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Discrete Mathematics


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Discrete Mathematics

WEN-CHING LIEN Department of Mathematics National Cheng Kung University



4.5: The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic.

Lemma (4.2)

IF a,b∈ Z+and p is prime, then p|abor p|b.

proof 4.2.

If p|a, then we are finished.If not, then because p is prime, it follows that gcd(p,a) =1,and so there exist integer x,y with px +ay =1.Then b=p(bx) + (ab)y,where p|p and p|ab.So it follows from parts (d) and (e) of Theorem 4.3 that p|b.


4.5: The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic.

Lemma (4.2)

IF a,b∈ Z+and p is prime, then p|abor p|b.

proof 4.2.

If p|a, then we are finished.If not, then because p is prime, it follows that gcd(p,a) =1,and so there exist integer x,y with px +ay =1.Then b=p(bx) + (ab)y,where p|p and p|ab.So it follows from parts (d) and (e) of Theorem 4.3 that p|b.


4.5: The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic.

Lemma (4.2)

IF a,b∈ Z+and p is prime, then p|abor p|b.

proof 4.2.

If p|a, then we are finished.If not, then because p is prime, it follows that gcd(p,a) =1,and so there exist integer x,y with px +ay =1.Then b=p(bx) + (ab)y,where p|p and p|ab.So it follows from parts (d) and (e) of Theorem 4.3 that p|b.


4.5: The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic.

Lemma (4.2)

IF a,b∈ Z+and p is prime, then p|abor p|b.

proof 4.2.

If p|a, then we are finished.If not, then because p is prime, it follows that gcd(p,a) =1,and so there exist integer x,y with px +ay =1.Then b=p(bx) + (ab)y,where p|p and p|ab.So it follows from parts (d) and (e) of Theorem 4.3 that p|b.


4.5: The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic.

Lemma (4.2)

IF a,b∈ Z+and p is prime, then p|abor p|b.

proof 4.2.

If p|a, then we are finished.If not, then because p is prime, it follows that gcd(p,a) =1,and so there exist integer x,y with px +ay =1.Then b=p(bx) + (ab)y,where p|p and p|ab.So it follows from parts (d) and (e) of Theorem 4.3 that p|b.


Lemma (4.3)

Let ai ∈ Z+,for all 1in.if p is prime and p|a1a2· · ·an, then p|ai for some 1in.

Theorem (4.11)

Every integer n >1 can be written as a product of primes uniquely, up to the order of the primes.(Here a single prime is considered a product of one factor)


Lemma (4.3)

Let ai ∈ Z+,for all 1in.if p is prime and p|a1a2· · ·an, then p|ai for some 1in.

Theorem (4.11)

Every integer n >1 can be written as a product of primes uniquely, up to the order of the primes.(Here a single prime is considered a product of one factor)


proof 4.11 existence.

The proof consists of two parts: The first part covers the existence of a prime factorization, and the second part deals with its uniqueness.

If the first part is not true, let m>1 be the smallest integer not expressible as a product of primes.

Since m is not a prime, we are able to write m=m1m2,where 1<m1<m,1<m2<m.

But then m1,m2can be written as products of primes, because they are less than m. Consequently, with m=m1m2we can obtain a prime factorization of m.


proof 4.11 existence.

The proof consists of two parts: The first part covers the existence of a prime factorization, and the second part deals with its uniqueness.

If the first part is not true, let m>1 be the smallest integer not expressible as a product of primes.

Since m is not a prime, we are able to write m=m1m2,where 1<m1<m,1<m2<m.

But then m1,m2can be written as products of primes, because they are less than m. Consequently, with m=m1m2we can obtain a prime factorization of m.


proof 4.11 existence.

The proof consists of two parts: The first part covers the existence of a prime factorization, and the second part deals with its uniqueness.

If the first part is not true, let m>1 be the smallest integer not expressible as a product of primes.

Since m is not a prime, we are able to write m=m1m2,where 1<m1<m,1<m2<m.

But then m1,m2can be written as products of primes, because they are less than m. Consequently, with m=m1m2we can obtain a prime factorization of m.


proof 4.11 existence.

The proof consists of two parts: The first part covers the existence of a prime factorization, and the second part deals with its uniqueness.

If the first part is not true, let m>1 be the smallest integer not expressible as a product of primes.

Since m is not a prime, we are able to write m=m1m2,where 1<m1<m,1<m2<m.

But then m1,m2can be written as products of primes, because they are less than m. Consequently, with m=m1m2we can obtain a prime factorization of m.


proof 4.11 uniqueness.

In order to establish the uniqueness of a prime factorization, we shall use the alternative form of the Principle of Mathematical Induction.

For the integer 2, we have a unique prime factorization, and assuming uniqueness of representation for 3,4,5, . . . ,n−1,we suppose that n =p1s1p2s2· · ·pksk =q1t1q2t2· · ·qrtr,where each pi,1≤ik,and each qj,1≤jr,is a prime.Also

p1<p2< · · · <pk and q1<q2< · · · <qr,and si ≥0 for all 1≤ik,ti >0 for all 1≤jr.


proof 4.11 uniqueness.

In order to establish the uniqueness of a prime factorization, we shall use the alternative form of the Principle of Mathematical Induction.

For the integer 2, we have a unique prime factorization, and assuming uniqueness of representation for 3,4,5, . . . ,n−1,we suppose that n =p1s1p2s2· · ·pksk =q1t1q2t2· · ·qrtr,where each pi,1≤ik,and each qj,1≤jr,is a prime.Also

p1<p2< · · · <pk and q1<q2< · · · <qr,and si ≥0 for all 1≤ik,ti >0 for all 1≤jr.


proof 4.11 uniqueness.

In order to establish the uniqueness of a prime factorization, we shall use the alternative form of the Principle of Mathematical Induction.

For the integer 2, we have a unique prime factorization, and assuming uniqueness of representation for 3,4,5, . . . ,n−1,we suppose that n =p1s1p2s2· · ·pksk =q1t1q2t2· · ·qrtr,where each pi,1≤ik,and each qj,1≤jr,is a prime.Also

p1<p2< · · · <pk and q1<q2< · · · <qr,and si ≥0 for all 1≤ik,ti >0 for all 1≤jr.


4.11 continued.

Since p1|n,we have p1|q1t1q2t2· · ·qrtr.By lemma 4.3, p1|qj for some 1≤jr.

Because p1and qj are primes, we have p1=qj.

In fact j=1, for otherwise q1|n⇒q1=pefor some 1<el and p1<pe=q1<qj =p1.With p1=q1, we find that

n1=n/p1=p1s1−1p2s2· · ·pksk =q1t1−1q2t2· · ·qrtr. Since n1<n,by the induction hypothesis it follows that k =r,pi =qi for 1≤ik,s1−1=t11 so (s1=t1), and si =ti for 2≤ik.

Hence the prime factorization of n is unique.


4.11 continued.

Since p1|n,we have p1|q1t1q2t2· · ·qrtr.By lemma 4.3, p1|qj for some 1≤jr.

Because p1and qj are primes, we have p1=qj.

In fact j=1, for otherwise q1|n⇒q1=pefor some 1<el and p1<pe=q1<qj =p1.With p1=q1, we find that

n1=n/p1=p1s1−1p2s2· · ·pksk =q1t1−1q2t2· · ·qrtr. Since n1<n,by the induction hypothesis it follows that k =r,pi =qi for 1≤ik,s1−1=t11 so (s1=t1), and si =ti for 2≤ik.

Hence the prime factorization of n is unique.


4.11 continued.

Since p1|n,we have p1|q1t1q2t2· · ·qrtr.By lemma 4.3, p1|qj for some 1≤jr.

Because p1and qj are primes, we have p1=qj.

In fact j=1, for otherwise q1|n⇒q1=pefor some 1<el and p1<pe=q1<qj =p1.With p1=q1, we find that

n1=n/p1=p1s1−1p2s2· · ·pksk =q1t1−1q2t2· · ·qrtr. Since n1<n,by the induction hypothesis it follows that k =r,pi =qi for 1≤ik,s1−1=t11 so (s1=t1), and si =ti for 2≤ik.

Hence the prime factorization of n is unique.


4.11 continued.

Since p1|n,we have p1|q1t1q2t2· · ·qrtr.By lemma 4.3, p1|qj for some 1≤jr.

Because p1and qj are primes, we have p1=qj.

In fact j=1, for otherwise q1|n⇒q1=pefor some 1<el and p1<pe=q1<qj =p1.With p1=q1, we find that

n1=n/p1=p1s1−1p2s2· · ·pksk =q1t1−1q2t2· · ·qrtr. Since n1<n,by the induction hypothesis it follows that k =r,pi =qi for 1≤ik,s1−1=t11 so (s1=t1), and si =ti for 2≤ik.

Hence the prime factorization of n is unique.


4.11 continued.

Since p1|n,we have p1|q1t1q2t2· · ·qrtr.By lemma 4.3, p1|qj for some 1≤jr.

Because p1and qj are primes, we have p1=qj.

In fact j=1, for otherwise q1|n⇒q1=pefor some 1<el and p1<pe=q1<qj =p1.With p1=q1, we find that

n1=n/p1=p1s1−1p2s2· · ·pksk =q1t1−1q2t2· · ·qrtr. Since n1<n,by the induction hypothesis it follows that k =r,pi =qi for 1≤ik,s1−1=t11 so (s1=t1), and si =ti for 2≤ik.

Hence the prime factorization of n is unique.


Example (4.46)

Can we find three consecutive positive integers whose product is a perfect square— that is, do there exist m,n∈ Z+with m(m+1)(m+2) =n2?


Thank you.



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