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Education Bureau Circular No. 1/2006 (Formerly referred as EMB Circular No.1/2006) Granting of Leave in Aided Schools


Academic year: 2022

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Ref : EMB(SAS)/ADM/150/5/28 Government of the HKSAR Education and Manpower Bureau

12 January 2006

Education Bureau Circular No. 1/2006 (Formerly referred as EMB Circular No.1/2006)

Granting of Leave in Aided Schools

[Note : This circular should be read by

(a) Supervisors and Heads of aided schools (b) Heads of sections - for information


This circular announces the updated arrangement of granting of leave in aided schools, and supersedes the Education and Manpower Bureau Circulars No. 37/2000, 39/2000 and 18/2002.


2. Schools are reminded to refer to the relevant sections and appendices of the Codes of Aid in granting leave to staff. For the updated arrangements relating to granting of leave, please refer to “Guidelines for Granting of Leave” in the Annex.

The content of the Guidelines has also been posted at the EMB Homepage http://www.edb.gov.hk/en/sch-admin/admin/about-sch-staff/guideline-granting-leave/i ndex.html (http://www.edb.gov.hk → School Administration and Management→ Administration → About School Staff → Guidelines for Granting of Leave) and will be updated as and when necessary in future.

3. To streamline procedures, with effect from the 2005/06 school year, aided schools are required to send yearly instead of half-yearly the leave records of teachers to the Permanent Secretary for Education and Manpower for endorsement in August each year. Relevant sections of the Codes of Aid have been amended accordingly.


4. For enquiries, please contact the respective Senior School Development Officer.

Mrs Betty IP

for Permanent Secretary for Education and Manpower


Annex Guidelines for Granting of Leave

General Principle

School Management Committees (SMCs)/Incorporated Management Committees (IMCs) may grant the following types of leave for teaching and non-teaching staff in accordance with the conditions provided by the relevant Code of Aid, the Employment Ordinance and the instructions the Permanent Secretary for Education (PS(Ed)) may from time to time issue:

(a) Leave for Teaching Staff

(i) sick leave (paid or no-pay);

(ii) maternity leave (paid or no-pay);

(iii) paternity leave (paid) Note 1;

(iv) special tuberculosis leave (paid or no-pay);

(v) special leave for a maximum of 2 days per school year (paid);

(vi) study leave endorsed by the PS(Ed) in advance (paid);

(vii) leave for juror or witness service (paid);

(viii) leave for a maximum of 14 days per school year for special events like representing HKSAR in national/international conferences or events such as the Asian Games and the Olympic Games; or being invited to present paper or speak at national/

international conferences Note 2 in connection with education; or participating in training and camping exercises of Civil Aid Service, Auxiliary Medical Service or Auxiliary Police Force (paid); and

(ix) any other types of no-pay leave (applicable to IMC schools only)Note 3.

(b) Leave for Non-teaching Staff

Laboratory Technicians and Specialist Staff Note 4 (i) annual leave (paid);

(ii) sick leave, special tuberculosis leave and maternity leave (paid or no-pay);

(iii) paternity leave (paid) Note 1;

Note 1 Please refer to EDBC No. 16/2015 for details.

Note 2 Conferences organised at provincial/municipal level or below would not be regarded as national conferences, and prior approval from PS(Ed) is required for teachers taking such leave.

Note 3 In granting no-pay leave to staff, IMC schools should consider each application rigorously with due regard to: (i) the staff concerned is to tackle an affair which cannot be avoided and cannot be handled by a substitute, and (ii) students’ learning should not be unduly affected.

Note 4 Specialist staff include educational psychologists of ordinary and special schools and the following categories of staff of special schools: school social workers, speech therapists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, occupational therapist assistants, nurses, wardens, assistant wardens, houseparents-in-charge, houseparents, programme workers, boarding service masters/ mistresses I, boarding service masters/ mistresses II and brailling staff.


(iv) study leave endorsed by PS(Ed) in advance;

(v) leave for juror or witness service (paid); and

(vi) any other types of no-pay leave (applicable to IMC schools only)Note 3.

Other Non-teaching Staff

Various types of leave in accordance with the Employment Ordinance, Codes of Aid, and guidelines issued by the EDB from time to time.

Please refer to the Codes of Aid for details.

2. Schools should formulate policies and principles in processing leave applications in consultation with staff to ensure impartiality and consistency.

However, the procedures involved in handling leave matters should be kept to the minimum.

Leave Entitlement for Teachers and Non-teaching Staff

3. SMCs/IMCs of aided schools may refer to the relevant Code of Aid for the leave entitlement for teachers and non-teaching staff. They may also refer to “Leave Entitlement for Staff in Aided Schools” and “Approving Authority for Granting of Leave” at the Appendices of Chapter 7 of the School Administration Guide (SAG), and Appendix H of the Supplement to SAG (applicable to IMC schools only) posted on the EDB Homepage for relevant information on granting of leave. If necessary, they may consult the Labour Department on leave entitlement provided under the Employment Ordinance.

Leave that Requires Prior Approval of PS(Ed)

4. Prior approval of PS(Ed) is required in respect of granting the following types of leave to teachers, laboratory technicians, and specialist staff:

(a) no-pay leave (excluding no-pay sick/maternity/special tuberculosis leave) [not applicable to IMC schools];

(b) study leave which has not been endorsed by PS(Ed); and (c) other types of leave which are not specified above.

Points to note in processing no-pay leave of teachers

5. Before granting no-pay leave to teachers, SMCs/IMCs are advised to ensure that teachers applying for no-pay leave are duly informed of the provisions in the Codes of Aid and the following:

(a) Promotion purposes

No-pay leave will not be counted for promotion purposes.

(b) Grant/Subsidized Schools Provident Fund (G/SSPF)


With the approval of PS(Ed), a teacher’s G/SSPF Account may be kept open for the period in which no-pay leave is granted. The period of no-pay leave including no-pay sick/maternity/special tuberculosis leave will not be counted for continuous contributory service.

(c) Date of increment

For incremental purposes, such leave shall be subject to such instructions from PS(Ed) may from time to time issue. Adjustment of the incremental date will be required if the period of no-pay leave exceeds 15 days continuously. If a teacher takes 16 to 45 days no-pay leave continuously, his/her incremental date should be deferred by one month. If the teacher takes 46 to 75 days no-pay leave continuously, his/her incremental date should be deferred by two months, and so on.

6. For no-pay sick/maternity/special tuberculosis leave, schools should send a notification of the granting of no-pay leave to the respective Senior School Development Officer of the respective Regional Education Office for seeking PS(Ed)’s approval for keeping open of G/SSPF account and for the adjustment of salary incremental date, if any. Such letter should also be copied to Finance Division of the Education Bureau for necessary arrangements. For other types of no-pay leave, IMC schools should follow the same procedures as for no-pay sick/maternity/special tuberculosis leave mentioned above; schools which have not yet established an IMC should, as required by the Codes of Aid, send an application to the respective Senior School Development Officer of the Regional Education Office for seeking PS(Ed)’s approval.

 Samples of application/notification of granting no-pay leave to school head/teachers (Attachment 1A/1B for SMC/IMC schools respectively)

(For application/notification of laboratory technicians and specialist staff, schools may adapt the above samples where appropriate.)

7. Schools should take own responsibility to fulfill all statutory requirements including meeting any possible expenditure arising from all types of no-pay leave of teaching and non-teaching staff, such as expenses arising from statutory holidays and/or annual leave (if applicable). Starting from the 2012/13 school year, schools may use the surplus of Operating Expenses Block Grant (OEBG)/Expanded Operating Expenses Block Grant (EOEBG) for the payment of statutory holidays/annual leave arising from the following types of specific no-pay leave Note 5 for their staff remunerated under Salaries Grant, on the condition that the application of no-pay leave is supported with valid documentary proofs:

Note 5 Prevailing procedures should be followed in approving no-pay leave to staff in schools. Schools should retain all supporting documents for payment arising from the above specific no-pay leave for record and inspection, if required.


(a) no-pay sick/maternity/special tuberculosis leave (referred to as no-pay sick leave);

(b) no-pay study leave for attending education-related courses;

(c) no-pay leave granted due to poor health condition with medical documentary proof; and

(d) no-pay leave granted for alleviating the redundancy problem of an individual school/schools under the same Sponsor (prior confirmation from the School Development Officer concerned is required).

For no-pay leave other than the above listed, schools should continue to take their own responsibilities to fulfill all statutory requirements including meeting any possible expenditure out of non-government funds. Schools may refer to the latest EDBCM on “Operating Expenses Block Grant, Expanded Operating Expenses Block Grant and Composite Furniture and Equipment Grant for Aided Schools” and the User Guides of OEBG/EOEBG uploaded on EDB Homepage for details.

Leave Records

8. Schools should keep leave records of their staff as required by the Codes of Aid and are requested to send in leave record of teachers yearly in August each school year for PS(Ed)’s endorsement. PS(Ed) will signify his approval to the leave by endorsing the relevant leave records provided that PS(Ed) is satisfied that the SMC/IMC concerned has considered each application in accordance with the conditions provided by the relevant Code of Aid, the Employment Ordinance and the instructions PS(Ed) from time to time issue with supporting documents.

 Sample of annual summary of leave record of teachers (Attachment 2) 9. For non-teaching staff, the leave records are not required to be sent to PS(Ed) for endorsement. Schools are reminded to keep proper and up-to-date leave records of their non-teaching staff.

 Sample of annual summary of leave record of non-teaching staff (Attachment 3)

10. To facilitate schools’ proper leave recording of their teaching/non-teaching staff, samples of leave record of individual staff are also provided below for schools’


 Sample of sick leave record of individual staff (teaching or non-teaching) (Attachment 4)

 Sample of other leave record of individual staff (teaching or non-teaching) (Attachment 5)

11. For proper management of leave matters, schools should keep the leave records of their staff up-to-date. These leave records should be available for inspection by officers authorized by PS(Ed) or the inspectors of schools as and when


required. When a staff leaves the employment of a school, the Certificate of Service prepared by the school for the staff should state, among other things, the period(s) of no-pay leave taken (if any) and the sick leave balance.

Education Bureau (Revised in April 2013)


Attachment 1A


(For the reference of schools which have not yet established an IMC)


To: Senior School Development Officer, Regional Education Office Duplicate : Senior Accounting Officer (Funds), Finance Division

Triplicate : The school *head/teacher taking leave

* Delete whichever is inappropriate

□ “” as appropriate Dear Sir/Madam,

No Pay Leave for School Head/Teachers Name of School:

Name of *Head/Teacher:

I refer to the application for no-pay leave by *Mr/Ms __________________, (rank) of my school dated .

I wish to inform you that *Mr/Ms _________________ *has applied for/has been granted no-pay leave of day(s) from ________ to _________ inclusive Note 1 on ground of:


*sick/maternity/special tuberculosis leave.


study leave for attending education-related course(s). (Please specify)

The course name: ___________________________________________________

The organizing institution: ____________________________________________


leave due to poor health condition with medical documentary proof.


leave for alleviating the redundancy problem of *my school/another school under the same sponsor. Note2

(please specify the name of the other school: _____________________________) (e)

other leave for reasons of personal affairs.

(please specify the reason: ____________________________________________)

Note 1 When the last day of no-pay leave is followed by a Sunday or a gazetted public holiday, such Sunday or gazetted public holiday will be regarded as an extension of the period of no-pay leave. When the last day of such no-pay leave is followed by the major school holidays, i.e. Christmas Holiday, Chinese New Year Holiday, Easter Holiday and Summer Vacation, payment of salary will resume on the day the staff reports to school for duty. In this connection, the teacher concerned should also include the day(s) which is/are regarded as an extension of the no-pay leave period in his/her application.

Note 2 Prior confirmation from school’s respective School Development Officer is required.


In view of the fact that *Mr/Ms _______________ *has applied for/has been granted _____ day(s) of no-pay leave, his/her incremental date *will be adjusted upon approval/is adjusted to the first of _____________.

I have checked the relevant documentary proof provided by

*Mr/Ms______________ and:

confirm valid. [applicable to the type of leave stated in (a) only]

confirm valid. The documentary proof is attached with this form for your further processing of this application. Besides, I have also informed

*Mr/Ms______________ that he/she should report to school for duty on the day following the last day of such no-pay leave to resume the payment of salary.

[applicable to types of leave stated in (b) to (e) only]

I should be grateful if you would *give approval to the above leave application and keeping open the provident fund account/give approval to keeping open the provident fund account of *Mr/Ms from to_______________ inclusive as a result of his/her taking no-pay leave during the above-mentioned period. His/Her leave will not be counted as continuous contributory service for provident fund purposes.

I understand that schools should take own responsibility to fulfill all statutory requirements, including meeting any possible expenditure arising from the no-pay leave of the teaching staff concerned, such as the expenses arising from statutory holidays Note3.

Yours sincerely,

(__________________) School Supervisor

(Revised in August 2022)

Note 3 For meeting statutory requirements arising from no-pay leave of (a) to (d), aided schools are reminded to refer to the EDB Circular Memorandum on “Operating Expenses Block Grant (OEBG), Expanded Operating Expenses Block Grant (EOEBG) and Composite Furniture and Equipment Grant for Aided Schools” of the school year and the User Guide of OEBG uploaded on EDB Homepage.


Personal Information Collection Statement

Purpose of Collection

1. The personal data provided by you in this form will be used by the EDB for one or more of the following purposes:

(a) Activities relating to the processing, authentication and counter-checking of the application/notification for granting no-pay leave to school head/teachers;

(b) Activities relating to matching of the personal data with the database of other relevant Government bureaux / departments in connection with the processing, authentication and counter-checking of the application/notification mentioned in (a) above;

(c) Activities relating to matching of the personal data within the database of EDB for purposes of verifying / updating records of the EDB;

(d) Activities relating to training and development including invitation of participation in programmes / activities, applications for reimbursement of course fees, assessment of nominations, awards and scholarship, and monitoring of attainment progress;

(e) Activities relating to the processing and vetting of applications for, and disbursement of, funding / grants / subsidies, and conducting of audits;

(f) Activities relating to compilation of statistics, research and Government publications;


(g) Activities relating to the administration and enforcement of rules and regulations including the Education Ordinance (Cap. 279), its subsidiary legislation (such as the Education Regulations and the Grant/Subsidized Schools Provident Fund Rules) and the Codes of Aid.

2. The provision of personal data required by this form and during the processing of this form is obligatory. In the event that you do not provide those personal data, we may not be able to handle or further process the application/notification.

Classes of Transferees

3. The personal data you provide will be made available to persons working in EDB.

Apart from this, they may be transferred or disclosed to the parties or in the circumstances listed below:-

(a) other Government bureau and departments for the purposes mentioned in paragraph 1 above;

(b) the school in which the form relates for the purposes mentioned in paragraph 1 above;

(c) where you have given your prescribed consent to such disclosure; and

(d) where such disclosure is authorised or required under the law or court order applicable to Hong Kong.


Access to Personal Data

4. You have the right to request access to and correction of your personal data held by EDB. Request for access or correction of personal data should be made in writing to the respective Senior School Development Officer by post to the Regional Education Office at the address on the EDB website (https://www.edb.gov.hk/en/contact-us/reo.html) or email to edbinfo@edb.gov.hk.


Attachment 1B


(For the reference of schools which have established an IMC)


To: Senior School Development Officer, Regional Education Office Duplicate : Senior Accounting Officer (Funds), Finance Division

Triplicate : The school *head/teacher taking leave

* Delete whichever is inappropriate

□ “” as appropriate Dear Sir/Madam,

No-pay Leave for School Head/Teachers Name of School:

Name of *Head/Teacher:

I refer to the application for no-pay leave by *Mr/Ms __________________, (rank) of my school dated .

I wish to inform you that approval has been given to *Mr/Ms _________________

to take no-pay leave of day(s) from ________ to _________ inclusive Note 1 on ground of:


*sick/maternity/special tuberculosis leave.


study leave for attending education-related course(s). (please specify)

The course name:

The organizing institution:


leave due to poor health condition with medical documentary proof.


leave for alleviating the redundancy problem of *my school/another school under the same sponsor. Note2

(please specify the name of the other school: ) (e)

other leave for reasons of personal affairs.

(please specify the reason: )

Note 1 When the last day of no-pay leave is followed by a Sunday or a gazetted public holiday, such Sunday or gazetted public holiday will be regarded as an extension of the period of no-pay leave. When the last day of such no-pay leave is followed by the major school holidays, i.e. Christmas Holiday, Chinese New Year Holiday, Easter Holiday and Summer Vacation, payment of salary will resume on the day the staff reports to school for duty. In this connection, the teacher concerned should also include the day(s) which is/are regarded as an extension of the no-pay leave period in his/her application.

Note 2 Prior confirmation from school’s respective School Development Officer is required.


In view of the fact that *Mr/Ms ______________ has been granted _____ day(s) of no-pay leave, his/her incremental date will be adjusted to the first of _____________.

I have checked the relevant documentary proof provided by

*Mr/Ms ______________ and:

confirm valid. [applicable to the type of leave stated in (a) only]

confirm valid. I understand that EDB may request my school to provide the documentary proof in respect of the above no-pay leave. Besides, I have also informed *Mr/Ms______________ that he/she should report to school for duty on the day following the last day of such no-pay leave to resume the payment of salary.

[applicable to types of leave stated in (b) to (e) only]

I should be grateful if you would give approval to *Mr/Ms __________________

for keeping open his/her provident fund account from to_______________

inclusive as a result of his/her taking no-pay leave during the above-mentioned period.

His/Her leave will not be counted as continuous contributory service for provident fund purposes.

I also understand that schools should take own responsibility to fulfill all statutory requirements, including meeting any possible expenditure arising from the no-pay leave of the teaching staff concerned, such as the expenses arising from statutory holidays Note3.

Yours sincerely,

(__________________) School Supervisor

(Revised in August 2022)

Note 3 For meeting statutory requirements arising from no-pay leave of (a) to (d), aided schools are reminded to refer to the EDB Circular Memorandum on “Operating Expenses Block Grant (OEBG), Expanded Operating Expenses Block Grant (EOEBG) and Composite Furniture and Equipment Grant for Aided Schools” of the school year and the User Guide of EOEBG uploaded on EDB Homepage.


Personal Information Collection Statement

Purpose of Collection

1. The personal data provided by you in this form will be used by the EDB for one or more of the following purposes:

(a) Activities relating to the processing, authentication and counter-checking of the application/notification for granting no-pay leave to school head/teachers;

(b) Activities relating to matching of the personal data with the database of other relevant Government bureaux / departments in connection with the processing, authentication and counter-checking of the application/notification mentioned in (a) above;

(c) Activities relating to matching of the personal data within the database of EDB for purposes of verifying / updating records of the EDB;

(d) Activities relating to training and development including invitation of participation in programmes / activities, applications for reimbursement of course fees, assessment of nominations, awards and scholarship, and monitoring of attainment progress;

(e) Activities relating to the processing and vetting of applications for, and disbursement of, funding / grants / subsidies, and conducting of audits;

(f) Activities relating to compilation of statistics, research and Government publications;


(g) Activities relating to the administration and enforcement of rules and regulations including the Education Ordinance (Cap. 279), its subsidiary legislation (such as the Education Regulations and the Grant/Subsidized Schools Provident Fund Rules) and the Codes of Aid.

2. The provision of personal data required by this form and during the processing of this form is obligatory. In the event that you do not provide those personal data, we may not be able to handle or further process the application/notification.

Classes of Transferees

3. The personal data you provide will be made available to persons working in EDB.

Apart from this, they may be transferred or disclosed to the parties or in the circumstances listed below:-

(a) other Government bureau and departments for the purposes mentioned in paragraph 1 above;

(b) the school in which the form relates for the purposes mentioned in paragraph 1 above;

(c) where you have given your prescribed consent to such disclosure; and

(d) where such disclosure is authorised or required under the law or court order applicable to Hong Kong.


Access to Personal Data

4. You have the right to request access to and correction of your personal data held by EDB. Request for access or correction of personal data should be made in writing to the respective Senior School Development Officer by post to the Regional Education Office at the address on the EDB website (https://www.edb.gov.hk/en/contact-us/reo.html) or email to edbinfo@edb.gov.hk.


Attachment 2

SAMPLE (For reference only)

To: Senior School Development Officer, Regional Education Office


Name of School :

Period : to

I submit leave record of the following teachers for the above-mentioned period for your approval. I confirm that each application with the supporting documents has been considered in accordance with the conditions provided by the relevant Code of Aid, the Employment Ordinance and the instructions the Permanent Secretary for Education may from time to time issue.

Name of Teacher Types of Leave Taken*

Paid (P)/

No-pay (NP) No. of Days

Sick Leave Balance as at

31 August of ________(year)


1. Mr CHAN x x SL




2 0

2. Ms SIU x x - - -


3. Ms LEE x x ML




91 168

4. Miss CHEUNG x x O NP 21


5. Mrs WONG HO x x ST




15 100

*Types of Leave - Sick Leave (SL), Special Tuberculosis Leave (TB), Maternity Leave (ML), Paternity Leave (PAL1), Special Leave (SP), Study Leave (ST), Leave for serving as Jurors or Witnesses (JW), Leave for Special Events (LS) and Others (O).

Note Include all regular teachers in the approved establishment and other teachers paid out of Salaries Grant.

(Revised in August 2022)

Name of Supervisor’s

Date: Supervisor: Signature:


Personal Information Collection Statement

Purpose of Collection

1. The personal data provided by you in this form will be used by the EDB for one or more of the following purposes:

(a) Activities relating to the processing, authentication and counter-checking of leave record of teachers;

(b) Activities relating to matching of the personal data with the database of other relevant Government bureaux / departments in connection with the processing, authentication and counter-checking in (a) above;

(c) Activities relating to matching of the personal data within the database of EDB for purposes of verifying / updating records of the EDB;

(d) Activities relating to training and development including invitation of participation in programmes / activities, applications for reimbursement of course fees, assessment of nominations, awards and scholarship, and monitoring of attainment progress;

(e) Activities relating to the processing and vetting of applications for, and disbursement of, funding / grants / subsidies, and conducting of audits;

(f) Activities relating to compilation of statistics, research and Government publications;


(g) Activities relating to the administration and enforcement of rules and regulations including the Education Ordinance (Cap. 279), its subsidiary legislation (such as the Education Regulations and the Grant/Subsidized Schools Provident Fund Rules) and the Codes of Aid.

2. The provision of personal data required by this form and during the processing of this form is obligatory. In the event that you do not provide those personal data, we may not be able to handle or further process the application/notification.

Classes of Transferees

3. The personal data you provide will be made available to persons working in EDB.

Apart from this, they may be transferred or disclosed to the parties or in the circumstances listed below:-

(a) other Government bureau and departments for the purposes mentioned in paragraph 1 above;

(b) the school in which the form relates for the purposes mentioned in paragraph 1 above;

(c) where you have given your prescribed consent to such disclosure; and

(d) where such disclosure is authorised or required under the law or court order applicable to Hong Kong.


Access to Personal Data

4. You have the right to request access to and correction of the personal data provided by you and held by EDB. Request for access or correction of personal data should be made in writing to the respective Senior School Development Officer by post to the Regional

Education Office at the address on the EDB website

(https://www.edb.gov.hk/en/contact-us/reo.html) or email to edbinfo@edb.gov.hk.


Attachment 3

SAMPLE (For reference only)


Name of School :

Period : to

I confirm that each application with the supporting documents has been considered in accordance with the conditions provided by the relevant Code of Aid, the Employment Ordinance and the instructions the Permanent Secretary for Education may from time to time issue.

Name of Staff (Date of appointment)

Post Types of Leave Taken*

Paid (P)/

No-pay (NP)

No. of Days


1. Mr LEE x x (1.9.2011)

Laboratory Technician




28 3 14 2. Ms WONG x x


Clerical Assistant



70 2 14

*Types of Leave – Annual Leave (AL), Sick Leave (SL), Special Tuberculosis Leave (TB), Maternity Leave (ML), Paternity Leave (PAL1), Study Leave (ST), Leave for serving as Jurors or Witnesses (JW), Leave for Special Events (LS) and Others (O).

(Revised in April 2013)

Name of Supervisor’s

Date: Supervisor: Signature:


Attachment 4

SICK LEAVE RECORD SAMPLE (For reference only)

Worked Examples on Calculation of Sick Leave Balance of Teaching Staff

Worked Example 1

Name of School: _______________________________________________________

Name of Staff ________________ (__________________) Sex: __________

Post: GM

Date of Appointment: 1.9.2006 Last Date of Employment: _______________

Incremental Date [ID]: 1st of September after Appointment Sick Leave

EntitlementNote 1

Sick Leave Taken Sick Leave

Balance Day(s)

Incremental Date

(ID) Date of


Days From To Absence


1.9.2006 28 28 1.9

1.9.2007 48 76

(28+48)Note 2


6.4.2008 13.4.2008 8 68


1.9.2008 48 116



25.2.2009 23.6.2009 116


Note 3


29.6.2009 2.7.2009 4 Note 4 0



1.9.2009 48 48

(0+48) Note 5


Note 1 The maximum sick leave balance that can be accumulated is 168 days.

Note 2 At the beginning of 2007/08 school year, adding the 48 days paid sick leave entitlement does not exceed the 168-day maximum. Therefore, all sick leave entitled by the teacher will be credited to the sick leave balance on a yearly basis.

Note 3 According to the Employment Ordinance, an employee is entitled to enjoy the benefit of statutory holidays upon completion of 3 months continuous service. Therefore, when the paid sickness period fall on statutory holiday (4/4 - Ching Ming Festival, 1/5 - Labour Day, 28/5 - Tuen Ng Festival), such statutory holidays should not be counted against the paid sick leave entitlement of the teacher.

Note 4 When no-pay sickness period fall on statutory holiday(s) (1/7 – HKSAR Establishment Day), such statutory holiday(s) should be counted in accordance with the valid medical certificate but schools have to take own responsibility to fulfill the statutory requirements. Starting from the 2012/13 school year, schools may use the surplus of OEBG/EOEBG for the payment of statutory holidays arising from the no-pay sick leave of the teacher remunerated under Salaries Grant.

Note 5 Since the sick leave balance at the end of the 2008/09 school year is NOT more than 120 days, school will continue to update the sick leave balance in advance on a yearly basis at the beginning of 2009/10 school year.

(Revised in September 2014)


Worked Example 2

Name of School: _____________________________________________________

Name of Staff ________________ ( ________________ ) Sex: _________

Post: GM

Date of Appointment: 1.9.2004 Last Date of Employment: ______________

Incremental Date [ID]: 1st of September after Appointment

Sick Leave EntitlementNote1 Sick Leave Taken Sick Leave

Balance Day(s)

ID Date of


Days From To Absence


1.9.2009 168Note 2 1.9

30.9.2009 4 13.9.2009




0.5 168


31.10.2009 4 168


30.11.2009 4 168


31.12.2009 4 18.12.2009




0.5 168


31.1.2010 0 Note 3 29.1.2010 10.2.2010 13 155


11.2.2010 4 Note 4

(for the month of Jan)



28.2.2010 4 163


31.3.2010 4 167


30.4.2010 4 168


31.5.2010 4 11.5.2010 11.5.2010 1

24.5.2010 25.5.2010 2

27.5.2010 28.5.2010 2 167


30.6.2010 0 2.6.2010 2.6.2010 1

4.6.2010 9.6.2010 6

18.6.2010 30.6.2010 13 147


1.7.2010 4 Note 5

(for the month of Jun)



Note 1 The maximum sick leave balance that can be accumulated is 168 days.

Note 2 Since the maximum sick leave balance is reached (i.e. 168 days) at the beginning of the 2009/10 school year, school needs to update the teacher’s sick leave balance on a monthly basis to credit 4 days of sick leave entitlement for each completed month of service.

Note 3 The entitlement of paid sick leave accumulated for Jan 2010 cannot be credited to the sick leave balance until the teacher’s sickness period ends.

Note 4 The teacher’s sickness period ends on the day before the Lunar New Year Holiday (i.e. 11/2). School has formulated school-based policy on sick leave management (including the submission of medical certificate, means of notifying school that the sick leave ends, etc.) to handle the above situation. As the school noted that the teacher’s sick leave ends, the sick leave entitlement the teacher accrued during the sickness period could be credited to his/her sick leave balance.

Note 5 As the sickness period is followed by a statutory holiday (i.e. 1/7), school may credit the sick leave entitlement accrued during the sickness period to the teacher’s sick leave balance.

(Revised in September 2014)


Sick Leave EntitlementNote1 Sick Leave Taken Sick Leave Balance


ID Date of


Days From To Absence


31.7.2010 4 155


31.8.2010 4 159

(155+4)Note 6 4 days paid sick leave

are to be updated monthly in the

2010/11 s.y.

Total 39 159

Note 6 Since the sick leave balance at the end of 2009/10 school year is more than 120 days, school will continue to update the sick leave balance of the teacher on a monthly basis in the 2010/11 school year.

(Revised in September 2014)


Attachment 5

SAMPLE (For reference only)


Name of School:

Name of Staff ( ) Sex:

Post: GM

Date of Appointment: 1.9.1997 Last Date of Employment:

Incremental Date [ID]: 1st of September after Appointment

Adjusted to 1st of October after the teacher took no-pay special leave from 30.4.2012 to 20.5.2012 inclusive (21 days)

Absence Type of Leave: - Special Tuberculosis Leave (TB) - Maternity Leave (ML)

- Paternity Leave (PAL1) - Special Leave (SP) -


Study Leave (ST)

Leave for serving as Jurors or Witnesses (JW) - Leave for Special Events (LS)

- Others (O)

Absence Type

Paid (P) / No-pay (NP)

Absence Period/Date


Day(s) ID

From To

SP P 8.10.1998 --- 1 1.9

ML P 1.12.1999 8.2.2000 70 1.9

O NP 30.4.2012 20.5.2012 21 1.10

(Revised in April 2013)



¾ A combination of results in five HKDSE subjects of Level 2 in New Senior Secondary (NSS) subjects, "Attained" in Applied Learning (ApL) subjects (subject to a maximum of

Aided, government and caput schools, schools under the Direct Subsidy Scheme and special schools operating senior secondary classes offering the local curriculum are eligible for

An additional senior teacher post, to be offset by a post in the rank of Certificated Master/Mistress or Assistant Primary School Master/ Mistress as appropriate, is provided

An additional senior teacher post, to be offset by a post in the rank of APSM, is provided to each primary special school/special school with primary section that operates six or

(b) The Incorporated Management Committee may approve leave of various kinds to teaching and non-teaching staff employed under the Salaries Grant, paid or no-pay, in

(ii) “The dismissal of any teacher who is employed in the school – (a) to occupy a teacher post in the establishment of staff provided for in the code of aid for primary

1.10.1989, salary conversion for serving GMs with different types of academic qualifications should follow the appropriate conversion tables at Aided Schools General Circular

 The TRG consists of two components: a basic component which is an annual recurrent cash grant provided to schools for the appointment of supply teachers to cover approved