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Let f : X → Y be a morphism of schemes, and let F be an O x - module. We say that F is flat over Y at a point x ∈ X, if the stalk at x is a flat O y -module, where y = f (x).


Academic year: 2021

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Recall. (Flat)

Let f : X → Y be a morphism of schemes, and let F be an O x - module. We say that F is flat over Y at a point x ∈ X, if the stalk at x is a flat O y -module, where y = f (x).

We say simply F is flat over Y if it is flat at every point of X.

We say X is flat over Y if O X is.

Definition. (Smooth)

Let f : X → Y be a morphism of schemes of finite type over a field k, we say it’s smooth of relative dimension n if:

(1) f is flat.

(2) If X 0 ⊆ X, Y 0 ⊆ Y are irreducible components such that f (X 0 ) ⊆ Y 0 , then dim X 0 = dim Y 0 + n.

(3) For each point x ∈ X (closed or not),

dim k(x) (Ω X/Y ⊗ k(x)) = n

Proposition. 0.1 If X is integral, (3) is equivalent to Ω X/Y is locally free of rank n.

Recall (II 8.9): Let A be a noetherian local integral domain, with residue field k and quotient field K. If M is a finitely generated A-module and if dim k M ⊗ A k = dim K M ⊗ A K = r, then M is free of rank r.

Proposition. 0.2 If Y = Spec k, k = k, then X is smooth over k if and only if X is regular of dimension n.

Recall (II 8.8): Let B be a local ring containing a field k isomorphic to its residue field. Assume furthermore that k is perfect, and that B is a localization of a finitely generated k-algebra. Then

B/k is a free B-module of rank dim B ⇐⇒ B is a regular local ring.

In particular, if X is irreducible separated over k, then it’s smooth if and only if it’s a nonsingular variety.

Recall (II 8.15): Let X be an irreducible separated scheme of finite type over an algebraically closed field k. Then

X/k is locally free of rank dim X ⇐⇒ X is a nonsingular variety over k.

Remark. Over a nonperfect field, the last proposition is false: let k 0 be a field of characteristic p > 0, let k = k 0 (t), and let X ⊆ A 2 k be the curve defined by y 2 = x p − t, then every local ring of X is a regular local ring, but X is not smooth over k.

Proposition. 1

(a) An open immersion is smooth of relative dimension 0.



(b) If f : X → Y is smooth of relative dimension n, and g : Y 0 → Y is any morphism, then the morphism f 0 : X 0 → Y 0 obtained by base extension is also smooth of relative dimension n.

(c) If f : X → Y is smooth of relative dimension n, and g : Y → Z is smooth of relative dimension m, then g ◦ f : X → Z is smooth of relative dimension n + m.

(d) If f : X → Z is smooth of relative dimension n, and g : Y → Z is smooth of relative dimension m, then X × Z Y → Z is smooth of relative dimension n + m.

Proof. (a) Just check the condition.

(b) (1) By (III 9.2), f 0 is flat.

(2) Recall (III 9.6): Let f : X → Y be a flat morphism of schemes of finite type over a field k, and assume that Y is irreducible. Then the following conditions are equivalent:

(i) every irreducible component of X has dimension equal to dim Y + n.

(ii) for any point y ∈ Y (closed or not), every irreducible component of the fibre X y has dimension n.

In this case, (2) is equivalent to say every irreducible component of every fibre X y of f 0 has dimension n, which, by (II Ex. 3.20), is preserved under base change.

(3) By (II 8.10), Ω X/Y is stable under base extension, thus (3) holds for f 0 . (c) (1) By (III 9.2).

(2) If X 0 ⊆ X, Y 0 ⊆ Y, Z 0 ⊆ Z are irreducible components such that f (X 0 ) ⊆ Y 0 , g(Y 0 ) ⊆ Z 0 , then dim X 0 = dim Y 0 + n = dim Z 0 + n + m.

(3) Use the exact sequence in (II 8.11)

f Y /Z −→ Ω X/Z −→ Ω X/Y −→ 0 Tensoring k(x) to get:

f Y /Z ⊗ k(x) −→ Ω X/Z ⊗ k(x) −→ Ω X/Y ⊗ k(x) −→ 0

Then dim Ω X/Z ⊗ k(x) ≤ dim f Y /Z ⊗ k(x) + dim Ω X/Y ⊗ k(x) = n + m.

On the other hand, let z = g(f (x)), we have Ω X/Z ⊗ k(x) = Ω X


/k(z) ⊗ k(x), let X 0 be an irreducible component of X z containing x, with its reduced induced structure. Then by (II 8.12),



/k(z) ⊗ k(x) −→ Ω X


/k(z) ⊗ k(x) is surjective.

But again by (III 9.6), X 0 is an integral scheme of finite type over k(z) of dimension n + m, thus by (II 8.6A), we see Ω X


/k(z) is locally generated by at least n + m elements. Combining above, (3) is verified.

(d) Use (b), (c).

Theorem. 2 Let f : X → Y be a morphism of schemes of finite type over a field k, then f is smooth of relative dimension n if and only if:

(i) f is flat.

(ii) The fibres of f are geometrically regular of equidimension n, i.e., for point y ∈ Y ,

let X y = X yk(y) k(y), then X y is equidimensional of dimension n and regular.


Proof. (⇒) By Proposition (0.2),(1(b)).

(⇐) (1) By assumption.

(2) By (III 9.6).

(3) By Proposition (0.2), regularity implies Ω X


/k(y) is locally free of rank n.

By the fact states below, it is equivalent to Ω X


/k(y) is locally free of rank n, thereby (3) holds.

Fact. If M is an A-module with A being a local ring, B is a faithfully flat A-algebra, then

M is free ⇐⇒ M ⊗ A B is free.

Recall. The Zaraski tangent space T x for a point in a scheme X be the dual of k-vector space m x /m 2 x . If f : X → Y is a morphism, y = f (x), then there is a natural induced mapping

T f : T x → T yk(y) k(x)

Lemma. 3-1 Suppose that R → S is a local homomorphism of Noetherian local rings.

Denote m the maximal ideal of R. Let M be a flat R-module and N a finite S-module.

Let u : N → M be a map of R-modules. If u 1 : N/mN → M/mM is injective then u is injective. In this case M/u(N ) is flat over R.

Proof. Claim: u k : N/m k N → M/m k M is injective ∀ k ∈ N.

The case k = 1 is just the assumption. To prove by induction, assuming the case k = n holds. Consider the diagram:

M/mM ⊗ R/m m n /m n+1


0 → M ⊗ R m n /m n+1 → M/m n+1 M → M/m n M → 0

↑ ↑ ↑

N ⊗ R m n /m n+1 → N/m n+1 N → N/m n N → 0


N/mN ⊗ R/m m n /m n+1

The first and the last map are injective, which imply the middle one is also injective.

Therefore the claim is proved by induction.

By Krull’s intersection theorem , T m n N = 0, thus the injectivity of u n ∀ n ∈ N implies u is injective.

To show that M/u(N ) is flat over R, it suffices to show that I ⊗ R M/u(N ) → M/u(N ) is injective for every ideal I in R. Consider the diagram

0 0 0

↑ ↑ ↑

N/IN → M/IM → M/(IM + u(N )) → 0

↑ ↑ ↑

0 → N → M → M/u(N ) → 0

↑ ↑ ↑

N ⊗ R I → M ⊗ R I → M/u(N ) ⊗ R I → 0


M ⊗ R I → M is injective, then by the snake lemma, it suffices to prove that N/IN injects into M/IM . Note that R/I → S/IS is a local homomorphism of Noetherian local rings, N/IN → M/IM is a map of R/I-modules, N/IN is finite over S/IS, and M/IM is flat over R/I and u : N/IN → M/IM is injective modulo m. Thus we may apply the first part of the proof to u to conclude.

Definition. Let A be a commutative ring, I be an ideal of A. An A-module M is ideally Hausdorff w.r.t. J if ∀ a is a finitely generated ideal of A, a ⊗ A M is Hausdorff with J -adic topology.

Lemma. 3-2 Let A be a commutative ring, I, J be ideals of A, M be an A-module, gr(A) be the graded ring with I-adic filtration, gr(M ) be the graded gr(A)-module associated with M with I-adic topology. Consider the following:

(i) M is a flat A-module.

(ii) Tor A 1 (N, M ) = 0 ∀N is an A-module annihilated by J .

(iii) M/IM is a flat A/I-module and the canonical map I ⊗ A M → IM is bijective.

(iv) M/IM is a flat A/I-module and canonical homomorphism r : gr(A) ⊗ gr


(A) gr 0 (M ) is bijective.

(v) ∀ n ∈ N, M/I n is a flat A/I n -module.

Then (i)⇒(ii)⇔(iii)⇒(iv)⇔(v). Furthermore, if A is noetherian and M is ideally Haus- dorff, all of them are equivalent.


(i)⇒(ii)⇔(iii) Omitted.

(ii)⇔(ii)’ (ii)’:Tor A 1 (N, M ) = 0 ∀ N is an A-module annihilated by some power of J . (⇐) is trivial, so let’s focus on (⇒).

In particular Tor A 1 (I n N/I n+1 N, M ) = 0 ∀ n ∈ N. Then the exact sequence 0 → I n+1 N → I n N → I n N/I n+1 N → 0

which induces

Tor A 1 (I n+1 N, M ) → Tor A 1 (I n N, M ) → Tor A 1 (I n N/I n+1 N, M )

Notice that ∃ m ∈ N s.t. I m N = 0, using descending induction, we have Tor A 1 (I n N, M ) = 0 ∀ n ≤ m, especially m = 0.

(ii)⇒(iv) First we have a lemma:

(a) Tor A 1 (A/I n , M ) = 0 ∀ n ∈ N.

(b) The canonical homomorphism θ n : I nA M → I n M is bijective.

(c) r : gr(A) ⊗ gr


(A) gr 0 (M ) is bijective.

Then (a)⇔(b)⇒(c), (b)⇐(c) when I is nilpotent.

Proof. (a)⇔(b) by the exact sequence

0 = Tor A 1 (A/I, M ) → Tor A 1 (A/I n , M ) → I n ⊗ M → M Consider the diagram:

I n+1A M → I nA M → I n /I n+1A/I M/IM → 0

↓ θ n+1 ↓ θ n ↓ r n

0 → I n+1 M → I n M → gr n (M )


Where r n is the canonical surjective map. It’s commutative by the definition of r n . In this case, θ n is bijective, thus r n is bijective. For the second statement, notice that I nA M = I n M = 0 for some n, thus using descending induction we see it’s true.

Thus by lemma, (ii)⇒(ii)’⇒ r is bijective, also (ii)⇒(iii), a fortiori M/IM is a flat A/I-module, thereby (iv) stands.

Also, (iii) ⇐(iv) when I is nilpotent is also shown by the above process.

(iv)⇔(v) Observe gr m (M/I n M ) =

( gr m (M ), m < n

0, m ≥ n For k ∈ N, let (iv) k and (v) k be the statement replacing A, I, M by A/I k A, I/I k , M/I k M . Obviously

(iv) ⇒ (iv) k ∀ k ∈ N (v) ⇒ (v) k ∀ k ∈ N

Thus it’s sufficient to show that (iv) k ⇒ (v) k ∀ k ∈ N or also (iv)⇔(v) for the case I is nilpotent, which will be assumed below. Since M/I n M ∼ = M ⊗ A A/I n , we know (v) ⇒ (i), more apparently, (i) ⇒ (v), so the statement is proved.

(v)⇒(i) (For the case A is noetherian and M is ideally Hausdorff) It’s proved in Lemma 3-1.

With above we now conclude:

Lemma. 3 Let A → B be a local homomorphism of local noetherian rings. Let M be a finitely generated B-module, and let t ∈ A be a nonunit that is not a zero divisor.

Then M is flat over A if and only if t is not a zero divisor in M and M/tM is flat over A/tA.

Proof. Take I = J = (t) in Lemma 3-1, 3-2.

Proposition. 4 Let f : X → Y be a morphism of nonsingular varieties over an algebraically closed field k. Let n = dim X − dim Y . Then the following are equivalent:

(i) f is smooth of relative dimension n.

(ii) Ω X/Y is locally free of rank n on X.

(iii) For every closed point x ∈ X, T f : T x → T yk(y) k(x) is surjective.


(i)⇒(ii) By Proposition (0.2).

(ii)⇒(iii) Use the exact sequence in (II 8.11) tensoring k(x) ∼ = k(since x is a closed point), we have:

f Y /k ⊗ k(x) − → Ω φ X/k ⊗ k(x) −→ Ω X/Y ⊗ k(x) −→ 0

since the dimension of each terms are dim Y, dim X, n, φ is actually an injection.

Recall (II 8.7): Let (B, m) be a local ring with a field k ∼ = B/m containing in B. Then

m → m/m 2 d − → Ω B/kB k b 7−→ b 7−→ db ⊗ 1 is an isomorphism.

So φ is actually m y /m 2 y ,→ m x /m 2 x , take dual to get our result.


(iii)⇒(i) Recall (III 9.1A(d)): M is an A-module, M is flat over A if and only if M p is flat over A p ∀ p ∈ Spec A. So to prove f is flat, we only have to verify O X,x is flat over O Y,y ∀ x ∈ X is a closed point, y = f (x).

Since X, Y both nonsingular, O x , O y are regular local rings. Also by taking dual on T f , m y /m 2 y ,→ m x /m 2 x is injective.

Take a regular system of parameters of O y : (t) = (t 1 , . . . , t r ), then (t) forms a part of regular system of parameters of O x . Since O x /(t) is flat over O y /(t) ∼ = k, by Lemma 3 and induction, O x /(t 1 , . . . , t i ) is flat over O y /(t 1 , . . . , t i ) ∀ i = 0 r, in particular it’s already proved f is flat. Proceed similar to (ii)⇒(iii) but backward, we see for x is a closed point,

dim k(x) (Ω X/Y ⊗ k(x)) = n

On the other hand, f is flat, by (III Ex 9.1), is also dominant, by (II 8.6A), the generic point ξ has the property:

dim k(x) (Ω X/Y ⊗ k(x)) ≥ n

In either case, we can conclude Ω X/Y is a coherent sheaf of rank ≥ n, so by (II 8.9), it’s locally free of rank n, thus f is smooth of relative dimension n.

Lemma. 5 Let f : X → Y be a dominant morphism of integral schemes of finite type over an algebraically closed field k of characteristic 0. Then there is a nonempty open set U ⊆ X such that f : U → Y is smooth.

Proof. By (II 8.16), every variety over k has an open dense nonsingular subset, thus we may assume X, Y are nonsingular. Since char k = 0, thus perfect, by (I,4.8A), K(X) is a separably generated field extension of K(Y ). Therefore by (II 8.6A), Ω X/Y is free of rank n at the generic point, thus locally free of rank n on some nonempty open set U . By Proposition 4, f : U → Y is smooth.

Remark. The lemma may fail when characteristic of field is not zero. Let char k = p > 0, k = k, f : P k 1 → P k 1 be the Frobenius morphism , then f is not smooth on any open set.

Proposition. 6 Let f : X → Y be a morphism of schemes of finite type over an algebraically closed field k of characteristic 0. For any r, let

X r = {closed points x ∈ X | rank T f,x ≤ r}

Then dim f (X r ) ≤ r.

Proof. Let Y 0 be any irreducible component of f (X r ) , and let X 0 be an irreducible component of X r which dominates Y 0 . Give X 0 and Y 0 their reduced induced structures, and consider the induced dominant morphism f 0 : X 0 → Y 0 . By (Lemma 5), there is a nonempty open subset U 0 ⊆ X 0 such that f : U 0 → Y 0 is smooth. Let x ∈ U 0 ∩ X r , then consider the diagram

T x,U


→ T x,X

↓ T f


,x ↓ T f,x

T y,Y


→ T y,Y


The horizontal arrows are injective, because U 0 and Y 0 are locally closed subschemes of X and Y , respectively. Also T f


,x is surjective by Proposition 4. Since dim T f,x ≤ r, dim T y,Y


≤ r, we get dim Y 0 ≤ r.

Proposition. 7 Let f : X → Y be a morphism of varieties over an algebraically closed field k of characteristic 0, suppose X is nonsingular. Then there exists a nonempty open subset V ⊆ Y such that f : f −1 V → V is smooth.

Proof. Again may assume Y is nonsingular by (II 8.16). Let dim Y = r, X r−1 ⊆ X as defined in Proposition 6, then dim f (X r−1 ) ≤ r − 1, moving it from X, therefore we can assume for every closed point in X, rank T f ≥ r = dim Y , which means they’re all surjective, thus f is smooth by Proposition 4.

Proposition. 8 A morphism f : X → Y of schemes of finite type over k is ´ etale if it is smooth of relative dimension 0. It is unramified if for every x ∈ X, letting y = f (x), we have m y O X = m x , and k(x) is a separable algebraic extension of k(y). Show that the following conditions are equivalent:

(i) f is ´ etale.

(ii) f is flat, Ω X/Y = 0.

(iii) f is flat and unramified.


(i)⇔(ii) By the definition of smooth.

(iii)⇒(ii) We have

m y /m 2 y ⊗ k(y) k(x) = (m y ⊗ O


k(y)) ⊗ k(y) k(x) = m y ⊗ O


(O x /m y O x ) Also, m yA O x ∼ = m y O x = m x , thus

m y ⊗ (O x /m y O x ) = (m y ⊗ O x )/m 2 y = m x /m 2 x

Thus the map T f , x is an isomorphism, i.e. it’s smooth of relative dimension 0.

(ii)⇒(iii) Fact: Let O x = B, O y = A, if ˆ A → ˆ B is an isomorphism then f is unramified at x.

Proof. We know m n y O x = m n x ∀ n ∈ N, and the composition A/m n y → B/m n y B → ˆ A/m n y A ˆ

is an isomorphism, it’s left to show ˆ A → ˆ B is injective, in other words, m n y A ∩ B = m ˆ n y B ∀ n ∈ N

Notice that B = A + m n y B and m n y B ⊆ m n y A, so ∀ b ∈ B, it can be represented ˆ as a + , a ∈ A, b ∈ m n y B m n y A ∩ B ⊆ m ˆ n y B.

Conversely, if b ∈ m n y A, a ∈ m ˆ y A ∩ A = m ˆ n y , thus b ∈ m n y B. Thus we only need to prove ˆ A → ˆ B is an isomorphism, but O x = O y +m n x , m n x = m n+1 x +m n y ∀ n ∈ N, thus ˆ A → ˆ B is an isomorphism. Also, by (II 8.6A), dim k(x)X/Y ⊗ k(x) ≥tr.deg k(x)/k(y), equality holds if and only if k(x) is separately extended over k(y).

Thus in this case, k(x) is separately extended over k(y) of transcendental degree

0, i.e. a separable algebraic extension.


Recall. A group variety G is a variety G over an algebraically closed field k, together with morphisms µ : G × G → G, ρ : G → G s.t. G(k), k-rational points of G, becomes a group under the operation induced by µ, with ρ giving the inverses.

We say that a group variety G acts on a variety X if we have a morphism θ : G×X → X which induces a homomorphism G(k) → AutX of groups.

A homogeneous space is a variety X, together with a group variety G acting on it, such that the group G(k) acts transitively on X(k) .

Remark. A homogeneous space is necessarily a nonsingular variety.

Theorem. 9 Let X be a homogeneous space with group variety G over an algebraically closed field k of characteristic 0. Let f : Y → X, g : Z → X are two morphisms between nonsingular varieties. For σ ∈ G(k), let Y σ be the same variety with Y but with morphism σ ◦ f : Y σ → X. Then ∃ V ⊆ G s.t. ∀ σ ∈ V (k), Y σ × X Z is nonsingular and either empty or has the dimension dim Y + dim Z − dim X.

Proof. Define h : G × Y → X as the composition of f and θ : G × X → X. We first prove that it’s smooth. Now nonsingular is equivalent to smooth over k by Proposition 0.2, and G is nonsingular by the Remark above, therefore G × Y is nonsingular by Proposition 1(d).

Apply Proposition 7, we see that ∃ U ⊆ X s.t. h −1 (U ) → U is smooth.

Now G acts on G×Y by left multiplication on G; G acts on X by θ, and these two actions are compatible with the morphism h, by construction. Thus ∀ σ ∈ G(k), h −1 (U σ ) → U σ is smooth. Since U σ cover X, we conclude h is smooth.

Next consider the diagram:

W := (G × Y ) × X Z h


− → Z

↓ g 0 ↓ g

G × Y − → h X

↓ pr 1 G

Then h 0 is smooth again by Proposition 1(b), and remind that Z is smooth over k by Proposition 0.2, using Proposition 1(c), W is nonsingular. Consider

q = pr 1 ◦ g 0 : W → G

Again apply Proposition 7, ∃ V ⊆ G s.t. q −1 (V ) → V is smooth.

Therefore ∀ σ ∈ V (k), W σ is nonsingular, where the result and notation follow from Theorem 2. But W σ is just W σ since k is algebraically closed. Also, W σ actually coincides to Y σ × X Z, which proves the first statement.

For the second statement, we notice that h is smooth of dimension dim G + dim Y − dim X, so is h 0 by Proposition 1(b), thus

dim W − dim Z = dim G + dim Y − dim X

Also, q | q


(V ) is smooth of dimension dim W − dim G, thus by the definition of smooth- ness and (III 9.6), ∀ σ ∈ V (k)

dim W σ = dim W − dim G = dim Y + dim Z − dim X


Corollary. 10 Let X be a nonsingular projective variety over an algebraically closed field k of characteristic 0. Let d be a linear system without base points. Then almost every element of d, considered as a closed subscheme of X, is nonsingular (but maybe reducible).

Proof. Let f : X → P n be the morphism determined by d, applying (II 7.8.1).

Consider P n as a homogeneous space under the action of PGL(n) by (II 7.1.1).

Take an arbitrary hyperplane H ,→ P n and apply Theorem 9 on it, then for almost every σ ∈ G(k), X × P


H σ = f −1 (H σ ) is nonsingular. But f −1 (H σ ) is just some element of d, thus the result.

Remark. In (Ex. 11.3), if dim f (X) ≥ 2, then all the divisors in d are connected.

Hence almost all of them are irreducible and nonsingular.

Remark. In fact, X is not need to be projective if d is finite-dimensional.

In particular, if X is projective, a straightforward and more general statement is that

”a general member of d can have singularities only at the base points.”

Remark. This result fails in characteristic p > 0. Take the same example in Remark

of Lemma 5, the morphism f corresponds to the one-dimensional linear system

{pP | P ∈ P} . Thus every divisor in d is a point with multiplicity p.



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