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Academic year: 2021

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中華郵政股份有限公司 104 年第 2 次職階人員甄試試題 職階/甄選類科【代碼】:專業職(二)內勤/櫃台業務【H6301-H6318】、





注意:作答前須檢查答案卡、入場通知書號碼、桌角號碼、甄選類科是否相符,如有不同應立即請監試 人員處理,否則不予計分。

本試卷正反兩頁共 50 題單選題,每題 2 分。限用 2B 鉛筆在「答案卡」上作答,請選出最適當答 案,答錯不倒扣;未作答者,不予計分。


應考人得自備使用簡易型電子計算機(須不具財務函數、工程函數或儲存程式功能,且不得發出聲 響)。若應考人於測驗時將不符規定之電子計算機放置於桌面或使用,經勸阻無效,仍執意使用者,

扣除該科目成績 10 分;計算機並由監試人員保管至該節測驗結束後歸還。


壹、國文【第 1-25 題,每題 2 分,共計 25 題,占 50 分】


癲「癇」/「間」關鶯語 上「乘」之作/「趁」人之危

豆「豉」/「蠱」惑 句「讀」不知/「荳」蔻年華


讚美之意 貶斥之意 慨嘆之意 揣測之意


風平浪靜 水落石出 煙消日出 山光水色


魚沉雁杳 羞花閉月 國色天香 傾國傾城


歐陽修、曾鞏 李白、杜甫 韓愈、柳宗元 蘇軾、蘇轍


率罷散之「卒」,將數百之眾 涕泣謀於禁「卒」,卒感焉

盈虛者如彼,而「卒」莫消長也 「卒」之為眾人,則其受於人者不至也

【2】7.「莫怨工人醜畫身,莫嫌明主遣和親。當時若不嫁胡虜,只是宮中一舞人。」此詩句最有可能所指 的對象是︰

楊貴妃 王昭君 虞姬 花木蘭


「數罟」不入洿池︰細密的魚網 率妻子、邑人來此「絕境」︰與外界隔絕的地方

老成「凋謝」,莫可諮詢︰死亡 山氣日夕佳,飛鳥「相與」還︰盤旋


劍拔弩張︰形容書法筆力雄健 春蚓秋蛇︰形容書法充滿活潑的生氣

鸞飄鳳泊︰形容書法神妙飄逸 筆走龍蛇︰形容書法十分優美熟練



春風 薰風 金風 朔風


下課後,同學「三五成群」地嬉戲、玩耍 以「九五之尊」而出言輕率,實屬不智

雖胸懷大志,卻「二三其德」,則難有成就 「三五之夜」,明月半牆,桂影斑駁

【1】12.「心似已灰之木,身如不繫之舟。問汝平生功業,黃州惠州儋州」,這首自身感慨的詩作是出自何 人?

蘇軾 蘇洵 蘇轍 歐陽修


朝三暮四 亡羊補牢 專心一志 反覆無常


三顧茅廬 狡兔三窟 三戶亡秦 三令五申


短「兵」相接/「兵」強馬壯 「秀」出班行/「秀」色可餐

秋扇「見」捐/相「見」恨晚 「碩」果僅存/「碩」大無朋


強調離開玉帛鐘鼓,便無禮樂可言 慨嘆禮樂徒具虛文,缺乏內涵

批評行禮奏樂缺乏玉帛鐘鼓,過於簡陋 主張玉帛鐘鼓外,仍應陳設其他器物


有女出嫁時,贈送「摽梅迨吉」以表祝賀 夫妻雙壽時,贈送「高山景行」以表祝賀

生女時,贈送「熊夢徵祥」以表祝賀 老師得師鐸獎時,贈送「大筆如椽」以表祝賀


復值接輿醉,狂歌五柳前 稻花香裡說豐年,聽取蛙聲一片

人生忽如寄,壽無金石固 但得孤山尋梅處,苫間草廈,有林和靖是鄰家


曹操、曹丕、曹植 蘇洵、蘇軾、蘇轍

袁宗道、袁宏道、袁中道 司馬談、司馬遷


「牛驥同皁」︰表示賢愚不分 「巴蛇吞象」︰表示滿足歡心

「羊質虎皮」︰表示價值不菲 「汗牛充棟」︰表示疲憊勞苦


不櫛進士 樗櫟庸材 詠絮之才 掃眉才子


人有悲歡離合,月有陰晴圓缺 人生得意須盡歡,莫使金樽空對月

共看明月應垂淚,一夜鄉心五處同 古人賤尺璧而重寸陰,懼乎時之過已


二個 三個 四個 都沒有


一甲子︰60 年 一紀︰100 年 一世︰30 年 一稔︰1 年


紅粉青蛾︰指美麗的容貌 黃花晚節︰指人年老而志節仍在

涅而不緇︰指在不良環境中瞎混 青燈黃卷︰指深夜讀書的情形


貳、英文【第 26-50 題,每題 2 分,共計 25 題,占 50 分】


【1】26. We’re very ________ to be late because we set off late and the traffic is terrible.

 likely  lovely  hardly  deadly

【2】27. Simon decides to do 100 sit-ups a day to ________ his waist size so that he can look lean.

 retreat  reduce  release  remark

【3】28. These kids have not been eating ________, so they are very skinny.

 tightly  scarcely  properly  critically

【1】29. Jeremy is the one you can depend on to get the job done. He’s very ________.

 reliable  irritable  countable  noticeable

【4】30. You need to ________ your doctor if you have any of the side effects listed here.

 insist  reject  adjust  consult

【2】31. “No pain, no gain” is a ________ that I live my life by. The short sentence has encouraged me to work hard.

 motor  motto  model  mobile

【1】32. Tim ________ an online shopping website, looking for a Valentine’s gift for his wife.

 browsed  invented  attended  occupied

【3】33. The view of the city from Taipei 101 is breathtaking. It’s a very ________ view.

 successful  productive  impressive  appropriate


【2】34. I spotted a newly opened boutique on my way to work. I ________ to check it out sometime.

 had better  would like  might well  could always

【2】35. A neck massage is really relaxing, especially for those who ________ under a lot of stress.

 is  are  being  has been

【1】36. Some people like sweet snacks, ________ others like savory ones.

 while  when  however  whatever

【4】37. In the cold of winter, ________ nothing like having a hot pot buffet together with friends.

 it has  that is  what is  there is

【3】38. I only memorize my own phone number. As for ________, I just let my phone do the remembering.

 mine  my friends  my friends’  friends of mine

【3】39. Taiwan President Ma ________ as KMT chairman three times. He quit the post after the party’s defeat in the recent local elections.

 elected  electing  was elected  was electing

【2】40. Chocolate is amazing ________ you eat it in moderation. Eating too much, you’ll get sick.

 as far as  as long as  as well as  as soon as


What do you call it when you intentionally speak softly or quietly? Whispering! It is also the word for a special 41 to train animals using gentle communication techniques. Though the phrase “horse whispering”

dates back to 19th century Europe, it did not come in to popular use 42 the movie, called The Horse Whisperer, came out in 1998. Since that time, the term whispering has been used to describe any animal training method which is 43 a sympathetic understanding of an animal’s natural instincts. Have you seen a YouTube video about a lion whisperer, who hugs wild lions? Or how about a shark whisperer from Hawaii, 44 hands are on the dorsal fin of a great white shark? They seem to have a supernatural gift for it. Besides wild animals, people also apply the techniques to little humans. One popular TV show 45 a baby whisperer, a woman who teaches parents how to comfort, calm, and communicate with unmanageable toddlers.

【1】41.  ability  motion  issue  result

【4】42.  after  since  unless  until

【2】43.  cured of  based on  caused by  served as

【3】44.  which  where  whose  whom

【1】45.  features  concludes  combines  proposes


Chia seeds have gotten quite the hype in the last few years. In the running and endurance athletics community they have definitely become a hot commodity since their introduction in the book Born to Run by Christopher McDougall. In the book, the super-athletic Indians in Mexico consumed chia seeds while on their desert runs and were provided with surges of energy during and after. So are chia seeds really the next promised super food?

When looked at scientifically, chia seeds do have a lot of benefits. To start with, Chia seeds have a high amount of protein, and they contain the minerals calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium, all of which are essential for keeping our bones strong. Of the many plants that we eat for food, chia seeds have the highest amount of Omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for brain health. In addition to this, they are rich in antioxidants, which may protect our bodies from diseases like cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s disease.

Chia seeds are definitely nutritious, but some dieters may expect more than that. The seeds are extremely high in fiber. The fiber content soaks up water and causes them to expand, and this expansion is believed to make stomachs full, so chia seeds are believed to help people lose weight. However, there are few published studies that prove chia seeds’ benefit for weight loss, so stories about their weight-loss properties should be taken with a grain of salt.

If you’re thinking about trying chia seeds for nutritional purposes, how do you add them to your diet?

The easiest way is to add them to everything and anything. The seeds are tasteless so they won’t affect the flavor profile of your food. They can be sprinkled whole on top of salads or toast or added milled to smoothies and even to ice cream.

Chia seeds may not look like much, but _______________.

【1】46. Which of the following can be placed in the blank and best concludes the whole passage?

 they do make super food  they can keep your weight off

 they are actually an ancient food  they give you an easy time cooking

【1】47. According to the book Born to Run, what are chia seeds claimed to do/be?

 They boost athletic energy.

 They taste best when served hot.

 They help people endure heat in the desert.

 They are the main food to Mexican Indians in daily life.

【4】48. Concerning chia seeds’ health benefits, which of the following is NOT true?

 Having minerals that are important for strong bones.

 Rich in antioxidants, guarding the body against cancer.

 Having high amounts of Omega-3, good for brain health.

 Containing high levels of vitamin A, promoting good vision.

【2】49. What is the author’s tone about chia seeds’ benefit in weight control?

 Cold and uninterested.  Viewing it with doubts.

 Excited and supportive.  Questioning and even annoyed.

【1】50. What is suggested when we consume chia seeds?

 They can be eaten whole or milled.

 Taking too much may lead to stomachache.

 They need to be well-cooked before served.

 They are tasteless, so mix with sugar to add flavor.



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