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Marketing Strategies for Domestic Higher Education toward Internationalization 洪梅菁、陳欽雨


Academic year: 2022

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Marketing Strategies for Domestic Higher Education toward Internationalization 洪梅菁、陳欽雨

E-mail: 9602317@mail.dyu.edu.tw


Developing a knowledge-based economy has become one of the important directions for enhancing core competence for a country in the future, and the foundation of knowledge economy is the country’s higher education quality. Hence, how to increase the degree of internationalization for university has been a very critical issue in higher education for all countries. The current study conducted a questionnaire survey to make a profile for the status of internationalization in higher education in Taiwan, and investigated the relationships between the implementation of marketing strategies and the level of internationalization among different types of colleges. This study aimed for 148 colleges and universities in Taiwan, and the target interviewees were principals, executives, and senior teachers. To explore the status of internationalization in higher education and analyze the correlations between marketing strategies and internationalization, the study examined the results methods, ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, Chi-square analysis, and cluster analysis. Besides, the differences of university attributes are also taken into consideration when making the analysis of comparison. After completing the analysis, the study obtained the following important findings: First, most executives in universities or colleges have the concept of internationalization marketing and hereby being able to guide and assist students to achieve the organizational objective. However, the activities for promoting internationalization did not work well due to the fact that most teachers should concentrate on the efforts on teaching tasks and might lack the internationalization perception. Secondly, the degrees of internationalization for public universities who are granted by government tend to be higher than the private ones due to the budget problem. The third conclusion is that the types and the scales of universities may influence the implementation of marketing strategies and the degree of internationalization. The applications of marketing strategies to internationalization for public schools seem to be more active than that of private ones, and the bigger the scale of university, the higher the level of internationalization. Moreover, among the marketing mix of internationalization strategies, human strategy adopted by universities seems to be most valued and effective while the price strategy is less attractive. This indicates that the education policy right now has been stepping toward internalization but still not reached the global standard.

Keywords : higher education, internationalization, marketing strategy Table of Contents

封面內頁 簽名頁 授權書···iii 中文摘要·

···iv 英文摘要···

···v 誌謝···

···vii 目錄···viii 圖 目錄···xi 表目錄···

···xii 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究背景···

··· 1 第二節 研究動機及問題··· 3 第三節 研究目的··· 5 第四節 研究限制···

··· 6 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 行銷策略在教育方面之意涵··· 8 第二節 高等教育國際化之指標···20 第三節 國內高等教育行銷策略之相關研究····

··25 第四節 國外高等教育國際化之相關研究···30 第三章 研究方法 第一節 研究方法及架構···

···38 第二節 研究流程···

·40 第三節 研究假說···42 第四節 問卷設計···

···44 第五節 抽樣設計與方式···

··51 第六節 資料分析方法···51 第四章 研究結果分析與討論 第一節 基本資料分析結果···54 第二節 樣本結構分析···

···57 第三節 目前問題與國際化執行困境分析···63 第四節 學校屬性與國際化行銷策略 之影響分析··66 第五節 學校屬性與國際化程度之影響分析···71 第六節 國際化行銷策略與國際化程度之相關 分析76 第七節 國內大專院校國際化行銷策略及國際化程 度集群分析···

···80 第五章 結論與建議 第一節 研究結論···85 第二節


研究建議···88 參考文獻 一、中文文獻···

···92 二、英文文獻···

···97 附錄 附錄A···100 附 錄B···103 附錄C···

···108 附錄D···

···110 附錄E···

···113 附錄F···116 附錄G··


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