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年 公 務 人 員 普 通 考 試 試 題


Academic year: 2022

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101 年 公 務 人 員 普 通 考 試 試 題

類 科:各類科

科 目:法學知識與英文(包括中華民國憲法、法學緒論、英文)

考試時間: 1 小時 座號:

※注意: 本試題為單一選擇題,請選出一個正確或最適當的答案,複選作答者,該題不予計分。

本科目共 50 題,每題 2 分,須用 2B 鉛筆在試卡上依題號清楚劃記,於本試題上作答者,不予計分。


代號:4401 頁次:4-1

1 行政院於會計年度結束後四個月內應向何一機關提出決算?

立法院 司法院 監察院 總統府

2 監察委員所提出之彈劾案,須經幾人以上之審查及決定?

 9 人  7 人  5 人  3 人

3 依憲法本文及增修條文之規定,下列有關司法院大法官之敘述,何者正確?





4 依憲法增修條文之規定,總統於立法院解散後發布緊急命令,立法院至少須於幾日內自行集會?

 2 日  3 日  5 日  7 日

5 下列何者並非行政院對立法院負責的方式?





6 下列何者非憲法增修條文所定有關總統發布緊急命令之條件?





7 下列何種制度為憲法人身自由權保障之內容?

聽證 檢察一體 審計 提審

8 依憲法增修條文之規定,憲法之修正須經出席立法委員多少比例之決議?

二分之一 三分之二 四分之三 五分之三

9 下列有關信賴保護原則的敘述,何者錯誤?




因公益之必要廢止法規,導致人民因信賴而生之利益受損害時,應採取合理之補救措施,或訂定過渡期間 之條款

10 在人權發展史上,下列何者是一般所公認最早之人權法典?

美國之獨立宣言 法國之人權宣言 英國之大憲章 世界人權宣言

11 依憲法增修條文第 12 條之規定,有關修憲案複決公告之規定,下列敘述何者正確?






代號:4401 頁次:4-2

12 關於憲法第 8 條人身自由的保障,司法院釋字第 639 號解釋之敘述,下列何者錯誤?

羈押之被告僅得向原法院聲請撤銷或變更該處分,不得提起抗告之審級救濟之法律規定,為立法機關基於 訴訟迅速進行之考量所為合理之限制,未逾立法裁量之範疇,與憲法第 16 條、第 23 條尚無違背

法律規定審判長、受命法官或受託法官得為羈押處分,與憲法第 8 條並無牴觸


憲法第 8 條所定之法院,包括依法獨立行使審判權之法官 13 下列有關勞工保險基金之敘述,何者錯誤?

政府提供補助 保險人繳納保費 雇主有其分擔額 為全體被保險人之私產

14 下列那一項不符合憲法上宗教信仰自由之精神?

國家不應強制人民信仰宗教 立法院得立法設立國教

人民有傳教之自由 人民不得因宗教信仰不同而受差別待遇

15 憲法第 150 條規定國家應普設平民金融機構,其目的為何?

防止通貨膨脹 促進產業升級

實現住者有其屋的理想 救濟失業

16 從法之淵源論,英美法系屬於不成文法系,單就美國法制,下列敘述,何者正確?



 1803 年 Marbury v. Madison 一案,樹立了州法優先原則


17 我國學者認為,判例不但有事實上的權威,而且依據法律有其拘束力,為補充法源。所謂依據法律有其拘束 力,見於:

司法院組織法 法院組織法 民事訴訟法 刑事訴訟法

18 就法律行為論,表意人直接意欲發生一定的私法效果而為一定之舉動,稱之為:

觀念通知 意思通知 情感表示 意思表示

19 下列法令,何者位階最高?

自治規則 下級自治團體自治條例

上級自治團體自治條例 自律規則

20 關於自己所有之物得否為刑法第 320 條第 1 項普通竊盜罪之行為客體的爭議,若援引立法理由關於財物得為 竊盜罪之客體者之五要件的陳述:「…(第五)物之所有權,不問屬於自己抑屬於他人,均得成立本罪。」


立法解釋 文理解釋 擴充解釋 歷史解釋

21 行政機關依法律授權發布的規章,稱為:

職務命令 法規命令 行政規則 職權命令

22 為避免人民有朝令夕改,無所適從之感,法律往往不溯及既往生效,此為:

適用原則 立法原則 訓示原則 變更原則

23 精神狀態正常之成年人張三,平時個性尚稱溫和,但酒後極易失態惹事生非,為張家製造無數困擾,張父有意 將其逐出家門,在張母斡旋勸導下,父子達成協議,簽署「父子關係終止」切結書。就法言法,此切結書:





24 為擴大對消費者之保護,消費者保護法與民法第 191 條之 1,均要求商品製造廠商承擔:

故意責任 過失責任 產品責任 契約責任

25 下列有關命令廢止之規定,何者錯誤?






代號:4401 頁次:4-3

26 行政程序法所稱行政機關,除了指代表國家、地方自治團體或其他行政主體表示意思,從事公共事務,具有單 獨法定地位之組織外,尚包括:





27 刑法第 131 條公務員圖利罪於民國 90 年進行修正時,將原規定「公務員對於主管或監督之事務,直接或間接圖 利者」,修改為「公務員對於主管或監督之事務,明知違背法令,直接或間接圖自己或其他私人不法利益,因 而獲得利益者」,其主要用意為:





28 依著作權法規定,著作財產權原則上存續於著作人之生存期間及其死亡後多少年?

 15 年  20 年  30 年  50 年

29 下列法律原則,何者並非本於法治國原理所衍生?

權力分立原則 個人主義原則

依法審判原則 法律優位原則

30 依地方制度法規定,人口聚居達多少人以上,且在政治、經濟、文化及都會區域發展上,有特殊需要之地區得 設直轄市?

 50 萬  100 萬  125 萬  150 萬

31 I am going to choose for my main course because I love seafood.

steak chicken pork lobster

32 To have enough food and water is a need of all people.

basic false bare remaining

33 The computer was to our project—without it, we couldn’t have finished our report in time.

efficient unnecessary problematic indispensable

34 All Taipei- flights have been canceled due to the heavy fog. Passengers could do nothing but wait for further notice.

built bound concerned confused

35 It is very rude of these naughty boys to their classmate’s new hair style.

take advantage of put an end to make fun of show respect for 36 The medicine does not seem to be , for all of his symptoms show no signs of improvement.

inventive poisonous comfortable effective 37 Mike his ankle and he had to walk with crutches for at least two months.

sprained sprinkled squeezed swelled 38 The defendant’s lawyer was so that the jury believed the innocence of the accused.

courteous ignorant obedient persuasive


代號:4401 頁次:4-4

請依下文回答第 39~41 題

Some of the most interesting words in English are the actual names of the people first involved in the activities suggested by the meanings of the words. The word boycott, 39 , derives from the case of Sir Charles Boycott (1832-97), a land agent in Ireland whose tenants expelled him because he refused to lower their rents. Vidkun Quisling’s name quickly became an infamous addition to the English language during World War Ⅱ. He was a Norwegian politician who betrayed his country to the Nazis, and his name, quisling, means 40 . Perhaps the most common example is the word sandwich, 41 the fourth Earl of Sandwich (1718-92), who created this quick portable meal so that he would not have to leave the gambling table to eat.

39 for instance such as in short as a result

40 traitor patriot trick foolishness

41 following from resulting in divided by named after 請依下文回答第 42~45 題

A condemned US inmate who turned from a gang leader to an anti-gang advocate 42 bars has been nominated for the 2006 Nobel peace prize, the college professor behind the nomination said Tuesday. Professor Philip Gasper of Notre Dame de Namur University in California has nominated convicted killer Stanley “Tookie” Williams for the prize five years 43 , according to Alice Kim of the Campaign to Stop the Death Penalty. A Swiss parliamentarian was the first to 44 Williams for the prize, Kim said. “I respect him for his willingness to be public with his stand against gangs and for peace, though he must 45 daily with a violent prison environment full of gang members and unfriendly prison officials, many of whom do not support his message or his work,” said Gasper.

42 behind of at within

43 on the scene for a while in a row under siege

44 award consult advise recommend

45 juggle cooperate cope accord

請依下文回答第 46~50 題

Together with the gorilla, the chimpanzee is our closest cousin in the animal world. Most people feel an immediate kinship with this great ape, with its large range of facial gestures, body postures, and expressive sounds.

The chimp has a skill once attributed only to humans but now known to occur in various animal groups—the use of simple tools. The chimp even makes its own tools for specific purposes. It will take a leafy twig and strip the leaves to make a long, thin stick for use as a termite catcher. The chimp pokes it through a narrow entrance into a termite nest, then it extracts the stick and licks off the juicy termites.

Chimps also crush leaves in their palms for use as sponges. They hold the leaves in water that they cannot reach with their mouths, such as that in a hollow log. Then they extract the leafy sponge and suck the moisture from it.

Like the young gorillas and humans, baby chimps have a long childhood, up to ten years in some cases. During this time, they find out how to feed and groom themselves, avoid danger, and communicate with other members of their group. Their behavior is partly instinctive. They also learn by observing other members of the group, and through trial and error.

46 What does “this great ape” refer to?

Chimp Gorilla Cousin Human

47 According to the passage, which of the following does NOT know how to use tools?

Chimps. Gorillas. Humans. Termites.

48 Paragraphs 2 and 3 emphasize the function of chimps’ .

feet hands mouths tails

49 For the water that the chimps cannot reach, they will use the to get it.

leaves logs sticks twigs

50 According to the last paragraph, which of the following is true about baby chimps?

They learn from other group members.

On average, their childhood lasts for more than ten years.

They learn how to avoid danger by grooming themselves.

They use tools like young gorillas and humans.



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