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A Case Study on Business Strategy of X Furniture Manufacturing Company in Vietnam 黃雅芬、杜強國


Academic year: 2022

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A Case Study on Business Strategy of X Furniture Manufacturing Company in Vietnam 黃雅芬、杜強國

E-mail: 321512@mail.dyu.edu.tw


This research, through various times of case interview, aims to study the back-ground factors as well as mode of entry for Taiwanese furniture manufacturers to invest in Vietnam. Also this research conducts a study on the bussiness strategies of a case study furniture Manufacture in Vietnam. According to this study, high production costs in Taiwan have forced Taiwanese manu-facturers to relocate to other countries. This case study furniture maker chose to move to Vietnam. Its mode of entry was wholly owned. The factors that resulted in this case study maker’s relocation to Vietnam are low local production cost and low cost of fac-tory establishment. This case study maker focuses on making products with higher profits. Its produc-tion mode is mass customization.

For non-core products or low-profit products, this maker uses outside contractors, managing strategic sourcing. It actively responds to customers’ requests. It also places importance on management, training and benefit of its employ-ees. With adequate capital, emphasis on management and marketing, this case study furniture manufacturer makes good performance and continues to grow.

This research suggests that the case study maker pay more attention to risk man-agement on outside environment.

Keywords : furniture manufacture、business strategy、vietnam

Table of Contents

中文摘要 .....................iii 英文摘要 ....................

.iv 誌謝辭  .....................v 內容目錄 ...................

..vi 表目錄  .....................viii 圖目錄  .................

....ix 第一章  緒論...................1   第一節  研究背景與動機.......

.....1   第二節  研究目的...............2   第三節  研究範圍.........

......3   第四節  研究流程...............3 第二章  文獻回顧..........

.......4   第一節  經營策略...............4   第二節  家具業策略相關研究文獻

........11   第三節  台商赴越南投資策略相關研究文獻....25 第三章  研究設計.......

..........39   第一節  個案研究法..............39   第二節  個案公司說明.

............40   第三節  資料蒐集...............42   第四節  資料分析.

..............44   第五節  研究效度...............44 第四章  個案研究.

................47   第一節  越南家具產業分析...........47   第二節  個 案公司策略分析與研究發現......53 第五章  研究結論與建議..............88   第一節   研究結論...............88   第二節  研究建議...............91 參考文獻  .....................93 附錄A  訪談大綱.................100 REFERENCES

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