2 5
105 學測一役告終,今年的選文強調國際觀,包含國際貿易與中東戰亂等,考驗 學生平時對國際各方面英語訊息的掌握。
非選部分,翻譯扣合了現代青年在快速社會變遷中的挑戰,作文則與生活化的家 事分擔有關。值得一提的是,今年作文題型非過往學測常出現的看圖寫作,而是採用 主題式寫作的題型,測驗考生對文章段落發展的安排。
今年試題用字以 Level 4 之內為主,符合學測規劃的詞彙難易度範圍。閱讀測驗 仍在各題型中占分比例最高,考生若能熟悉基本程度字彙,並加強閱讀理解能力,相 信會有不錯的表現。
105 年 1 月 29 日
名 師/許展嘉、徐謙
龍騰網站 可下載檔案
本屆學測英文科題型並未有任何改變。105 年學測的配分與 104 年學測的配分相同:詞彙題 占 15 分,綜合測驗占 15 分,文意選填占 10 分,
閱讀測驗占 32 分,中譯英占 8 分,英文作文占 20 分。閱讀測驗的配分仍偏重,且每題 2 分,可 說是決勝關鍵。因此,學生們平時應多加強閱讀 能力。
就字數而言,105 年學測整份試卷有 4,400 多個字(包含封面與試題說明),與 104 年學測 差不多。閱讀測驗選文偏長,考驗學生的閱讀速 度。要在 100 分鐘之內閱讀完所有文字並答題,
還要寫翻譯題與一篇英文作文,並非易事。這趨勢 凸顯命題教授相當注重閱讀速度。
今年學測的選文強調國際觀,例如:綜合測 驗的主題之一為國際貿易,文意選填為印度人工 造林,閱讀測驗四篇文章分別提到日本文化、美 國發明、中東戰亂、國際團隊生物研究。在非選 擇題的部分,翻譯題與現代青年的挑戰相關,作 文題目生活化,與家事分擔有關。由此可知,考 生平時應拓展英語學習的視野,多關心國際各方 面的動態。
整體而言,今年學測試題與去年一樣,Level 4 的單字較多。學測的詞彙範圍本來就大致認定 為 Level 4 之內,因此這份試卷其實不算太難,
接下來簡單分析 105 年學測各大題。
第壹部分:單選題(占 72 分)
一、詞彙題(占 15 分)
詞彙題共考 15 題。各類詞性的分配大致上 很平均。下表為各詞性在本大題中的分布彙整。
詞 性 題 數
動詞 4
名詞 5
形容詞 4
副詞 2
合計 15
就詞彙難度而言,所有選項都有出現在大考 中心所公布的「高中英文參考詞彙表」中。下表 為本大題所有選項的難度分布。
難 度 選 項 數
Level 1 0
Level 2 3
Level 3 17
Level 4 40
Level 5 0
Level 6 0
合計 60
105 學測命題特色 命題分析及未來命題趨勢
從以上分析可發現,本年度的詞彙題中並沒 有 Level 5 與 Level 6 的選項,幾乎全部都是日常 生活中常用的詞彙。值得注意的是,有些詞彙不 只有一個意思,例如:第 7 題考 demonstrate,有
就解題方式而言,今年學測的詞彙題大致上 都可透過邏輯推斷或聯想得到解答。例如:第 1 題由題幹中 rock band(搖滾樂團)可以聯想到 正確選項 concert(演唱會)。
今年搭配詞(例如第 4 題考 be confined to)
的題目較少。此外,在詞彙題沒有考形似字的區 分,也沒有考近義詞的區分。
近年來,第一大題(詞彙題)的選項主要出 自 Level 3、Level 4,只要背熟這些詞彙,一定 可以輕鬆解題。除此之外,最好還能練習從前後 句推敲出字義與熟悉每個詞彙正確的用法。
二、綜合測驗(占 15 分)
綜合測驗共有 3 篇選文,每篇 5 題,共 15 題。本大題的題型多元,測驗考生的局部理解能 力與整體理解能力。題型分布彙整如下:
題 型 題數 題 號
句意 4
22 (Level 4)、25 (Level 4)、
27 (Level 3)、30 (Level 1)
文法 4
19 (感嘆句)、21 (名詞子句)、
24 (過去進行式)、26 (虛受詞)
轉承語 2 16 (however)、20 (instead)
介系詞 2 23、29
慣用語 3 17、18、28
今年學測的綜合測驗題型多元,符合本大題 的測驗目標。而文法題不算多,有 4 題。此次所 考的詞彙難度不高,測驗的重點在於是否能從上 下文的句意推敲出正確的選項,甚至要具備推論 的能力,才能選出正確答案。轉承語的考題有 2 題,同樣地,在選出正確答案之前,必須先了解 上下文的句意。去年慣用語題完全沒有出現,今
年則有 3 題。
就選文主題而言,3 篇主題分別為趣味故 事、測謊機、國際貿易。這些選文具有教育性、
知識性與趣味性,且長度適中(3 篇選文皆約 150-180 字)。
綜合測驗的考點很多,包括「虛詞」、「慣 用語」、「轉承語」、「字詞搭配」、「語法」、「句 構」、「文意」、「篇章組織」等。因本大題只有 15 題,並非每年都會考到所有重點。學生們平 時應精讀文章,培養各個重點所需要的能力。
雖然有時文法(含虛詞)題的比重不高,學生 們仍應將文法視為學習的重點之一,但不必花 太多時間鑽研艱澀少用的句型。
三、文意選填(占 10 分)
文意選填的選文主題為印度人造森林,選文 同樣具有教育性、知識性與趣味性。
就選項的難度而言,今年學測文意選填的選 項以 Level 2 最多,而 Level 6 的詞彙未出現於選 項中。下表為本大題 10 個選項中的難度分布。
難 度 選 項 數
Level 1 2
Level 2 5
Level 3 1
Level 4 1
Level 5 1
Level 6 0
短語 0
在 104 年學測中,有三個選項為慣用語。今 年學測並未出現此類選項。
綜合以上分析,因為選項的難度不高,大多 數考生應該都能看懂選項,但仍須了解上下文的 句意與詞彙的相關用法,才能選出正確答案。
文意選填的選項有可能主要出自於 Level 4 以下的詞彙,也有可能會在本大題中測驗常 用的慣用語與搭配詞。
四、閱讀測驗(占 32 分)
今年閱讀測驗 4 篇選文的主題分別為:日本 人普遍相信的血型論(共 286 字)、美國小小發 明家(共 311 字)、中東的教育問題(共 272 字)、 海蛇適應海水的方式(共 308 字)。以上 4 篇選 文與之前的選文一樣,都具有教育性、知識性與 趣味性。
下表為本大題共 16 題的題型分布。
題 型 題 數 題 號
細節題 4 43、45、47、53
是非題 5 44、46、52、54、
推論題 3 41、42、56
詞彙題 1 51
主旨題 2 48、49
文章組織題 1 50
由以上分析可看出,今年學測的閱讀測驗題 型多元,不過超過一半以上為細節題、是非題,
因此,只要能把文章看完,應該就能在文章中找 到正確答案。
學測閱讀測驗的選文長度大致上會介於 250 字到 300 字之間,且有逐年加長的趨勢。
第貳部分:非選擇題(占 28 分)
一、中譯英(占 8 分)
近來社會上一個重要的議題是青年就業,今 年學測翻譯題或許以此為基礎,點出當代青年的 優勢與挑戰。
就句型而言,兩句都不必用到任何困難的句 型。就詞彙而言,只要具備 Level 4 以內的詞彙 就足夠了,例如:「挑戰」challenge(Level 3)、「繁 榮」prosperity(Level 4)等。此外,須掌握慣用 語的用法,例如:「相較於」應譯為 compared with、「因應」可譯為 respond to。
近年來,學測、指考的翻譯題常跟臺灣本 土的議題相關,例如:食安問題(104 學測)、
有機蔬菜(103 學測)、高房價(102 學測)、
國片(101 學測)、夜市(100 學測)、少子化
(99 指考)、玉山(98 指考)。建議考生平時 多閱讀臺灣本土所發行的英文媒體與刊物。就 難度而言,不太會出現冷僻艱澀的句型,而只 要具備 Level 4 以內的詞彙,應該都能得到不 錯的分數。
二、英文作文(占 20 分)
今 年 學 測 並 未 出 現 看 圖 寫 作 或 是 簡 函 寫 作,而是回到傳統的主題式寫作。主題式寫作的 題型較注重段落發展原則:開頭要有主題句、有 足夠的細節支持主題句等。
雖 然 學 測 最 常 考 的 作 文 題 型 是 看 圖 寫 作,但曾考過的題型還有簡函寫作、主題寫 作、主題句寫作等。只要是考過的題型,都很 有可能會在未來學測的英文作文再次出現,未 來也可能會出現其他更具創意的題型。
一、詞彙題(占 15 分)
(此份試卷解題係依據大學考試中心於105年1月24日所公告之答案為主)說明:第 1 題至第 15 題,每題有 4 個選項,其中只有一個是正確或最適當的選項,請畫記在答案
卡之「選擇題答案區」。各題答對者,得 1 分;答錯、未作答或畫記多於一個選項者,該題
1. Posters of the local rock band were displayed in store windows to promote the sale of their _____
(A) journey (B) traffic (C) concert (D) record 命 中: concert 康熹《必考高頻率單字》Unit 4
答 案: C
中 譯: 當地搖滾樂團的海報被展示在商店櫥窗中,以促銷演唱會門票。
(A)旅程 3 (B)交通 2 (C)演唱會 3 (D)唱片;紀錄 2
解 析: 本題考名詞。邏輯推理:可由 rock band(搖滾樂團)聯想到 concert(演唱會)。
2. Maria didn’t want to deliver the bad news to David about his failing the job interview. She herself was quite _____ about it.
(A) awful (B) drowsy (C) tragic (D) upset 命 中: upset 康熹《必考高頻率單字》Unit 13
答 案: D
中 譯: Maria 不想告訴 David 他工作面試失敗的消息。她本身對這件事也很難過。
(A)糟糕的 3 (B)想睡的 3 (C)悲劇的 4 (D)難過的 3
解 析: 本題考形容詞。邏輯推理:工作面試失敗是件令人難過的事情。
第壹部分:單選題(占 72 分)
3. The newcomer speaks with a strong Irish _____; he must be from Ireland.
(A) accent (B) identity (C) gratitude (D) signature 答 案:A
中 譯:這個新來的人講話時帶著濃濃的愛爾蘭口音;他一定是從愛爾蘭來的。
(A)口音 4 (B)身分 3 (C)感激 4 (D)簽名 4
解 析:本題考名詞。邏輯推理:口音是說話時表現出的特徵之一。
4. Although Maggie has been physically _____ to her wheelchair since the car accident, she does not limit herself to indoor activities.
(A) ceased (B) committed (C) confined (D) conveyed 命 中: cease 康熹《必考高頻率單字》Unit 5/commit 康熹《必考高頻率單字》Unit 5/
confine 康熹《必考高頻率單字》Unit 7/convey 康熹《必考高頻率單字》Unit 15 答 案: C
中 譯: 雖然 Maggie 自從車禍後就一直坐在輪椅上,她並未限制自己只從事室內活動。
(A)停止 4 (B)犯罪 4 (C)限制 4 (D)傳達 4
解 析: 本題考動詞。搭配用法:be confined to 意思為「受限於」。
5. All passengers riding in cars are required to fasten their seatbelts in order to reduce the risk of _____
in case of an accident.
(A) injury (B) offense (C) sacrifice (D) victim 命 中: offense 康熹《必考高頻率單字》Unit 15/sacrifice 康熹《必考高頻率單字》Unit 3/
victim 康熹《必考高頻率單字》Unit 5 答 案: A
中 譯: 所有搭汽車的乘客都必須繫上安全帶,萬一發生意外時,才能降低受傷的危險。
(A)受傷 3 (B)冒犯 4 (C)犧牲 4 (D)受害者 3
解 析: 本題考名詞。邏輯推理:從 accident(意外)可聯想到 injury(受傷)。
6. The principal of this school is a man of exceptional _____. He sets aside a part of his salary for a scholarship fund for children from needy families.
(A) security (B) maturity (C) facility (D) generosity 命 中: facility 康熹《必考高頻率單字》Unit 5/generosity 康熹《必考高頻率單字》Unit 1 答 案: D
中 譯: 這所學校的校長是個特別慷慨的人。他撥出自己薪水的一部分,提供獎學金給來自弱勢家庭 的孩子。
(A)安全 3 (B)成熟 4 (C)設施 4 (D)慷慨 4
解 析: 本題考名詞。邏輯推理:從撥出薪水作為獎學金的舉動,可聯想到 generosity(慷慨)。
7. The science teacher always _____ the use of the laboratory equipment before she lets her students use it on their own.
(A) tolerates (B) associates (C) demonstrates (D) exaggerates
命 中: tolerate 康熹《必考高頻率單字》Unit 13/demonstrate 康熹《必考高頻率單字》Unit 17/
exaggerate 康熹《必考高頻率單字》Unit 9 答 案: C
中 譯: 這位自然老師在讓學生自行使用實驗室設備之前,都會先示範。
(A)忍受 4 (B)聯想 4 (C)示範 4 (D)誇大 4
解 析: 本題考動詞。邏輯推理:在一般情境下,老師會先示範,才讓學生進行實驗。
8. Most of the area is covered by woods, where bird species are so _____ that it is a paradise for birdwatchers.
(A) durable (B) private (C) realistic (D) numerous 命 中: durable 康熹《必考高頻率單字》Unit 5/realistic 康熹《必考高頻率單字》Unit 3/
numerous 康熹《必考高頻率單字》Unit 14 答 案: D
中 譯: 這個地區大部分被樹林覆蓋,有非常多鳥類物種,是賞鳥人士的天堂。
(A)耐用的 4 (B)私人的 2 (C)實際的 4 (D)數量大的 4
解 析: 本題考形容詞。邏輯推理:賞鳥人士的天堂必然有大量鳥類可供觀賞。
9. In most cases, the committee members can reach agreement quickly. _____, however, they differ greatly in opinion and have a hard time making decisions.
(A) Occasionally (B) Automatically (C) Enormously (D) Innocently
命 中:automatically 康熹《必考高頻率單字》Unit 14/enormously 康熹《必考高頻率單字》Unit 14 答 案: A
中 譯: 在大部分情況下,委員會成員都能快速達成協議。然而,有時他們意見相左,很難做出決定。
(A)有時 4 (B)自動地 3 (C)巨大地 4 (D)無辜地 3
解 析: 本題考副詞。邏輯推理:第一句提到 in most cases,第二句有轉折詞 however,因此應選 occasionally,才有適當的語氣轉折。
10. Many people try to save a lot of money before _____, since having enough money would give them a sense of security for their future.
(A) isolation (B) promotion (C) retirement (D) announcement 命 中: promotion 康熹《必考高頻率單字》Unit 2
答 案: C
中 譯: 很多人在退休前會存一大筆錢,因為擁有足夠的金錢才能讓他們對未來有安全感。
(A)孤立 4 (B)升遷 4 (C)退休 4 (D)宣布 3
解 析: 本題考名詞。邏輯推理:由 save a lot of money(存一大筆錢)、future(未來)可聯想到 retirement
11. In winter, our skin tends to become dry and _____, a problem which is usually treated by applying lotions or creams.
(A) alert (B) itchy (C) steady (D) flexible 命 中: steady 康熹《必考高頻率單字》Unit 12/flexible 康熹《必考高頻率單字》Unit 1 答 案: B
中 譯: 冬天時,我們的皮膚通常會變得乾癢,這個問題一般是以塗抹乳液或乳霜來處理。
(A)警覺的 4 (B)癢的 4 (C)穩定的 3 (D)有彈性的 4
解 析: 本題考形容詞。邏輯推理:由 winter(冬天)可聯想到皮膚 dry and itchy(乾癢)。
12. Benson married Julie soon after he had _____ her heart and gained her parents’ approval.
(A) conquered (B) estimated (C) guaranteed (D) intensified 命 中: estimate 康熹《必考高頻率單字》Unit 6/guarantee 康熹《必考高頻率單字》Unit 5 答 案: A
中 譯: Benson 在征服 Julie 的心並獲得她父母的同意後,很快就與她結婚了。
(A)征服 4 (B)估計 4 (C)保證 4 (D)強化 4
解 析: 本題考動詞。邏輯推理:由 married(結婚)可聯想到 conquer one’s heart(征服某人的心)。
13. The recent flood completely _____ my parents’ farm. The farmhouse and fruit trees were all gone and nothing was left.
(A) ruined (B) cracked (C) hastened (D) neglected 命 中: ruin 康熹《必考高頻率單字》Unit 4/hasten 康熹《必考高頻率單字》Unit 17/
neglect 康熹《必考高頻率單字》Unit 2 答 案: A
中 譯: 最近這場水災徹底毀了我父母的農田。農舍和果樹都沒了,什麼也沒剩下。
(A)摧毀 4 (B)使破裂 4 (C)催促 4 (D)忽略 4
解 析: 本題考動詞。邏輯推理:由 flood(水災)可聯想到 ruined(摧毀)
14. The results of this survey are not reliable because the people it questioned were not a typical or _____
sample of the entire population that was studied.
(A) primitive (B) spiritual (C) representative (D) informative
命 中: primitive 康熹《必考高頻率單字》Unit 4/representative 康熹《必考高頻率單字》Unit 5/
informative 康熹《必考高頻率單字》Unit 15 答 案: C
中 譯: 這項調查的結果並不可靠,因為受訪者並不是研究的母群當中典型或具代表性的人。
(A)原始的 4 (B)精神上的 4 (C)具代表性的 3 (D)訊息豐富的 4
解 析: 本題考形容詞。邏輯推理:從 survey(調查)、typical(典型的)可聯想到 representative(具 代表性的)。
15. In line with the worldwide green movement, carmakers have been working hard to make their new models more _____ friendly to reduce pollution.
(A) liberally (B) individually (C) financially (D) environmentally 答 案: D
中 譯: 響應全球的環保運動,汽車製造商正努力讓新的車型對環境更友善,以減少汙染。
(A)自由地 3 (B)個別地 3 (C)財務上地 4 (D)環境地 3
解 析: 本題考副詞。邏輯推理:可從 green movement(環保運動)聯想到 environmentally friendly
二、綜合測驗(占 15 分)
說明:第 16 題至第 30 題,每題一個空格,請依文意選出最適當的一個選項,請畫記在答案卡之
「選擇題答案區」。各題答對者,得 1 分;答錯、未作答或畫記多於一個選項者,該題以零
Bill and Sam decided to kidnap the son of a banker to compensate for their business loss. They kidnapped the boy and hid him in a cave. They asked for a ransom of $2,000 to return the boy.
16. , their plan quickly got out of control. Their young captive 17. to be a mischievous boy. He viewed the kidnapping as a wonderful camping trip. He demanded that his kidnappers play tiring games with him, such as riding Bill as a horse for nine miles. Bill and Sam were soon desperate and decided to 18. the little terror. They lowered the price to $1,500. Yet, knowing perfectly well 19. a troublemaker his son was, the father refused to give them any money. 20. , he asked the kidnappers to pay him $250 to take the boy back. To persuade the boy to return home, Bill and Sam had to tell him that his father was taking him bear-hunting. The kidnappers finally handed over the boy and
$250 to the banker and fled town as quickly as they could.
16. (A) However (B) Otherwise (C) Furthermore (D) Accordingly 17. (A) made believe (B) got along (C) turned out (D) felt like
18. (A) hold on to (B) get rid of (C) make fun of (D) take advantage of
19. (A) how (B) that (C) why (D) what
20. (A) Namely (B) Altogether (C) Simply (D) Instead 答 案:16. A 17. C 18. B 19. D 20. D
中 譯:
Bill 與 Sam 決定要綁架一名銀行家的兒子,來填補他們生意上的虧損。他們綁架了這個男孩,並 將他藏在洞穴中。他們要求兩千美元的贖金,來換回這個男孩。然而,他們的計畫很快地就失控了。
累壞人的遊戲,像是把 Bill 當成馬,騎了九英里。Bill 與 Sam 很快就絕望了,決定擺脫這個小搗蛋。
他們把金額降到一千五百美元。然而,這名父親清楚知道自己的兒子是個超級大麻煩,他拒絕支付任 何錢。相反地,他要求綁匪支付兩百五十美元,他才要把孩子帶回去。為了說服這個小男孩回家,Bill 與 Sam 只好跟他說,爸爸要帶他去獵熊了。這兩名綁匪最後送回這個小男孩,付了這名銀行家兩百五 十美元,並且趕快逃之夭夭。
解 析:
16. 此處使用「然而」來表達情況的轉折。(A)然而 (B)否則 (C)此外 (D)因此 17. (A)假裝 (B)相處 (C)結果是 (D)想做某事
18. 由後文使用 terror「搗蛋鬼」描述男孩,可知應選「擺脫」。(A)保留 (B)擺脫 (C)取笑 (D)利用 19. 本題為嵌入句中的感嘆句:what + a(n) (+ adj.) + 單數 N.(例如:What an interesting story!)
20. 此處使用「相反地」,表達銀行家不付贖金,反而要求綁匪付款。(A)也就是 (B)總的來說 (C)僅 僅 (D)相反地
A polygraph machine, also known as a “lie detector,” is a common part of criminal investigations.
The instrument is used to measure 21. a person’s body reacts to questions. The theory underlying it is that lying is stressful, and that this stress can be measured and recorded on a polygraph machine.
When a person takes a polygraph test, four to six wires, called sensors, are 22. to different parts of his body. The sensors pick up signals from the person’s blood pressure, pulse, and perspiration.
23. the process of questioning, all the signals are recorded on a single strip of moving paper. Once the questions are finished, the examiner analyzes the results to determine if the person tested 24. truthful.
Well-trained examiners can usually detect lying with a high degree of 25. when they use a polygraph. However, because different people behave differently when lying, a polygraph test is by no means perfect.
21. (A) what (B) when (C) how (D) why
22. (A) adapted (B) attached (C) related (D) restricted 23. (A) Before (B) Among (C) Without (D) Throughout 24. (A) was being (B) would be (C) was to be (D) would have been 25. (A) quantity (B) accuracy (C) possibility (D) emergency 命 中: adapt 康熹《必考高頻率單字》Unit 5/attach 康熹《必考高頻率單字》Unit 10/
relate 康熹《必考高頻率單字》Unit 5/restrict 康熹《必考高頻率單字》Unit 10/
quantity 康熹《必考高頻率單字》Unit 4 答 案:21. C 22. B 23. D 24. A 25. B 中 譯:
當一個人接受測謊時,會有四到六條稱做感應器的線路連接在身體不同的部位。這些感應器會接 收血壓、脈搏、排汗的訊號。在整個偵訊的過程中,這些訊號全都會被記錄在一張不斷移動的長紙條 上。偵訊一結束,檢查人員會分析結果,判斷接受測謊的這個人是否當下有說實話。
當使用測謊機時,訓練有素的檢查人員在偵測謊言時通常具有高度精確性。然而,由於不同的人 在說謊時會有不同的表現,測謊絕非完美。
解 析:
21. 本題為名詞子句作 measure 的受詞,根據句意應填入 how。
22. (A)適應 (B)連接 (C)和……有關 (D)限制
23. (A)在……之前 (B)在……之中 (C)沒有 (D)在整個……中 24. 過去進行式用於描述過去某時當下的動作。
25. (A)數量 (B)精確 (C)可能性 (D)緊急狀況 第26至30題為題組
International trade is the exchange of goods and services between countries. Trade is driven by different production costs in different countries, making 26. cheaper for some countries to import goods rather than make them. A country is said to have a comparative advantage over another when it can produce a commodity more cheaply. This comparative advantage is 27. by key factors of production such as land, capital, and labor.
While international trade has long been conducted in history, its economic, social, and political importance has been 28. in recent centuries. During the 1990s, international trade grew by nearly 8.6% each year. In the year 1990 alone, the growth in trade in services was as high as 19%.
Today, all countries are involved in, and to varying degrees dependent on, trade with other countries.
29. international trade, nations would be limited to the goods and services produced within their own borders. Trade is certainly a main 30. force for globalization. It is also the subject of many international agreements that aim to govern and facilitate international trade, such as those negotiated through the World Trade Organization (WTO).
26. (A) them (B) such (C) what (D) it
27. (A) installed (B) reserved (C) opposed (D) determined 28. (A) to the point (B) on the rise (C) off the hook (D) for the record 29. (A) Despite (B) Between (C) Without (D) Under
30. (A) driving (B) pulling (C) riding (D) bringing 命 中: install 康熹《必考高頻率單字》Unit 9/reserve 康熹《必考高頻率單字》Unit 1/
oppose 康熹《必考高頻率單字》Unit 15/determine 康熹《必考高頻率單字》Unit 17 答 案:26. D 27. D 28. B 29. C 30. A
中 譯:
國際貿易指的是在國家之間交換商品與服務。貿易的需求來自於不同的國家有不同的生產成本,對 某些國家來說,進口商品比製造還便宜。一般說來,一個國家若能以更低的價錢製造出某項商品,就會
雖然在歷史上貿易活動淵遠流長,其經濟、社會、政治的重要性在近幾世紀以來愈來愈高。在 90 年代,國際貿易每年成長幾乎達 8.6%。單單在 1990 這一年,服務貿易的成長高達 19%。
現在,所有國家都參與國際貿易,並以不同程度依賴國際貿易。若是沒有國際貿易,各國將僅有 其國內所能生產的產品與所能提供的服務。貿易的確是全球化主要的驅動力。貿易也是許多著眼於管 理與促進國際貿易之國際協議的主題,例如透過世界貿易組織協商的協議。
解 析:
26. 虛受詞 it 代替 to import goods。
27. (A)安裝 (B)預訂 (C)反對 (D)決定
28. 由後文敘述國際貿易的成長,可知此處應選「愈來愈高」。(A)切題 (B)愈來愈高 (C)脫身 (D) 作為紀錄
29. (A)儘管 (B)在……之間 (C)若是沒有 (D)在……之下 30. driving force 意思為「驅動力」。
三、文意選填(占 10 分)
說明:第 31 題至第 40 題,每題一個空格,請依文意在文章後所提供的(A)到(J)選項中分別選出最
適當者,並將其英文字母代號畫記在答案卡之「選擇題答案區」。各題答對者,得 1 分;答
Are forests always created by nature? A man from rural India proves that this is not necessarily 31. .
Abdul Kareem, who used to be an airline ticketing agent, has a great love for the woods. Though he never went to college, he can talk about plants and trees like an expert. In 1977, he bought a piece of rocky wasteland with the 32. of growing trees on it. In the beginning, people thought he was 33. 1 to waste his time and money on the land. But he simply 34. them and kept working on the soil and planting trees there. The land was so 35. that it had to be watered several times a day. Kareem had to fetch the water from a source that was a kilometer away. In the first two years, none of the trees he planted 36. . However, in the third year, several young trees started growing. Greatly 37. by the result, Kareem planted more trees and his man-made forest began to take shape.
Kareem let his forest grow naturally, without using fertilizers or insecticides. He believed in the ability of nature to renew itself without the 38. of humans. That’s why he did not allow fallen leaves or twigs from the forest to be removed.
After years of hard work, Kareem has not only realized his dream but also transformed a piece of 39. property into a beautiful forest. Today, his forest is home to 1,500 medicinal plants, 2,000 varieties of trees, rare birds, animals, and insects. Now, scientists from all over the world come to visit
(A) deserted (B) interference (C) vision (D) crazy (E) creation (F) encouraged (G) ignored (H) survived (I) dry (J) true
命 中: deserted 康熹《必考高頻率單字》Unit 18/interference 康熹《必考高頻率單字》Unit 17/
vision 康熹《必考高頻率單字》Unit 7/crazy 康熹《必考高頻率單字》Unit 1/
creation 康熹《必考高頻率單字》Unit 1/encourage 康熹《必考高頻率單字》Unit 12/
ignore 康熹《必考高頻率單字》Unit 18/survive 康熹《必考高頻率單字》Unit 18/
dry 康熹《必考高頻率單字》Unit 18
答 案: 31. J 32. C 33. D 34. G 35. I 36. H 37. F 38. B 39. A 40. E 中 譯:
Abdul Kareem 過去是航空票務人員,相當熱愛樹林。雖然他從未讀過大學,他談起植物、樹木時 像是個專家。在 1977 年,他買了一塊岩石很多的荒地,懷抱著在上面種樹的願景。剛開始,人們覺得 他把時間與金錢花在這片土地上根本是瘋了。不過他不管他們,持續改善土壤與種樹。這片土地非常 貧瘠,以致於每天都要澆灌好幾次。Kareem 必須從一公里外的水源取水過來。在前兩年,他種的樹沒 有一棵存活下來。然而,到了第三年,開始長出幾棵小樹。這項成果大大地鼓舞了 Kareem,他種下更 多樹,他的人造林也開始成形了。
Kareem 讓他的森林自然成長,沒有使用肥料或殺蟲劑。他相信大自然有再生的能力,不需人類的 干預。這就是為什麼他不把森林中落下的樹葉、樹枝移除。
多年辛勤的耕耘後,Kareem 不只實現了他的夢想,更將一片廢棄的土地變成一座美麗的森林。現 在,他的森林是一千五百種藥用植物的家,有兩千種樹木、稀有的鳥類、動物和昆蟲。現在,來自全 球的科學家都來看他創造的這一切。他們希望能夠找到他成功的祕密。
解 析:
31. 由空格前 is 與副詞 necessarily 及對上下文的判斷,可知應填入形容詞。be not necessarily true 意思 為「不一定是如此」。
32. 由空格後 of 可知應填入名詞。with the vision of 意思為「帶著……的願景」。 33. be crazy to 意思為「瘋狂才做某事」。
34. 由空格後方對等連接詞與過去式動詞,可知本格也應填入過去式動詞,形成平行結構。根據文意,
應選擇 ignored(不理睬)。
35. 由後方 be watered several times a day,可聯想到 dry(乾枯;貧瘠)。
36. 本句之中 none of the trees 為主詞,he planted 為形容詞子句,尚缺一個主要動詞,且該動詞應為過 去式。根據文意,應選擇 survived(存活)。
37. 由空格後 by 可知應填入過去分詞。根據句意,應填入 encouraged(鼓勵)。
38. 由空格前 the 可知應填入名詞。前文提到未使用肥料或殺蟲劑,可聯想到沒有人為干預。
39. 此格應填入形容詞,修飾後方的名詞 property。前文提到這片土地原是荒地,因此應選擇 deserted
40. 所有格 his 之後應填入名詞。根據文意,應選擇 creation(創造的事物)。
四、閱讀測驗(占 32 分)
說明:第 41 題至第 56 題,每題請分別根據各篇文章之文意選出最適當的一個選項,請畫記在答
案卡之「選擇題答案區」。各題答對者,得 2 分;答錯、未作答或畫記多於一個選項者,該
In Japan, a person’s blood type is popularly believed to decide his/her temperament and personality.
Type-A people are generally considered sensitive perfectionists and good team players, but over-anxious.
Type Os are curious and generous but stubborn. Type ABs are artistic but mysterious and unpredictable, and type Bs are cheerful but eccentric, individualistic, and selfish. Though lacking scientific evidence, this belief is widely seen in books, magazines, and television shows.
The blood-type belief has been used in unusual ways. The women’s softball team that won gold for Japan at the Beijing Olympics is reported to have used blood-type theories to customize training for each player. Some kindergartens have adopted teaching methods along blood group lines, and even major companies reportedly make decisions about assignments based on an employee’s blood type. In 1990, Mitsubishi Electronics was reported to have announced the formation of a team composed entirely of AB workers, thanks to “their ability to make plans.”
The belief even affects politics. One former prime minister considered it important enough to reveal in his official profile that he was a type A, while his opposition rival was type B. In 2011, a minister, Ryu Matsumoto, was forced to resign after only a week in office, when a bad-tempered encounter with local officials was televised. In his resignation speech, he blamed his failings on the fact that he was blood type B.
The blood-type craze, considered simply harmless fun by some Japanese, may manifest itself as prejudice and discrimination. In fact, this seems so common that the Japanese now have a term for it:
bura-hara, meaning blood-type harassment. There are reports of discrimination leading to children being bullied, ending of happy relationships, and loss of job opportunities due to blood type.
41. What is the speaker’s attitude toward the blood-type belief in Japan?
(A) Negative. (B) Defensive. (C) Objective. (D) Encouraging.
42. According to the examples mentioned in the passage, which blood type can we infer is the LEAST favored in Japan?
(A) Type A. (B) Type B. (C) Type O. (D) Type AB.
43. Why did Prime Minister Ryu Matsumoto resign from office?
(A) He revealed his rival’s blood type.
(B) He was seen behaving rudely on TV.
(C) He blamed his failings on local officials.
(D) He was discriminated against because of blood type.
44. Which field is NOT mentioned in the passage as being affected by blood-type beliefs?
(A) Education. (B) Sports. (C) Business. (D) Medicine.
答 案:41. C 42. B 43. B 44. D 中 譯:
在日本,一般相信一個人的血型會決定其脾氣與個性。A 型的人一般被認為是敏感的完美主義者、
優秀的團隊成員,但會過度焦慮。O 型的人充滿好奇心、慷慨,但個性固執。AB 型的人具有藝術家 性格,但神祕且難捉摸,而 B 型的人樂天,但古怪、以個人為中心、且自私。雖然缺乏科學證據,這 些看法常在書籍、雜誌、電視節目中看到。
這種血型論已經被用在一些不尋常的事情處理方法中。據報導,在北京奧運為日本贏得金牌的女 子壘球隊使用了血型論為每位球員量身設計訓練計畫。有些幼稚園會根據血型選用教學法,甚至聽說 有大公司根據員工的血型來決定要指派什麼工作。據報導在 1990 年,三菱電子宣布成立一個團隊,裡 面全是 AB 型的人,因為他們有「擬定計畫的能力」。
這些看法甚至影響政治。一名前任首相認為有必要在個人檔案中透露他是 A 型,而他的反對黨對 手是 B 型。在 2011 年,大臣 Ryu Matsumoto 上任後一週被迫下臺,因當時電視上播出他與地方官員 應對時脾氣暴躁。在他的離職演說中,他將他的失敗歸咎於身為 B 型。
這股被一些日本人認為無傷大雅的血型熱,可能反映出偏見與歧視。事實上,這股血型熱似乎相 當普遍,以致於日本人現在已有一個詞「bura-hara」來描述這樣的現象,意思是血型騷擾。有報導指 出,因為血型的歧視導致孩童被霸凌、良好關係的終止,與工作機會的失去。
41. 對於日本的血型論,作者的態度為何?
42. 根據文中所提到的例子,我們可推論出哪一種血型在日本最不受喜愛?
(A)A 型。
(B)B 型。
(C)O 型。
(D)AB 型。
43. 首相 Ryu Matsumoto 為何下臺?(編按:此題 Ryu Matsumoto 的職位與主文說法不同,此處翻譯依 據大考中心題目原文。)
44. 在本文中,以下哪一個領域沒有受血型論的影響?
解 析:
41. 本題為推論題。本文提到血型論在日常生活中應用的實例,但作者並未明確表達自己的立場。
42. 本題為推論題。文中提到攻擊政治對手方式之一為公布其血型為 B,一位引咎辭職的官員也提到自 己的血型為 B。
43. 本題為細節題。第三段提到:a bad-tempered encounter with local officials was televised。
44. 本題為是非題。本文第二段提到血型論在各領域的影響,唯有在醫學方面的影響未被提及。
Like many other five-year-olds, Jeanie Low of Houston, Texas, would use a stool to help her reach the bathroom sink. However, the plastic step-stool she had at home was unstable and cluttered up the small bathroom shared by her whole family. After learning of an invention contest held by her school that year, Jeanie resolved to enter the contest by creating a stool that would be a permanent fixture in the bathroom, and yet could be kept out of the way when not in use.
Jeanie decided to make a stool attached to the bathroom cabinet door under the sink. She cut a plank of wood into two pieces, each about two feet wide and one foot long. Using metal hinges, Jeanie attached one piece of the wood to the front of the cabinet door, and the second piece to the first. The first piece was set just high enough so that when it swung out horizontally from the cabinet door, the second piece would swing down from the first, just touching the ground, and so serving as a support for the first piece of the wood. This created a convenient, sturdy platform for any person too short to reach the sink. When not in use, the hinges allowed the two pieces of wood to fold back up tightly against the cabinet, where they were held in place by magnets. Jeanie called her invention the “Kiddie Stool.”
Jeanie’s Kiddie Stool won first place in her school’s contest. Two years later, it was awarded first prize again at Houston’s first annual Invention Fair. As a result, Jeanie was invited to make a number of public appearances with her Kiddie Stool, and was featured on local TV as well as in newspapers. Many people found the story of the Kiddie Stool inspiring because it showed that with imagination, anyone can be an inventor.
45. Why did Jeanie Low invent the Kiddie Stool, according to the passage?
(A) Many other five-year-olds had problems reaching the bathroom sink.
(B) She did not think that plastic stools were tall enough for her.
(C) The stool in her bathroom was not firm and often got in the way.
(D) She was invited to enter an invention contest held by her school.
46. Which of the following statements is true about how the Kiddie Stool works?
(A) The Kiddie Stool will swing out only when the cabinet door opens.
(B) It uses hinges and magnets to keep the wooden pieces in place.
(C) It swings from left to right to be attached to the cabinet door.
(D) The platform is supported by two pieces of metal.
47. What are the characteristics of Jeanie’s Kiddie Stool?
(A) Permanent and foldable. (B) Fragile and eye-catching.
(C) Conventional and touching. (D) Convenient and recyclable.
48. Which of the following sayings best captures the spirit of Jeanie Low’s story?
(A) Failure is the mother of success.
(B) There’s nothing new under the sun.
(C) Necessity is the mother of invention.
(D) Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.
答 案:45. C 46. B 47. A 48. C 中 譯:
就像很多其他五歲的小孩一樣,德州休士頓的 Jeanie Low 會使用小凳子幫助她搆到浴室的洗手 臺。然而,她家中這張塑膠小凳子並不穩,而且讓全家人都要用的這間小浴室變得擁擠。得知學校那 年要舉辦一場發明競賽後,Jeanie 決定參賽,要創造出一張小凳子,能夠成為浴室中的固定設備,但 在不使用時不會擋到路。
Jeanie 決定製作一張凳子,附在浴室洗手臺下的櫃門上。她將一片木板切成兩半,都是大約兩英 尺寬、一英尺長。Jeanie 使用金屬鉸鏈,讓一片木板鎖在櫃門的表面,並將第二片鎖在第一片上。第 一片的高度剛好可以拉開來與地面平行, 第二片再從第一片邊緣垂下,剛好碰到地面,當作第一片木 板的支撐。如此創造出一個方便、穩固的平臺,供任何太矮的人使用以搆到洗手臺。沒有用到的時候,
鉸鏈讓兩片木板摺疊起來,緊緊靠著櫃子,用磁鐵固定住。Jeanie 把她的發明稱作「兒童凳」。
Jeanie 這張「兒童凳」在校內競賽中得到首獎。兩年後,在休士頓第一屆年度發明展中,再次獲 得首獎。因此 Jeanie 受邀與她的凳子一起公開亮相數次,在當地新聞播出,且刊登在報紙上。很多人 認為小凳子的故事相當鼓舞人心,因為這個故事告訴我們,只要有想像力,任何人都能是個發明家。
45. 根據本文,為什麼 Jeanie Low 要發明「兒童凳」?
46. 關於「兒童凳」使用方式,下列敘述何者正確?
(A)「兒童凳」只有在櫃門打開時才會拉開。 (B)凳子使用鉸鏈與磁鐵固定木件的位置。
(C)凳子以由左到右拉開的方式附著在櫃門上。 (D)凳子的平臺是由兩片金屬支撐。
47. Jeanie 所發明的「兒童凳」有何特徵?
48. 下面哪一句諺語最能表達出 Jeanie Low 這個故事的精神?
(D)天才是 1%的天分加上 99%的汗水。
解 析:
45. 本題為細節題。答案可在第一段第二句找到。
46. 本題為是非題。答案可由綜合理解第二段「兒童凳」的製造過程得出。
47. 本題為細節題。答案可由第一段最後一句的 permanent fixture 與第二段倒數第二句的 fold back up 得出。
48. 本題為主旨題。
Ongoing conflicts across the Middle East have prevented more than 13 million children from attending school, according to a report published by UNICEF, the United Nations Children’s Fund.
The report states that 40% of all children across the region are currently not receiving an education, which is a result of two consequences of violence: structural damage to schools and the displacement of populations, also called “forced migration.” Both issues result from the tide of violence that has crossed the region in recent years. The report examines nine countries where a state of war has become the norm.
Across these countries, violence has made 8,500 schools unusable. In certain cases, communities have relied on school buildings to function as shelters for the displaced, with up to nine families living in a single classroom in former schools across Iraq.
The report pays particularly close attention to Syria, where a bloody civil war has displaced at least nine million people since the war began in 2011. With the crisis now in its fifth year, basic public services, including education, inside Syria have been stretched to breaking point. Within the country, the quality and availability of education depends on whether a particular region is suffering violence.
The report concludes with an earnest request to international policymakers to distribute financial and other resources to ease the regional crisis. With more than 13 million children already driven from classrooms by conflict, it is no exaggeration to say that the educational prospects of a generation of children are in the balance. The forces that are crushing individual lives and futures are also destroying the prospects for an entire region.
49. What is this article mainly about?
(A) Why people are moving away from their own countries.
(B) Why there are civil wars and violence in the Middle East.
(C) Why many schools have become shelters for displaced families.
(D) Why many children in the Middle East are not attending school.
50. Why is “Iraq” mentioned in the second paragraph?
(A) To convince people that temporary housing can be easily found.
(B) To prove that classrooms there are big enough to host many families.
(C) To give an example of why schools are not usable for children’s learning.
(D) To show how structural damages of school can affect the quality of education.
51. What does the phrase “in the balance” in the last paragraph most likely mean?
(A) Being well taken care of. (B) In an uncertain situation.
(C) Under control by the authority. (D) Moving in the wrong direction.
52. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
(A) The war in Syria has been going on since 2011.
(B) More than nine thousand schools have been destroyed by wars.
(C) Thirteen million people have been forced to leave their homes in the Middle East.
(D) Forty percent of all children in the world are not attending schools due to ongoing conflict.
答 案:49. D 50. C 51. B 52. A 中 譯:
根據聯合國兒童基金會發表的報告,整個中東正進行中的衝突已使得超過一千三百萬名兒童無法 上學。
這項報告指出該地區目前有 40%兒童未受教育,原因來自以下兩項因戰爭而產生的後果:一是學 校建築損壞,二是人們流離失所,也就是「受迫移民」。這兩點使得該地區有 40%的兒童目前並未接 受教育。這兩項問題皆起因於近年來該地區的戰事。該報告檢視了戰爭已成為常態的九個國家。在這 些國家中,戰爭使得八千五百所學校已不堪使用。在某些地方,社區人民依賴學校建築,當作是流離 失所者的避難所。在伊拉克,甚至有九個家庭一起生活在一間原本是學校教室的情況。
這項報告特別關注敘利亞,於 2011 年在當地爆發一場血腥的內戰,已造成至少九百萬人流離失 所。這場危機現在已進入第五年了,敘利亞境內基礎的公共服務,包括教育,已經瀕臨崩潰。在敘利 亞,是否能得到教育以及教育的品質,取決於該處是否有烽火。
該項報告最後懇求國際的決策者挹注財務與其他資源,以緩和該地的危機。已有超過一千三百萬 名兒童因為戰爭而無法上學,若是說這個世代的兒童教育前景仍然不明朗,此種說法一點都不誇張。
49. 這篇文章主要關於什麼?
50. 第二段為什麼要提到伊拉克?
51. 最後一段「in the balance」這個短語最可能的意思是什麼?
52. 根據這篇文章,下列敘述何者正確?
(A)敘利亞的戰爭從 2011 年就開始了。
(D)全世界有 40%的孩童因為持續不斷的戰事而無法就學。
解 析:
49. 本題為主旨題。
50. 本題為文章組織題。透過實際的例子,讓讀者感受到戰爭的後果有多嚴重。
51. 本題為詞彙題。前文提到當地孩童是否能接受教育取決於是否有戰爭,因此可推知 in the balance 的意思為「情況不確定」。
52. 本題為是非題。正確答案在第三段第一句提到。
Many marine animals, including penguins and marine iguanas, have evolved ways to get rid of excess salt by using special salt-expelling glands around their tongue. However, the sea snake’s salt glands cannot handle the massive amounts of salt that would enter their bodies if they actually drank seawater. This poses a serious problem when it comes to getting enough water to drink. If seawater is not an option, how does this animal survive in the ocean?
An international team of researchers focused on a population of yellow-bellied sea snakes living near Costa Rica, where rain often does not fall for up to seven months out of the year. Because yellow-bellied sea snakes usually spend all of their time far from land, rain is the animals’ only source of
fresh water. When it rains, a thin layer of fresh water forms on top of the ocean, providing the snakes with a fleeting opportunity to lap up that precious resource. But during the dry season when there is no rain, snakes presumably have nothing to drink. Thus, the team became interested in testing whether sea snakes became dehydrated at sea.
The researchers collected more than 500 yellow-bellied sea snakes and weighed them. They found that during the dry season about half of the snakes accepted fresh water offered to them, while nearly none did during the wet season. A snake’s likelihood to drink also correlated with its body condition, with more withered snakes being more likely to drink, and to drink more. Finally, as predicted, snakes captured during the dry season contained significantly less body water than those scooped up in the rainy season. Thus, it seems the snake is able to endure certain degrees of dehydration in between rains.
Scientists believe that dehydration at sea may explain the declining populations of sea snakes in some parts of the world.
53. What is the purpose of the study described in this passage?
(A) To test if sea snakes lose body water at sea.
(B) To see whether sea snakes drink water offered to them.
(C) To find out if sea snakes are greatly reduced in population.
(D) To prove that sea snakes drink only water coming from rivers.
54. Which of the following is true about sea snakes?
(A) Their salt glands can remove the salt in the seawater.
(B) They can drink seawater when it mixes with rainwater.
(C) The ocean is like a desert to them since they don’t drink seawater.
(D) They usually live near the coastal area where there is more fresh water.
55. Which of the following is one of the findings of the study?
(A) If a sea snake was dried and weak, it drank more fresh water.
(B) If captured in the wet season, sea snakes drank a lot of fresh water.
(C) Most of the sea snakes had lost a lot of body water when captured.
(D) Dehydration is not a problem among sea snakes since they live at sea.
56. What can be inferred from the study?
(A) Sea snakes can easily survive long years of drought.
(B) Evolution will very likely enable sea snakes to drink seawater.
(C) Sea snakes will be the last creature affected by global warming.
(D) The sea snakes’ population distribution is closely related to rainfall.
答 案:53. A 54. C 55. A 56. D 中 譯:
談到取得足夠水來飲用,這就會造成問題了。如果海水不是選項之一的話,這種動物要如何生存在海 洋之中呢?
因為黃腹海蛇通常一輩子都遠離陸地,所以雨水是其唯一的淡水來源。下雨時,會有一層薄薄的淡水 形成於海面上,提供海蛇短暫的機會可以舔舐這寶貴的資源。然而,在乾季不下雨時,這些海蛇應該 沒東西可喝。因此,這個團隊有興趣想要測試海蛇在海中是否會脫水。
研究人員捕捉了超過五百條黃腹海蛇,將牠們秤重。他們發現,在乾季時,約有一半的海蛇會接 受提供給牠們的淡水,然而在雨季時,幾乎沒有一條海蛇會接受。海蛇是否喝水與其身體狀況相關,
比較缺水的海蛇比較有可能會喝水,而且可能喝得比較多。最後,正如同研究人員所預測的,在乾季 捕捉到的海蛇身體含水量遠少於那些在雨季被撈捕上來的海蛇。因此,海蛇似乎可以忍受雨季之間某 種程度的脫水。科學家相信,在海中脫水或許可以解釋在世界上某些地區海蛇的族群變小的原因。
53. 文中所描述的研究其目的為何?
54. 關於海蛇的敘述下列何者正確?
55. 下列何者為研究發現之一?
56. 我們可以從這項研究中推論出什麼?
解 析:
53. 本題為細節題。答案可在第二段最後一句找到。
54. 本題為是非題。第一段有明確提到 seawater is not an option。
55. 本題為是非題。正確答案可以在第三段第三句找到。
一、中譯英(占 8 分)
說明:1. 請將以下中文句子譯成正確、通順、達意的英文,並將答案寫在「答案卷」上。
2. 請依序作答,並標明題號。每題 4 分,共 8 分。
1. 相較於他們父母的世代,現今年輕人享受較多的自由和繁榮。
答 案:Compared with their parents’ generation, young people nowadays enjoy more freedom and prosperity.
解 析: 須正確使用片語 compared with。此外,應注意單字正確的拼法,例如 generation、prosperity。
2. 但是在這個快速改變的世界中,他們必須學習如何有效地因應新的挑戰。
答 案: However, in this fast-changing world, they need to learn how to respond to new challenges effectively.
解 析: 須注意搭配用法,「因應(挑戰)」可譯為 respond to。此外,使用複合形容詞 fast-changing 可讓本句英文翻譯更加簡潔。
二、英文作文(占 20 分)
說明:1. 依提示在「答案卷」上寫一篇英文作文。
2. 文長至少 120 個單詞(words)。
提示︰你認為家裡生活環境的維持應該是誰的責任?請寫一篇短文說明你的看法。文分兩段,第一段 說明你對家事該如何分工的看法及理由,第二段舉例說明你家中家事分工的情形,並描述你自 己做家事的經驗及感想。
範 文:
In my opinion, household chores should be shared by every family member. Traditionally, the mother takes all the housework as her own responsibility, and her devotion is often taken for granted. However, even a full-time housewife needs to take a break sometimes, not to mention the fact that many women nowadays have to juggle between housework and their own careers. Living in the same house, all the family members use the dishes, the bathrooms, the washing machine, and so forth. Therefore, they should all do their fair share of the housework.
In my family, each member is responsible for certain household chores. My mother takes care of everything in the kitchen because she regards this as her own realm. My father is responsible for cleaning the bathrooms and mopping the floors. He does these things on the weekend, for he is busy on the weekdays. My mother wants my brother and me to spend more time on our studies, so we just need to put the laundry into
第貳部分:非選擇題(占 28 分)
the washing machine after taking a shower. Sometimes I beg my mother to let me wash the dishes. I love my mother very much, so I want to help her more. Besides, when I wash the dishes, watching the bubbles helps me to relax and forget my troubles. We are all satisfied with the way we divide the house chores, and we are all glad that we can contribute to our family.
中 譯:
依我之見,家事應該由每位家庭成員來分擔。傳統上,媽媽把所有家事當成是自己的責任,而媽 媽的付出常常被視為理所當然。然而,就算是全職家庭主婦也需要休息一下,更不用說現代很多女性 須要兼顧家事與自己的事業。全家人住在一起,大家都有使用碗盤、浴室、洗衣機等。因此,大家都 應該公平地為家事盡一份自己的力量。
爸爸負責清理浴室、擦地板。他在週末做這些事,因為平日他很忙。我媽媽希望弟弟和我多花點時間 在課業上,所以我們只需要在洗澡後把髒衣服丟進洗衣機就可以了。有時候我會央求媽媽讓我洗碗。
我很愛媽媽,所以我希望多幫忙她一點。此外,當我洗碗時,看著那些泡泡可以讓我放輕鬆、忘卻煩 惱。我們都很滿意家事分配的方式,也很高興我們都能對這個家有所貢獻。
解 析:
全家人都應該幫忙做家事。接著點出傳統做法不妥之處,並說明為何全家人都應該做家事。第二段主 題句點出家事由全家人分擔,接下來是支持主題句的細節,一一列舉每位家庭成員負責的家事。接著 根據題目要求,寫出自己做家事的經驗與感想。最後是結論句,全文有完整的發展。
responsibility 責任 devotion 奉獻 career 職業 realm 領土 divide 劃分
in my opinion 依我之見 household chores 家事
= domestic chores
= housework
be taken for granted 被視為理所當然 not to mention 更不用說
juggle between 兼顧 and so forth 等等 be responsible for 負責
regard... as... 將……視為……
be satisfied with 對……滿意 contribute to 貢獻