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高雄銀行 101 年新進人員甄試試題


Academic year: 2021

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高雄銀行 101 年新進人員甄試試題

職等 甄試類別【代碼】:五職等 櫃檯經辦人員【C9201-C9203】、

六職等 放款經辦人員【C9204-C9207】、

七職等 網路應用程式設計人員【C9208】、

七職等 AS 400 程式設計人員【C9209】



注意:•作答前須檢查答案卡、入場通知書編號、桌角號碼、應試類別是否相符,如有不同應立即請監試 人員處理,否則不予計分。

‚本試卷正反兩頁共 50 題,每題 2 分。限用 2B 鉛筆在「答案卡」上作答,請選出最適當答案,答 錯不倒扣;未作答者,不予計分。


„應考人得自備簡易型電子計算機,但不得發出聲響,且不具財務、工程及儲存程式功能。應考人 於測驗時將不符規定之電子計算機放置於桌面或使用,經勸阻無效,仍執意使用者,該科扣 10 分;





•一愁莫展 ‚三餐難繼

ƒ莫明其妙 „無遠弗界

【3】2.下列各組「 」內文字,何者前後讀音相同?

•吹毛求「疵」 所費不「貲」 ‚一語成「讖」 綠色標「籤」

ƒ「鎧」甲戰衣 「凱」旋歸來 „勵志「箴」言 三「緘」其口


「世界宇宙,永遠在□□,也永遠在流轉,書本能給我們多少?離開大學四個月後,我才□□出這一點道 理來,原來生活本身才是一門大學問,只有用生命去□□,才是有血有肉的。」

•變動 參悟 體驗 ‚變動 悔悟 體會

ƒ跳動 參悟 體驗 „跳動 悔悟 體會



•王侯將相寧有種乎 ‚故請母命而寧汝於斯

ƒ猴性頑劣再無一個寧時 „寧赴湘流葬於江魚之腹中

【2】5.下列選項「 」內的字,何者名詞當形容詞用?

•曲肱而「枕」之 ‚桂棹兮「蘭」槳

ƒ亦六經之支與流「裔」 „「蠶」食諸侯,使秦成帝業


「夫龍之為蟲也,柔可狎而騎也 甲、人主亦有逆鱗

乙、然其喉下有逆鱗徑尺 丙、若人有嬰之者則必殺人 丁、說者能無嬰人主之逆鱗 則幾矣」﹙《韓非子.說難》﹚

•甲丙丁乙 ‚乙丙甲丁 ƒ丙甲乙丁 „丁乙丙甲

【1】7.下列句子「 」中的量詞,何者使用最恰當?


‚小文根據醫生開的一「手」藥方去抓藥,希望母親早日痊癒 ƒ崔灝望著蒼穹中的幾「行」浮雲,眼神流露出對家鄉的思念



•恭請 福安 ‚敬請 鈞安 ƒ順頌 時綏 „即問 近好


•六書傳四海,一刻值千金 ‚韻出高山流水,調追白雪陽春

ƒ由此登堂入室,任君步月凌雲 „劉伶問道誰家好,李白回言此處佳



‚學生應該不恥下問,多向老師請益 ƒ那隻頑皮的小狗,無時無刻在搗蛋







【1】12.《詩經•豳風•七月》:「五月斯螽動股,六月莎雞振羽,七月在野,八月在宇,九月在戶,十月 蟋蟀入我床下。」這段文字的敘述共有幾種昆蟲?

•三種 ‚四種 ƒ五種 „六種


•良機已逝 ‚懷才不遇

ƒ求賢若渴 „朝聖心切


•遙憐小兒女,未解憶長安 ‚空山松子落,幽人應未眠

ƒ乍見翻疑夢,相悲各問年 „青青河畔草,綿綿思遠道


•茶 ‚竹 ƒ鏡子 „鐘錶



•春 ‚夏 ƒ秋 „冬



‚中國以干支紀年,一「甲子」為六十年 ƒ曆書上將「雨水」、「驚蟄」劃歸春季節氣

„西元 2012 年歲次「壬辰」,2013 年歲次為「癸巳」

【2】18.下列「 」內的字,何者真正代表顏色?

•「赤」手空拳 ‚「黃」梅時節

ƒ「金」科玉律 „「墨」守成規


•學貴有恆 ‚有教無類

ƒ民貴君輕 „行己有恥


•喪明之痛:死了丈夫 ‚佩紫懷黃:意圖不軌

ƒ馬齒徒長:老當益壯 „蜀犬吠日:少見多怪


•「好」字屬於象形字 ‚「刃」字屬於指事字

ƒ「晶」字屬於形聲字 „「眉」字屬於會意字


•經商 ‚歸隱 ƒ墾殖 „趕考


•得年五十四歲 ‚享年五十四歲

ƒ享壽五十四歲 „得壽五十四歲


•不知所云 ‚言多必失

ƒ無法一一說明 „不敢隨便說明

【4】25.下列各組文句中,何者「 」內詞語的意義相同?

•感子「故意」長 籃球比賽「故意」絆倒對方球員

‚夢啼妝淚紅「闌干」 斜倚「闌干」遙望故鄉嘉南平原 ƒ白居易「左轉」九江司馬 只要「左轉」就可到臺北車站

„「小人」有母皆嘗小人之食 「小人」姓林名旺請不吝指教




【1】26. The governments of most Asian countries have ___________ a series of programs on economic reform in response to the crisis.

• initiated ‚ involved

ƒ interpreted „ indebted

【2】27. Studies show that television programs ___________ children’s behavior in many ways.

• effect ‚ affect

ƒ contract „ neglect

【3】28. ___________ service is the key to success in a bank.

• Policy ‚ Strategy

ƒ Quality „ Currency

【4】29. When meeting people for the first time, we are not supposed to ask overly ___________ questions.

• plain ‚ plastic

ƒ proper „ personal

【4】30. Those who work without ___________ are very likely to be on the next list of layoffs.

• fluency ‚ pharmacy

ƒ intimacy „ efficiency

【2】31. Andrew is ___________ with the dream of winning the lottery. Nothing else interests him.

• adored ‚ obsessed

ƒ conflicted „ tolerated

【1】32. Not understanding what the client has said, Mary asked him to ___________ what he really meant.

• clarify ‚ purify

ƒ satisfy „ terrify

【3】33. After careful discussion, the committee reached an ___________ to take legal action against the factory that had been polluting our neighborhood for years.

• outfit ‚ objection

ƒ agreement „ attachment


【2】34. Please ___________ your voice so that everyone in the meeting can hear you clearly.

• rise ‚ raise

ƒ arise „ risen

【4】35. John enjoys outdoor activities ___________ his wife prefers to stay indoors.

• what ‚ which

ƒ how „ whereas

【3】36. I was too busy yesterday; otherwise, I ___________ my customer in Taichung.

• visited ‚ would visit

ƒ would have visited „ had visited

【2】37. All things ___________, I decided to accept his suggestion and work in the Eastern Trust Bank.

• considering ‚ considered

ƒ in consideration „ to be considered

【1】38. Mrs. Johnson, as well as her children, ___________ to go to Paris on holiday next week.

• is ‚ are

ƒ will „ will be

【2】39. We all don’t think ___________ Sarah left for Prague yesterday.

• that it true ‚ it true that ƒ it that true „ that true it

【4】40. I won’t go to Benny’s wedding even if ___________.

• am invited ‚ being invited

ƒ having invited „ invited


We have to compete with the existing financial centers in Asia. During the past decade, the government 41 a lot of financial policies. These policies include deregulating foreign exchange and interest rates, 42 new private banks to enter the market, and relaxing the requirements for foreign banks to establish branches in Taiwan. Today’s information technology has integrated the global financial market 43 a giant system, and no single market can exist independently outside the system. Thus, liberalization and internationalization have become worldwide trends. 44 aforeme ntioned, having an information network, an efficient local transportation system, and well-trained manpower is also very important. However, as a banker, I am more interested in what kind of financial policies would be helpful to 45 this goal, and how it would change the domestic financial environment. And I look forward to finding out these answers.

【3】41. • adopts ‚ adopted ƒ has adopted „ had adopted

【2】42. • allows ‚ allowing ƒ allowed „ has allowed

【2】43. • for ‚ into ƒ with „ down

【4】44. • By way of ‚ In conclusion ƒ To sum up „ In addition to

【3】45. • collect ‚ recall ƒ realize „ overlook


If you believe most pop psychology, you probably assume that most of us react to life events in just about the same way— there is a grieving process, a sequence of events when we fall in love, a standard response to being jilted.

But these one-size-fits-all assumptions are not true. In decades of research into the neurobiology of emotion, it has been witnessed that thousands of people who share similar backgrounds respond in dramatically different ways to the same experience. Why does one person recover quickly from divorce while another remains mired in despair? Why does one sibling bounce back from a job loss while another feels worthless for years? And why can one father shrug off the botched call of a Little League umpire who called his daughter out while another leaps out of his seat and screams at the ump until his face turns purple? The answer that has emerged from research is that these differences reflect what is called Emotional Style— a constellation of reactions and coping responses that differ in kind, intensity, and duration. Just as each person has a unique fingerprint and a unique face, each of us has a unique emotional profile. In showing that cognition and emotion are not so separate after all, these discoveries have rehabilitated emotion. From these studies, human emotion has now assumed as important a place in neuroscience as thinking.

【1】46. Which of the following is the most appropriate title to the passage above?

• The Science of Feelings ‚ Understanding Your Emotional Style ƒ Evaluating Your Emotional Health „ Breakthroughs in Neuroscience

【3】47. What does it mean by someone remaining “mired in despair”?

• Someone is being forgiving. ‚ Someone is capable of resolving the negative emotions.

ƒ Someone is being trapped in unpleasant situations and feelings.

„ Someone is autonomous and able to take control over his / her life.

【2】48. Based on the passage above, which of the following is TRUE?

• Our reactions toward the same life events are almost the same.

‚ Each one of us has a unique way of feelings and emotions.

ƒ It is proved that emotions are not worth studying.

„ A high intensity of emotions could be helpful to change a person’s life.

【2】49. Which of the following about Emotional Style is NOT true?

• Emotional Style refers to different reactions and responses toward even the same experience.

‚ Emotional Style studies provide one-size-fits-all model to understand different feelings.

ƒ Emotional Style recognizes the uniqueness of one’s emotional profile.

„ Emotional Style is studied on the premise that human emotion is equally important as thinking.

【3】50. Which of the following can NOT demonstrate people’s different reactions toward the same event?

• Being unemployed, one person feels worthless while the other positively explores new opportunities.

‚ At the face of conflicts, one person was furious and the other remained calm.

ƒ While getting a divorce, one fights for alimony and the other for child custody.

„ Facing challenges and obstacles, one is optimistic while the other is pessimistic.



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