P) can be rewritten as

minx,a,yi m


s.t. (yi, j, ai, xj− Li, j) ∈K1

pi, i = 1, . . . , m, j = 1, . . . , n,


j=1yi, j = ai, i = 1, . . . , m,

where Li, jand yi, jstand for the j -th component of Li∈ Rn and yi∈ Rn, respectively.

Geometric programming [4,31,34]: Let x := (x1, . . . , xn)T ∈ Rn be a vector with real positive components xi. A real valued function m, of the form m(x) := cn

i=1xiαi, is called a monomial function, where c> 0 and αi are its coefficient and exponents, respectively. A sum of one or more monomials, i.e., a function that looks like f(x) :=K

k=1mk(x), is called

1The definition ofKexpused in (2) comes from [5, Section 4.1], which has a slight difference from another form in [34, Definition 2.1.2] as

Kexp:= cl

(x1, ¯x) ∈ R × R2

 x1≥ ¯x2· exp



 , ¯x2> 0

 . However, one can observe that these two definitions coincide with each other.


Fig. 1 The power coneKα(left) and the exponential coneKexp(right)

a posynomial function, where mk(x) := ck


i=1xiαi,k. A geometric program is composed of a posynomial objective with posynomial inequality constraints and monomial equality constraints, which can be described as

(G P)

minx f0(x)

s.t. fs(x) ≤ 1, s = 1, . . . , p, gt(x) = 1, t = 1, . . . , q, where fs := K


i=1xiαi,k,s, s ∈ {0, 1, . . . , p} and gt(x) := ctn

i=1xiαi,t, t ∈ {1, . . . , q}. Using the following change of variables as xi := exp(ui), ck,i := exp(dk,i), ct :=

exp(dt) and adding some additional variables, Problem (GP) can be rewritten as minui,w,ξk,0k,s w

s.t. (dk,0+n

i=1ui· αi,k,0, ξk,0, 1) ∈Kexp, K

k=1ξk,0= w, (dk,s+n

i=1ui· αi,k,s, ηk,s, 1) ∈Kexp,K

k=1ηk,s= 1, s = 1, . . . , p, dt+n

i=1ui· αi,t = 0, t = 1, . . . , q.

In the past three decades, a great deal of mathematical effort in conic programming has been devoted to the study of symmetric cones and it has been made extensive progress [9,14,29,30,33,38], particularly for the second-order cone (SOC) [1,8,10,15,23,24] and the positive semidefinite cone [35,37,39–41]. For example, consider the second-order cone

Ln := {(x1, ¯x) ∈ R × Rn−1| x1≥  ¯x}.

For any given z= (z1, ¯z) ∈ R × Rn−1, its decomposition with respect toLnhas the form z= λ1(z) · u(1)z + λ2(z) · u(2)z , (3) whereλi(z) := z1+ (−1)i¯z and u(i)z is equal to12

1, (−1)i¯z¯z

, if¯z = 0;12

1, (−1)iw , otherwise, which is applicable for i = 1, 2 with w ∈ Rn−1being any unit vector. For any scalar function f : R → R, the associated conic function fsoc(z) (called the SOC function) is given by

fsoc(z) = f (λ1(z)) · u(1)z + f (λ2(z)) · u(2)z . (4) In light of the decomposition formula and its conic function, one can further establish their analytic properties (i.e., projection mapping, cone-convexity, conic-monotonicity) and design numerical algorithms (i.e., proximal-like algorithms and interior-point algorithms), see Fig.2 for their relations and refer to the monograph [11] for more details. Similar results have


Fig. 2 The relations between the decomposition with respect to SOC and other topics

also been established for the positive semidefinite cone [40,43] and symmetric cones [14, 38]. Therefore, the past experience [11,14,43] indicate that how to derive the associated decomposition expression with respect to a given cone as the form (3) at a low cost becomes an important issue in the whole picture of researches.

As a fundamental tool in optimization, Moreau decomposition theorem [25] characterizes the key relationship between the decomposition with respect to a closed convex cone and its projection mappings. More concretely, for any given z∈ Rn, it can be uniquely decomposed into

z= ΠK(z) + ΠK(z) = ΠK(z) − ΠK(−z), (5) whereΠK(z) is the projection mapping of z ∈ RnontoKandKis the polar cone ofK, i.e.,

K:= {y ∈ Rn| xTy≤ 0, ∀x ∈K}.

In addition,Kis the dual cone ofKand satisfies the relationK= −K. It follows from (5) that if these projection mappings have closed-form expressions, the decomposition issue can be simply solved by this classical theorem. However, for most non-symmetric cones (except for the circular cone [7,45], see “Appendix 6.2”), their projection mappings are usually not explicit, such as the power coneKα[21, section 2] and the exponential coneKexp

[26, section 6]. Thus, one cannot employ the Moreau decomposition theorem directly and continue subsequent studies on optimization problems involving with these non-symmetric cones. This is a big hurdle for non-symmetric cone optimization problems.

In reality, there are plenty of non-symmetric cones in the literatures, such as homoge- neous cones [6,20,42], matrix norm cones [12], p-order cones [2,18,27,44], hyperbolicity cones [3,19,32], circular cones [7,45] and copositive cones [13], etc. Unlike the symmetric cone optimization, there seems no systematic study due to the various features and very few algorithms are proposed to solve optimization problems with these non-symmetric cones constraints, except for some interior-point type methods [6,22,28,36,44]. For example, Xue and Ye [44] study an optimization problem of minimizing a sum of p-norms, in which two new barrier functions are introduced for p-order cones and a primal-dual potential reduction algorithm is presented. Chua [6] combines the T-algebra with the primal-dual interior-point algorithm to solve the homogeneous conic programming problems. Based on the concept of self-concordant barriers and the efficient computational experience of the long path-following steps, Nesterov [28] proposes a new predictor-corrector path-following method with an addi- tional primal-dual lifting process (called Phase I). Skajaa and Ye [36] present a homogeneous interior-point algorithm for non-symmetric convex conic optimization, in which no Phase I method is needed. Recently, Karimi and Tuncel [22] present a primal-dual interior-point


methods for convex optimization problems, in which a new concept called Domain-Driven Setup plays a crucial role in their theoretical analysis.

In contrast to these interior-point type methods, we pay more attention to the decomposi- tion issue of the given cones. It is worth noting that the decompositions with respect to the second-order coneLnand the circular coneLθ[see Eqs. (3) and (51)] show that any given point can be divided into two parts, one lies in the boundary of the given cone (i.e., u(1)z ∈ ∂Ln,

˜u(1)z ∈ ∂Lθ, where∂Ω is the boundary of Ω) and the other comes from the boundary of the given cone (i.e., u(2)z ∈ ∂Ln) or its polar (i.e.,˜u(2)z ∈ ∂Lθ). One can easily verify these results by the Moreau decomposition theorem in some cases (for example, the given point lies out the union of the given cone and its polar), but it is amazing that these decompositions are satisfied in all cases! These observations motivate us to study the boundary structures of the given cones more carefully.

1.2 Contributions and contents

In this paper, we successfully explore two new types of decompositions with respect to the power coneKαand the exponential coneKexp, one is adapted from the well-known Moreau decomposition theorem, which looks like

z= sx· x + sy· y, x ∈ ∂K, y ∈ ∂K, (sx, sy) = (0, 0) (6) and the other follows from geometric structures of the given cone, i.e.,

z= sx· x + sy· y, x ∈ ∂K, y ∈ ∂K, (sx, sy) = (0, 0), (7) where z∈ Rn, sx, sy∈ R, x, y ∈ Rn,Khas two choices, namelyKαorKexp, as defined in (1) and (2). In the sequel, we call (6) the Type I decomposition and (7) the Type II decomposition, respectively. To our best knowledge, no results about the decompositions with respect to these two non-symmetric cones have been reported. Hence, the purpose of this paper aims to fill this gap and the contributions of our research can be summarized as follows.

(a) We propose a more compact description of the boundary for these two cones.

(b) Two types of decompositions with respect toKα,Kexpare presented, which are do-able and computable.

As a byproduct, the decomposition expressions with respect to the high-dimensional power cone are also derived.

(c) We establish the conic functions of the power coneKα and the exponential coneKexp

based on their decomposition formulae.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Sects.2and3, we present the decomposition formulae with respect to the power coneKαand the exponential coneKexp, respectively. In Sect.4, we discuss some applications of these decompositions. Finally, we draw some concluding remarks in Sect.5.

2 The decompositions with respect to the power coneK˛

In this section, we present two types of decompositions with respect to the power coneKα. Before that, we present some analytic properties ofKαin the following lemmas.

Lemma 1 Kαis a closed convex cone.


Proof It can be easily verified by definition, see “Appendix 6.3” for more details.

Lemma 2 The dual coneKαcan be described as Kα=

(x1, ¯x) ∈ R × R2

|x1| ≤







, ¯x1 ≥ 0, ¯x2≥ 0

 , where ¯x := ( ¯x1, ¯x2)T ∈ R2,α := (α1, α2)T ∈ R21, α2∈ (0, 1), α1+ α2 = 1.

Proof We refer the readers to [5, Theorem 4.3.1] for its verification.

From the relationKα= −Kαand Lemma2, the polar coneKαhas the following closed- form expression.

Corollary 1 The polar coneKαis given by Kα =

(x1, ¯x) ∈ R × R2

|x1| ≤

− ¯x1



− ¯x2



, ¯x1≤ 0, ¯x2≤ 0

 . We now proceed to identify the structures of the power coneKα, its dualKαand its polar Kαmore clearly, particularly for their interiors and boundaries.

Lemma 3 The interior of the power coneKα, its dualKα and its polarKα , denoted by intKα, intKαand intKα, are respectively given by

intKα =

(x1, ¯x) ∈ R × R2

|x1| < σα( ¯x), ¯x1> 0, ¯x2> 0

, (8)

intKα =

(x1, ¯x) ∈ R × R2

|x1| < ηα( ¯x), ¯x1> 0, ¯x2> 0

, (9)

intKα =

(x1, ¯x) ∈ R × R2

|x1| < ηα(− ¯x), ¯x1< 0, ¯x2< 0

, (10)


σα( ¯x) := ¯xα11¯x2α2, ηα( ¯x) :=







. (11)

Proof By definition, (x1, ¯x) is an element of intKαif and only if there exists an open neigh- borhood of(x1, ¯x) ∈ R × R2entirely included inKα. Let us take(x1, ¯x) ∈Kα. For any given strict positive scalars¯x1, ¯x2∈ R, it is easy to see that (0, 0, 0), (0, ¯x1, 0) and (0, 0, ¯x2) are all outside of intKα, due to the observation that every open neighborhood with respect to each of these points contains a point with the negative ¯x1or ¯x2 component. For a point (x1, ¯x1, ¯x2) ∈ R × R2such thatσα( ¯x) = |x1| with ¯x1, ¯x2 > 0, where σα( ¯x) is defined as in (11). In this case, we can take a point(x1 , ¯x1 , ¯x2 ) with 0 < ¯x1 < ¯x1, 0 < ¯x 2 < ¯x2,

|x1 | > |x1| in every open neighborhood of (x1, ¯x1, ¯x2) ∈ R × R2, which implies that

|x1 | > |x1| = σα( ¯x) > σα( ¯x ), i.e., the point (x1 , ¯x1 , ¯x2 ) can not belong toKα and hence (x1, ¯x1, ¯x2) /∈ intKα.

Next, we turn to show that all the remaining points that do not satisfy the above two cases, i.e., the points in the right-hand side of (8), belong to the interior ofKα. For sufficiently small scalar ∈ (0, min{ ¯x1, ¯x2}), letB(x

1, ¯x)be a neighborhood of(x1, ¯x) with the form B(x 1, ¯x):=

(x1 , ¯x ) ∈ R × R2

0 ≤ |x1| − ≤ |x1 | ≤ |x1| + , 0< ¯xi− ≤ ¯xi ≤ ¯xi+ , i = 1, 2



Taking(x1, ¯x) ∈ R × R2from the right-hand side of (8), i.e.,σα( ¯x) > |x1|, ¯xi > 0, i = 1, 2.

For all elements(x1 , ¯x ) ∈B (x

1, ¯x), we have

|x1 | − σα( ¯x ) ≤ | ¯x1| + − ( ¯x1 )α1( ¯x2 )α2 ≤ | ¯x1| + − ( ¯x1− )α1( ¯x2− )α2. (12) In addition, letting → 0, we obtain


| ¯x1| + − ( ¯x1− )α1( ¯x2− )α2

= | ¯x1| − σα( ¯x) < 0.

Therefore, there exists a scalar such that| ¯x1| + − ( ¯x1)α1( ¯x2)α2 < 0. This together with (12) imply that

|x 1| − σα( ¯x ) < 0, ∀(x1 , ¯x ) ∈B(x 1, ¯x),

which is sufficient to show thatB(x 1, ¯x)is entirely included inKαand hence(x1, ¯x) ∈ intKα. Applying a similar way toKαandKα, their interiors can also be verified as the right-hand

side of (9) and (10).

From the proof of Lemma 3, we further define the following sets S1 :=

(x1, ¯x) ∈ R × R2| x1= 0, ¯x1> 0, ¯x2 = 0 , S2 :=

(x1, ¯x) ∈ R × R2| x1 = 0, ¯x1 = 0, ¯x2 > 0 , S3 :=

(x1, ¯x) ∈ R × R2| |x1| = σα( ¯x), ¯x1> 0, ¯x2> 0 , S4 :=

(x1, ¯x) ∈ R × R2| |x1| = ηα( ¯x), ¯x1> 0, ¯x2> 0 , T1 :=

(x1, ¯x) ∈ R × R2| x1 = 0, ¯x1 < 0, ¯x2 = 0

= −S1, T2 :=

(x1, ¯x) ∈ R × R2| x1= 0, ¯x1= 0, ¯x2< 0

= −S2, T3 :=

(x1, ¯x) ∈ R × R2| |x1| = ηα(− ¯x), ¯x1< 0, ¯x2< 0

= −S4.


Then, the boundary ofKα,KαandKαcan be stated in a more compact form.

Lemma 4 The boundary ofKαandKα, denoted by∂Kαand∂Kα, are respectively given by

∂Kα := S1∪ S2∪ S3∪ {0}, ∂Kα:= S1∪ S2∪ S4∪ {0}.

Similarly, the boundary ofKα, denoted by∂Kα, can be formulated as

∂Kα := T1∪ T2∪ T3∪ {0}.

Remark 1 It follows that the union setKαKαcan be divided into seven parts KαKα = S1∪ S2∪ T1∪ T2∪ P1∪ P2∪ {0},



(x1, ¯x) ∈ R × R2| |x1| ≤ σα( ¯x), ¯x1> 0, ¯x2> 0 , P2:=

(x1, ¯x) ∈ R × R2| |x1| ≤ ηα(− ¯x), ¯x1 < 0, ¯x2 < 0 . In addition, the boundary ofKαand its polarKαare depicted in Fig.3.

In order to make the classifications clear and neat, we adapt some notations as follows:

z:= (z1, ¯z) ∈ R × R2, ¯z := (¯z1, ¯z2)T ∈ R2, ¯zmin:= min{¯z1, ¯z2}, ¯zmax:= max{¯z1, ¯z2}.



Fig. 3 The different parts of∂Kα(left) and∂Kα(right)

Consequently, we divide the spaceR × R2into the following four blocks Block I: B1:=

(z1, ¯z) ∈ R × R2| ¯zmin· ¯zmax> 0 or (z1= 0 and ¯zmin= ¯zmax= 0) . Block II: B2:=

(z1, ¯z) ∈ R × R2| ¯zmin· ¯zmax= 0 and ¯zmin+ ¯zmax= 0 . Block III: B3:=

(z1, ¯z) ∈ R × R2| ¯zmin· ¯zmax< 0 . Block IV: B4:=

(z1, ¯z) ∈ R × R2| z1= 0 and ¯zmin= ¯zmax= 0 .

(15) The subcases of these blocks with respect toKαcan be found in Table1.

2.1 The Type I decomposition with respect to the power coneK˛

In this subsection, we present the Type I decomposition with respect to the power cone Kα. To proceed, we discuss four cases, in which the sets SiK (i = 1, 2, 3, 4) and Tj ⊂ ∂K( j = 1, 2, 3) are defined as in (13).

Case 1:(z1, ¯z) ∈ B1.

(a) ¯zmin> 0. In this subcase, (z1, ¯z) ∈ B11, i.e.,¯z1 > 0, ¯z2 > 0, which implies σα(¯z) > 0 andηα(¯z) > 0. Then, we take x = ˙x(B1,a), y= ˙y(B1,a) and sx = ˙s(Bx 1,a), sy = ˙s(By 1,a), where

˙x(B1,a) :=



∈ S3, ˙y(B1,a):=



∈ T3. (16)

˙s(Bx 1,a) := z1+ ηα(¯z)

σα(¯z) + ηα(¯z)· σα(¯z), ˙sy(B1,a):= z1− σα(¯z)

σα(¯z) + ηα(¯z)· ηα(¯z). (17) It is easy to show that the above setting satisfies the decomposition formula (6).

(b) ¯zmax< 0. Similar to the argument in Case 1 (a), (z1, ¯z) ∈ B12, i.e.,¯z1< 0, ¯z2< 0, which impliesσα(−¯z) > 0 and ηα(−¯z) > 0. In this subcase, we set x = ˙x(B1,b), y= ˙y(B1,b) and sx = ˙sx(B1,b), sy= ˙s(By 1,b), where




∈ S3, ˙y(B1,b):=



∈ T3. (18)

˙s(Bx 1,b):= z1− ηα(−¯z)

σα(−¯z) + ηα(−¯z) · σα(−¯z),


Table1Thesubcasesofeachblockin(15)withrespecttoKα B1B2B3B4 (B11)z1free,¯z1>0,¯z2>0(B21)z1free,¯z1=0,¯z2>0(B31)z1free,¯z1<0,¯z2>0(B4)z1=0,¯z1=0,¯z2=0 (B12)z1free,¯z1<0,¯z2<0(B22)z1free,¯z1>0,¯z2=0(B32)z1free,¯z1>0,¯z2<0 (B13)z1=0,¯z1=0,¯z2=0(B23)z1free,¯z1=0,¯z2<0 (B24)z1free,¯z1<0,¯z2=0


˙s(By 1,b):= z1+ σα(−¯z)

σα(−¯z) + ηα(−¯z) · ηα(−¯z). (19)

(c) z1 = 0 and ¯zmin = ¯zmax= 0. In this subcase, (z1, ¯z) ∈ B13, which impliesσα(¯z) = 0 andηα(¯z) = 0. Therefore, we set x = ˙x(B1,c), y= ˙y(B1,c)and sx = ˙s(Bx 1,c), sy= ˙s(By 1,c), where




∈ S3, ˙y(B1,c):=



∈ T3, (20)

˙sx(B1,c):= z1

σα(1) + ηα(1)· σα(1), ˙s(By 1,c):= z1

σα(1) + ηα(1)· ηα(1) (21)

with 1:= (1, 1)T ∈ R2. Case 2:(z1, ¯z) ∈ B2.

(a) ¯zmin= 0, ¯zmax> 0. In this subcase, (z1, ¯z) ∈ B21or(z1, ¯z) ∈ B22. Therefore, we set x = ˙x(B2,a), y = ˙y(B2,a) and sx = 1, sy = 1, where ˙x(B2,a) = ( ˙x1(B2,a), ˙¯x(B2,a)) and

˙y(B2,a)= ( ˙y1(B2,a), ˙¯y(B2,a)) with

˙x1(B2,a) := z1, ˙¯x(B2,a) :=
















⎦ if (z1, ¯z) ∈ B21,







⎦ if (z1, ¯z) ∈ B22,


˙y1(B2,a):= 0, ˙¯y(B2,a) :=










⎢⎣ −





⎦ if (z1, ¯z) ∈ B21,

⎢⎣ 0





⎦ if (z1, ¯z) ∈ B22.


It is easy to see that

(a)(z1, ¯z) ∈ B21, z1= 0 ⇒ x ∈ S2, y = 0; (b) (z1, ¯z) ∈ B21, z1= 0 ⇒ x ∈ S3, y ∈ T1; (c)(z1, ¯z) ∈ B22, z1= 0 ⇒ x ∈ S1, y = 0; (d) (z1, ¯z) ∈ B22, z1= 0 ⇒ x ∈ S3, y ∈ T2.

(b) ¯zmin< 0, ¯zmax= 0. In this subcase, (z1, ¯z) ∈ B23or(z1, ¯z) ∈ B24. We set x = ˙x(B2,b), y = ˙y(B2,b)and sx = −1, sy = −1, where ˙x(B2,b) = ( ˙x1(B2,b), ˙¯x(B2,b)) and ˙y(B2,b) = ( ˙y(B1 2,b), ˙¯y(B2,b)) with


˙x1(B2,b):= −z1, ˙¯x(B2,b) :=













⎦ if (z1, ¯z) ∈ B23,


|z1| (−¯z1)α1



⎦ if (z1, ¯z) ∈ B24,


˙y(B1 2,b):= 0, ˙¯y(B2,b) :=








⎣ −

|z1| (−¯z2)α2




⎦ if (z1, ¯z) ∈ B23,

⎣ 0

|z1| (−¯z1)α1



⎦ if (z1, ¯z) ∈ B24.


Similar to the arguments in Case 2 (a), we obtain

(a)(z1, ¯z) ∈ B23, z1= 0 ⇒ x ∈ S2, y = 0; (b) (z1, ¯z) ∈ B23, z1= 0 ⇒ x ∈ S3, y ∈ T1; (c)(z1, ¯z) ∈ B24, z1= 0 ⇒ x ∈ S1, y = 0; (d) (z1, ¯z) ∈ B24, z1= 0 ⇒ x ∈ S3, y ∈ T2. Case 3:(z1, ¯z) ∈ B3. In this subcase,(z1, ¯z) ∈ B31or(z1, ¯z) ∈ B32. We set x = ˙x(B3)∈ ∂Kα, y = ˙y(B3) ∈ ∂Kα and sx = 1, sy = 1, where ˙x(B3) = ( ˙x1(B3), ˙¯x(B3)) and ˙y(B3) = ( ˙y1(B3),

˙¯y(B3)) with

˙x1(B3):= z1, ˙¯x(B3):=
















⎦ if z ∈ B31,







⎦ if z ∈ B32,


˙y(B1 3):= 0, ˙¯y(B3):=










⎣ ¯z1






⎦ if z ∈ B31,

⎢⎣ 0






⎦ if z ∈ B32.


More concretely, we obtain

(a)(z1, ¯z) ∈ B31, z1= 0 ⇒ x ∈ S2, y ∈ T1; (b) (z1, ¯z) ∈ B31, z1= 0 ⇒ x ∈ S3, y ∈ T1; (c)(z1, ¯z) ∈ B32, z1 = 0 ⇒ x ∈ S1, y ∈ T2; (d) (z1, ¯z) ∈ B32, z1= 0 ⇒ x ∈ S3, y ∈ T2. Case 4:(z1, ¯z) ∈ B4. In this subcase, we set x= ˙x(B4), y= ˙y(B4)and sx= 1, sy= 1, where


⎣0 1 0

⎦ ∈ S1, ˙y(B4):=

⎣ 0

−1 0

⎦ ∈ T1, (28)



⎣0 0 1

⎦ ∈ S2, ˙y(B4):=

⎣ 0 0


⎦ ∈ T2. (29)


Table 2 The locations of the x-part and y-part in the Type I decomposition with respect toKα

¯B1 ¯B2 ¯B3 ¯B4

¯B21 ¯B22 ¯B23 ¯B24 ¯B31 ¯B32

xloc S3 S2∪ S3 S1∪ S3 S2∪ S3 S1∪ S3 S2∪ S3 S1∪ S3 S1∪ S2 yloc T3 {0} ∪ T1 {0} ∪ T2 {0} ∪ T1 {0} ∪ T2 T1 T2 T1∪ T2

To sum up these discussions, we present the Type I decomposition with respect to the power coneKαin the following theorem.

Theorem 1 For any given z= (z1, ¯z) ∈ R × R2, its Type I decomposition with respect toKα is given by

(a) If z∈ B1, then




˙s(Bx 1,a)· ˙x(B1,a)+ ˙s(By 1,a)· ˙y(B1,a), if z ∈ B11,

˙s(Bx 1,b)· ˙x(B1,b)+ ˙s(By 1,b)· ˙y(B1,b), if z ∈ B12,

˙s(Bx 1,c)· ˙x(B1,c)+ ˙s(By 1,c)· ˙y(B1,c), if z ∈ B13,

where˙x(B1,a),˙y(B1,a),˙sx(B1,a),˙s(By 1,a)are defined as in (16)–(17), ˙x(B1,b),˙y(B1,b),˙sx(B1,b),

˙sy(B1,b)are defined as in (18)–(19) and ˙x(B1,c), ˙y(B1,c),˙sx(B1,c),˙s(By 1,c)are defined as in (20)–(21).

(b) If z∈ B2, then z=

˙x(B2,a)+ ˙y(B2,a), if z∈ B21or z∈ B22, (−1) · ˙x(B2,b)+ (−1) · ˙y(B2,b), if z ∈ B23or z∈ B24,

where ˙x(B2,a),˙y(B2,a)are defined as in (22)–(23), ˙x(B2,b),˙y(B2,b)are defined as in (24)–


(c) If z∈ B3, then z= ˙x(B3)+ ˙y(B3), where˙x(B3), ˙y(B3)are defined as in (26)–(27).

(d) If z∈ B4, then z= ˙x(B4)+ ˙y(B4), where˙x(B4)and ˙y(B4)are defined as in (28) or (29).

In addition, the locations of the x-part and y-part in each case are shown in Table2, where Si, Ti (i = 1, 2, 3, 4) are defined as in (13) and xloc, yloc denote the locations of x and y, respectively.

2.2 The Type II decomposition with respect to the power coneK˛

In this subsection, we present the Type II decomposition with respect to the power coneKα. Similarly, we consider the following four cases.

Case 1:(z1, ¯z) ∈ B1.

(a) ¯zmin > 0. In this subcase, (z1, ¯z) ∈ B11 andσα(¯z) > 0. Then, we take x = ¨x(B1,a), y= ¨y(B1,a)and sx = ¨sx(B1,a), sy= ¨s(By 1,a), where




∈ S3, ¨y(B1,a):=



∈ S3. (30)

¨s(Bx 1,a):= z1+ σα(¯z)

2 , ¨s(By 1,a):= σα(¯z) − z1

2 . (31)

Similarly, we can show that the above setting satisfies the decomposition formula (7).



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