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GMRES: Generalized Minimal Residual Algorithm for Solving Nonsymmetric Linear Systems


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GMRES: Generalized Minimal Residual Algorithm for Solving Nonsymmetric Linear Systems

Tsung-Ming Huang

Department of Mathematics National Taiwan Normal University

December 4, 2011


Ref: SISC, 1984, Saad

Theorem 1 (Implicit Q theorem)

Let AV1= V1H1 and AV2 = V2H2, where H1, H2 are Hessenberg and V1, V2 are unitary with V1e1 = V2e1 = q1. Then V1= V2 and H1= H2.



v1 v2 · · · vn  =  v1 v2 · · · vn 

h11 h12 · · · h1n

h21 h22 h2n

. .. . .. ... hn,n−1 hnn


viTvj = δij, i, j = 1, ..., n


Arnoldi Algorithm

Input: Given v1 with kv1k2 = 1;

Output: Arnoldi factorization: AVk= VkHk+ hk+1,kvk+1eTk.

1: Set k = 0.

2: repeat

3: Compute hik = (Avk, vi) for i = 1, 2, . . . , k;

4: Compute ˜vk+1= Avk−Pk


5: Compute hk+1,k = k˜vk+1k2;

6: Compute vk+1= ˜vk+1/hk+1,k;

7: Set k = k + 1;

8: until convergent


Remark 1

(a) Let Vk= [v1, · · · , vk] ∈ Rn×k where vj, for j = 1, . . . , k, is generated by Arnoldi algorithm. Then Hk≡ VkTAVk is upper k × k Hessenberg.

(b) Arnoldi’s original method was a Galerkin method for approximate the eigenvalue of A by Hk.


In order to solve Ax = b by the Galerkin method using < Kk>≡< Vk>, we seek an approximate solution xk= x0+ zk with

zk∈ Kk=< r0, Ar0, · · · , Ak−1r0 >

and r0 = b − Ax0. Definition 2

{xk} is said to be satisfied the Galerkin condition if rk≡ b − Axk is orthogonal to Kk for each k.

The Galerkin method can be stated as that find

xk= x0+ zk with zk∈ Vk (1) such that

(b − Axk, v) = 0, ∀ v ∈ Vk,


which is equivalent to find

zk≡ Vkyk∈ Vk (2)

such that

(r0− Azk, v) = 0, ∀ v ∈ Vk. (3) Substituting (2) into (3), we get

VkT(r0− AVkyk) = 0, which implies that

yk= (VkTAVk)−1kr0ke1. (4)


Since Vk is computed by the Arnoldi algorithm with v1 = r0/kr0k, yk in (4) can be represented as

yk = Hk−1kr0ke1. Substituting it into (2) and (1), we get

xk= x0+ VkHk−1kr0ke1.

Using the result that AVk= VkHk+ hk+1,kvk+1eTk, rk can be reformulated as

rk = b − Axk = r0− AVkyk= r0− (VkHk+ hk+1,kvk+1eTk)yk

= r0− Vkkr0ke1− hk+1,keTkykvk+1 = −(hk+1,keTkyk)vk+1.


The generalized minimal residual (GMRES) algorithm

The approximate solution of the form x0+ zk, which minimizes the residual norm over zk∈ Kk, can in principle be obtained by following algorithms:

The ORTHODIR algorithm of Jea and Young;

the generalized conjugate residual method (GCR);



Vk= [v1, · · · , vk] , H˜k=

h1,1 h1,2 · · · h1,k

h2,1 h2,2 · · · h2,k 0 . .. . .. ...

... . .. hk,k−1 hk,k

0 · · · 0 hk+1,k

∈ R(k+1)×k.


By Arnoldi algorithm, we have

AVk= Vk+1k. (5)

To solve the least square problem:


kro− Azk2= min


kb − A(xo+ z)k2, (6) where Kk =< ro, Aro, · · · , Ak−1ro >=< v1, · · · , vk> with v1 = krro



Set z = Vky, the least square problem (6) is equivalent to min


J (y) = min


kβv1− AVkyk2, β = krok2. (7)

Using (5), we have J (y) = kVk+1

βe1− ˜Hky

k2 = kβe1− ˜Hkyk2. (8) Hence, the solution of the least square (6) is

xk= xo+ Vkyk,

where yk minimize the function J (y) defined by (8) over y ∈ Rk.


GMRES Algorithm

Input: Choose x0, compute r0= b − Ax0 and v1 = r0/kr0k;

Output: Solution of linear system Ax = b.

1: for j = 1, 2, . . . , k do

2: Compute hij = (Avj, vi) for i = 1, 2, . . . , j;

3: Compute ˜vj+1= Avj −Pj


4: Compute hj+1,j = k˜vj+1k2;

5: Compute vj+1= ˜vj+1/hj+1,j;

6: end for

7: Form the solution:

xk= x0+ Vkyk, where yk minimizes J (y) in (8).

Difficulties: when k is increasing, storage for vj, like k, the number of multiplications is like 12k2N .


GMRES(m) Algorithm

Input: Choose x0, compute r0= b − Ax0 and v1 = r0/kr0k;

Output: Solution of linear system Ax = b.

1: for j = 1, 2, . . . , m do

2: Compute hij = (Avj, vi) for i = 1, 2, . . . , j;

3: Compute ˜vj+1= Avj −Pj


4: Compute hj+1,j = k˜vj+1k2;

5: Compute vj+1= ˜vj+1/hj+1,j;

6: end for

7: Form the solution:

xm= x0+ Vmym, where ym minimizes k βe1− eHmy k for y ∈ Rm.

8: Restart: Compute rm = b − Axm;

9: if krmk is small, then

10: stop,


Practical Implementation: Consider QR factorization of eHk

Consider the matrix eHk. We want to solve the least squares problem:



k βe1− eHky k2. Assume Givens rotations Fi , i = 1, . . . , j such that

Fj· · · F1Hej =Fj· · · F1

× × × ×

× × × ×

0 × × ×

0 0 × ×

0 0 0 ×


× × × ×

× × ×

× ×


≡ Rj ∈ R(j+1)×j.


In order to obtain Rj+1 we must start by premultiptying the new column by the previous rotations.


× × × × +

× × × × +

0 × × × +

0 0 × × +

0 0 0 × +

0 0 0 0 +

⇒ Fj· · · F1Hej+1=

× × × × +

× × × +

× × +

× + 0 r

0 h

The principal upper (j + 1) × j submatrix is nothing but Rj, and

h := hj+2,j+1is not affected by the previous rotations. The next rotation Fj+1 defined by

 cj+1 ≡ r/(r2+ h2)1/2, sj+1 = −h/(r2+ h2)1/2.


Thus, after k steps of the above process, we have achieved QkHek = Rk

where Qk is a (k + 1) × (k + 1) unitary matrix and J (y) =k βe1− eHky k=k Qk

βe1− eHky

k=k gk− Rky k, (9) where gk ≡ Qkβe1. Since the last row of Rk is a zero row, the

minimization of (9) is achieved at yk= eR−1k egk , where eRk andegk are removed the last row of Rk and the last component of gk, respectively.

Proposition 1

k rk k=k b − Axkk=| The (k+1)-st component of gk|.


Proposition 2

The solution xj produced by GMRES at step j is exact which is equivalent to

(i) The algorithm breaks down at step j, (ii) v˜j+1= 0,

(iii) hj+1,j= 0,

(iv) The degree of the minimal polynomial of r0 is j.

Corollary 3

For an n × n problem GMRES terminates at most n steps.

This uncommon type of breakdown is sometimes referred to as a “Lucky”

breakdown is the context of the Lanczos algorithm.


Proposition 3

Suppose that A is diagonalizable so that A = XDX−1 and let ε(m)= min

p∈Pm,p(0)=1 max

λi∈σ(A) |p(λi)| . Then

krm+1k ≤ κ(X)ε(m)kr0k , where κ(X) = kXkkX−1k.

When A is positive real with symmetric part M , it holds that krmk ≤ [1 − α/β]m/2kr0k ,

where α = (λmin(M ))2 and β = λmax(ATA).


Theorem 4

Assume λ1, . . . , λν of A with positive(negative) real parts and the other eigenvalues enclosed in a circle centered at C with C > 0 and have radius R with C > R. Then

ε(m)≤ R C


j=ν+1,··· ,Nmax




i− λj|

i| ≤ D d

2 R C



D = max

i=1,··· ,ν j=ν+1,··· ,N

i− λj| and d = min

i=1,··· ,νi| .



Consider p(z) = r(z)q(z) where r(z) = (1 − z/λ1) · · · (1 − z/λν) and q(z) arbitrary polynomial of deg ≤ m − ν such that q(0) = 1. Since p(0) = 1 and p(λi) = 0, for i = 1, . . . , ν, we have

ε(m) ≤ max

j=ν+1,··· ,N|p(λj)| ≤ max

j=ν+1,··· ,N|r(λj)| max

j=ν+1,··· ,N|q(λj)| . It is easily seen that

j=ν+1,··· ,Nmax |r(λj)| = max

j=ν+1,··· ,N ν



i− λj|

i| ≤ D d



By maximum principle, the maximum of |q(z)| for z ∈ {λj}Nj=ν+1 is on the circle. Taking σ(z) = [(C − z)/C]m−ν whose maximum on the circle is (R/C)m−ν yields the desired result.


Corollary 5

Under the assumptions of Proposition 3 and Theorem 4, GMRES(m) converges for any initial x0 if

m > νLog DC



Log C R .



Proof of Implicit Q Theorem Let

A[q1 q2 · · · qn] = [q1 q2 · · · qn]

h11 h12 · · · · · · h1n

h21 h22 . .. ... 0 . .. . .. . .. ...


. . .. . .. . .. hn−1,n

0 · · · 0 hn,n−1 hnn

. (10)


Then we have

Aq1 = h11q1+ h21q2. (11) Since q1⊥q2, it implies that

h11= q1Aq1/q1q1. From (11), we get that


q2≡ h21q2= Aq1− h11q1. That is

q2 = ˜q2/k ˜q2k2 and h21= k ˜q2k2.


Similarly, from (10),

Aq2 = h12q1+ h22q2+ h32q3, where

h12= q1Aq2 and h22= q2Aq2. Let


q3 = Aq2− h12q1+ h22q2. Then

q3 = ˜q3/k ˜q3k2 and h32= k ˜q3k, and so on.


Therefore, [q1, · · · , qn] are uniquely determined by q1. Thus, uniqueness holds.

Let Kn= [v1, Av1, · · · , An−1v1] with kv1k2= 1 is nonsingular.

Kn= UnRnand Une1 = v1. Then

AKn= KnCn= [v1, Av1, · · · , An−1v1]

0 · · · 0 ∗ 1 . .. ... ∗ 0 . .. ... ... ...

... . .. ... 0 ...

0 · · · 0 1 ∗

. (12)


Since Kn is nonsingular, (12) implies that

A = KnCnKn−1= (UnRn)Cn(R−1n Un−1).

That is

AUn= Un(RnCnR−1n ),

where (RnCnRn−1) is Hessenberg and Une1 = v1. Because

< Un>=< Kn>, find AVn= VnHn by any method with Vne1 = v1, then it holds that Vn= Un, i.e., vn(i)= u(i)n for i = 1, · · · , n.

Back to Theorem


Definition 6 (Givens rotation)

A plane rotation (also called a Givens rotation) is a matrix of the form G =

 c s

−¯s c

where |c|2+ |s|2= 1.

Given a 6= 0 and b, set

v =p|a|2+ |b|2, c = |a|/v and s = a

|a| ·¯b v, then

 c s

−¯s c

  a b



v a



# .



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