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Lessons from Developing Machine Learning Algorithms and Systems


Academic year: 2022

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Chih-Jen Lin

Department of Computer Science National Taiwan University

Talk at Nanyang Technological University, January 16, 2017


1 Introduction

2 Some lessons learned from developing machine learning packages

3 Challenges in designing future machine learning systems

4 Conclusions


1 Introduction

2 Some lessons learned from developing machine learning packages

3 Challenges in designing future machine learning systems

4 Conclusions



My past research has been on machine learning algorithms and software

In this talk, I will share our experiences in developing two packages

LIBSVM: 2000–now

A library for support vector machines LIBLINEAR: 2007–now

A library for large linear classification

To begin, let me shamelessly describe how these packages have been widely used


LIBSVM: now probably the most widely used SVM package

Its implementation document (Chang and Lin, 2011), maintained since 2001 and published in 2011, has been cited more than 29, 000 times (Google Scholar, 11/2016)

Citeseer (a CS citation indexing system) showed that it’s among the 10 most cited work in computer science history


Introduction (Cont’d)

For LIBLINEAR, it’s popularly used in Internet companies

The official paper (Fan et al., 2008) has been cited more than 4,400 times (Google Scholar, 11/2016) Citeseer shows it’s second highest cited CS paper published in 2008


So these past efforts were reasonably successful In the rest of this talk I will humbly share some lessons and thoughts from developing these packages


How I Got Started?

My Ph.D. study was in numerical optimization, a small area not belonging to any big field

In general, it studies something like

w ∈Rminnf (w ), subject to some constraints on w After joining a CS department, I found students were not interested in optimization theory

I happened to find that some machine learning papers must solve optimization problems

So I thought maybe we can redo some experiments


While redoing experiments in some published works, surprisingly my students and I had difficulties to reproduce some results

This doesn’t mean that these researchers gave fake results.

The reason is that as experts in that area, they may not clearly say some subtle steps

But of course I didn’t know because I was new to the area


How I Got Started? (Cont’d)

For example, assume you have the following data height gender

180 1

150 0

The first feature is in a large range, so some normalization or scaling is needed

After realizing that others may face similar problems, we felt that software including these subtle steps should be useful


Lesson: doing something useful to the community should always be our goal as a researcher

Nowadays we are constantly under the pressure to publish papers or get grants, but we should

remember that as a researcher, our real job is to solve problems

I will further illustrate this point by explaining how we started LIBLINEAR



In 2006, LIBSVM has been popularly used by researchers and engineers

In that year I went to Yahoo! Research for a 6-month visit

Engineers there told me that SVM couldn’t be applied for their web documents due to lengthy training time

To explain why that’s the case, let’s write down the SVM formulation


Given training data (yi, xi), i = 1, . . . , l , xi ∈ Rn, yi = ±1

Standard SVM (Boser et al., 1992) solves minw ,b


2wTw + C



i =1

max(1 − yi(wTφ(xi)+ b), 0)

| {z }

sum of losses

w2w /2: regularization to avoid overfitting Decision function

predicted label of x = sgn(wTφ(x ) + b)



Loss term: we hope

yi and wTφ(xi) + b have the same sign x is mapped to a higher (maybe infinite) dimensional space:

x → φ(x )

The reason is that with more features, data are more easily separated


However, the high dimensionality causes difficulties in training and prediction

People use kernel trick (Cortes and Vapnik, 1995) so that

K (xi, xj) ≡ φ(xi)Tφ(xj) can be easily calculated

All operations then rely on kernels (details omitted) Unfortunately, the training/prediction cost is still very high



At Yahoo! I found that these document sets have a large number of features

The reason is that they use the bag-of-words model

⇒ every English word corresponds to a feature After some experiments I realized that if each instance already has so many features

⇒ then a further mapping may not improve the performance much

Without mappings, we have linear classification:

φ(x ) = x


Comparison between linear and kernel

Linear RBF Kernel

Data set Time Accuracy Time Accuracy

MNIST38 0.1 96.82 38.1 99.70

ijcnn1 1.6 91.81 26.8 98.69

covtype 1.4 76.37 46,695.8 96.11

news20 1.1 96.95 383.2 96.90

real-sim 0.3 97.44 938.3 97.82

yahoo-japan 3.1 92.63 20,955.2 93.31 webspam 25.7 93.35 15,681.8 99.26 Size reasonably large: e.g., yahoo-japan: 140k instances and 830k features



Comparison between linear and kernel

Linear RBF Kernel

Data set Time Accuracy Time Accuracy

MNIST38 0.1 96.82 38.1 99.70

ijcnn1 1.6 91.81 26.8 98.69

covtype 1.4 76.37 46,695.8 96.11

news20 1.1 96.95 383.2 96.90

real-sim 0.3 97.44 938.3 97.82

yahoo-japan 3.1 92.63 20,955.2 93.31 webspam 25.7 93.35 15,681.8 99.26 Size reasonably large: e.g., yahoo-japan: 140k instances and 830k features


Comparison between linear and kernel

Linear RBF Kernel

Data set Time Accuracy Time Accuracy

MNIST38 0.1 96.82 38.1 99.70

ijcnn1 1.6 91.81 26.8 98.69

covtype 1.4 76.37 46,695.8 96.11

news20 1.1 96.95 383.2 96.90

real-sim 0.3 97.44 938.3 97.82

yahoo-japan 3.1 92.63 20,955.2 93.31 webspam 25.7 93.35 15,681.8 99.26 Size reasonably large: e.g., yahoo-japan: 140k instances and 830k features



We see that training time for linear is much shorter In the kernel SVM optimization problem, the

number of variables (length of w or φ(xi)) may be infinite

We cannot directly do the minimization over w Instead, people rely on a fact that

optimal w = X



and do the minimization over α


If we don’t do the mapping optimal w = X

i yiαixi

is a vector that can be written down

Then we are able to develop much more efficient optimization algorithms

After the Yahoo! visit, I spent the next 10 years on this research topic

This is a good example that I identify the industry needs and bring directions back to school for deep studies



1 Introduction

2 Some lessons learned from developing machine learning packages

3 Challenges in designing future machine learning systems

4 Conclusions


Nowadays people talk about “democratizing AI” or

“democratizing machine learning”

The reasons that not everybody is an ML expert Our development of easy-to-use SVM procedures is one of the early attempts to democratize ML


Most Users aren’t ML Experts (Cont’d)

For most users, what they hope is Prepare training and testing sets Run a package and get good results What we have seen over the years is that

Users expect good results right after using a method If method A doesn’t work, they switch to B

They may inappropriately use most methods they tried

From our experiences, ML packages should provide some simple and automatic/semi-automatic settings for users


These settings may not be the best, but easily give users some reasonable results

I will illustrate this point by a procedure we developed for SVM


Easy and Automatic Procedure

Let’s consider a practical example from astroparticle physics

1 2.61e+01 5.88e+01 -1.89e-01 1.25e+02 1 5.70e+01 2.21e+02 8.60e-02 1.22e+02 1 1.72e+01 1.73e+02 -1.29e-01 1.25e+02 ...

0 2.39e+01 3.89e+01 4.70e-01 1.25e+02 0 2.23e+01 2.26e+01 2.11e-01 1.01e+02 0 1.64e+01 3.92e+01 -9.91e-02 3.24e+01 Training set: 3,089 instances

Test set: 4,000 instances


The story behind this data set User:

I am using libsvm in a astroparticle physics application .. First, let me congratulate you to a really easy to use and nice package. Unfortunately, it gives me astonishingly bad results...

OK. Please send us your data

I am able to get 97% test accuracy. Is that good enough for you ?


You earned a copy of my PhD thesis


Easy and Automatic Procedure (Cont’d)

For this data set, direct training and testing yields 66.925% test accuracy

But training accuracy close to 100%

Overfitting occurs because some features are in large numeric ranges (details not explained here)


A simple solution is to scale each feature to [0, 1]

feature value − min max − min

For this problem, after scaling, test accuracy is increased to 96.15%

Scaling is a simple and useful step; but many users didn’t know it


Easy and Automatic Procedure (Cont’d)

For SVM and other machine learning methods, users must decide certain parameters

If SVM with Gaussian (RBF) kernel is used, K (xi, xj) = e−γkxi−xjk2

then γ (kernel parameter) and C (regularization parameter) must be decided

Sometimes we need to properly select parameters

⇒ but users may not be aware of this step


After helping many users, we came up with a simple procedure

1. Conduct simple scaling on the data

2. Consider RBF kernel K (xi, xj) = e−γkxi−xjk2

3. Use cross-validation to find the best parameter C and γ

4. Use the best C and γ to train the whole training set 5. Test


Easy and Automatic Procedure (Cont’d)

We proposed this procedure in an “SVM guide”

(Hsu et al., 2003) and implemented it in LIBSVM This procedure has been tremendously useful.

Now almost the standard thing to do for SVM beginners

The guide (never published) was cited more than 4,800 times (Google Scholar, 11/16)

Lesson: an easy and automatic setting is very important for users


An earlier Google research blog “Lessons learned developing a practical large scale machine learning system” by Simon Tong

From the blog, “It is perhaps less academically interesting to design an algorithm that is slightly worse in accuracy, but that has greater ease of use and system reliability. However, in our experience, it is very valuable in practice.”

That is, a complicated method with a slightly higher accuracy may not be useful in practice


Users are Our Teachers

While doing software is sometimes not considered as research, users help to point out many useful


Example: LIBSVM supported only two-class classification in the beginning.

In standard SVM,

label y = +1 or − 1,

but what if we would like to do digit (0, . . . , 9) recognition?


At that time I was new to ML. I didn’t know how many real-world problems are multi-class

From many users’ requests, we realize the importance of multi-class classification

LIBSVM is among the first SVM software to handle multi-class data.

We finished a study on multi-class SVM (Hsu and Lin, 2002) that eventually becomes very highly cited.

More than 6,300 citations on Google Scholar (11/16)


Users are Our Teachers (Cont’d)

Another example is probability outputs SVM does not directly give

P(y = 1|x ) and P(y = −1|x ) = 1 − P(y = 1|x ) A popular approach to generate SVM probability outputs is by Platt (2000)

But it’s for two-class situations only


Many users asked about multi-class probability outputs

Thus we did a study in Wu et al. (2004), which has also been highly cited

Around 1,500 citations on Google Scholar (11/16) Lesson: users help to identify what are useful and what are not.


Optimization and Machine Learning

I mentioned that a useful ML method doesn’t need to be always the best

However, we still hope to get good performance with efficient training/prediction

Therefore, in my past research, algorithm development plays an important role

In particular, I worked a lot on optimization algorithms for ML



Many classification methods (e.g., SVM, neural networks) involve optimization problems

For example, SVM solves

minw ,b


2wTw + C



i =1

max(1 − yi(wTφ(xi) + b), 0),

Recall I mentioned that my Ph.D. study was in numerical optimization


Optimization and Machine Learning (Cont’d)

By the time when I graduated, all the fundamental theory/algorithms for general optimization problems

w ∈Rminnf (w ), subject to some constraints on w have been done

That is also one reason I decided to move to ML However, notice that f (w ) of ML problems often has special structures/properties



For example, we see the loss term is max(1 − yi(wTxi + b), 0) It can be separated to two parts

max(1 − yidi, 0) (1) and

di = wTxi + b (2) (1) is cheap to calculate, but isn’t linear

(2) is expensive, but is linear


Optimization and Machine Learning (Cont’d)

In developing LIBSVM and LIBLINEAR, we design suitable optimization methods for these special optimization problems

Some methods are completely new, but some are modification of general optimization algorithms Lesson: even if you are in a mature area, applying techniques to other areas can sometimes lead to breakthroughs

Scenarios are different. In a different area you might have special structures and properties



But what if this specialized f (w ) turns out to be not useful?

Everyday new ML methods (and optimization formulas) are being proposed

That’s true. But we don’t know beforehand. We simply need to think deeply and take risks. Further, failure is an option



1 Introduction

2 Some lessons learned from developing machine learning packages

3 Challenges in designing future machine learning systems

4 Conclusions


Many researchers now release experiment code used for their papers

Reason: experiments can be reproduced

This is important, but experiment code is different from software

Experiment code often includes messy scripts for various settings in the paper – useful for reviewers Software: for general users

One or a few reasonable settings with a suitable interface are enough


Software versus Experiment Code (Cont’d)

Reproducibility different from replicability (Drummond, 2009)

Replicability: make sure things work on the sets used in the paper

Reproducibility: ensure that things work in general Constant maintenance is essential for software One thing I like in developing software is that students learned to be responsible for their work


Most students think doing research is similar to doing homework when they join the lab

Once they realized that their work is being used by many people, they have no choice but to be careful Example: In the morning of Sunday January 27, 2013, we released a new version of a package.

By noon some users reported the same bug.

In the afternoon students and I have worked together to fix the problem.

We released a new version at that night.


Software versus Experiment Code (Cont’d)

However, we are researchers rather than software engineers

How to balance between these maintenance works and the creative research is a challenge

The community now lacks incentives for researchers to work on high quality software


In the early days of open-source ML, most developers are researchers like me

We propose algorithms as well as design software A difference now is that interface becomes much more important

By interface I mean API, GUI, and others


Interface Issue (Cont’d)

Example: Microsoft Azure ML:


The whole process is by generating a flowchart.

Things are run on the cloud

It makes machine learning easier for non-experts However, ML packages become huge

They can only be either company projects (e.g., TensorFlow, Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit, etc.) or community projects (e.g., scikit-learn, Spark MLlib, etc.)

A concern is that the role of individual researchers and their algorithm development may become less important



1 Introduction

2 Some lessons learned from developing machine learning packages

3 Challenges in designing future machine learning systems

4 Conclusions


As a researcher, knowing that people are using your work is a nice experience

I received emails like

“It has been very useful for my research”

“I am a big fan of your software LIBSVM.”

“I read a lot of your papers and use LIBSVM almost daily. (You have become some sort of super hero for me:)) .”


The Joy of Doing Software (Cont’d)

“I would like to thank you for the LIBSVM tool, which I consider to be a great tool for the scientific community.”

“Heartily Congratulations to you and your team for this great contribution to the computer society.”

“It has been a fundamental tool in both my research and projects throughout the last few years.”


From my experience, developing machine learning software is very interesting and rewarding

In particular I feel happy when people find my work useful

We should encourage people in the community to develop high quality machine learning software



All users have greatly helped us to make improvements

I also thank all my past and current group members



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