Supporting Students’ Progression from
‘Learning to Read’ to ‘Reading to Learn’ through the Implementation of Reading Workshops of the
English Language Curriculum at KS2
English Language Education Section Curriculum Development Institute
Education Bureau
Progressing in the Development of Reading Skills from KS1 to KS2
Follow left to right directionality
Use knowledge of basic letter-sound relationships
to read out simple words
Sight read common words
Use knowledge of
letter-sound relationships to read aloud a variety of
simple texts
Sight read a wide range of common words
1. Understand the basic conventions of written English KS2
2. Construct meaning from texts
Guess the meaning of unknown words by using pictorial and contextual clues
Identify key words for the main idea in a sentence
Make predictions
Understand the information on the book cover and contents page
Recognise the features of some common text types
Progressing in the Development of Reading Skills from KS1 to KS2
Work out the meaning of unknown words by using word association, visual clues, context & knowledge of the world
Skim a text to obtain the main ideas Understand intention, attitudes and
feelings conveyed in a text
Understand the information provided on the book cover, index and glossary
Recognise the features of a variety of text types
Re-read the text to establish and confirm meaning
3. Locate information and ideas
Scan a text
by using strategies
such as looking at headings and repeated phrases
Identify details that support
the gist or main ideas
Progressing in the Development of Reading Skills from KS1 to KS2
Scan a text by looking at repeated words,
words in bold, italics or capital letters
Locate specific
information in a short text in response to questions
Teaching Strategies for Reading
Supported Reading
1. An effective strategy that provides the instructional setting to teach reading strategies and skills
2. An appropriate occasion to present manageable challenges that encourage reading for meaning
3. A teaching strategy to enable pupils to practise new strategies for making sense of a text
4. An effective strategy to encourage pupils to take control of the first reading, give a critical response, and talk about messages and meaning in the text
5. A good opportunity to foster critical thinking through questioning
6. An opportunity to develop positive attitudes by involving pupils in discussion
Key features and
• A teaching strategy to conduct with young learners who have acquired some skills and strategies in reading, through shared reading and supported reading
• A good opportunity for pupils to try out the
reading strategies they have developed in a new context
• A teaching strategy requiring little teacher support and a lot of pupil input
Key features and
Independent Reading
Sharing by Candy Lui HKFYG
Lee Shau Kee Primary School
Level: P.5
Module: The magic of nature Unit: That’s our Earth
Text type: Newsletter article
Identify the theme
Textbook ---- a newsletter article
(The Earth needs your help!)
• not many energy sources
• not enough clean water
• not enough space for the rubbish Starting point
Some solutions:
• turn off the lights when we do not need them
• use less water
• recycle clothes
Reading materials
• relevant topic
• level of difficulty
• variety of text types
• linkage between the texts Book 1:
How to Have a Green Day
Book 2:
Our Fragile Environment
The Super
Supermarket Plan (Story)
The Tree (Poem)
Earth Saviour Environmental Test
(Environmental Protection Department)
Information Text (Instructions)
Narrative Texts (Story, Poem)
Information Text (Leaflet)
Have you helped save the Earth?
Narrative Texts (Story, Poem)
Information Text (Leaflet)
Information Text (Instructions)
Book 1
Q. How can we help save the Earth in our school and at home?
Q. How much have we done to save the Earth?
Book 2
Q. How can we help save the Earth in our daily life
(besides what we can do at home and at school)?
Q. Why do we need to save our Earth?
Reading Workshops
Book 1:
How to Have a Green Day
Book 2:
Our Fragile Environment
Earth Saviour
Environmental Test
(Environmental Protection Department)
Reading Skills and Strategies
• Connect different reading materials to activate prior knowledge about the topic
• Use the book cover and the blurb to encourage prediction about the content
• Use the contents page to understand how the text is organised and structured
• Use the introductory chapter to guide pupils to read
• Use key words to locate main ideas
• Re-read to clarify ideas
How to Have a Green Day
(Supported Reading)
Some highlights Book 1:
How to Have a Green Day
Develop students’
critical thinking skills:
• Compare and contrast ideas
• Connect different reading materials.
Connect different reading materials to activate prior knowledge about the topic
Worksheet R5
Prepare students to Book 1:
How to Have a Green Day
Develop students’
reading skills:
• Understand the
information provided on the blurb
Use the blurb to encourage prediction about the content
Worksheet R6
How to Have a Green Day
... Follow the instructions in this book, and make sure you have a green day every day ...
Book 1:
How to Have a Green Day
Follow the instructions
Use the contents page to understand how the text is organised and structured
Develop students’
reading skills:
• Understand the
information provided on the contents page
Introductory chapters
Instructions Reading tools
Worksheet R6
Book 1:
How to Have a Green Day
Develop students’
reading skills:
• Understand the main ideas
Use the introductory chapter to guide pupils to read
Worksheet R7
Book 1:
How to Have a Green Day
Develop students’
reading skills:
• Use key words to find out the main ideas
• Develop cross- referencing skills
Use key words to locate main ideas
Worksheet R9
How to Have a Green Day
(Page 10) Book 1:
How to Have a Green Day
Develop students’
critical thinking skills and creativity
Apply the knowledge learnt in a new context
Worksheet R11
Apply knowledge acquired from reading by designing a new page about a green classroom to add to the book
Book 1:
How to Have a Green Day
Reading Skills and Strategies
• Use the features of a narrative to understand the writer’s message in the text
• Connect different parts of the story (beginning & ending) to identify the central issues /problems
• Compare and contrast ideas
• Understand cause-and-effect relationships
The Super Supermarket Plan
(Supported Reading)
Some highlights
Book 2:
Our Fragile Environment
•The Super Supermarket Plan (Story)
Use the features of a narrative to
understand the writer’s message in the text
Title Beginning paragraph Ending paragraph
Make use of the title, the beginning and ending paragraphs to understand the writer’s message:
people should think about the environment when they shop
Worksheet R13 Book 2:
Our Fragile Environment
•The Super
Supermarket Plan (Story)
Setting Characters Problems Events Solutions
Compare and contrast ideas
The first shopper’s choice:
Cheapa Tuna
(uses nets to catch tuna fish)
The second shopper’s choice:
Milk in plastic bottle
The third shopper’s choice:
Toilet paper with
flowers printed on them
Guide students to compare the choices that the children and the shoppers make
Book 2:
Our Fragile Environment
•The Super
Supermarket Plan (Story)
The children’s suggestion:
Other brands
(those that don’t use nets to catch tuna fish)
The children’s suggestion:
Milk in cardboard carton
The children’s suggestion:
Plain paper
Events of the story
The Super Supermarket Plan
Understand cause-and-effect relationships
Worksheet R14 Book 2:
Our Fragile Environment
The Super
Supermarket Plan (Story)
The Tree
(Supported Reading)
Reading Skills and Strategies
• Understand the main ideas and the writer’s message
• Understand the use of metaphors
• Identify values, attitudes and beliefs expressed in the poem
Some highlights
Book 2:
Our Fragile Environment
The Tree (Poem)
Identify values, attitudes and beliefs expressed in the poem
Understand the use
of metaphors Worksheet R15
Book 2:
Our Fragile Environment
•The Tree (Poem)
Develop positive values through writing a ‘thank-you’ letter to Mr. Tree
Worksheet R16
(Draw what the trees do for us.)
Dear Mr. Tree,
Thank you very much. You _______
Provide opportunity for students to show care and concern for
the environment.
Book 2:
Our Fragile Environment
The Tree (Poem)
(Supported Reading)
Reading Skills and Strategies
• Understand the features and layout of the text
Some highlights Leaflet:
Earth Saviour
Environmental Test
(Environmental Protection Department)
Review and revise ideas after assessing one’s behaviour
Worksheet R17
Earth Saviour
Environmental Test
(Environmental Protection Department)