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The Study of the Impact on the Ease of Use and Usefulness for Information Technology to the Delivery’s Job Satisfaction 藍幼玟、鍾育明


Academic year: 2022

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The Study of the Impact on the Ease of Use and Usefulness for Information Technology to the Delivery’s Job Satisfaction


E-mail: 9806148@mail.dyu.edu.tw


For the past few years, the market of the home delivery in Taiwan has been tending to become prosperous as a result of the

popularization of electronic business and TV shopping. And owning to the innovation of the science and technology, the equipment of operating the home delivery market has been more and more automated and being operated humanly. The technical equipments are much more emphasized by the practicability and the easiness to be operated. The process of operating the technical equipment by the delivery people is easily to be affected by the satisfaction from the customers. Satisfied employees create satisfied customers.

The home delivery companies have been positively enhancing the job satisfaction from the employees to serve the customers in better ways. This research is focused on discussing the influence on job satisfaction and job involvement from the ease of use and usefulness of the technical equipments in home delivery business. And the research is finished by regression analysis and is based on the results of the 244 practical questionnaires from every delivery offices or service centers. According to the information analysis, it is found that the perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness of the information technology cause very positive influences on job satisfaction. Furthermore, the job involvement also effects the job satisfaction and the usefulness of technology effects job

involvement a lot as well.

Keywords : 認知易用性 ; 認知有用性 ; 工作滿足 ; 工作投入

Table of Contents

中文摘要 ..................... iii 英文摘要 .....................

iv 誌謝辭  ..................... v 內容目錄 ....................

. vi 表目錄  ..................... viii 圖目錄 ....................

. ix 第一章  緒論................... 1 第一節  研究背景...............

1   第二節  研究動機與目的............ 4 第三節  論文架構與流程............ 8 第二章  文獻探討................. 10   第一節  宅配................

. 10 第二節  資訊科技易用性與有用性........ 16 第三節 工作滿足............... 18 第 四節 工作投入............... 24 第三章  研究方法................. 28 第一節   研究架構............... 28 第二節  研究假設............... 29 第三節   研究設計............... 32 第四章  資料分析................. 36 第一節  樣 本基本資料分析........... 36 第二節  信效度之檢驗............. 39 第三節  結構模 型與研究假說之檢定....... 43 第四節  討論................. 46 第五章  結論與建議

................ 48 第一節  研究結論............... 48 第二節  實務建議..

............. 49 第三節  後續研究............... 50 參考文獻 .........

............ 51 附錄  研究問卷.................. 64 REFERENCES

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