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第 貳 部 分 : 非 選 擇 題 ( 佔 3 6 分 )


Academic year: 2021

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99.5.13 適用班級:3、4、7、8


第 貳 部 分 : 非 選 擇 題 ( 佔 3 6 分 )

一 、 翻 譯 題 ( 佔 1 6 分 )





二 、 英 文 作 文 ( 佔 2 0 分 )

說明︰1.依提示在「答案卷」上寫一篇英文作文,題目:Cherish People Around Us。




99.05.13 適用班級:3、4、7、8


第 壹 部 分 : 選 擇 題 ( 佔 6 8 分 )

一、 字 彙 測 驗 :1 5 % ,第1-5題請選出一個與劃底線的字意義最接近的答案。第11-15題,


1. Overweight, we are advised to pay close attention to our daily diet.

(A) liked (B) related (C) suggested (D) treated

2. Research has shown that loneliness is harmful to health.

(A) bad (B) deep (C) free (D) heavy

3. The coach was proud because his basketball team won the championship.

(A) absent (B) famous (C) pleased (D) worried

4. Because of the heavy rain, Mr. Johnson drove down the hill very slowly and cautiously.

(A) carefully (B) naturally (C) quickly (D) entirely

5. Greenpeace, which aims to protect the environment, is an international institution.

(A) alternative (B) organization (C) expansion (D) invention 6. Many Allied airmen ______ in World War II escaped from German prison camps successfully.

(A) captured (B) murdered (C) realized (D) compared

7. Crime is growing at a rapid rate, ______ in urban areas.

(A) cheerfully (B) appropriately (C) reasonably (D) especially 8. Jane ______ to the waiter that her meal was cold.

(A) happened (B) celebrated (C) complained (D) admired

9. The famous singer’s wonderful voice made a deep ______ on the audience.

(A) progress (B) impression (C) promise (D) introduction

10. As thousands of new from Southeastern Asia have moved to Taiwan for work or marriage, we should try our best to help them adjust to our society.

(A) immigrants (B) messengers (C) possessors (D) agencies

11. Last winter’s snowstorms and freezing temperatures were quite for this region where warm and short winters are typical.

(A) fundamental (B) extraordinary (C) statistical (D) individual 12. The universe is full of wonders. Throughout history, people have been ______ by the mystery of

what lies beyond our planet.

(A) notified (B) complicated (C) fascinated (D) suspended

13. The need for educational reform is ______. Everybody realizes that no real improvements can be made without reform.

(A) notorious (B) sweltering (C) self-evident (D) divorced

14. The ______ of the Republic of China is a set of principles by which our country is governed.

(A) Constitution (B) Conversation (C) Conservation (D) Compromise 15. No one can ______ that everything in life will go as smoothly as we wish.

(A) refuse (B) guarantee (C) segregate (D) reveal


二 、 語 法 測 驗: 5 %

16. I dream of a world _______ all people will live in peace regardless of race, class or religion.

(A) which (B) what (C) where (D) when

17. This is the faith _______ I return to the South.

(A) in which (B) in that (C) with which (D) with that

18. It is high time that ________.

(A) to do something about deforestation.

(B) we must ban all child pornography on the Internet (C) the government ensures safety in the workplace

(D) we gave up our differences and worked for cooperation 19. _______ his hard work, he couldn’t make ends meet.

(A) Regardless (B) In spite that (C) Although (D) Despite 20. We should work together to ________ freedom and justice for all of God’s children.

(A) make real (B) make reality (C) make it possible (D) make possibly

三 、克 漏 字 測 驗 ( 佔 2 0 分 )

【 A 】The telephone is widely considered as the most rapidly evolving technological device today.

Many experts in the field believe that future phones will not only look very different— they may not even be 21 . They may be hidden in jewelry or accessories, or even embedded in the body. They will undoubtedly have a lot of additional features and 22 functions, and users may interact with them in new ways, too. 23 they are still called “phones”—a word meaning “voice” in Greek—making voice calls may no longer be their primary function. With advances in contemporary design and technology, the phones may 24 remote controls, house keys, Game Boys, maps, flashlights, health monitors, recorders, handguns, and so on. 25 , they will be “the remote-control for life.”

21. (A) heard (B) sold (C) changed (D) seen

22. (A) remote (B) scarce (C) novel (D) accidental

23. (A) As long as (B) Even if (C) Just as (D) Only when

24. (A) call for (B) get over (C) relate to (D) serve as

25. (A) In short (B) As yet (C) By the way (D) On the contrary

【B】The fruits and vegetables we eat often come in distinctive colors. The rich colors, 26 , are not there only to attract attention. They perform another important function for the plants.

Research shows that the substances 27 these colors actually protect plants from chemical damage. The colors come mainly from chemicals known as antioxidants. Plants make antioxidants to protect themselves from the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) light, 28 may cause harmful elements to form within the plant cells.

When we eat colorful fruits and vegetables, the coloring chemicals protect us, too. Typically, an intensely colored plant has 29 of these protective chemicals than a paler one does. Research on how chemicals in blueberries affect brain function even suggests that these chemicals may help our own brains work more 30 . In other words, eating richly colored fruits and vegetables makes us both healthier and smarter.

26. (A) almost (B) rarely (C) however (D) relatively


27. (A) capable of (B) different from (C) inferior to (D) responsible for

28. (A) which (B) that (C) what (D) such

29. (A) more (B) less (C) most (D) least

30. (A) obviously (B) diligently (C) efficiently (D) superficially

【C】 Many great colonists made an impact on American history. 3 1 them was Benjamin

Franklin, who left his mark as a writer, inventor, scientist and statesman. Franklin was born in Boston in 1706, in a very religious household. 3 2 he had less than two years of formal education, he enjoyed learning and read a lot of books. At age 12, he began writing articles for a newspaper, and that made 3 3 famous as a young writer.

In 1723, Franklin ran away to Philadelphia, 3 4 he started his own newspaper. He was very active in the Philadelphia community. He operated a bookstore and 35 postmaster. He also helped to establish a library, a fire company, a college, an insurance company and a hospital.

31. (A) Inside (B) Among (C) Within (D) Beside

32. (A) For (B) If (C) Perhaps (D) Although

33. (A) it (B) him (C) them (D) her

34. (A) who (B) which (C) where (D) what

35. (A) names (B) naming (C) was named (D) had named

【D】 In this famous speech of 1963, Martin Luther King begins by telling us that America has not 36 its constitution, because it has not 37 Negroes to enjoy the “inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” He goes on to insist that this situation must change, that racial inequity must be replaced with brotherhood. “Now is the time,” he says, “ 38 justice a reality for all of God’s children.”

In eloquence and religiously inspired language, King then describes his “dream”: that blacks and whites-and, indeed, people of all races and 39 - will one day live together 40 harmony, equality, and freedom.

36. (A) abided (B) carry out (C) follow (D) lived up to

37. (A) let (B) allowed (C) help (D) made

38. (A) making (B) make (C) to make (D) made

39. (A) religions (B) creatures (C) occupations (D) forms

40. (A) in (B) with (C) for (D) on

四 、 閱 讀 測 驗 ( 佔 2 4 分 )

【A】 The Retired Senior Volunteer Program ( RSVP ) offers those aged 55 and older a meaningful life through community volunteer service. Volunteers donate their time and energy regularly to

neighborhood watch programs, to helping people recover from natural disasters, and to providing transportation for doctors’ appointments, etc. In fact, plenty of other service opportunities exist for RSVP such as visiting nursing home residents, helping in senior nutrition centers, providing service at civic events, serving in health care institutions, and serving at public libraries. The rewards of being a volunteer are countless. For example, each year RSVP volunteers are recognized with a special banquet in their honor. The recognition also provides a time for the volunteers to gather together and enjoy a variety of entertainments. Research shows that volunteering promotes physical and


psychological well-being. During and after volunteering, 95 percent of people reported feelings of warmth, similar to those who feel happy and excited after exercise.

41. What is the passage mainly about?

(A) Opportunities and benefits for student volunteers.

(B) Services offered by RSVP for elders.

(C) The nature and advantages of joining RSVP.

(D) The recognition of special senior volunteers.

42. According to the passage, at what age can a person become qualified to join RSVP?

(A) 24 (B) 37 (C) 49 (D) 56

43. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as a volunteer work?

(A) Reading to children.

(B) Serving at libraries.

(C) Offering transportation for the sick.

(D) Visiting aged citizens at nursing homes.

44. In line 8, the word “their” refers to ______.

(A) volunteers’ (B) residents’ (C) institutions’ (D) libraries’

45. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

(A) Volunteers give money to nursing home residents.

(B) Volunteering gives one a feeling of happiness.

(C) Volunteers go to work only when they are invited.

(D) Volunteering is not rewarding at all.

【B】 During my ninth-grade year, I suffered from anorexia nervosa. It was not enough to be thin. I had to be the thinnest. Now, however, fully recovered, I can reflect back and realize that my wishes were more complex than fitting into size five pants. Many of my subconscious emotions were related to my relationship with my father. As I was growing up, his work always came first. Sometimes I would not see him for up to two weeks. Not only did he devote his whole self to his work, but he expected me to do the same (“You cannot get anywhere unless you go to the best universities!”). Though, consciously, I never felt pressure to please him, I began dieting after the first time he told me I looked fat.

At the time, all I knew was that I had to be skinny—skinnier than anyone else. Every month my father went to Europe for a week or so and on the days he left, sorrow and emptiness consumed me:

Daddy was leaving. Then, I turned to focus on a mysterious weakness—a helpless childlike emotion that came from starving. I liked to know that I needed to be taken care of; maybe Daddy would take care of me.

Now, two years later and thirty-eight pounds heavier, I have come to realize that I cannot alter my father’s inability to express his feelings. Instead, I must accept myself. I know that I am a valuable person who strives to achieve and accomplish. But I cannot strive solely for others. By starving, I attempted to gain pride in myself by obtaining my father’s approval or acknowledgment of my value as a person. But the primary approval must come from me, and I feel secure now that I can live with that knowledge safely locked in my mind.

46. What is “anorexia nervosa” as mentioned in the first paragraph?


(A) It is an inability to express one’s feelings.

(B) It describes a situation of feeling insecure.

(C) It refers to people who are emotionally unstable.

(D) It is an illness that makes one want to stop eating.

47. Why did the writer suffer from anorexia nervosa?

(A) She was told by her father to take care of herself.

(B) She wanted to go to the best university.

(C) She wanted her father’s attention.

(D) She grew up in a poor family.

48. Which of the following statements is true about the writer?

(A) She has problems controlling her tempers.

(B) She is proud of herself for working hard to succeed.

(C) She has had great confidence in herself since childhood.

(D) She has changed her father’s way of expressing himself.

49. What’s the writer’s purpose of writing this passage?

(A) To blame her father.

(B) To report a case of child abuse.

(C) To reflect on a stage of growing up.

(D) To teach people how to lose weight.

【C】 Africa is a land of many ethnic groups, but when Europeans carved Africa into colonies, they gave no consideration to the territories of African ethnic groups. Some borderlines were drawn that split same groups into different colonies. Other borders threw different groups together. Sometimes the groups thrown together were enemies.

When the colonies became independent nations, these same borderlines were often maintained.

Today, the Somali people remain split among Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, and Djibouti. On the other hand, almost every African nation is home to more than one ethnic group. In Nigeria, for example, live the Hausa, the Fulani, the Yoruba, the Ibo, and many smaller groups.

Conflicts have arisen over the way in which ethnic groups were split apart and thrown together.

For example, a war between Somalia and Ethiopia was fought because Somalis wanted all their people to be a part of one nation. A civil war in Nigeria, on the other hand, was triggered partly by conflicts between ethnic groups within that nation. Similar conflicts between ethnic groups arose in Chad, Zaire, and Burundi as well. One principal goal among African nations today, therefore, is to help make it possible for their many ethnic groups to live together in peace.

50. What happened to the territorial lines drawn in Africa by the Europeans?

(A) They disappeared as the Europeans no longer ruled the colonies.

(B) They were respected by different ethnic groups.

(C) They became borders between countries.

(D) They became war memorials.

51. What does the author think to be a reason for conflicts among the Africans?

(A) Most ethnic groups have established their own countries.

(B) One ethnic group is broken up among different countries.


(C) Some Europeans invaded Africa to increase their colonies.

(D) African nations fought the Europeans to expand their territories.

52. What is the best title for the passage?

(A) War and Peace in Africa (B) Africa: Borderlines Misplaced (C) European Colonization of Africa (D) Africa Recovered and Reconstructed

第 貳 部 分 : 非 選 擇 題 ( 佔 3 6 分 )

一 、 翻 譯 題 ( 佔 1 6 分 ) 53. 現在是實現民主承諾的時候了。

54. 人人生而平等。

55. 專家警告我們不應該再將食物價格低廉視為理所當然。

56. 每一個人都應為自由挺身而戰。

二 、 英 文 作 文 ( 佔 2 0 分 )

說明︰1.依提示在「答案卷」上寫一篇英文作文,題目:Cherish People Around Us。




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