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Possessing Special Expertise in the Field of Culture and Arts"


Academic year: 2022

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資格條件 應備文件檢核表

新申請案 重新申請

1. 表演藝術類:

一、 曾 擔 任 國 際 藝 術 組 織 會 員 或 文 化 藝 術 相 關 之 政 府 機關(構)、民間組 織要職者。

二、 現 任 或 曾 任 辦 理 國際藝術活動(指 標 性 藝 術 節 等 藝 文活動)之主要或 重要成員。

三、 曾 獲 得 國 內 外 認 可 競 賽 之 得 獎 者 或擔任評審。

四、 其 他 經 本 部 審 查 認定者。

一、 擔任國際藝術組織會員證明或任職文化藝術相關之政府機關(構)、民 間組織證明影本。

〔1、國際藝術組織:國際上以文化藝術為營運宗旨之相關基金會、公 協會、公司、團體及單位等,例如:美國戲劇協會、OISTAT 國際劇場 組織、百老匯聯盟等,或其他經文化部審查認定者。

2、要職:經理、協理、副總經理、總經理、副董事長、董事長、副執 行長、執行長、副社長、社長、副理事長、理事長、副會長、會長、負 責人、副總監、總監等類似位階,或其他經文化部審查認定者。〕

二、 擔任辦理國際藝術活動主要成員之證明影本。

〔1、 國際藝術活動:愛丁堡藝術節(Edinburgh International Festival)、

亞維儂藝術節(Festival d'Avignon)、美國下一波藝術節(Next Wave Festival)等,或其他經文化部審查認定者。

2、主要或重要成員:經理、協理、副總經理、總經理、副董事長、董 事長、副執行長、執行長、副社長、社長、副理事長、理事長、副會長、


三、 國內外認可競賽獲獎記錄或擔任國內外認可競賽評審證明影本。

(競賽獎項:由國際重要藝術組織主辦之獎項、參賽人數及國別達一定 規模之獎項,或該獎項在國際表演藝術領域具相當代表性或重要性之

得免再重新上傳左列 應備文件,由「外國專 業 人 才 申 辦 窗 口 平 臺」自動帶入前核准 案資料。



獎項等,例如美國東尼獎(Tony Award)、英國國家舞蹈獎(National Dance Awards) 、 柴 可 夫 斯 基 國 際 音 樂 比 賽 (International Tchaikovsky competition)等,或其他經文化部審查認定具相當資格之獎項。)

四、 相關表演藝術證明經文化部審認核可之證明影本。

2. 視覺藝術類:

一、 曾 擔 任 國 際 藝 術 組 織 會 員 或 文 化 藝 術 相 關 之 政 府 機關(構)、民間組 織要職者。

二、 現 任 或 曾 任 辦 理 國際藝術活動(指 標性藝術博覽會、

雙 年 展 等 藝 文 活 動)之主要或重要 成員。

三、 曾 獲 得 國 內 外 認 可 競 賽 之 得 獎 者 或擔任評審。

四、 其 他 經 本 部 審 查 認定者。

一、 擔任國際藝術組織會員或文化藝術相關政府機關(構)、民間組織要職之 證明影本。

〔1、 國際藝術組織:國際上以文化藝術為營運宗旨之基金會、公協會、

公司、團體及單位等,例如:美國國家藝術基金會(National Endowment for the Arts,NEA)、歐洲藝術基金會(TEFAF)、比利 時布魯塞爾藝術組織(Affordable Art Fair, AAF)、瑞士巴塞爾藝術 展覽公司(MCH Swiss Exhibition (Basel)Ltd.)、國際攝影藝術經紀 人協會(AIPAD) 等,或其他經文化部審查認定者。

2、要職:經理、協理、副總經理、總經理、副董事長、董事長、副執 行長、執行長、副社長、社長、副理事長、理事長、副會長、會長、負 責人、副總監、總監等類似位階,或其他經文化部審查認定者。〕

二、 擔任辦理國際藝術活動(指標性藝術博覽會、雙年展等藝文活動)成員之 證明影本。

〔1、 國際藝術活動:(1)博覽會:台北國際藝術博覽會(ART TAIPEI)、

香港巴塞爾藝術展(Art Basel HK)、藝術登陸新加坡博覽會(Art Stage Singapore)、邁阿密巴塞爾藝術博覽會(Art Basel Miami

得免再重新上傳左列 應備文件,由「外國專 業 人 才 申 辦 窗 口 平 臺」自動帶入前核准 案資料。



Beach)、瑞士巴塞爾藝術博覽會(Art Basel)...等,或其他經文化部 審查認定之國際藝術博覽會。

(2)雙年展:威尼斯藝術雙年展(La Biennale di Venezia)、柏林 當代藝術雙年展(Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art)、歐洲當代 藝術雙年展(The European Biennial of Contemporary Art)、上海雙 年展(Shanghai Biennial)、雪梨雙年展(Biennale of Sydney)、巴西 聖保羅雙年展(Sao Paulo Art Biennial)、惠特尼雙年展(Whitney Biennial)、哥斯大黎加視覺藝術雙年展(Costa Rica Biennale)、韓 國 光 州 雙 年 展(Gwangju Biennale) 、 土 耳 其 伊 斯 坦 堡 雙 年 展 (International Istanbul Biennial)...等,或其他經文化部審查認定之 雙年展。

2、主要或重要成員:經理、協理、副總經理、總經理、副董事長、董 事長、副執行長、執行長、副社長、社長、副理事長、理事長、副會長、


三、 國內外認可競賽獲獎證明影本或擔任國內外認可競賽評審證明影本。

(競賽獎項:經國際重要藝術組織主辦之獎項,或參賽人數及國別達一 定規模之獎項,或獎項獲頒之獎金及獎品達一定標準者,或該獎項在國 際視覺藝術領域具一定代表性、重要性之獎項等,例如紐約藝術指導協 會年度獎(New York Art Directors Club Annual Awards)、義大利波隆那國 際兒童書插畫展(Bologna Children's Book Fair-Illustrators exhibition)等,




四、 相關視覺藝術證明經文化部審認核可之證明影本。

3. 出版事業類:

一、 現 任 或 曾 任 國 際 重要媒體、出版社 主編或高階主管、

版權經紀人,並從 事 出 版 或 大 眾 傳 播 工 作 經 驗 十 年 以上之專業人士。

二、 現 任 或 曾 任 出 版 或 相 關 大 眾 傳 播 科 系 國 外 大 學 教 授。

三、 獲 有 出 版 相 關 領 域之博士學位,並 曾獲國際學術獎。

四、 曾 於 其 所 屬 國 或 國 際 獲 得 出 版 相 關 領 域 之 最 高 獎 項。

五、 曾 擔 任 國 際 重 要

一、 擔任國際重要媒體、出版社主編或高階主管、版權經紀人證明影本,及 從事出版或大眾傳播工作經驗十年以上之證明影本。

〔1、國際重要媒體:以國家、重要城市為名或至少以二個版面以上刊登 國際新聞、且發行對象以全國或全球讀者為目標之平面媒體或通訊社,

例如《美國新聞與世界報導》(U.S. News & World Report)、《紐約時報》

(The New York Times)、《華盛頓郵報》(The Washington Post)、《英國金融 時報》(The Financial Times)、《日本產經新聞》(産経ニュース)、美國聯 合通訊社(Associated Press)、英國路透社(The Reuters)、法國新聞社

(L'Agence France-Presse)、美國時代雜誌(Time)、生活雜誌(Life)、國家 地理雜誌(National Geographic)、香港亞洲周刊…等,或其他經文化部審 查認定之平面媒體或通訊社。

2、出版社部分,例如企鵝藍燈書屋(Penguin Random House)、哈潑柯林 斯出版集團(HarperCollins Publishers LLC)…等或其他經文化部審查認 定之出版社。

3、高階主管:該媒體機構或組織之經理、協理、副總經理、總經理、副 董事長、董事長、副執行長、執行長、副社長、社長、副理事長、理事 長、副會長、會長、負責人、主編、副總編輯、總編輯、副總監、總監 等或其他相類位階主管職者。〕

二、 擔任出版或相關大眾傳播科系國外大學教授任職證明影本。

三、 出版相關領域之博士學位及國際學術獎獲獎證明影本。

得免再重新上傳左列 應備文件,由「外國專 業 人 才 申 辦 窗 口 平 臺」自動帶入前核准 案資料。



出 版 相 關 領 域 之 策展人。

六、 其 他 經 本 部 審 查 認定者。

(依中央研究院公布之「國際重要學術研究獎項與殊榮」之相關獎項作 為標準。)

四、 於外國人所屬國或國際獲得出版相關領域之最高獎項證明影本。

(出版相關獎項:諾貝爾獎(Nobel Prize)、普利茲獎(Pulitzer Prize)、布 克獎(Booker Prize)、龔古爾獎(Prix Goncourt)、美國國家雜誌獎(National Magazine Awards)、美國國家圖書獎(National Book Awards)、西班牙 塞萬提斯文學獎(Premio Miguel de Cervantes)、行星小說獎(Premio Planeta de Novela)、直木三十五賞、芥川龍之介賞及其他經文化部審查 認定具相當資格之獎項)

五、 擔任國際重要出版相關領域策展人證明影本。


協理、副總經理、總經理、副董事長、董事長、副執行長、執行長、副 社長、社長、副理事長、理事長、副會長、會長、負責人、副總監、總 監等或其他相類位階主管職者。)

六、 相關出版事業證明經文化部審認核可之證明影本。

4. 影視及流行音樂類:

一、 曾獲得我國、申請 人 所 屬 國 或 國 際 性之電影、廣播電 視、流行音樂領域 重要獎項。

二、 曾 任 國 際 中 型 以

一、 曾獲得我國、申請人所屬國或國際性之電影、廣播電視、流行音樂領域 重要獎項證明影本,相關獎項包括但不限於以下獎項:金馬獎(Golden Horse Awards)、金穗獎(Golden Harvest Awards for Outstanding Short Films)、臺北電影節(Taipei Film Festival)、高雄電影節(Kaohsiung Film Festival)及臺灣國際紀錄片影展(Taiwan International Documentary Festival)、艾美獎(Emmy Award)、英國電影和電視藝術學院電視獎(the BAFTAs)、韓國首爾國際電視劇獎(SDA)、金球獎(Golden Globe

得免再重新上傳左列 應備文件,由「外國專 業 人 才 申 辦 窗 口 平 臺」自動帶入前核准 案資料。



上 電 影 、 廣 播 電 視、流行音樂法人 或 機 構 之 高 階 主 管,並具相關領域 五 年 以 上 工 作 經 驗。

三、 在電影、廣播電視 及 流 行 音 樂 領 域 具 創 見 及 特 殊 表 現,並具相關領域 五 年 以 上 工 作 經 驗。

四、 其 他 經 本 部 審 查 認定者。

Awards)、金鐘獎(Golden Bell Awards)、紐約廣告節國際電視電影獎

(New York Festivals International Television & Film Awards)、英國學術 電視獎(British Academy Television Awards)、美國葛萊美獎(Grammy Awards)、英國全英音樂獎(BRIT Awards)、全美音樂獎(American Music Awards)、MTV 歐洲音樂獎(MTV Europe Music Awards)、金曲獎(Golden Melody Awards)、NRJ 音樂大獎(NRJ Music Awards)、告示牌音樂獎

(Billboard Music Awards)、金音創作獎(Golden Indie Music Awards)、

日本唱片大賞(日本レコード大賞,Japan Record Awards)、朱諾獎(Juno Awards)、水星音樂獎(Mercury Prize)、金唱片獎(골든디스크어워드,

Golden Disc Awards)、本部影視及流行音樂產業局之「電影事業暨電影 從業人員參加國際影展獎勵輔導執行要點」附表一所列影展競賽單元 獎項及其他經文化部審查認定具相當資格之獎項。


(一) 曾任國際中型以上電影、廣播電視、流行音樂類法人或機構之高階 主管證明影本。

(二) 在電影、廣播電視、流行音樂領域五年以上工作經驗之證明影本。

〔1、 國際中型:在二個以上國家建立子公司(組織)或分公司(組 織),由母公司或本公司進行有效之控制及統籌決策,以從事 跨越國界生產經營行為,其公司(組織)經營項目或業務範 圍包括電影、廣播電視或流行音樂,並具有下列各款條件之 一者:(1)經常僱用員工數達五十人。(2)區域年營業收入



淨額達新臺幣三.五億元以上電影、廣播電視、流行音樂法人 或機構(於該國登記有案之公、民營組織)。




(一) 取得在電影、廣播電視、流行音樂領域之專業證書、專業受訓證明、

著作、論文、專利發明等具有創見及特殊表現之證明影本,或領有 聯合國、所屬國官方機構、駐華外國機構等官方機構出具之推薦或 證明。

(二) 在電影、廣播電視、流行音樂領域工作經驗五年以上之證明影本。

四、 相關影視及流行音樂證明經文化部審認核可之證明影本。

5. 工藝類:

一、 曾獲得國內或國際 認 可 競 賽 之 得 獎 者。

二、 曾受國內或國際認 可之組織或其他國 家政府認證為工藝 技術保存者。

三、 取得與工藝類相關 之重要專利權,經

一、 國內或國際認可競賽獲獎證明影本。

(國內或國際認可競賽:德國慕尼黑 Talente、日本伊丹國際工藝展 (ITAMI International Craft Exhibition)、日本美濃國際陶藝競賽( The International Ceramics Competition Mino, Japan)、義大利法恩札當代國際 陶藝展( Faenza Prize, International Competition of Contemporary Ceramic Art)、韓國清洲國際工藝雙年展(Cheongju International Craft Biennale)等 國際性獎項,或其他經主管機關認定者。)

二、 國內或國際認可組織或其他國家政府認證為工藝技術保存者之認證證 明影本。

(國內或國際認可之組織:世界工藝協會(World Crafts Council)、聯合國 教科文組織(UNESCO)等國際性組織,或其他經主管機關認定者。)

得免再重新上傳左列 應備文件,由「外國專 業 人 才 申 辦 窗 口 平 臺」自動帶入前核准 案資料。




四、 具 工 藝 專 業 證 明 外,並以工藝為主 題,獲得國內外政 府同意補助或合作 等之企業研發計畫 之案例者。

五、 其他經本部審查認 定者。

三、 應檢附近十年與工藝類相關之重要專利權之證明文件。


(一) 工藝專業能力證明文件。

(二) 國內外政府核發之補助或合作等之企業研發計畫之相關證明文件 與案例資料。

(註:前述資格條件所提及之「獲得國內外政府同意補助或合作等 之企業研發計畫之案例」,國內部分如獲得經濟部小型企業創新研 發計畫、新創事業獎等;國際部分則視實際狀況認定之。)

五、 相關工藝證明經文化部審認核可之證明影本。

6. 文化行政類:

一、 曾 任 我 國 或 他 國 政 府 機 關 文 化 藝 術 部 門 或 依 法 設 置 之 文 化 藝 術 機 構 專 業 或 專 門 技 術 、 研 究 部 門 人 員,並於任職期間 從 事 文 化 藝 術 相 關業務,表現優秀 者。

二、 現 任 或 曾 任 國 際

一、 擔任我國或他國政府機關文化藝術部門或依法設置之文化藝術機構專 業或專門技術、研究部門之證明影本,及任職期間從事文化藝術相關業 務表現優秀之推薦函影本。

二、 擔任國際藝文非政府組織之文化藝術相關業務證明影本,及任職期間 從事文化藝術相關業務表現優秀之推薦函影本。

(國際藝文非政府組織名單,可參考聯合國教科文組織 UNESCO「非 政府組織」(NGOs) 官網, 選列涉藝術或文化領域之非政府組織 (https://en.unesco.org/partnerships/non-governmental-


value=&field_interest_value=All&field_ postal_address_country=All)查詢。)

三、 相關文化行政證明經文化部審認核可之證明影本。

得免再重新上傳左列 應備文件,由「外國專 業 人 才 申 辦 窗 口 平 臺」自動帶入前核准 案資料。



藝 文 非 政 府 組 織 人員,並於任職期 間 從 事 文 化 藝 術 相關業務,表現優 秀者。

三、 其 他 經 本 部 審 查 認定者。

7. 具 新 創 產 業 實 務 經 驗 者:

一、 屬本部主管之文創 產業(視覺藝術、


文化資產應用及展 演設施、工藝、電 影、廣播電視、出 版、流行音樂及文 化 內 容 等 八 項 產 業),且具海外新創 公司成功上市經驗 之高階主管或研發 團 隊 核 心 技 術 人

一、 應全部檢附:

(一) 成功上市於海外證券交易所,需檢附公司上市之相關新聞或佐證 文件。

(二) 高階主管為該企業單位主管以上之職位,需檢附服務證明或離職 證明相關文件。研發團隊核心技術人員需檢附在該公司研發單位 任職相關證明。

二、 應全部檢附:

(一) 其他上市於海外證券交易所之公司,需檢附公司上市之相關新聞 或佐證文件。

(二) 需檢附公司被上市公司購併交易金額達 300 萬美元以上之相關新 聞或佐證文件。

(三) 高階主管為該企業單位主管以上之職位,需檢附服務證明或離職 證明相關文件。研發團隊核心技術人員需檢附在該公司研發單位 任職相關證明。

三、 應全部檢附:

得免再重新上傳左列 應備文件,由「外國專 業 人 才 申 辦 窗 口 平 臺」自動帶入前核准 案資料。




二、 屬本部主管之文創 產業(視覺藝術、


文化資產應用及展 演設施、工藝、電 影、廣播電視、出 版、流行音樂及文 化 內 容 等 八 項 產 業),且具海外新創 公司成功被其他上 市公司購併經驗之 高階主管或研發團 隊核心技術人員。

三、 屬本部主管之文創 產業(視覺藝術、


文化資產應用及展 演設施、工藝、電 影、廣播電視、出

高階主管為單位主管以上之職位,需檢附服務證明或離職證明相關文 件。


(一) 投資海外新創或事業達 300 萬美元以上之創投公司或基金之高階 主管。

(二) 投資我國政府相關計畫之新創或事業達60 萬美元之創投公司或基 金之高階主管。

四、 應全部檢附:相關證明文件。

(註:本部主管之產業,係指文化創意產業發展法第三條第一款至第七款及 第十五款規定之產業,包含視覺藝術、音樂及表演藝術、文化資產應用及展 演設施、工藝、電影、廣播電視、出版、流行音樂及文化內容等8 項產業。)



版、流行音樂及文 化 內 容 等 八 項 產 業),且具投資海外 新創或我國政府相 關計畫之新創或事 業實績之創投公司 或 基 金 之 高 階 主 管。

四、 其他經本部審查認 定者。



Possessing Special Expertise in the Field of Culture and Arts"

Eligibility/prerequisites Required supporting document checklist

New application Renewal

1.  Performing arts a. Previously serving as

member of

international arts organization, or assuming post of significant capacity in governmental agency or private organization related to culture and arts;

b. Currently or previously being major or significant member of hosting international arts event (including, but not limited to major

I. As a member of an international arts organization or as a member of a government agency or civil organizations related to culture and arts.

(1. International arts organization: A foundation, association, company, group, or unit whose mission is geared toward culture or the arts. Examples include the American Theatre Wing, OISTAT, The Broadway League, and other organizations that have been reviewed and approved of by the MOC.

2.Important capacity or key member: Defined as a manager, assistant manager, assistant general manager, general manager, deputy CEO, CEO, deputy executive director, executive director, deputy publisher, publisher, vice president, president, deputy director-general, director general, responsible person, deputy general director, general director, other similar position, or other individuals reviewed and approved of by the MOC.)

II. Acting as a member of the international arts event.

(1. International arts events: Events such as the Edinburgh International Festival, Festival d’Avignon, and BAM Next Wave Festival, as well as other festivals that have been reviewed and approved of by the MOC.

You do not need to re- upload the required documents seen on the left. The Foreign Professionals Online Application Platform will automatically show the required documents that were approved during

your previous




arts festival);

c. Previously receiving internationally or domestically

recognized award, or serving in judge panel of abovementioned award; or

d. other individuals reviewed and validated by the Ministry of Culture.

2.Important capacity or key member: Defined as a manager, assistant manager, assistant general manager, general manager, deputy CEO, CEO, deputy executive director, executive director, deputy publisher, publisher, vice president, president, deputy director-general, director general, responsible person, deputy general director, general director, other similar position, or other individuals reviewed and approved of by the MOC.)

III. Domestic and foreign recognition contest winning records or as domestic and foreign accredited competition review

(Recognized award: Awards granted by an important international arts organization, wherein the number of competitors or nations competing reaches a threshold of significance, or where the award is one is of a sufficient caliber, or is otherwise a major international performing arts award. Examples include the Tony Award(US), National Dance Award(UK), and International Tchaikovsky Competition award(RU), as well as any award that has been reviewed and approved of by the MOC.)

IV. Proof of accomplishments in performing arts acknowledged by the MOC.

2.  Visual arts

a. Previously serving as

member of

international arts

I. As a member of an international arts organization or as a member of a government agency or civil organizations related to culture and arts.

(1. International arts organization: This indicates a foundation, association, company, group, or unit whose mission concerns culture and the arts. Examples include the

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organization, or assuming post of significant capacity in governmental agency or private organization related to culture and arts;

b. Currently or

previously being major or significant member of hosting international arts event (including, but not limited to major arts fair or biennial);

c. Previously receiving internationally or domestically

recognized award, or serving in judge panel of abovementioned awards; or

National Endowment for the Arts, European Fine Art Fair, Affordable Art Fair, MCH Swiss Exhibition (Basel) Ltd., and the Association of International Photography Art Dealers or other organization reviewed and approved of by the MOC.

2.Important capacity or key member: Defined as a manager, assistant manager, assistant general manager, general manager, deputy CEO, CEO, deputy executive director, executive director, deputy publisher, publisher, vice president, president, deputy director-general, director general, responsible person, deputy general director, general director, other similar position, or other individuals reviewed and approved of by the MOC.)

II. Acting for members of international arts events (indicative art fairs, biennials, etc.).

(1. International arts event:

a. Expositions: Art Taipei; Art Basel Hong Kong; Art Stage Singapore; Art Basel Miami Beach; Art Basel and other exhibitions reviewed and approved of by the MOC.

b. Biennial festivals: La Biennale di Venezia; Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art; European Biennial of Contemporary Art; Shanghai Biennial; Biennale of Sydney; Sao Paulo Art Biennial; Whitney Biennial; Costa Rica Biennale;

Gwangju Biennale; International Istanbul Biennial; and other such festivals reviewed and approved of by the MOC.

Application Platform will automatically show the required documents that were approved during

your previous




d. other individuals

reviewed and

validated by the Ministry of Culture.

2. Important capacity or key member: Defined as a manager, assistant manager, assistant general manager, general manager, deputy CEO, CEO, deputy executive director, executive director, deputy publisher, publisher, vice president, president, deputy director-general, director general, responsible person, deputy general director, general director, other similar position, or other individuals reviewed and approved of by the MOC.)

III. Domestic and foreign recognition contest winning records or as domestic and foreign accredited competition review

(Awards granted by major international arts organizations, or where the number of competitors or nations competing reaches a threshold of significance, or where the award is of a sufficient caliber, or where the award is sufficiently representative and important to the visual arts. Examples include the New York Art Directors Club Annual Awards, Bologna Children’s Book Fair: Illustrator’s Award, and other awards reviewed and approved of by the MOC.)

IV. Proof of accomplishments in Visual arts acknowledged by the MOC.

3.  Publishing

a. Currently or

previously serving as chief editor or senior manager of major international media or

I. Certificates of serving at an authoritative international media or publishing house as chief editor, senior executive or certified copywriter agent, and certificates of work experience in publishing or mass communication for more than a decade.

(1. Authoritative international media: The international print news media or news agency of at least two pages in length and serving a national or global audience of readers. Examples include but not limit to US News and World Report, The New

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publishing house, or as copyright agent, with at least 10 years’

experience in publishing or mass communications;

b. Currently or

previously serving as professor at foreign university in publishing or related mass communications disciplines;

c. Holding doctorate in publishing-related disciplines and receiving international academic prize;

d. Receiving the highest publishing-related honor in the country of origin or comparable

York Times, The Washington Post, The Financial Times, Associated Press, Reuters, L’ Agence France-Press, Time, Life, National Geographic. Yazhou Zhoukan (Hong Kong), and other publications or news agencies acknowledged by the MOC.

2. The publishing houses include but not limit Penguin Random House, HarperCollins Publishers LLC, or other publishing houses acknowledged by the MOC.

3. Senior managers of the print media indicate manager, assistant general manager, deputy general manager, general manager, deputy CEO, CEO, deputy executive director, executive director, deputy publisher, publisher, deputy director-general, director-general, vice president, president, responsible person, chief editor, deputy managing editor, managing editor, deputy general director, general director, other similar position, or other individuals reviewed and approved of by the MOC.

II. As a foreign university professor in publishing or mass communications.

III. Ph.D. in the related fields of publication and a certificate for international academic awards in list of International Academic Research Awards published by Academia Sinica shall.

IV. The most highly regarded awards in publishing-related fields in foreign countries or countries.

(publishing award shall mean: Nobel Prize; Pulitzer Prize; Man Booker Prize; Prix Goncourt; National Magazine Awards; Premio Miguel de Cervantes; Premio Planeta de Novela; Naoki Prize; Akutagawa Prize; other awards reviewed and approved of by the MOC.)

V. a curator who has curated an international book fair, or the manager, assistant

automatically show the required documents that were approved during your previous application



international honor; \ e. Serving as curator for

major international publishing event; or, f. other individuals

reviewed and

validated by the Ministry of Culture.

manager, assistant general manager, general manager, deputy CEO, CEO, deputy executive director, executive director, deputy publisher, publisher, vice president, president, deputy director-general, director-general, responsible person, deputy general director, general director, or other similar position at an organization that has curated an international book fair.

VI. Proof of accomplishments in publishing business acknowledged by the MOC.

4.  Film, Broadcast and Pop Music

a. Previously received a major award for film, broadcast, or pop music from Taiwan or the recipient’s native country, or an international award;

b. Previously served as top executive at a medium-sized or larger film, broadcast,

I. Copy of award certificate for a major award for film, broadcast, or pop music from Taiwan or the recipient’s native country, or international award. Acceptable awards include, but are not limited to, the Golden Horse Awards, Golden Harvest Awards for Outstanding Short Films, Taipei Film Festival, Kaohsiung Film Festival, Taiwan International Documentary Festival, Emmy Awards, BAFTA, Seoul International Drama Awards, Golden Globe Awards, Golden Bell Awards, New York Festivals International Television & Film Awards, British Academy Television Awards, Grammy Awards, BRIT Awards, American Music Awards, MTV Europe Music Awards, Golden Melody Awards, NRJ Music Awards, Billboard Music Awards, Golden Indie Music Awards, Japan Record Awards, Juno Awards, Mercury Prize, Golden Disc Awards, and film festival awards listed in Table 1 of the Regulations for Funding Film Industry and Film Professionals’ Participation in International Film Festivals established by the MOC’s Bureau of Audiovisual and Music Industry Development, as well as other awards whose qualifications have been reviewed and

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your previous




or pop music juristic

person or

organization, and has at least five years’

relevant work experience.

c. Has made special contributions to film, broadcast, or pop music, and has at least five years’ relevant work experience.

d. Other individuals

reviewed and

validated by the Ministry of Culture.

verified by the MOC.


1. Copy of proof of employment as a top executive at a medium-sized or larger film, broadcast, or pop music juristic person or organization.

2. Copy of proof of five years’ work experience in the fields of film, broadcast, or pop music.

(a. Definition of international medium-size enterprise: A company/organization having subsidiaries/branches in at least two countries, wherein the parent company has effective control or control over policy. The company/organization should engage in transnational production, and the scope of its efforts should include film, broadcast, or pop music. The film, broadcast, or pop music juristic person/ organization should also meet at least one of the following conditions: a) have 50 or more employees; b) regional annual net operating revenue equal to or higher than NT$350 million (includes registered public and private enterprises).

b. Definition of top executive: An individual who has served as department head or higher at a juristic person or organization, such as a CEO, general manager, assistant manager, director-general, or other similar position.)


1. Copy of professional certificate, professional training certificate, copyright, thesis, patent or other certification of innovation or outstanding performance from the film, broadcast, or pop music industry; or copy of recommendation or verification from other official organizations such as the United Nations, public agencies of the



person’s nation, or foreign representative offices in Taiwan.

2. Copy of proof of five years’ work experience in the fields of film, broadcast, or pop music.

IV. Copy of verification by the Ministry of Culture of documentation related to film, broadcast, or pop music

5.  Handicraft

a. Previously awarded in nationally or internationally


competition relevant to handicraft;

b. Previously recognized as preserver of handicraft techniques by nationally or internationally


organization or foreign government;


I. Nationally or internationally recognized competitions: Talente Munich; ITAMI International Craft Exhibition; International Ceramics Competition Mino, Japan;

Faenza Prize; Cheongju International Craft Biennale; and other competitions acknowledged of by the MOC.

II. Nationally or internationally recognized organization: The World Crafts Council, UNESCO, or other international organizations, as well as organizations acknowledged of by the MOC.

III. Documentation concerning important handicraft patents obtained within the past 10 years must be appended.


i. Certification of professional abilities in a handicraft.

ii. Documentation or other information concerning involvement in corporate R&D projects done with a grant from or in cooperation with the government of Taiwan or other countries. (Note: “Domestic” in the aforementioned indicates participating in the Small Business Innovation Research Program or winning the Business Startup Award run by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, etc. Foreign awards will be approved of on a case-by-case basis.)

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c. Have obtained an important handicraft patent (must be verified by the competent authority).

d. In addition to professional

handicraft certification,

experience working on corporate R&D on handicraft done with a grant from or in cooperation with the government of Taiwan or another country.

e. Other individuals

reviewed and

validated by the Ministry of Culture.

乙、 Proof of accomplishments in a handicraft acknowledged by the MOC.



6.  Cultural administration

a. Previously serving in culture and arts department of domestic or foreign government, or culture and arts institutions established by law or as expert or researcher, having culture and arts portfolio with outstanding

performance in addition;

b. Currently or

previously serving international non- governmental

organization, having culture and arts portfolio with

I. Proof of serving for cultural institutions or technological and research bodies related to arts and culture, which are lawfully established nationwide and abroad, together with copies of recommendation letters from the institution

II. Proof of serving in arts and cultural sections of an international arts NGO, together with copies of recommendation letters from the NGO.

(Please refer to the UNESCO website for examples of arts NGOs:


acronym_ value=&field_interest_value=All& field_ postal_address_country=All) III. Proof of accomplishments in arts administration and cultural management

acknowledged by the MOC

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your previous





performance in addition; or,

c. other individuals

reviewed and

validated by the Ministry of Culture.


 Those with experience in the “new” cultural industries

a. Have experience as a manager or core member of an R&D team that has helped with an IPO of a company in a cultural and creative industry overseen by the Ministry of Culture (including visual arts,

music and

I. Append all of the following:

1. News clippings or other supporting documentation concerning the IPO on a foreign exchange.

2. For high-level managers working in a managerial capacity at the aforementioned enterprise, certification of related work or resignation. For core R&D team members, certification of related work on or resignation from this position.

II. Append all of the following:

1. News clippings or other supporting documentation concerning the IPO of other companies on a foreign exchange.

2. News clippings or other documentation concerning the firm’s acquisition at or over US$3 million by a publicly traded company.

3. For high-level managers working in a managerial capacity at the aforementioned enterprise, certification of related work or resignation. For core R&D team members, certification of related work on or resignation

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your previous




performance art, cultural assets application and exhibition and performance facility, handicraft, film, radio and television broadcast, publication, pop music, and cultural content) in another country.

b. Have experience as a high-level manager or core member of an R&D team that has been involved with a merger with a public company in a cultural and creative industry overseen by the

from this position.

III. Append all of the following:

For high-level managers working in a managerial capacity at the aforementioned enterprise, certification of related work or resignation, as well as one or all of the following:

1. Managerial experience at a venture capital firm or fund that has invested in innovation or business overseas valued at over US$3 million.

2. Experience as a high-level manager at a venture capital firm or fund investing at least US$600,000 in an innovation or business project in connection with a Taiwan government project.

IV. Append all of the following: related documentation.

(Note: Industries overseen by the MOC are those listed in Paragraph 1 to Paragraph 7 and Paragraph 15 of Article 3 of the Development of the Cultural and Creative Industries Act, and include the visual arts, music and performance art, cultural assets application and exhibition and performance facility, handicraft, film, radio and television broadcast, publication, pop music, and cultural content.)



Ministry of Culture (including visual arts,

music and

performance art, cultural assets application and exhibition and performance facility, handicraft, film, radio and television broadcast, publication, pop music, and cultural content) in another country.

c. Have experience as a manager of a venture capital company or fund that has invested overseas or has participated in a



Taiwan government project in an industry overseen by the Ministry of Culture (including visual arts,

music and

performance art, cultural assets application and exhibition and performance facility, handicraft, film, radio and television broadcast, publication, pop music, and cultural content) in another country.

d. Other individuals

reviewed and

validated by the



Ministry of Culture.



A Journey on Learning the Arts for Senior Secondary Student.

Department of Education, Training and the Arts, Queensland Government. Vocational Education and

Summarising the whole study, the authors believe that with the evidence, a liberal-arts mathematics course with an emphasis on the culture and history of the discipline can

Master Taixu has always thought of Buddhist arts as important, the need to protect Buddhist arts, and using different forms of method to propagate the Buddha's teachings.. However,

Twilight of the Gods: The Beatles in Retrospect (London 1973).. The Complete Beatles Recording Sessions

(Keywords: general education, learning passport, language skills, cultivation in humanity, activities of music and arts, democracy and constitutionalism, the silky way over

(Keywords: general education, learning passport, cultivation in humanity, activities of music and arts, democracy and constitutionalism, the silky way over the sea).. The

(Keywords: general education, learning passport, cultivation in humanity, activities of music and arts, democracy and constitutionalism, the silky way over the sea).. The