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行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫 成果報告


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行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫 成果報告

平行編譯器中不規則資料重新分佈之訊息產生與通訊最佳 化研究(2/2)

計畫類別: 個別型計畫

計畫編號: NSC94-2213-E-216-002-

執行期間: 94 年 08 月 01 日至 95 年 07 月 31 日 執行單位: 中華大學資訊工程學系

計畫主持人: 許慶賢

計畫參與人員: 蔡秉儒、翁銘遠、藍朝陽

報告類型: 完整報告

報告附件: 出席國際會議研究心得報告及發表論文 處理方式: 本計畫可公開查詢

中 華 民 國 95 年 10 月 24 日


行政院國家科學委員會補助專題研究計畫 █ 成 果 報 告

□ 期中進度報告

平行編譯器中不規則資料重新分佈之訊息產生與通訊最佳 化研究(2/2)

計畫類別:█ 個別型計畫 □ 整合型計畫 計畫編號:NSC 94-2213-E-216-002-

執行期間: 94 年 08 月 01 日至95 年 07 月 31 日 執行單位: 中華大學資訊工程學系

計畫主持人:許慶賢 副教授 共同主持人:

計畫參與人員:蔡秉儒、翁銘遠、藍朝陽 中華大學資訊工程學系研究生

成果報告類型(依經費核定清單規定繳交):□精簡報告 █完整報告






處理方式:除產學合作研究計畫、提升產業技術及人才培育研究計畫、列 管計畫及下列情形者外,得立即公開查詢


中 華 民 國 94 年 10 月 14 日



平行編譯器中不規則資料重新分佈之訊息產生與通訊最 佳化研究


本報告是有關於在分散式記憶體環境下對 GEN_BLOCK 動態式資料重新配置技術 之描述。在這一個計畫中,我們研發了對 GEN_BLOCK 資料重新配置的通訊排程演算 法,Two-Phase Degree-Reduction (TPDR),以及對估算通訊成本做較佳化的演算法,Local

Message Reduction(LMR)

。TPDR 是由兩個排程方法所組成的演算法:第一個是本計畫

所發展的排程演算法,優先處理需傳送最多訊息或接收最多訊息的處理器;第二個演 算法運用著色理論和修正著色排程機制,找出最後兩個步驟中,訊息適合擺放的位置,

以此協助完成第一個排程演算法未完成的排程步驟。LMR 針對網路環境中的傳輸速度 與本機傳送速度的差異,給予每一筆通訊較佳通訊成本,幫助排程演算法降低資料重 新配置的時間,是一個適用於任何通訊排程演算法的方法。在本計畫中,由於 TPDR 有效降低整體排程步驟的通訊時間並且避免處理器互相競爭傳送訊息的優先順序,且


提供比以往更能反應出真實傳輸時間的通訊成本理論模組,因此有助於提升平行 編譯器運算平行程式的整體效能。

關鍵詞:GEN_BLOCK、動態式資料重新配置、分散式記憶體、排程演算法、通訊成本 理論模組、平行編譯器。


Design and Implementation of Resource Allocation and Job Scheduling for Supporting SPMD Programs on Heterogeneous

Parallel Computing Networks


This report presents the development and implementation of runtime GEN_BLOCK data redistribution scheduling algorithm for irregular data redistribution on distributed memory computing environments. In this project, we developed an irregular array redistribution scheduling algorithm, two-phase degree-reduction (TPDR) and a method to provide better cost when computing cost of each communication, local message reduction (LMR). TPDR is consisted of two parts: the first part schedules messages which are from processors that have most messages to be sent or received; the second part is used to schedule the left two scheduling steps that can’t be completed in first part using coloring method and an adjustable coloring mechanism. LMR estimates the difference of speed ratio between a node transmitting data to others and to itself. After the difference is estimated, LMR lowers cost of communications that a node transmits to itself. It helps scheduling algorithm reducing redistribution time. It is an algorithm independent method. In this project, TPDR scheduling algorithm and LMR can facilitate performance improvement on parallel compiler environments because of helping shortening overall communication time, avoiding node contention and giving better theoretical module of communication cost when performing GEN_BLOCK data redistribution.


GEN_BLOCK, Dynamic Data Redistribution, Distributed Memory, Scheduling Algorithm, Theoretical module of communication cost, Parallel Compiler




在分散式記憶體環境裡,大部分的科學運算程式在執行的過程中,需要經常改變資 料配置方式,以便配合不同運算階段中對處理器的資料需求。在平行程式重新配置資料 的過程中,處理器需要經常移動大量的資料已達到平行程式的資料配置需求。然而花費 的通訊成本過高時會影響程式整體的執行效能,因此,動態的資料配置技術在分散式記 憶統環境中,是一個重要的研究方向。過去,由於分散式記憶體環境都是由相同能力的 電腦組成,因此,資料重新配置研究主要著重在規則的資料重新配置上。隨著網路的發 達,利用網際網路上的電腦進行平行運算的研究越來越受到重視,因此需要針對不同能 力的電腦組成的分散式記憶體環境開發不規則的資料重新配置通訊演算法,但目前仍然 少有針對不規則的資料重新配置型態所發展的演算法。在本計畫中,我們將在分散式記 憶體環境下,針對不規則的資料分配情形提出高效率的通訊排程演算法。主要方向為研 發最少排程步驟的排程方法,並尋找和可以利用著色理論縮短整體排程時間的排程方 式。接著,我們針對環境中不同的訊息傳輸速度,研發出通訊成本理論模組,給予不同 類型的訊息不同的通訊成本。在設計排程演算法的同時我們也將設計一套理論分析模組 和資料配置參數產生器,以便比較理論上和實際上的排程結果是否互相對應。


由於 GEN_BLOCK 運算程式要求分配不同大小的連續資料區塊給各個處理器,不 容易有效率地執行訊息封裝和資料重新配置(Data Redistribution)。為了降低資料重新配 置所花費的通訊時間,發展有效率的資料排程演算法是必需的。

資 料 重 新 配 置 時 , 處 理 器 與 資 料 通 訊 的 關 係 是 由 兩 個 資 料 配 置 參 數 (Data

Distribution scheme)

所形成。將這個關係表示成二分圖就如圖一所示,SP0到 SP3為二分 圖中的一個節點集合(Vertex Set),代表資料未重新分配時的處理器集合;DP0 到 DP3

則是二分圖中的另一個節點集合,代表資料重新分配後的處理器集合;m1到 m7是二分 圖中的邊(Edge),代表處理器之間傳送訊息的關係。

本 計 畫 提 出 的 資 料 重 新 配 置 之 排 程 演 算 法 為 Two-Phase Degree Reduction



做通訊排程,如圖一中的 SP1和 DP2,也就是先處理二分圖中與擁有最大 Degree 的節 點(處理器)有關係的邊(通訊訊息)。












第一個部分會循序降低最大 Degree 的值,每降低最大 Degree 1 時,演算法便能排 出一個排程步驟。當最大 Degree 的值小於等於 2 時,TPDR 排程演算法將進入第二個 部份。第二部份使用著色理論的概念將第一部分尚未排入排程步驟的通訊訊息塗上兩 種顏色以便分成兩個邊集合(Edge Set)分別排入兩個排程步驟中。在排程演算法的第二 部份中也採用顏色修正機制,當通訊訊息的顏色改變可降低通訊成本且不發生衝突時 使用。



第一步:在二分圖中,找出目前 Degree 值是最大的節點,並且依照仍需傳送或接 收通訊訊息的總量節點排序。假設有 k 個節點的 Degree 值是最大的,且目前最大 Degree 值是 d,則對處理器排序完後得到一集合<Vi1

, V


, …, V



第二步:由步驟一排序節點的結果中,逐一挑出最大總量的節點,將他們仍需傳 送或接收的最小量通訊訊息排入目前的第 d 個排程步驟中。

第三步:當 Degree 最大值大於 2 時,重複步驟一和步驟二。

圖一中的最大 Degree 值為 3,在第一步中,SP1和 DP2首先依照通訊訊息的傳輸量 被排序。假設 m2和 m6分別為 SP1和 DP2所要傳送和接收的最小通訊訊息,m2和 m6

將會被排入排程步驟 3 中。此時,圖一中的二分圖將變成由 m1、m3、m4、m5 和 m7 所組成的二分圖,如圖二所示。








圖二、挑選出 m2和 m6排入排程步驟 3 以後的二分圖。由於目前最大 Degree 為 2,所 以剩餘的通訊訊息將由 TPDR 排程演算法的第二部份進行排程。


因為最大 Degree 值為 2,排程演算法進入利用著色理論來排通訊訊息的第二部份。

將 m1、m3、m5和 m7塗上紅色,m4塗上藍色。紅色和藍色分別代表排程步驟 1 和 2,


在著色的過程中,假如顏色修正機制發現 m4放置在第一個排程步驟且 m3和 m5放 再第二個排程步驟後,會使得整體的傳送時間減少的話,則 m4應塗成紅色,m3和 m5


Schedule Table

Step 1 m1、m3、m5、m7

Step 2 m4

Step 3 m2、m6

圖三、經由 TPDR 排程演算法排程後所得到的結果。

Schedule Table Step 1 m1、m4、m7

Step 2 m3、m5

Step 3 m2、m6

圖四、顏色修正機制更換了 m4以及 m3和 m5在 Step 1 和 Step 2 的位置。

我們針對不同的資料配置情形和各個排程演算法進行分析,發現排程演算法是否 容易找到最佳或花費最少排程時間的排程結果與資料配置情形有關聯。當我們設定每個 處理器取得的資料為平均值的正負百分之三十時,也就是當平行程式要求資料分配的情 形為資料較平均地分配在各個處理器時,通訊排程演算法較不易找到接近最佳解的通訊 排程結果。然而當資料明顯地被集中在某個或是某些少數處理器時,通訊排程演算法大 部分都可以找到花費較少的排程結果。然而在比較這些結果後,本計畫中提出的排程演 算法明顯地勝出其他演算法許多。


的通訊成本理論模組提供傳輸速率比來改善資料重新分配的效率,是獨立於 排程演算法的技術。其主要精神在去除節點傳送訊息給自己時被過於考慮的通訊成本,

以反應出實際在機器上執行的時間。因此,LMR 先測量節點傳送訊息給其他節點以及 給自己的速率,將其差異表現在估算的通訊成本中,譬如,節點傳送訊息給自己的,其 通訊成本應比傳給其他節點的低,不能視為同一通訊類型。LMR 提供兩者的速率比,

用來降低本地端傳送的成本或增加外地傳送的成本,以突顯兩者不同。讓排程演算法先 得知每個通訊其合理的通訊成本後在進行排程,會有較佳的排程結果。圖五結合 TPDR


與 LMR,並說明考慮速率比的重要性。


最大分支為三,如 SP2、DP2與 SP4,最小排程步驟有三步。圖五(b)是 TPDR 的排程結 果,結果顯示重新分配資料的成本為 297。若考慮實際通訊的時間,本地端通訊應給予 較低的通訊成本,則其成本應為 211,如圖五(c)所示,為排程後才考慮速率比的排程 結果。圖五(d)則事先考慮速率比,在改善通訊成本後,讓 TPDR 演算法進行排程。結 果顯示重新分配資料的成本變成更低的 155,較圖五(c)的 211 少了 56。這個例子說明 排程演算法應重視本地端與外地端通訊成本的差異,改善成本後再進行排程,有助於提 高資料重新分配的效率。我們在實驗部分發現 LMR 不僅能改善 TPDR,更能改善其他 排程演算法,降低資料重新分配所需的時間,是一個獨立於排程演算法的技術。

Schedule Table Cost Step 1







122 (m



Step 2







99 (m



Step 3







76 (m



Total cost = 297

(a) (b)

Schedule Table Cost Step 1







122 (m



Step 2







13 (m



Step 3







76 (m



Total cost = 211

Schedule Table Cost Step 1 m1、m4、m6、m8 122 (m8) Step 2 m3、m7 23 (m3) Step 3 m2、m5、m9 10 (m2)

Total cost = 155

(c) (d)

圖五、(a)資料重新分配之二分圖。(b)TPDR 的排程結果,通訊成本為 297。(c)利用 LMR 分析圖五(b)能反應真實傳送時間的通訊成本,即降低 m1、m5與 m9三個本地端通訊的 成本,變成 211。(d)排程前利用 LMR 改善通訊成本,讓 TPDR 排程後得到較圖五(c)更 低的通訊成本,155。



 完成訊息產生與封裝技術實作 - 為了知道確切的通訊訊息交換量,我們完成了訊



 完成Interval graph 之演算法實作 - 我們完成Interval graph之演算法實作,可用來 判斷通訊訊息的最少排程步驟。

 完成GEN_BLOCK資料重新分配之排程演算法實作 - 針對最小排程步驟分析可行 的排程演算法,找出最大Degree與最小步驟的值是相等的。因此以循序降低最大



 完成著色理論嵌入不規則排程的模組 - 利用著色理論得到的排程雖然是最小排程 步驟,但無法得到最低通訊量的排程結果,因此嵌入TPDR排程演算法中,利用其 特性排程不需要在乎通訊量的通訊訊息。

 完成List scheduling algorithm[22]以及Divide-and-conquer scheduling algorithm [20]

之實作 - 為了證實本計畫開發的排程演算法為有效率的排程演算法,需實做其他 排程演算法以便進行實驗。

 完成用於分析通訊排程步驟與訊息長度成本的理論模組 - 為了比較排程演算法的 優缺,我們完成了通訊成本的理論模組,用以判斷排程結果的好壞。

 完成解決訊息傳送可能引起競爭之研究 - 通訊訊息再被傳送或接收的過程中易引 起處理器互相競爭,增加通訊成本。我們的排程演算法成功地避免了傳送訊息時可 能引起的通訊競爭情形。

 完成資料配置參數產生器 - 為了模擬實際的資料配置參數,我們實做了一個資料 配置產生器,產生資料集中於某些處理器和平均分散在各個處理器上的資料配置 參數。

 完成傳輸速率比的理論模組 - 為了讓通訊成本能確實反應出傳送資料花費的時 間,我們完成了傳輸速率比的理論模組,避免排程演算法處理到不正確的訊息。

 完成網路傳輸速率測試程式之實作 - 未提供傳輸速率比的理論模組測試數據,需 要測試網路環境中的真實傳輸速度。

 完成實驗數據分析模組 - 為了比較 LMR 改善排程演算法的程度,我們提出分析模 組,分析改善前後的優劣。



Ching-Hsien Hsu, Shih-Chang Chen and Chao-Yang Lan, "Scheduling Contention-Free Irregular Redistribution in Parallelizing Compilers," Accepted, The Journal of Supercomputing, Kluwer Academic Publisher, 2006. // TPDR 演算法


Ching-Hsien Hsu, Min-Hao Chen, Chao-Tung Yang and Kuan-Ching Li, “ Optimizing


Communications of Dynamic Data Redistribution on Symmetrical Matrices in Parallelizing Compilers,” IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 17, No. 11, pp. -, Nov.

2006. // 對稱矩陣資料重新分配技術


Ching-Hsien Hsu, “Sparse Matrix Block-Cyclic Realignment on Distributed Memory Machines," The Journal of Supercomputing, Vol. 33, No. 3, pp. 175-196, September 2005, Kluwer Academic Publisher.

(SCI, EI, NSC 93-2213-E-216-029) // 稀疏矩陣資料重新分配技術


Ching-Hsien Hsu, Chao-Yang Lan and Shih-Chang Chen, “Optimizing Scheduling Stability for Runtime Data Alignment,” Embedded System Optimization - Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4097, pp. 825-835, Springer-Verlag, Aug. 2006. // Local Message Reduction (局部最佳化)通訊 排程演算法


Ching-Hsien Hsu, Shih-Chang Chen, Chao-Yang Lan, Chao-Tung Yang and Kuan-Ching Li,

“Scheduling Convex Bipartite Communications Towards Efficient GEN_BLOCK Transformations,”

Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications - Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3758,

pp. 419-424, Springer-Verlag, Nov. 2005. (ISPA’05) // 利用二分圖與著色理論的排程演算法


Chang Wu Yu, Ching-Hsien Hsu, Kun-Ming Yu, C.-K. Liang and Chun-I Chen, “ Irregular Redistribution Scheduling by Partitioning Messages,” Computer Systems Architecture - Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3740, pp. 295-309, Springer-Verlag, Oct. 2005. // 利用訊息分割 的通訊排程技術


Shih-Chang Chen (博 士 班 學 生 ), Ching-Hsien Hsu, Chao-Yang Lan, Chao-Tung Yang and Kuan-Ching Li, "Efficient Communication Scheduling Methods for Irregular Array Redistribution in Parallelizing Compilers," Parallel Computing Technologies - Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.

3606, pp. 216-225, Springer-Verlag, Sep. 2005. (PaCT’05) // Contention free 排程技術


本計畫之研究成果相當豐碩。第一年度、在平行環境下對不規則的資料重新配置做 無處理器競爭之排程演算法這一個研究主題上共計發表三篇研討會論文以及二篇期刊 論文。第二年度、在 LMR 技術的主題上,我們也發表了兩篇國際論文。目前正在整理 這一兩年的研究成果,將投稿至 IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems.

目前初稿已完成 80%預計 11 月底以前可以投出去。雖然計畫已經結束,但是我們也發 覺這一個題目還有一些有趣的問題可以深入研究。這些問題預計可以寫成 1 至 2 篇期刊 論文。不論未來是否有執行相關計畫,這些題目我們都會繼續做下去。本計畫有豐碩的 研究成果,感謝國科會給予機會。下一個年度,我們將更加努力,爭取經費建立更完備 的研究環境。另外,對於參與研究計畫執行同學的認真,本人亦表達肯定與感謝。



1. G. Bandera and E.L. Zapata, “Sparse Matrix Block-Cyclic Redistribution,” Proceeding of IEEE Int'l. Parallel Processing Symposium (IPPS'99), San Juan, Puerto Rico, April 1999.

2. Frederic Desprez, Jack Dongarra and Antoine Petitet, “Scheduling Block-Cyclic Data redistribution,” IEEE Trans. on PDS, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 192-205, Feb. 1998.

3. Minyi Guo, “Communication Generation for Irregular Codes,” The Journal of Supercomputing, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 199-214, 2003.

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撰寫時間: 95 年 10 月 24 日 姓 名 許慶賢 服 務 機 關 名 稱 中華大學




03-5186410 chh@chu.edu.tw 出 生 日 期 62 年 2 月 23 日 職 稱 副教授

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Thomas L. Casavant

博士針對 Genomics and Biomedical Applications for Parallel Computing以及 Fine Grained Parallelism in Spatial Dynamics Simulation 主題發表精 闢的演說作為研討會的開始。第二天許多重要的研究成果分為兩個平行的場 次進行論文發表。本人選擇了 Architecture and Infrastructure 場次聽取報告。

晚上本人亦參加酒會,並且與幾位國外學者及中國、香港教授交換意見。第 三天本人在上午聽取了 Data and Information Management 相關研究,同時獲 悉許多新興起的研究主題,並了解目前國外大多數學者主要的研究方向。當 天下午發表我們的論文,本人亦參與大會所舉辦的晚宴。並且與幾位外國學 者認識,交流,合影留念。會議第四天是一天的 Social Program。會議最後 一天,本人選擇與這一次論文較為相近的 Scheduling, Fault Tolerance and



外的教授認識,希望能夠讓他們加深對台灣研究的印象。五天下來,本人聽 了許多優秀的論文發表。這些研究所涵蓋的主題包含有:網格系統技術、工 作排程、網格計算、網格資料庫以及無線網路等等熱門的研究課題。此次的 國際學術研討會議有許多知名學者的參與,讓每一位參加這個會議的人士都 能夠得到國際上最新的技術與資訊。是一次非常成功的學術研討會。參加本 次的國際學術研討會議,感受良多。讓本人見識到許多國際知名的研究學者 以及專業人才,得以與之交流。讓本人與其他教授面對面暢談所學領域的種 種問題。看了眾多研究成果以及聽了數篇專題演講,最後,本人認為,會議 所安排的會場以及邀請的講席等,都相當的不錯,覺得會議舉辦得很成功,


出 席 人 所 屬 機 關 審 核 意 見 層 轉 機 關 審 核 意 見 研 考 會 處 理 意 見



出席 PaCT-05 研討會所發表支論文)

Efficient Communication Scheduling Methods for Irregular Array Redistribution in Parallelizing Compilers


Shih-Chang Chen, Ching-Hsien Hsu


and Chao-Yang Lan

Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering Chung Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan 300, R.O.C.


Abstract. Many scientific problems have been solved on distributed memory multi-computers. For solving those problems, efficient data redistribution algorithm is necessary. Irregular array redistribution has been paid attention recently since it can distribute different size of data segment to processors according to their own computation ability. It’s also the reason why it has been kept an eye on load balance. High Performance Fortran Version 2 (HPF2) provides GEN_BLOCK (generalized block) distribution format which facilitates generalized block distributions. In this paper, we present a two-phase degree-reduction (TPDR) method for scheduling HPF2 irregular array redistribution. In a bipartite graph representation, the first phase schedules communications of processors that with degree greater than two. Every communication step will be scheduled after a degree-reduction iteration. The second phase schedules all messages of processors that with degree-2 and degree-1 using an adjustable coloring mechanism. An extended algorithm based on TPDR is also presented in this paper.

Effectiveness of the proposed methods not only avoids node contention but also shortens the overall communication length. To evaluate the performance of our methods, we have implemented both algorithms along with the divide-and-conquer algorithm. The simulation results show improvement of communication costs. The proposed methods are also practicable due to their low algorithmic complexity.

Keywords: Irregular redistribution, communication scheduling, GEN_BLOCK, degree-reduction

1. Introduction

Parallel computing systems have been used to solve complex scientific problems using their powerful computational ability. Dealing with those kinds of problems, systems must process large number of data.

For this reason, keeping load balancing is important. In order to achieve a good performance of load balancing, using an appropriate data distribution scheme [8] when processing different phase of application is necessary. In general, data distribution can be classified into regular and irregular. The regular distribution usually employs BLOCK, CYCLIC, or BLOCK-CYCLIC(c) to specify array decomposition. The irregular distribution uses user-defined functions to specify unevenly array distribution.

To map unequal sized continuous segments of array onto processors, High Performance Fortran version 2 (HPF2) provides GEN_BLOCK distribution format which facilitates generalized block distributions.

GEN_BLOCK allows unequal sized data segments of an array to be mapped onto processors. This makes it possible to let different processors dealing with appropriate data quantity according to their computation ability.

In some algorithms, an array distribution that is well-suited for one phase may not be good for a subsequent phase in terms of performance. Array redistribution is needed when applications running from one sub-algorithm to another during run-time [6]. Therefore, many data parallel programming languages support run-time primitives for changing a program’s array decomposition. Since array redistribution is performed at run-time, there is a performance trade-off between the efficiency of the new data decomposition for a subsequent phase of an algorithm and the cost of redistributing array among processors. Thus efficient methods for performing array redistribution are of great importance for the development of distributed memory compilers for those languages.

Communication scheduling is one of the most important issues on developing runtime array redistribution techniques. In this paper, we present a two-phase degree reduction (TPDR) algorithm to efficiently perform GEN_BLOCK array redistribution. The main idea of the two-phase degree reduction method is to schedules communications of processors that with degree greater than two in the first phase (degree reduction phase).


1 The work of this paper was supported by NSC, National Science Council of Taiwan, under grant number NSC-93-2213-E-216-029.



Every communication step will be scheduled after a degree-reduction iteration. The second phase (coloring phase) schedules all messages of processors that with degree-2 and degree-1 using an adjustable coloring mechanism. Based on the TPDR method, we also present an extended TPDR algorithm (E-TPDR). The proposed techniques have the following characteristics:

It is a simple method with low algorithmic complexity to perform GEN_BLOCK array redistribution.

The two-phase degree reduction technique can avoid node contentions while performing irregular array redistribution.

The two-phase degree reduction method is a single pass scheduling technique. It does not need to re-schedule / re-allocate messages. Therefore, it is applicable to different processor groups without increasing the scheduling complexity.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, a brief survey of related work will be presented.

In section 3, we will introduce an example of GEN_BLOCK array redistribution as preliminary. Section 4 presents two communication scheduling algorithms for irregular redistribution problem. The performance analysis and simulation results will be presented in section 5. Finally, the conclusions will be given in section 6.

2. Related Work

Many methods for performing array redistribution have been presented in the literature. These researches are usually developed for regular or irregular problems [5] in multi-computer compiler techniques or runtime support techniques. We briefly describe the related works in these two aspects.

Techniques for regular array redistribution, in general, can be classified into two approaches: the communication sets identification techniques and communication optimizations. The former includes the PITFALLS [17] and the ScaLAPACK [16] methods for index sets generation; Park et al. [14] devised algorithms for BLOCK-CYCLIC Data redistribution between processor sets; Dongarra et al. [15] proposed algorithmic redistribution methods for BLOCK-CYCLIC decompositions; Zapata et al. [1] proposed parallel sparse redistribution code for BLOCK-CYCLIC data redistribution based on CRS structure. The Generalized Basic-Cycle Calculation method was presented in [3].

Techniques for communication optimizations category, in general, provide different approaches to reduce the communication overheads in a redistribution operation. Examples are the processor mapping techniques [10, 12, 4] for minimizing data transmission overheads, the multiphase redistribution strategy [11] for reducing message startup cost, the communication scheduling approaches [2, 7, 13, 21] for avoiding node contention and the strip mining approach [18] for overlapping communication and computational overheads.

On irregular array redistribution, some work has concentrated on the indexing and message generation while some has addressed on the communication efficiency. Guo et al. [9] presented a symbolic analysis method for communication set generation and to reduce communication cost of irregular array redistribution. On communication efficiency, Lee et al. [12] presented a logical processor reordering algorithm on irregular array redistribution. Four algorithms were discussed in this work for reducing communication cost. Guo et al. [19, 20] proposed a divide-and-conquer algorithm for performing irregular array redistribution. In this method, communication messages are first divided into groups using Neighbor Message Set (NMS), messages have the same sender or receiver; the communication steps will be scheduled after those NMSs are merged according to the relationship of contention. In [21], a relocation algorithm was proposed by Yook and Park. The relocation algorithm consists of two scheduling phases, the list scheduling phase and the relocation phase. The list scheduling phase sorts global messages and allocates them into communication steps in decreasing order.

Because of conventional sorting operation, list scheduling indeed performs well in term of algorithmic complexity. If a contention happened, the relocation phase will perform a serial of re-schedule operations.

While algorithm flow goes to the relocation phase, it has to allocate an appropriate location for the messages that can’t be scheduled at that moment. This leads to high scheduling overheads and degrades the performance of a redistribution algorithm.

3. GEN_BLOCK Array Redistribution

In this section, we will present some properties of irregular array redistribution. To simplify the presentation, notations and terminologies used in this paper are prior defined as follows.

Definition 1: Given an irregular GEN_BLOCK redistribution on a one-dimension array A[1:N] over P processors, the source processors of array elements A[1:N] is denoted as SPi; the destination processors of array elements A[1:N] is denoted as DPi where 0 ≤ i ≤ P1.

Definition 2: A bipartite graph G = (V, E) is used to represent the communications of an irregular array redistribution on A[1:N] over P processors. Vertices of G are used to represent the source and destination processors. Edge eij in G denotes the message sent from SPi to DPj, where eij∈ E. |E| is given as the total


number of communication messages through the redistribution.

Figure 1(a) shows an example of redistributing two GEN_BLOCK distributions on an array A[1:100].

Distributions I and II are mapped to source processors and destination processors, respectively. The communications between source and destination processor sets are depicted in Figure 1(b). There are totally eleven communication messages (|E|=11), m1, m2, m3…, m11 among processors involved in the redistribution.

In general, to avoid conflict communication or node contention, a processor can only send one message to destination processors at a communication step. Similarly, one can only receive a message from source processors at any communication step. In other words, messages sent or received by the same processor can’t be scheduled in the same communication step. The messages which can not be scheduled in the same communication step are called conflict tuple [19]. For instance, {m1, m2} is a conflict tuple since they have common destination processor DP0; {m2, m3} is also a conflict tuple because of the common source processor SP1. Figure 1(c) shows a simple schedule for this example.

Unlike regular problem, there is no repetition communication pattern in irregular GEN_BLOCK array redistribution. It is also noticed that if SPi sends messages to DPj-1 and DPj+1, the communication between SPi and DPj must exist, where 0≤ i, j ≤ P-1. This result was mentioned as the consecutive communication property [12].

Distribution I ( Source Processor ) SP SP0 SP1 SP2 SP3 SP4 SP5

Size 7 16 11 10 7 49

Distribution II ( Destination Processor ) DP DP0 DP1 DP2 DP3 DP4 DP5

Size 15 16 10 16 15 28













7 8 8 8 3 7 3 7 6 15 28

15 16 10 16 15 28



7 16 11 10 7 49

(b) Schedule Table Step 1 m1、m3、m5、m7、m10

Step 2 m2、m4、m6、m8、m11 Step 3 m9


Figure 1: An example of irregular array redistribution. (a) The source and destination distributions. (b) Bipartite representation of communications between source and destination processors. (c) A simple schedule of irregular array redistribution.

4. Communication Scheduling

The communication time depends on total number of communication steps and the length of these steps. In general, the message startup cost is direct proportional to the number of communication steps. The length of these steps determines the data transmission overheads. A minimal steps scheduling can be obtained using the coloring mechanism. However, there are two drawbacks in this method; it can not minimize total size of communication steps; the graph coloring algorithmic complexity is often high. In the following subsections, we


will present two low complexity and high availability scheduling methods.

4.1 The Two-Phase Degree Reduction Method

The Two-Phase Degree Reduction (TPDR) method consists of two parts. The first part schedules communications of processors that with degree greater than two. In a bipartite graph representation, the TPDR reduces the degree of maximum degree nodes by one in each reduction iteration. The second part schedules all messages of processors that with degree-2 and degree-1 using an adjustable coloring mechanism. The degree reduction is performed as follows.

Step1: Sort the vertices that with maximum degree d by total size of messages in decreasing order. Assume there are k nodes with degree d. The sorted vertices would be <Vi1, Vi2, …, Vik>.

Step2: Schedule the minimum message mj = min{m1, m2, …, md} into step d for vertices Vi1, Vi2, …, Vik, where 1 ≤ j ≤ d.

Step3: Maximum degree d = d-1. Repeat Steps 1 and 2.

We first use an example to demonstrate the degree reduction technique without considering the coloring scheme. Figure 2(a) shows the communication patterns initially. The source GEN_BLOCK distribution is of (7, 10, 4, 18, 7, 18, 36). The destination GEN_BLOCK distribution is of (10, 14, 18, 14, 14, 12, 18). The redistribution is carried out over seven processors with maximum degree 3. Therefore, the communications can be scheduled in three steps. According to the above description in step 1, there are two nodes with degree 3, SP6 and DP1.

The total message size of SP6 (36) is greater than DP1 (14). Thus, SP6 is the first candidate to select a minimum message (m11) of it into step 3. A similar selection is then performed on DP1. Since m5 is the minimum message of DP1 at present, therefore, m5 is scheduled into step 3 as well. As messages m11 and m5 are removed from the bipartite graph, adjacent nodes of edges m11 and m5, i.e., SP6, DP4, DP1 and SP3 should update their total message size. After the degree reduction iteration, the maximum degree of the bipartite graph will become 2. Figures 2(b) to 2(d) show this scenario. Figures 2(e) and 2(f) show the similar process of above on degree = 2 bipartite graph. In Figure 2(e), vertices SP6, SP5, SP4, SP1, DP3, DP2, DP1 and DP0 have the maximum degree 2 and are candidates to schedule their messages into step 2. According to the degree reduction method, m12, m10 and m7 are scheduled in order. The next message to be selected is m8. However, both messages of DP3 will result node contention (one with SP4 and one with SP5) if we are going to schedule one of DP3’s messages. This means that the degree reduction method might not reduce degree-2 edges completely when the degree is 2.


18 12 6 8 10 4 3 15 3 4 7 3

7 m3

10 14 18 14 14 12 18 m12 m13



m6 m7

m2 m4 m5 m8 m9




10 (2)14-3 18 14 14-6 12 18 DP0 DP1 DP2 DP3 DP4 DP5 DP6


10 11 18 14 8 12 18 DP0 DP1 DP2 DP3 DP4 DP5 DP6


7 10 4 15 7 18 30

(7)10 (5)11 (3)18-3 (4)14 8-8 12-12 18 DP0 DP1 DP2 DP3 DP4 DP5 DP6


7 (6)10 4 15 7-3 (2)18-8 (1)30-12

10 14 18 14 14 12 18 DP0 DP1 DP2 DP3 DP4 DP5 DP6


7 10 4 18 7 18 36

7 10 4 18-3 7 18 (1)36-6

10 11 18 14 8 12 18 DP0 DP1 DP2 DP3 DP4 DP5 DP6


7 10 4 15 7 18 30

(c) (a)





18 12 6 8 10 4 3 15 3 4 7 3

7 m3

m12 m13



m6 m7

m2 m4 m5 m8 m9


18 12 8 10 4 3 15 4 7 3

7 m3

m12 m13


m6 m7

m2 m4 m8 m9


18 12 6 8 10 4 3 15 3 4 7 3

7 m3

m12 m13



m6 m7

m2 m4 m5 m8 m9


18 12 8 10 4 3 15 4 7 3

7 m3 m12 m13


m6 m7

m2 m4 m8 m9


18 12 8 10 4 3 15 4 7 3

7 m3

m12 m13


m6 m7

m2 m4 m8 m9


7 10 4 18 7 18 36

Figure 2: The process of degree reduction (a) A bipartition graph showing communications between source processors and destination processors. (b) SP6 and DP1 have the maximum degree 3, they are marked blue. (c) m11 and m5 are scheduled. Total message size of adjacent nodes of edges m11 and m5 (SP6, DP4, DP1 and SP3) should be updated. (d) m11 and m5 are removed from the bipartite graph. The maximum degree is 2 after degree reduction. (e) SP6, SP5, SP4, SP1, DP3, DP2, DP1 and DP0 have the maximum degree 2, they are marked blue. (f) m12, m10, m7, m2 and m4 are scheduled. Adjacent nodes of edges m12, m10, m7, m2 and m4 (SP6, DP5, SP5, DP4, DP2, SP4,…) should be updated. After remove messages m7 and m10, the degree of DP3 can’t be reduced.


To avoid the above situation, an adjustable coloring mechanism to schedule degree-2 and degree-1 communications in bipartite graph can be applied.

Since the consecutive edges must be scheduled into two steps, there is no need to care about the size of messages. That means we don’t have to schedule the large messages together on purpose.

Figure 3: Adjustable coloring mechanism for scheduling degree-2 and degree 1 communications. The bipartite graph has three CSs. Row 1 is the schedule tables of CS1 and CS2. Row 2 is the schedule table consisted of CS1 and CS2, and a schedule table of CS3. Row 3 is the same as Row 2 but the schedule table of CS3. The messages m12 and m13 are exchanged. Row 4 is the schedule table consisted of CS1、 CS2 and CS3.

Let’s consider again the example in Figure 2(e). Figure 3 demonstrates scheduling of the coloring phase for communication steps 1 and 2. To facilitate our illustration, we denote each connected component in G’ as a Consecutive Section (CS). In Figure 3, there are three Consecutive Sections, the CS1 is consisted of four messages m1, m2, m3 and m4; the CS2 is consisted of five messages m6, m7, m8, m9 and m10; the CS3 is consisted of two messages m12 and m13. A simple coloring scheme is to use two colors on adjacency edges alternatively. For example, we first color m1, m6 and m12 red; then, color m2, m7 and m13 blue; and so on. The scheduling results for CS1 and CS2 are given as shown in Row 1. Row 2 shows the merging result of CS1 with CS2 and the schedule of CS3. In Row 2, messages m6 (15) and m13 (18) dominate the communication time at steps 1 and 2, respectively. This results total communication cost = 33. If we change the order of steps 1 and 2 in CS3, it becomes m13 dominates the communication time in step 1 and m12 dominates the communication time in step 2. This will result total communication cost = 30. Therefore, the colors of two steps in CS3 are exchanged in Row 3 for less communication cost.

Row 4 shows communication scheduling of the adjustable coloring phase for degree-2 and degree-1 communications. The complete scheduling for this example is shown in Figure 4.


Figure 4: The scheduling of communications for the example in Figure 2.

The main idea of the two-phase degree reduction technique is to reduce degree of nodes by one for those nodes that have maximum degree at each reduction iteration. The following lemma states this property.

Lemma 1: Given a bipartite graph G = (V, E) denotes the communications of irregular array redistribution.

Let d be the maximum degree of vertices v, for all v ∈ V, a bipartite graph G’ that with maximum degree 2 will be resulted after performing d-2 times degree-reduction iterations.

Proof Sketch:

We use an example of degree 3 to demonstrate the above statement. For the cases of bipartite graphs with degree larger than 3, the proof can be established in a similar way.

According to the characteristic of communications in irregular array redistribution we noticed that two communication links in a bipartite graph will not intersect with each other. Figure 5 shows a typical example of bipartite graph with maximum degree node is 3. There are three contiguous nodes have maximum degree 3, SPi-1, SPi and SPi+1. SPi has out-degree 3, i.e., it has three outgoing messages, mk-1, mk and mk+1 for destination processors DPj-1, DPj and DPj+1, respectively. The worst case for SPi is to incur communication conflicts with its neighboring nodes and induces itself can not schedule any communication message at the same communication step. For this scenario, we assume that if mk-2 and mk+2 are schedule at communication step 3 (the current maximum degree is 3), this will result messages mk-1 and mk+1 can not be scheduled in the same communication step (because they have common destination processor). Even so, the degree reduction operation will select mk of SPi into step 3.

Enlarge the maximum degree = d > 2, i.e., SPi will send messages to DPj, DPj+1…, DPj+d-2 and DPj+d-1. Because no two communication links would be intersected, SPi has at most two communications go into conflicts with other processors (DPj and DPj+d-1). Therefore, the TPDR algorithm can schedule one of the remaining d-2 messages of SPi into the same communication step. Therefore, we conclude that the TPDR algorithm reduces node degree by one in each degree reduction iteration. That is, a bipartite graph G’ with maximum degree 2 will be resulted after performing d-2 times degree-reduction iterations.

… SPi-1 SPi SPi+1

… DPj-1 DPj DPj+1 … mk-2 mk-1 mk mk+1 mk+2

Figure 5: Contiguous nodes have the same maximum degree.

The algorithm of the two-phase degree reduction method is given as follows.


Algorithm two_phase_degree_reduction (P, GEN_BLOCK) 1. generating messages;

2. while ( messages != null)

3. {

4. step = d = maximal degree;

5. while ( step > 2 ) 6. {

7. find_mark_blue(d);

// marking degree-d nodes blue 8. sort _marked_blue_node();

// sorting blue nodes in decreasing order by message size 9. while(marked node !=null)

10. {

11. choose_marked_node();

// selecting a marked node, assume v 12. pick_minimal_message();


// schedule the minimum message (assume eij) of v into step d 13. mark_red();

// mark adjacent vertices of edge eij as red to avoid conflict communication 14. updat e schedule(step, message );

15. } 16. step--;

17. }

18. coloring_message();

// color the remaining messages with maximal degree is 2 19. merge_Schedule();

// merge schedules of consecutive sections into communication steps 1 and 2 20. updat e schedule(step, message);

21. }



4.2 Extended TPDR

Based on TPDR, we present an extended two-phase degree reduction (E-TPDR) algorithm. An edge-complement operation is added in the degree-reduction phase. As the TPDR algorithm stated, the original degree-reduction operation only schedules degree-k nodes’ messages into communication step k. This might not fully utilize the available space in step k and remains heavy communications in the previous steps (less than k).

Therefore, a principle for adding extra messages into these steps is to select the maximum message that is smaller than the length of current step and with un-marked adjacent vertices.

The key concept of this modification is to schedule messages into communication steps during reduction phase as many as possible. Because the additional scheduled messages are with smaller message size than the current step length, the edge-complement operation will not influence the cost of original scheduling from TPDR.

Figure 6 shows the communication schedule of the example given in Figure 2 using E-TPDR. Although this example does not reflect lower total cost of E-TPDR, section 5 will demonstrate the improvement of E-TPDR method from the simulation results.



: m


, m


, m


, m


, m




: m


, m


, m


, m




: m


, m


, m


, m


Figure 6: The E-TPDR scheduling of communications for the example in Figure 2.

The algorithm of the extended two-phase degree reduction method is given as follows.


Algorithm E_TPDR (P, GEN_BLOCK) 1. generating messages;

2. while ( messages != null)

3. {

4. step = d = maximal degree;

5. while (step > 2 ) 6. {

7. find_mark_blue(d);

// marking degree-d nodes blue 8. sort _marked_blue_node();

// sorting blue nodes in decreasing order by message size 9. while(marked node !=null)

10. {

11. choose_marked_node();

// selecting a marked node, assume v 12. pick_minimal_message();

// schedule the minimum message (assume eij) of v into step d 13. mark_red();

// mark adjacent vertices of edge eij as red to avoid conflict communication 14. updat e schedule(step, message );

15. st ep_lengt h(d);

// determine the length L of current step 16. sort _small_message();

// sort all messages with unmarked adjacent vertices and message size is smaller than L 17. pick_message();

// schedule the selected messages into current step if there is no contention 18. mark_red();

// mark adjacent vertices of the scheduled edges as red 19. updat e schedule( step, message );



Thus, the proposed approach is a feasible and effective method for process parameter optimization in MIMO plastic injection molding and can result in significant quality and

The final results of experiment show that the performance of DBR system declines when labor utilization increases and the CCR-WIP dispatching rule facilitate to

(1995), Land Mosaics: The Ecology of Landscape Ecology and Regions, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Weaver.(1979),Territory

二、 本計畫已將部分研究結果整理,發表於國際研討會(Chan, Y.-H., Lin, S.-P., (2010/7), A new model for service improvement design, The 2010 International Conference

This project is the optical electro-mechanic integration design and manufacturing research of high magnifications miniaturized size zoom lens and novel active high accuracy laser

Florida, R.,2002, The Rise of the Creative Class and How It's Transforming Work, Leisure, Community and Everyday Life, Basic Books, New York. (Ed), Toward Scientific

Some efficient communication scheduling methods for the Block-Cyclic redistribution had been proposed which can help reduce the data transmission cost.. The previous work [9,

With the advancement in information technology and personal digital mobile device upgrade, RFID technology is also increasingly common use of the situation, but for