On P vs NP
aThe density of language L ⊆ Σ∗ is defined as densL(n) = |{x ∈ L : | x | ≤ n}|.
• If L = {0, 1}∗, then densL(n) = 2n+1 − 1.
• So the density function grows at most exponentially.
• For a unary language L ⊆ {0}∗,
densL(n) ≤ n + 1.
– Because L ⊆ {ǫ, 0, 00, . . . ,
z }| {
00 · · · 0, . . .}.
• Sparse languages are languages with polynomially bounded density functions.
• Dense languages are languages with superpolynomial density functions.
Self-Reducibility for sat
• An algorithm exploits self-reducibility if it reduces the problem to the same problem with a smaller size.
• Let φ be a boolean expression in n variables x1, x2, . . . , xn.
• t ∈ {0, 1}j is a partial truth assignment for x1, x2, . . . , xj.
• φ[ t ] denotes the expression after substituting the truth values of t for x1, x2, . . . , x| t | in φ.
An Algorithm for sat with Self-Reduction
We call the algorithm below with empty t.
1: if | t | = n then
2: return φ[ t ];
3: else
4: return φ[ t0 ] ∨ φ[ t1 ];
5: end if
The above algorithm runs in exponential time, by visiting all the partial assignments (or nodes on a depth-n binary tree).
NP-Completeness and Density
aTheorem 78 If a unary language U ⊆ {0}∗ is NP-complete, then P = NP.
• Suppose there is a reduction R from sat to U .
• We shall use R to guide us in finding the truth
assignment that satisfies a given boolean expression φ with n variables if it is satisfiable.
• Specifically, we use R to prune the exponential-time exhaustive search on p. 611.
• The trick is to keep the already discovered results φ[ t ] in a table H.
1: if | t | = n then
2: return φ[ t ];
3: else
4: if (R(φ[ t ]), v) is in table H then
5: return v;
6: else
7: if φ[ t0 ] = “satisfiable” or φ[ t1 ] = “satisfiable” then
8: Insert (R(φ[ t ]), 1) into H;
9: return “satisfiable”;
10: else
11: Insert (R(φ[ t ]), 0) into H;
12: return “unsatisfiable”;
13: end if
14: end if
The Proof (continued)
• Since R is a reduction, R(φ[ t ]) = R(φ[ t′ ]) implies that φ[ t ] and φ[ t′ ] must be both satisfiable or unsatisfiable.
• R(φ[ t ]) has polynomial length ≤ p(n) because R runs in log space.
• As R maps to unary numbers, there are only polynomially many p(n) values of R(φ[ t ]).
• How many nodes of the complete binary tree (of invocations/truth assignments) need to be visited?
• If that number is a polynomial, the overall algorithm
The Proof (continued)
• A search of the table takes time O(p(n)) in the random access memory model.
• The running time is O(M p(n)), where M is the total number of invocations of the algorithm.
• The invocations of the algorithm form a binary tree of depth at most n.
The Proof (continued)
• There is a set T = {t1, t2, . . .} of invocations (partial truth assignments, i.e.) such that:
– |T | ≥ (M − 1)/(2n).
– All invocations in T are recursive (nonleaves).
– None of the elements of T is a prefix of another.
The Proof (continued)
• All invocations t ∈ T have different R(φ[ t ]) values.
– None of s, t ∈ T is a prefix of another.
– The invocation of one started after the invocation of the other had terminated.
– If they had the same value, the one that was invoked second would have looked it up, and therefore would not be recursive, a contradiction.
• The existence of T implies that there are at least (M − 1)/(2n) different R(φ[ t ]) values in the table.
The Proof (concluded)
• We already know that there are at most p(n) such values.
• Hence (M − 1)/(2n) ≤ p(n).
• Thus M ≤ 2np(n) + 1.
• The running time is therefore O(M p(n)) = O(np2(n)).
• We comment that this theorem holds for any sparse language, not just unary ones.a
aMahaney (1980).
coNP-Completeness and Density
Theorem 79 (Fortung (1979)) If a unary language U ⊆ {0}∗ is coNP-complete, then P = NP.
• Suppose there is a reduction R from sat complement to U .
• The rest of the proof is basically identical except that, now, we want to make sure a formula is unsatisfiable.
a• We will be considering TMs with access to a
“subroutine” or black box.
• This black box solves a language problem L (such as sat) in one step.
• By presenting an input x to the black box, in one step the black box returns “yes” or “no” depending on
whether x ∈ L.
• This black box is called aptly an oracle.
aTuring (1936).
Oracle Turing Machines
• A Turing machine M? with oracle is a multistring deterministic TM.
• It has a special string called the query string.
• It also has three special states:
– q? (the query state).
– qyes and qno (the answer states).
Oracle Turing Machines (concluded)
• Let A ⊆ Σ∗ be a language.
• From q?, M? moves to either qyes or qno depending on whether the current query string is in A or not.
– This piece of information can be used by M?. – Think of A as a black box or a vendor-supplied
• M? is otherwise like an ordinary TM.
• MA(x) denotes the computation of M? with oracle A on input x.
Complexity Measures of Oracle TMs
• The time complexity for oracle TMs is like that for ordinary TMs.
• Nondeterministic oracle TMs are defined in the same way.
• Let C be a deterministic or nondeterministic time complexity class.
• Define CA to be the class of all languages decided (or accepted) by machines in C with access to oracle A.
An Example
• sat complement ∈ Psat.
– Reverse the answer of sat oracle A as our answer.
1: if φ ∈ A then
2: return “no”; {φ is satisfiable.}
3: else
4: return “yes”; {φ is not satisfiable.}
5: end if
• As sat complement is coNP-complete (p. 344), coNP ⊆ Psat.
The Turing Reduction
• Recall L1 is reducible to L2 if there is a logspace function R such that x ∈ L1 ⇔ R(x) ∈ L2 (p. 195).
– It is called logspace reduction, Karp reduction (p. 197), or many-one reduction.
• But the reduction in proving L ∈ CA is more general.
– An algorithm B for C with access to A exists.
– B can call A many times within the resource bound.
– We say L is Turing-reducible to A.
Two Types of Reductions
Lemma 80 If L1 is (logspace-) reducible to L2, then L1 is Turing-reducible to L2.
• Logspace reduction is more restrictive than Turing reduction.
• It is Turing reduction with only one query to L2.
• Note also that a language in L also belongs in P.
Corollary 81 If L is complete under logspace-reductions, then L is complete under Turing reductions.
Two Types of Reductions (continued)
• Turing reduction is more general than (p. 627)—and equally valid as—logspace reduction.
x R
A? yes/no
x B yes/no
• This is true even if B runs in logarithmic space and
Two Types of Reductions (continued)
• Turing reduction is more powerful than logspace reduction.
• For example, there are languages A and B such that A is Turing-reducible to B but not logspace-reducible to B.a
• However, for the class NP, no such separation has been proved.b
aLadner, Lynch, and Selman (1975).
bIf we assume NP does not have p-measure 0, then separation exists (Lutz and Mayordomo (1996)).
Two Types of Reductions (concluded)
• The Turing reduction is adaptive.
– Later queries may depend on prior queries.
• If we restrict the Turing reduction to ask all queries
before receiving any answers, the reduction is called the truth-table reduction.
• Separation results exist for the Turing and truth-table reductions given some conjectures.a
aHitchcock and Pavan (2006).
The Power of Turing Reduction
• sat complement is not likely to be reducible to sat.
– Otherwise, coNP = NP as sat complement is coNP-complete (p. 344).
• But sat complement is polynomial-time Turing-reducible to sat.
– sat complement ∈ Psat (p. 625).
– True even though the oracle sat is called only once!
– The algorithm on p. 625 is not a logspace reduction.
Computation That Counts
Counting Problems
• Counting problems are concerned with the number of solutions.
– #sat: the number of satisfying truth assignments to a boolean formula.
– #hamiltonian path: the number of Hamiltonian paths in a graph.
• They cannot be easier than their decision versions.
– The decision problem has a solution if and only if the solution count is larger than 0.
• But they can be harder than their decision versions.
Decision and Counting Problems
• FP is the set of polynomial-time computable functions f : {0, 1}∗ → Z.
– GCD, LCM, matrix-matrix multiplication, etc.
• If #sat ∈ FP, then P = NP.
– Given boolean formula φ, calculate its number of satisfying truth assignments, k, in polynomial time.
– Declare “φ ∈ sat” if and only if k ≥ 1.
• The validity of the reverse direction is open.
A Counting Problem Harder than Its Decision Version
• Some counting problems are harder than their decision versions.
• cycle asks if a directed graph contains a cycle.
• #cycle counts the number of cycles in a directed graph.
• cycle is in P by a simple greedy algorithm.
• But #cycle is hard unless P = NP.
Counting Class #P
A function f is in #P (or f ∈ #P) if
• There exists a polynomial-time NTM M .
• M (x) has f (x) accepting paths for all inputs x.
• f (x) = number of accepting paths of M (x).
Some #P Problems
• f (φ) = number of satisfying truth assignments to φ.
– The desired NTM guesses a truth assignment T and accepts φ if and only if T |= φ.
– Hence f ∈ #P.
– f is also called #sat.
• #hamiltonian path.
• #3-coloring.
#P Completeness
• Function f is #P-complete if – f ∈ #P.
– #P ⊆ FPf.
∗ Every function in #P can be computed in
polynomial time with access to a black box or oracle for f .
– Of course, oracle f will be accessed only a polynomial number of times.
– #P is said to be polynomial-time
#sat Is #P-Complete
• First, it is in #P (p. 637).
• Let f ∈ #P compute the number of accepting paths of M .
• Cook’s theorem uses a parsimonious reduction from M on input x to an instance φ of sat (p. 247).
– Hence the number of accepting paths of M (x) equals the number of satisfying truth assignments to φ.
• Call the oracle #sat with φ to obtain the desired answer regarding f (x).
cycle cover
• A set of node-disjoint cycles that cover all nodes in a directed graph is called a cycle cover.
• There are 3 cycle covers (in red) above.
cycle cover and bipartite perfect matching
Proposition 82 cycle cover and bipartite perfect matching (p. 390) are parsimoniously reducible to each other.
• A polynomial-time algorithm creates a bipartite graph G′ from any directed graph G.
• Moreover, the number cycle covers for G equals the number of bipartite perfect matchings for G′.
• And vice versa.
Corollary 83 cycle cover ∈ P .
Illustration of the Proof
w4 w3
w2 w5
• The permanent of an n × n integer matrix A is
perm(A) = X
Yn i=1
– π ranges over all permutations of n elements.
• 0/1 permanent computes the permanent of a 0/1 (binary) matrix.
– The permanent of a binary matrix is at most n!.
• Simpler than determinant (5) on p. 392: no signs.
• But, surprisingly, much harder to compute than
Permanent and Counting Perfect Matchings
• bipartite perfect matching is related to determinant (p. 393).
• #bipartite perfect matching is related to permanent.
Proposition 84 0/1 permanent and bipartite perfect matching are parsimoniously reducible to each other.
The Proof
• Given a bipartite graph G, construct an n × n binary matrix A.
– The (i, j)th entry Aij is 1 if (i, j) ∈ E and 0 otherwise.
• Then perm(A) = number of perfect matchings in G.
Illustration of the Proof Based on p. 642 (Left)
A =
0 0 1 1 0
0 1 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 1
1 0 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1
• perm(A) = 4.
• The permutation corresponding to the perfect matching
Permanent and Counting Cycle Covers
Proposition 85 0/1 permanent and cycle cover are parsimoniously reducible to each other.
• Let A be the adjacency matrix of the graph on p. 642 (right).
• Then perm(A) = number of cycle covers.
Three Parsimoniously Equivalent Problems
From Propositions 82 (p. 641) and 84 (p. 644), we summarize:
Lemma 86 0/1 permanent, bipartite perfect matching, and cycle cover are parsimoniously equivalent.
We will show that the counting versions of all three problems are in fact #P-complete.
weighted cycle cover
• Consider a directed graph G with integer weights on the edges.
• The weight of a cycle cover is the product of its edge weights.
• The cycle count of G is sum of the weights of all cycle covers.
– Let A be G’s adjacency matrix but Aij = wi if the edge (i, j) has weight wi.
– Then perm(A) = G’s cycle count (same proof as Proposition 85 on p. 647).
An Example
3 4
There are 3 cycle covers, and the cycle count is
(4 · 1 · 1) · (1) + (1 · 1) · (2 · 3) + (4 · 2 · 1 · 1) = 18.
Three #P-Complete Counting Problems
Theorem 87 (Valiant (1979)) 0/1 permanent,
#bipartite perfect matching, and #cycle cover are
• By Lemma 86 (p. 648), it suffices to prove that #cycle cover is #P-complete.
• #sat is #P-complete (p. 639).
• #3sat is #P-complete because it and #sat are parsimoniously equivalent (p. 256).
• We shall prove that #3sat is polynomial-time Turing-reducible to #cycle cover.
The Proof (continued)
• Let φ be the given 3sat formula.
– It contains n variables and m clauses (hence 3m literals).
– It has #φ satisfying truth assignments.
• First we construct a weighted directed graph H with cycle count
#H = 43m × #φ.
• Then we construct an unweighted directed graph G.
• We make sure #H (hence #φ) is polynomial-time
The Proof: the Clause Gadget (continued)
• Each clause is associated with a clause gadget.
• Each edge has weight 1 unless stated otherwise.
• Each bold edge corresponds to one literal in the clause.
• There are not parallel lines as bold edges are schematic
The Proof: the Clause Gadget (continued)
• Following a bold edge means making the literal false (0).
• A cycle cover cannot select all 3 bold edges.
– The interior node would be missing.
• Every proper nonempty subset of bold edges corresponds to a unique cycle cover of weight 1 (see next page).
The Proof: the Clause Gadget (continued)
7 possible cycle covers, one for each satisfying assignment:
(1) a = 0, b = 0, c = 1, (2) a = 0, b = 1, c = 0, etc.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
The Proof: the XOR Gadget (continued)
- 1
- 1
- 1
The Proof: Properties of the XOR Gadget (continued)
• The XOR gadget schema:
u u'
v' v
• At most one of the 2 schematic edges will be included in a cycle cover.
• There will be 3m XOR gadgets, one for each literal.
The Proof: Properties of the XOR Gadget (continued)
Total weight of −1 − 2 + 6 − 3 = 0 for cycle covers not entering or leaving it.
- 1
v - 1
- 1
u u'
u u'
The Proof: Properties of the XOR Gadget (continued)
• Total weight of −1 + 1 − 6 + 2 + 3 + 1 = 0 for cycle covers entering at u and leaving at v′.a
- 1
- 1
2 3
v 3
• Same for cycle covers entering at v and leaving at u′.
aCorrected by Mr. Yu-Tshung Dai (B91201046) and Mr. Che-Wei
The Proof: Properties of the XOR Gadget (continued)
• Total weight of 1 + 2 + 2 − 1 + 1 − 1 = 4 for cycle covers entering at u and leaving at u′.
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1 - 1
- 1
The Proof: Summary (continued)
• Cycle covers not entering all of the XOR gadgets contribute 0 to the cycle count.
– Let x denote an XOR gadget not entered for a cycle cover c.
– Now, the said cycle covers’ total contribution is
= X
cycle cover c for H
= X
cycle cover c for H − x
weight(c) X
cycle cover c for x
= X
cycle cover c for H − x
weight(c) · 0
= 0.
The Proof: Summary (continued)
• Cycle covers entering any of the XOR gadgets and leaving illegally contribute 0 to the cycle count.
• For every XOR gadget entered and exited legally, the total weight of a cycle cover is multiplied by 4.
– With an XOR gadget x entered and exited legally fixed,
contributions of such cycle covers to the cycle count X
cycle cover c for H
= X
cycle cover c for H − x
weight(c) X
cycle cover c for x
The Proof: Summary (continued)
• Hereafter we consider only cycle covers which enter every XOR gadget and leaves it legally.
– Only these cycle covers contribute nonzero weights to the cycle count.
• They are said to respect the XOR gadgets.
The Proof: the Choice Gadget (continued)
• One choice gadget (a schema) for each variable.
x x
• It gives the truth assignment for the variable.
Schema for (w ∨ x ∨ ¯ y ) ∧ (¯ x ∨ ¯ y ∨ ¯ z )
w w x x y y z z
y x
+ + + + + +
Full Graph (w ∨ x ∨ ¯ y) ∧ (¯ x ∨ ¯ y ∨ ¯ z )
w w x x y y z z
y x
y z
The Proof: a Key Observation (continued)
Each satisfying truth assignment to φ corresponds to a schematic cycle cover that respects the XOR gadgets.
w = 1, x = 0, y = 0, z = 1 ⇔ One Cycle Cover
w w x x y y z z
y x
+ + + + + +
The Proof: a Key Corollary (continued)
• Recall that there are 3m XOR gadgets.
• Each satisfying truth assignment to φ contributes 43m to the cycle count #H.
• Hence
#H = 43m × #φ, as desired.