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Academic year: 2021

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  延攬優秀人才工作報告表

NCKU’s “Aim for the Top University Project”

Work Report Form for Distinguished Scholars □續聘continuation of employment █離職resignation

100 年 7 月 13 日更新


Name of the Employee 辛佳玲 男 ■女Male Female

聘 期 Period of Employment from 2014 年(y) 01 月(m) 01 日(d) to 2014 年(y) 07 月(m) 31 日(d) 研究或教學或科技研發與 管理計畫名稱 The project title of research,

teaching, technology development and management

成鷹計畫 計畫主持人 (申請單位主管) Project Investigator (Head of Department/Center) 高實玫 補助延聘編號

Grant Number HUA103-25-1-063


Please summarize the entire research, teaching, or science and technology R&D and management work process (To be completed

by the employee) 1. 教學: 本人主要的工作為教學部分。在大一英文方面, 除了課本內容方面,並介紹了 BBC, 及 VOA 的線 上資源,把其資源融入課程,以加強同學的口說能力。例如使用其影音檔,訓練聽力,閱讀,最後變 成口說的教材資源。此外也介紹了做英語簡報,讓學生有上台做英文簡報的機會,並從做中學。 在大二專業英文的教學方面,教學科目為創意產業英文及基礎工程英文。兩科目在教學上稍有不 同的著重點: 在創產英文方面,比較著重在訓練學生的語言使用訓練,例如,設計課堂活動及問題讓 學生討論並鼓勵學生使用英語表達。在工程英文課程上,比較著重在英語的閱讀技巧應用。課堂上主 要的活動設計以同學能看懂文章,了解大意為主。 雖然兩個科目有不同的語言學習重點,在兩個科目上都採用線上資源來輔助教學。常常採用的線 上資源分別為 BBC, TED,及 National Public Radio (NPR). 我常在這些網站上搜尋與課程主題相關的題 材,融入教學,以加深學生對課文內容的理解。除此之外, 如果與課程相關的時事題材,也常常選入 輔助資料當中, 例如,伊斯坦堡的歐亞大陸海底隧道通車, 李安導演的訪談,南非手工藝家 Marisa-Jordan 的故事等。希望所選取的題材符合課程內容,又是同學孰悉,或感興趣的題材,把課文的內容 加深、加廣。 大二英文的另一個教學重點為訓練學生的英語口頭報告能力。因此,在學期一開始就先將一些基本 技巧告訴學生,並要求學生分組。在學生開始報告的前一周,開始跟各個小組個別討論他們的投影 片,並在報告後給學生回饋,要求學生自我反省他們的表現,以求下一次做得更好。一份課程大綱如 附件一。 2. 研發: 在補強課程中,我設計了文法課程,包括整理及設定影音資源,及設計考題。並每周固定在線上協 助學生解決在學習上所遇到的問題,並協助同學的期末的返校測驗。 3. 研究: 在研究方面,以下為參加過的研討會: Teaching Demonstration:

1. Hsin, C-L. (2011). National Cheng Kung University ESP program Evaluation.



1. Hsin, C-L. (2009). The ICC dimension of national EFL curriculum in primary school. 18th International Symposium and Book Fair on English Teaching (ETA-ROC). Taiwan, Taipei.

2. Hisn, C-L. (2008). Language and culture in foreign language teaching. British educational research association (BERA). UK.

Thesis :

1. Hsin, C-L. (2014). Dialogue in an EFL primary classroom. Unpublished Mphil thesis. Newcastle University, UK.


Please evaluate the performance of research, teaching or science and technology R&D and management Work: ( To be completed

by Project Investigator or Head of Department/Center) (1)是否達到延攬預期目標?



What are the methods, professional knowledge, and progress of the research, teaching, or R&D and management work?

教師在教學及專業知識上的成長皆符合計畫期望,也積極加入與計畫相關之研究工作。 (3)受延攬人之研究或教學或科技研發與管理成果對該計畫(或貴單位)助益如何?

How have the research, teaching, or R&D and management results of the employed person given benefit to the project (or your unit)?

教師的教學對計畫有長足正面的影響,為計畫不可缺少的助力。 (4)受延攬人於補助期間對貴單位或國內相關學術科技領域助益如何?

How has the employed person, during his or her term of employment, benefited your unit or the relevant domestic academic field?

教師受聘期間對國內專業英語的教學及教材發展有非常大的助益,讓成鷹計畫居於國內的領導地位。 (5)具體工作績效或研究或教學或科技研發與管理成果:

Please describe the specific work performance, or the results of research, teaching, or R&D and management work:


(6)是否續聘受聘人? Will you continue hiring the employed person? □續聘Yes■不續聘No

因應103 學年度支薪來源調整至校務基金,因此不歸在頂尖計畫經費項下續聘。

※此報告表篇幅以三~四頁為原則。This report form should be limited to 3-4 pages in principle.


This report form can be downloaded in http://scholar.lib.ncku.edu.tw/explain/

附件一 創產英文課程大綱: 課程名稱

Title of Course

大二英文 (ESP)

English for creative industries 授課教師



Hsin, Chia-Lin 開課班級

Class A 1307,A 1312, A1334, A1340/ 大二 / Sophomore

上課時間 Time (1) A1307 09 :10-11 :00 Monday (2) A1312 15 :10-17: 00 Tuesday (3) A1334 08 :10-10 :00 Thursday (4) A1340 15 :10-17 :00 Thursday 教室 Classroom (1) A 1307 平日: 電機系館 92283 逢雙數週的兩堂課 :Room26104 修齊大樓 (2) A1312 平日: 唯農 7213 逢雙數週的兩堂課 :Room26104 修齊大樓 2


(3) A1334 平日: 耐震大樓 5118 逢雙數週的兩堂課 :Room26104 修齊大樓 (4) A1340 平日: 唯農大樓 7217 逢雙數週的兩堂課 :Room26104 修齊大樓 必/選修 學分數 必修 Required Course 2 小時/ 1 學分 2 Hours/ 1 credit 教學內容 Course Description

This course aims at enhancing learners' English ability by: (1) practicing communicative tasks,

(2) preparing an oral presentation,

(3) introducing useful internet resources for future self-study or language practice,

(4) integrating the contents in specific areas of creative industry.


Teaching Approach(es) Lecture, pair work, group work, and discussion

成績考核 Grading Criteria

1. Self study: 5% (see Appendix 1)

2. Final presentation: 25% (group oral presentation) 3. Vocabulary Quiz: 10% ( paper-based test)

4. Midterm exam: 25% (paper-based test) 5. Participation: 25%

6. Attendance: 10%

7. Extra credits: to be announced 教材課本


(1) English for creative industries. (書林) (2) handouts

參考資料 Reference

1. Moodle 教學平台: moodle.ncku.edu.tw

2. AWL Highlighter in Nottingham University, UK:

http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/~alzsh3/acvocab/awlhighlighter.htm 3. Academic Word Exercise:

www.academicvocabularyexercises.com 4. CNN 5. TED 6. NPR http://www.npr.org/infiniteplayer/ 備註 Remarks

1. No food in class. Cell phone off (or muted), please.

2. You need to change the email information on the Moodle to the

one that you often use. So you can receive updated information from me.

3. Attendance policy: All excused absences should be made through email or your personal contact with me.

(1) A2 excused absences will not lose any points of your grades. You will have to Email me BEFORE the class starts to be excused from the class (請假). You need to write down your class code, your name, your department in the email topic slot. For a sickness leave, you can tell me after the class, but the procedure should be done on the same day that your class takes place. 公假 does not count as an absence, but I need to see a proof for that. (2) Every unexcused absence will lose 1.5 of your grades (翹課) (3) When you come to the class, you need to sign in (starting from 2nd class). But if I call your name and you are not there, your


attendance of the day will be "unexcused absence", which will lose you 1.5 points.

(4) If there is a quiz (exam) in the class you missed, you have to come to me to ask for a make-up yourself. You can only ask for the make-up quiz (exam) within one week. For example, if you miss a class this Thurs., the day that you can have a make-up is from this Fri to next Wed. No Make-up quiz (exam) is allowed on next Thurs. and the day after. Besides, for 病假 and 事假

students, 20% of your score will be reduced for that quiz (exam). For 公假 students, your score will not be reduced; however, I need to see a proof for your 公假, and you still need to come and ask for a make-up BEFORE your 公假.

4. Make-up exam or quizzes are only given to those of you who missed the class with an acceptable reason.

教師聯絡方式 Contact

Office: 修齊大樓 5F 26530 室 Office Hours: by appointment Email: clhsin@mail.ncku.edu.tw

成鷹計畫網站 http://english.ncku.edu.tw/

Appendix 1 : Eagle points collection

活 動 集 點 方 式 英語角 (English Corner) 1. 每參加一場可獲得 1 點 2. 參加期初前 12 周場次,不定期加贈 1 點 多媒體影音自學 (Videos) 至圖書館 B1 多媒體中心或修齊大樓 2F 外語中心閱聽學習雜誌光碟等每自學 滿 1 小時可獲得 1 點 線上自學平台 (Online Self-learning Resource) 使用圖書館語言學習平台等每自學滿 1 小時可獲得 1 點 ,每學期最高給 5 點 英語學習講座 每場講座約兩小時,參加者可獲得 2 點 英語寫作諮商 預約並進行一場英文寫作諮詢者可獲得 1 點 電子報 1.每期成鷹電子報投稿 1 篇可獲得 1 點,每學期最高採計 5 篇。 2.獲刊登於電子報者另可獲得 2 點,將於入選名單公告後採計。 其他 1.成鷹計畫每學期所辦理之各式活動。學生可獲得之點數將隨同活動宣傳一併 公告。 2.由各系所或學生社團自行申請,需自行向成鷹計畫說明並協調參加者所能 採計之點數。 4



 Promote project learning, mathematical modeling, and problem-based learning to strengthen the ability to integrate and apply knowledge and skills, and make. calculated

For details about the development and management of learning and teaching resources, please refer to the Secondary Education Curriculum Guide (2017) Booklet 10: Quality Learning

(b) The Incorporated Management Committee may approve leave of various kinds to teaching and non-teaching staff employed under the Salaries Grant, paid or no-pay, in

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Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering and Technology Management.

Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering and Technology Management.

Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Chaoyang University of

• involves teaching how to connect the sounds with letters or groups of letters (e.g., the sound /k/ can be represented by c, k, ck or ch spellings) and teaching students to