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Modification of the techniques for better testicular sperm retrieval in repeated Testicular Sperm Extraction (TESE) and following Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) &ndash


Academic year: 2021

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(2) . (TESE)

(3) (ICSI)—  Modification of the techniques for better testicular sperm retrieval in repeated Testicular Sperm Extraction (TESE) and following Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) – Evaluation of Clinical Trial and Animal experiment  !"#NSC 87-2314-B-038-046 $ %&#86 ' 8 ( 1 )* 87 ' 7 ( 31 ) +,-#./0 12345 678 . screening biopsy method. Clinically, the specimen of seminiferous tubules from the non-obstructive azoospermia patients can be screened with Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH). If there existed a halploid chromosome showed in FISH, that means meiosis did have been happened in the seminiferous tubule, then further testicular sperm extraction (TESE) for the ICSI will be performed. Recently, we do microdissection of seminiferous tubules in the procedure of TESE. Under microscope, we can differentiate the healthy seminiferous tubule from fibrotic one, and dissected for TESE. In the experience of sperm frozen, our result revealed that Yolk Buffer is the best medium to reserve sperm motility after defrozen. Based on our experience, modification of the technique for better testicular sperm retrieval will provide more opportunities in the future for ICSI and less injury to the testicular of the patients with testicular azoospermia.. 

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(5) 56789:;<=> ?@AB CDEFGHIJ>/ KLMNOKCPQ RS TUVW L #X%

(6) Y>Z[\,-/ FISH ]^_`abcdef g_` h/*+i 4*+i Djk lm

(7) @n/o[GHI?p >GH Iqbr Cs GHI/i 4 tu()Dv

(8) wx oy Yolk buffer =uAzK{45

(9) |} ~9w C€\‚ƒ B*+ „ A†*+‡ˆL X%‰aŠ‹ŒŽ" ‘’(“ *+ ”•4.  –OO Keywords: Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), Testicular Sperm Extraction *+OGHI— (TESE), Repeated Sperm Retrieval, — Seminiferous tubule. Abstract. 

(10)  — (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection, ICSI)˜™š›$W Ò Ó Ò Ó !"# œ 1 L_UVWL 2. Ò Ó *+,-L 3 žaŸ ¡ ¢£4 ¤h’¥¦a§W ¨Œ©   YaŽ" Š‹ 

(11) >ª ~9. In this project, we focus to evaluate the update technique for testicular sperm extraction and preservation for the infertile male who are needed for repeated sperm retrieval in the cycle of Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI). Through the result of the rabbit experiment, we found that open, fine needle, multi-direction aspiration to get seminiferous tubule is minimal invasive and the most informative. $W!" 1. «¬œ ­®o[.

(12) ¯°p(4)O±² 5 O³*+ 6 ž aŸ  Œ´µK˜>!/ ICSI  Ò Ó. Ò Ó. è _`a) J’4  ‘*+tu ÃÄ4—  —. œ$W!" Œ¶ Ž"¶· 59.74% ¸"¶· 42.11%(7)

(13) ˜‰ ¹º‹ »¼½³*+ 67. I.*+RS?ú ÃÄ A.  6789–. 89.¾¿ ÀÁ&'ºÃÄ Ò Ó ™Å ÆÇ Œ¶ 8 µgG ¾¿k0ÈÉ. /ÊË.

(14) >! Dj/! *+ .?ú ÀÁ(1)~ (2)? @ (3)?@/,-?ú ¬Dj. 8. 9.4 

(15)  MESA ¨ TESE  ICSI ÌÍ«. >?@Kq *+MNW KH4~ _0H *+L j/ a‡˜ 4. ΞÏÐÑ «Ò‘aÓÔ ¢£. Õ>G1 ÊÖ×Ø 

(16) 1 m wx.ÙÚaÖÛÜ >Ý. ?@/,-?ú M0Û WùïŸ   Nµ&x¤_ÊíHM!?@ >  "20 # $% &'( HTF H I. 10cc ) * *+/«¬DE F J a½+ {s–. 8!_Þß8à4­®– (1) Â]záT ICSI Œ¶ ˆâ(9)4. ①, J>E«¬DE-4 ②M!.H Ê/!B01 a 2345J4. (2) *+O³*+ ICSI Œ ¶Ÿ˜(9)4 (3) ³*+ ãäLåæ@ 稰pžŸ Éè^µé³ *+!Å X%ê *+ _0Á8 (8)4. ③6-qGHI,- o[7 ½5J/ ]84 ④5†9: *+";<¨=> *+%‘J>þGHI4 B.%f *+,-> FISH ?@_` aAB–. (4) *+ tuÃÄÏa¢£µ tu ICSI Œ¶‘ëì¦Ê íîÍ Õ>*+„‰ÐÑ(10)4 éL X% /*+i Õ>ˆïZÖðñºÃ À ò Õ/ ­®óílô– >m J1> FISH (Fluorescent In Situ HybridizationµGrdej)]8: (1)õ0!ö÷ °p( F)øù \. *+?ú ûü*+ýŒ‰H MN þ¦‰C Q(11)4 (2) TESE + ICSI º°p

(17) *+,- ().o[ . *+,- ?@aLbcdef)4  Cø› 10 D*+‡ˆL. X% ­® Klinefelter’s syndrome X% 3 DOY defEFX% 1 D ÀÁ 3 DX %abc spermatid )4 Z¬ÃÄ ’‚LX% * +,-¦GaLdef ‚

(18). þ Àò*+o[°p (Microdissection)(12)4 (3)[*+,- ‚_`a ’

(19) B FISH (Grj)  ^_`a ‚

(20) Àð J>. _`Hþ/ÊË *+i 4 II.*+o[i/ 2.

(21) -/ FISH „w

(22) Êí9{ xy h ! h / o [ ?   G H I (Microdissection)(zÊ)  { *+| N  ,-C gL!Mþ¥þ¦. ’Ru •í}¡k‘_Ÿ h ~ é*+‡ˆ LX% NO_*+ e4 TFH ãä½_Ÿ Û PQ4

(23) — K˜ ¾¿~9 aG½ wx– I. bGŸ€¡– a.>GHIqbr ‚ aL é_Á‚ƒðñºÃ ¹ -4 àkÀòŸ „ †G × b.J>o[7  (  ØÊÏ!8à4Õ>8àZÊ GHI?4— Õ/‡›RuÃÄ  III.*+Ru  ˆÂ L_6789.¾¿‰B Y.G!€4 tu 89

(24) Bó¬! II. ·ŒèŠlô– tS ­® Yolk bufferO8% GlycerolO {g 89wxÕ·¦ l 10% Glycerol . 15% Glycerol T,X% 6 ô‘&èŠ ­®"1% U9   21-75✕10 §6V ô,?@µ&x³*+!ÅJ‹ 4%-69% =uAó¬tSÕþ¦ W5X E*+ RS.CDEF? Y§6V_ 5.75%O2%O0%O0%. @*+ aLµ"2%UVWL Z›[‚\AXY§6V_ X%8àk:ŒGHI5 11.25%O3.75%O0%O0% Õ>L_' J/ ICSI *+‡ˆLX%u> ¬ ]_> Yolk buffer tS =uw o [  (Microdissection)   xK{4

(25) „^_Zí *+ µ"3%RuÃÄDv

(26) „“_   ûü’þ¦õ Yolk buffer ‰” Àò=uÅ{ Yolk buffer tS ` aD4 tu4 IV.bw–q(Ý*+,-cé III. Œx Žp.ïBH– d¦eÛ MN ¾¿k¬€  aÛ ¢£ ­ f_a8à gh4"1%&'RSh ®–"1%rsM! CDE*+ Ö*+‹aµ>cMN*+ FRS öNWH ¾¿‰B ,-4"2%&'9H *+ K¥ Hµ"2%o[(Microdissection) ¦µ>i"3%&'()9aj *+ „‰B*+TF: X‘µ  Z‘_ ÛDE4Y?ú "3%> FISH /*+aL ? RSÃÄê 1>6789 : ’ Žpk]_åM

(27) ‘@† ;23'¬RS?úDjK MN B龿4 KH ÀÁ>?@CDE F IV.Àz銓 J’– GHI D;_K1k RS?úDj.  ŒxÏšŒ” è

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(30) . A.  (MESA)+. .

(31)   (TESE) +  ICSI B. !"#$ .

(32) % &'. (.  FISH. )*. +*. ,./0 (Microdissection. . of Seminiferous tubule for TESE) +1. 4. 23 Donor .

(33) ICSI. 5.




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