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The Green Consumption and Purchase on University Campus-Case Study of Da-Yeh University 吳珮姍、陳宜清


Academic year: 2022

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The Green Consumption and Purchase on University Campus-Case Study of Da-Yeh University


E-mail: 364858@mail.dyu.edu.tw


Da-Yeh University, located in Bagua Mountain foothills, has a wealth of geographical features. The existed advantages of its campus can not only improve school quality and student learning efficiency, but also enhance the value of the school itself and the identity from school members. Therefore, to promote the consumption and procurement of green products in Da-Yeh University is necessary. Due to the perception and practice of green consumption and procurement effectiveness in research on Da-Yeh campus, the intrinsic external can be full-filled with green environmental protection quality and it can afford contribution towards Green University. The results show the spirit for real green campus since the establishment of the Da-Yeh University. In the scope of the study, questionnaire survey method was applied to carry out green consumption and procurement aspects about the understand of students and faculty in Da-Yeh campus. The results show that implementation of the procurement of environmentally friendly equipment from students and faculty were not actively implemented. The suggestion for school is self-review for the campus and own procurement to ask members bring their own supplies in order to reduce the amount of waste. It is the best policy for Da-Yeh University campus.

Keywords : Green consumption、Green procurement、Cognitive、Practical implementation、The questionnaire Table of Contents

封面內頁 簽名頁 中文摘要 iii ABSTRACT iv 誌謝 v 目錄 vi 圖目錄 vii 表目錄 viii 第一章 緒論 1 1.1研究背景與動機 1 1.2研 究目的 5 1.3研究流程 5 1.4名詞解釋 8 第二章 文獻回顧 11 2.1綠色消費概要 11 2.1.1綠色消費定義 11 2.1.2綠色消費內涵 13 2.2綠色採購概要 14 2.2.1綠色採購定義 14 2.2.2綠色採購內涵 15 2.3綠色消費與採購運動的興起 17 2.4國內外綠色消費與採 購的推動之近況 18 2.4.1國內推動之近況 19 2.4.2國外推動之近況 20 2.5校園綠色消費與採購 21 2.6綠色消費與採購相關文 獻研究 22 第三章 研究方法 27 3.1研究架構 27 3.2研究對象 27 3.3問卷設計 28 3.4資料處理與統計方法 30 3.5研究限制 33 第 四章 綠色消費與採購之認知與實踐調查 34 4.1問卷認知與執行成效 34 4.2敘述性統計分析 36 4.3獨立樣本T檢定(t-test)

37 4.4單因子變異數分析(ANOVA) 42 4.5認知與執行度屬性矩陣分析 52 第五章 結論與建議 56 5.1結論 56 5.2建議 58 參 考文獻 60 中文文獻 60 英文文獻 62 網站文獻 63 附錄一大葉大學成員對於綠色消費與採購之認知與實踐問卷評量 65 附錄 二大葉大學成員對於綠色消費與採購之認知與實踐問卷建議 68


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Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering and Technology Management.

Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering and Technology Management.

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