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Chapter 2. Poisson Processes


Academic year: 2022

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Chapter 2. Poisson Processes

Prof. Ai-Chun Pang

Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia,

Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering,

National Taiwan University, Taiwan



• Introduction to Poisson Processes

• Properties of Poisson processes – Inter-arrival time distribution – Waiting time distribution

– Superposition and decomposition

• Non-homogeneous Poisson processes (relaxing stationary)

• Compound Poisson processes (relaxing single arrival)

• Modulated Poisson processes (relaxing independent)

• Poisson Arrival See Average (PASTA)









S~ ~1

S ~2

S ~3

S ~4

S )

~ t(

n Inter-arrival time

arrival epoch

(i) nth arrival epoch ˜Sn is

S˜n = x˜1 + ˜x2 + . . . + ˜xn = ni=1 x˜i S˜0 = 0

(ii) Number of arrivals at time t is: ˜n(t). Notice that:

{˜n(t) ≥ n} if f⇔ { ˜Sn ≤ t}, {˜n(t) = n} if f⇔ { ˜Sn ≤ t and ˜Sn+1 > t}



Arrival Process: X = {˜xi, i = 1, 2, . . .}; ˜xi’s can be any S = { ˜Si, i = 0, 1, 2, . . .}; ˜Si’s can be any

N = {˜n(t), t ≥ 0}; −→ called arrival process

Renewal Process: X = {˜xi, i = 1, 2, . . .}; ˜xi’s are i.i.d.

S = { ˜Si, i = 0, 1, 2, . . .}; ˜Si’s are general distributed N = {˜n(t), t ≥ 0}; −→ called renewal process

Poisson Process: X = {˜xi, i = 1, 2, . . .}; ˜xi’s are iid exponential distributed S = { ˜Si, i = 0, 1, 2, . . .}; ˜Si’s are Erlang distributed

N = {˜n(t), t ≥ 0}; −→ called Poisson process


Counting Processes

• A stochastic process N = {˜n(t), t ≥ 0} is said to be a counting process if ˜n(t) represents the total number of “events” that have occurred up to time t.

• From the definition we see that for a counting process ˜n(t) must satisfy:

1. ˜n(t) ≥ 0.

2. ˜n(t) is integer valued.

3. If s < t, then ˜n(s) ≤ ˜n(t).

4. For s < t, ˜n(t) − ˜n(s) equals the number of events that have occurred in the interval (s, t].


Definition 1: Poisson Processes

The counting process N = {˜n(t), t ≥ 0} is a Poisson process with rate λ (λ > 0), if:

1. ˜n(0) = 0

2. Independent increments relaxed ⇒ Modulated Poisson Process P [˜n(t) − ˜n(s) = k1|˜n(r) = k2, r ≤ s < t] = P [˜n(t) − ˜n(s) = k1] 3. Stationary increments relaxed ⇒ Non-homogeneous Poisson Process

P [˜n(t + s) − ˜n(t) = k] = P [˜n(l + s) − ˜n(l) = k]

4. Single arrival relaxed ⇒ Compound Poisson Process P [˜n(h) = 1] = λh + o(h)

P [˜n(h) ≥ 2] = o(h)


Definition 2: Poisson Processes

The counting process N = {˜n(t), t ≥ 0} is a Poisson process with rate λ (λ > 0), if:

1. ˜n(0) = 0

2. Independent increments

3. The number of events in any interval of length t is Poisson distributed with mean λt. That is, for all s, t ≥ 0

P [˜n(t + s) − ˜n(s) = n] = e−λt (λt)n

n! , n = 0, 1, . . .


Theorem: Definitions 1 and 2 are equivalent.

Proof. We show that Definition 1 implies Definition 2. To start, fix u ≥ 0 and let

g(t) = E[e−u˜n(t)]

We derive a differential equation for g(t) as follows:

g(t + h) = E[e−u˜n(t+h)]

= E


= E




by independent increments

= g(t)E


by stationary increments (1)


Theorem: Definitions 1 and 2 are equivalent.

Conditioning on whether ˜n(t) = 0 or ˜n(t) = 1 or ˜n(t) ≥ 2 yields E


= 1 − λh + o(h) + e−u(λh + o(h)) + o(h)

= 1 − λh + e−uλh + o(h) (2)

From (1) and (2), we obtain that

g(t + h) = g(t)(1 − λh + e−uλh) + o(h) implying that

g(t + h) − g(t)

h = g(t)λ(e−u − 1) + o(h) h


Theorem: Definitions 1 and 2 are equivalent.

Letting h → 0 gives

g(t) = g(t)λ(e−u − 1) or, equivalently,


g(t) = λ(e−u − 1) Integrating, and using g(0) = 1, shows that

log(g(t)) = λt(e−u − 1) or

g(t) = eλt(e−u−1) → the Laplace transform of a Poisson r. v.

Since g(t) is also the Laplace transform of ˜n(t), ˜n(t) is a Poisson r. v.


Theorem: Definitions 1 and 2 are equivalent

Let Pn(t) = P [˜n(t) = n].

We derive a differential equation for P0(t) in the following manner:

P0(t + h) = P [˜n(t + h) = 0]

= P [˜n(t) = 0, ˜n(t + h) − ˜n(t) = 0]

= P [˜n(t) = 0]P [˜n(t + h) − ˜n(t) = 0]

= P0(t)[1 − λh + 0(h)]


P0(t + h) − P0(t)

h = −λP0(t) + o(h) h Letting h → 0 yields

P0(t) = −λP0(t) Since P0(0) = 1, then

P0(t) = e−λt


Theorem: Definitions 1 and 2 are equivalent

Similarly, for n ≥ 1

Pn(t + h) = P [˜n(t + h) = n]

= P [˜n(t) = n, ˜n(t + h) − ˜n(t) = 0]

+P [˜n(t) = n − 1, ˜n(t + h) − ˜n(t) = 1]

+P [˜n(t + h) = n, ˜n(t + h) − ˜n(t) ≥ 2]

= Pn(t)P0(h) + Pn−1(t)P1(h) + o(h)

= (1 − λh)Pn(t) + λhPn−1(t) + o(h) Thus Pn(t + h) − Pn(t)

h = −λPn(t) + λPn−1(t) + o(h) h Letting h → 0,

Pn (t) = −λPn(t) + λPn−1(t)


The Inter-Arrival Time Distribution

Theorem. Poisson Processes have exponential inter-arrival time distribution, i.e., {˜xn, n = 1, 2, . . .} are i.i.d and exponentially

distributed with parameter λ (i.e., mean inter-arrival time = 1/λ).



x1 : P (˜x1 > t) = P (˜n(t) = 0) = e−λt(λt)0

0! = e−λt


· x˜1 ∼ e(t; λ)


x2 : P (˜x2 > t|˜x1 = s)

= P{0 arrivals in (s, s + t]|˜x1 = s}

= P{0 arrivals in (s, s + t]}(by independent increment)

= P{0 arrivals in (0, t]}(by stationary increment)

= e−λt ··· x˜2 is independent of ˜x1 and ˜x2 ∼ exp(t; λ).

⇒ The procedure repeats for the rest of ˜xi’s.


The Arrival Time Distribution of the n th Event

Theorem. The arrival time of the nth event, ˜Sn (also called the waiting time until the nth event), is Erlang distributed with parameter (n, λ).

Proof. Method 1 :

··· P [ ˜Sn ≤ t] = P [˜n(t) ≥ n] = 


e−λt(λt)k k!


· fS˜

n(t) = λe−λt(λt)n−1

(n − 1)! (exercise) Method 2 :


n(t)dt = dFS˜

n(t) = P [t < ˜Sn < t + dt]

= P{n − 1 arrivals in (0, t] and 1 arrival in (t, t + dt)} + o(dt)

= P [˜n(t) = n − 1 and 1 arrival in (t, t + dt)] + o(dt)

= P [˜n(t) = n − 1]P [1 arrival in (t, t + dt)] + o(dt)(why?)


The Arrival Time Distribution of the n th Event

= e−λt(λt)n−1

(n − 1)! λdt + o(dt)


· lim




dt = fS˜

n(t) = λe−λt(λt)n−1 (n − 1)!


Conditional Distribution of the Arrival Times

Theorem. Given that ˜n(t) = n, the n arrival times ˜S1, ˜S2, . . . , ˜Sn have the same distribution as the order statistics corresponding to n i.i.d.

uniformly distributed random variables from (0, t).

. . . . Order Statistics. Let ˜x1, ˜x2, . . . , ˜xn be n i.i.d. continuous random

variables having common pdf f . Define ˜x(k) as the kth smallest value among all ˜xi’s, i.e., ˜x(1) ≤ ˜x(2) ≤ ˜x(3) ≤ . . . ≤ ˜x(n), then ˜x(1), . . . , ˜x(n) are known as the “order statistics” corresponding to random variables


x1, . . . , ˜xn. We have that the joint pdf of ˜x(1), ˜x(2), . . . , ˜x(n) is f˜x(1)x(2),...,˜x(n)(x1, x2, . . . , xn) = n!f (x1)f (x2) . . . f (xn), where x1 < x2 < . . . < xn (check the textbook [Ross]).

. . . .


Conditional Distribution of the Arrival Times

Proof. Let 0 < t1 < t2 < . . . < tn+1 = t and let hi be small enough so that ti + hi < ti+1 , i = 1, . . . , n.

··· P [ti < ˜Si < ti + hi, i = 1, . . . , n|˜n(t) = n]



exactly one arrival in each [ti, ti + hi]

i = 1, 2, . . . , n, and no arrival elsewhere in [0, t]

P [˜n(t) = n]

= (e−λh1λh1)(e−λh2λh2) . . . (e−λhnλhn)(e−λ(t−h1−h2...−hn)) e−λt(λt)n/n!

= n!(h1h2h3 . . . hn) tn


· P [ti < ˜Si < ti + hi, i = 1, . . . , n|˜n(t) = n]

h1h2 . . . hn = n!



Conditional Distribution of the Arrival Times

Taking lim

hi→0,i=1,...,n( ), then fS˜

1, ˜S2,..., ˜Sn|˜n(t)(t1, t2, . . . , tn|n) = n!

tn , 0 < t1 < t2 < . . . < tn.


Conditional Distribution of the Arrival Times

Example (see Ref [Ross], Ex. 2.3(A) p.68). Suppose that travellers arrive at a train depot in accordance with a Poisson process with rate λ. If the train departs at time t, what is the expected sum of the

waiting times of travellers arriving in (0, t)? That is, E[i=1˜n(t)(t− ˜Si)] =?

. . . t


S~ ~2

S ~3

S ~~( )




Conditional Distribution of the Arrival Times

Answer. Conditioning on ˜n(t) = n yields E[



(t − ˜Si)|˜n(t) = n] = nt − E[n



= nt − E[n



u(i)] (by the theorem)

= nt − E[n



ui] (···

n i=1


u(i) =

n i=1

˜ ui)

= nt t

2 · n = nt

2 (··· E[˜ui] = t 2) To find E[



(t − ˜Si)], we should take another expectation


· E[



(t − ˜Si)] = t

2 · E[˜n(t)]  


= λt2 2


Superposition of Independent Poisson Processes

Theorem. Superposition of independent Poisson Processes i, i = 1, . . . , N ), is also a Poisson process with rate

N 1


Poisson Poisson





λN rate =




<Homework> Prove the theorem (note that a Poisson process must satisfy Definitions 1 or 2).


Decomposition of a Poisson Process


• Given a Poisson process N = {˜n(t), t ≥ 0};

• If ˜ni(t) represents the number of type-i events that occur by time t, i = 1, 2;

• Arrival occurring at time s is a type-1 arrival with probability p(s), and type-2 arrival with probability 1 − p(s)


• ˜n1, ˜n2 are independent,

• ˜n1(t) ∼ P (k; λtp), and

• ˜n2(t) ∼ P (k; λt(1 − p)), where p = 1 t


0 p(s)ds


Decomposition of a Poisson Process

Poisson Poisson (k;λ


[1 ( )] )


(k λ p s ds


λ p(s)


special case: If p(s) = p is constant, then

Poisson Poisson rate



) 1

( − p


Poisson rate





Decomposition of a Poisson Process

Proof. It is to prove that, for fixed time t,

P [˜n1(t) = n, ˜n2(t) = m] = P [˜n1(t) = n]P [˜n2(t) = m]

= e−λpt(λpt)n

n! · e−λ(1−p)t[λ(1 − p)t]m m!

. . . .

P [˜n1(t) = n, ˜n2(t) = m]



P [˜n1(t) = n, ˜n2(t) = m|˜n1(t) + ˜n2(t) = k] · P [˜n1(t) + ˜n2(t) = k]

= P [˜n1(t) = n, ˜n2(t) = m|˜n1(t) + ˜n2(t) = n + m] · P [˜n1(t) + ˜n2(t) = n + m]


Decomposition of a Poisson Process

• From the “condition distribution of the arrival times”, any event

occurs at some time that is uniformly distributed, and is independent of other events.

• Consider that only one arrival occurs in the interval [0, t]:

P [type - 1 arrival|˜n(t) = 1]



0 P [type - 1 arrival|arrival time ˜S1 = s, ˜n(t) = 1]

×fS˜1|˜n(t)(s|˜n(t) = 1)ds



0 P (s) · 1

t ds = 1 t


0 P (s)ds = p


Decomposition of a Poisson Process


· P [˜n1(t) = n, ˜n2(t) = m]

= P [˜n1(t) = n, ˜n2(t) = m|˜n1(t) + ˜n2(t) = n + m] · P [˜n1(t) + ˜n2(t) = n + m]


n + m n

pn(1 − p)m · e−λt(λt)n+m (n + m)!

= (n + m)!

n!m! pn(1 − p)m · e−λt(λt)n+m (n + m)!

= e−λpt(λpt)n

n! · e−λ(1−p)t[λ(1 − p)t]m m!


Decomposition of a Poisson Process

Example (An Infinite Server Queue, textbook [Ross]).

Poisson λ departure


• G˜s(t) = P ( ˜S ≤ t), where ˜S = service time

• G˜s(t) is independent of each other and of the arrival process

• ˜n1(t): the number of customers which have left before t;

• ˜n2(t): the number of customers which are still in the system at time t;

⇒ ˜n1(t) ∼? and ˜n2(t) ∼?


Decomposition of a Poisson Process



n1(t): the number of type-1 customers


n2(t): the number of type-2 customers

type-1: P (s) = P (finish before t)

= P ( ˜S ≤ t − s) = G˜s(t − s) type-2: 1 − P (s) = ¯G˜s(t − s)


· n˜1(t) ∼ P

k; λt · 1 t


0 G˜s(t − s)ds


n2(t) ∼ P

k; λt · 1 t



G¯˜s(t − s)ds


Decomposition of a Poisson Process


· E[˜n1(t)] = λt · 1 t


0 G(t − s)ds

= λ



G(y)(−dy) t − s = y s = t − y

= λ


0 G(y)dy

As t → ∞, we have

t→∞lim E[˜n2(t)] = λ



G(y)dy = λE[ ˜¯ S] (Little’s formula)


Non-homogeneous Poisson Processes

• The counting process N = {˜n(t), t ≥ 0} is said to be a non-stationary or non-homogeneous Poisson Process with time-varying intensity

function λ(t), t ≥ 0, if:

1. ˜n(0) = 0

2. N has independent increments 3. P [˜n(t + h) − ˜n(t) ≥ 2] = o(h)

4. P [˜n(t + h) − ˜n(t) = 1] = λ(t) · h + o(h)

• Define “integrated intensity function” m(t) =  t

0 λ(t)dt. Theorem.

P [˜n(t + s) − ˜n(t) = n] = e−[m(t+s)−m(t)][m(t + s) − m(t)]n n!

Proof. < Homework >.


Non-homogeneous Poisson Processes

Example. The “output process” of the M/G/∞ queue is a

non-homogeneous Poisson process having intensity function λ(t) = λG(t), where G is the service distribution.

Hint. Let D(s, s + r) denote the number of service completions in the interval (s, s + r] in (0, t]. If we can show that

• D(s, s + r) follows a Poisson distribution with mean λ ss+r G(y)dy, and

• the numbers of service completions in disjoint intervals are independent,

then we are finished by definition of a non-homogeneous Poisson process.


Non-homogeneous Poisson Processes


• An arrival at time y is called a type-1 arrival if its service completion occurs in (s, s + r].

• Consider three cases to find the probability P (y) that an arrival at time y is a type-1 arrival:

s s+r t

Case 1 Case 2 Case 3

y y y

– Case 1: y ≤ s.

P (y) = P{s − y < ˜S < s + r − y} = G(s + r − y) − G(s − y) – Case 2: s < y ≤ s + r.

P (y) = P{ ˜S < s + r − y} = G(s + r − y)


Non-homogeneous Poisson Processes

– Case 3: s + r < y ≤ t.

P (y) = 0

• Based on the decomposition property of a Poisson process, we

conclude that D(s, s + r) follows a Poisson distribution with mean λpt, where p = (1/t)0t P (y)dy.


0 P (y)dy =


0 [G(s + r − y) − G(s − y)]dy +  s+r


G(s + r − y)dy +






0 G(s + r − y)dy −  s

0 G(s − y)dy



0 G(z)dz  s

0 G(z)dz =





Non-homogeneous Poisson Processes

• Because of

– the independent increment assumption of the Poisson arrival process, and

– the fact that there are always servers available for arrivals,

⇒ the departure process has independent increments


Compound Poisson Processes

• A stochastic process {˜x(t), t ≥ 0} is said to be a compound Poisson process if

– it can be represented as


x(t) =




yi, t ≥ 0 – {˜n(t), t ≥ 0} is a Poisson process

– {˜yi, i ≥ 1} is a family of independent and identically distributed random variables which are also independent of {˜n(t), t ≥ 0}

• The random variable ˜x(t) is said to be a compound Poisson random variable.

• E[˜x(t)] = λtE[˜yi] and V ar[˜x(t)] = λtE[˜yi2].


Compound Poisson Processes

• Example (Batch Arrival Process). Consider a parallel-processing

system where each job arrival consists of a possibly random number of tasks. Then we can model the arrival process as a compound

Poisson process, which is also called a batch arrival process.

• Let ˜yi be a random variable that denotes the number of tasks comprising a job. We derive the probability generating function P˜x(t)(z) as follows:

P˜x(t)(z) = E


= E


z˜x(t)|˜n(t) = E


z˜y1+···+˜yn(t)˜ |˜n(t)

= E



(by independence of ˜n(t) and {˜yi})

= E E z˜y1 · · · E z˜yn(t)˜  (by independence of ˜y1, · · · , ˜y˜n(t))

= E


= P˜n(t) (P˜y(z))


Modulated Poisson Processes

• Assume that there are two states, 0 and 1, for a “modulating process.”

0 1

• When the state of the modulating process equals 0 then the arrive rate of customers is given by λ0, and when it equals 1 then the arrival rate is λ1.

• The residence time in a particular modulating state is exponentially distributed with parameter μ and, after expiration of this time, the modulating process changes state.

• The initial state of the modulating process is randomly selected and is equally likely to be state 0 or 1.


Modulated Poisson Processes

• For a given period of time (0, t), let Υ be a random variable that indicates the total amount of time that the modulating process has been in state 0. Let ˜x(t) be the number of arrivals in (0, t).

• Then, given Υ, the value of ˜x(t) is distributed as a non-homogeneous Poisson process and thus

P [˜x(t) = n|Υ = τ] = 0τ + λ1(t − τ))ne−(λ0τ +λ1(t−τ)) n!

• As μ → 0, the probability that the modulating process makes no

transitions within t seconds converges to 1, and we expect for this case that

P [˜x(t) = n] = 1 2


n! + 1t)ne−λ1t n!


Modulated Poisson Processes

• As μ → ∞, then the modulating process makes an infinite number of transitions within t seconds, and we expect for this case that

P [˜x(t) = n] = (βt)ne−βt

n! , where β = λ0 + λ1 2

• Example (Modeling Voice).

– A basic feature of speech is that it comprises an alternation of silent periods and non-silent periods.

– The arrival rate of packets during a talk spurt period is Poisson

with rate λ1 and silent periods produce a Poisson rate with λ0 ≈ 0.

– The duration of times for talk and silent periods are exponentially distributed with parameters μ1 and μ0, respectively.

⇒ The model of the arrival stream of packets is given by a modulated Poisson process.


Poisson Arrivals See Time Averages (PASTA)

• PASTA says: as t → ∞

Fraction of arrivals who see the system in a given state

upon arrival (arrival average)

= Fraction of time the system is in a given state (time average)

= The system is in the given state at any random time

after being steady

• Counter-example (textbook [Kao]: Example 2.7.1)

0 1 2 3 4 5

1 1

1/2 1/2

service time = 1/2 inter-arrival time = 1


Poisson Arrivals See Time Averages (PASTA)

– Arrival average that an arrival will see an idle system = 1 – Time average of system being idle = 1/2

• Mathematically,

– Let X = {˜x(t), t ≥ 0} be a stochastic process with state space S, and B ⊂ S

– Define an indicator random variable


u(t) =

1, if ˜x(t) ∈ B 0, otherwise

– Let N = {˜n(t), t ≥ 0} be a Poisson process with rate λ denoting the arrival process



Poisson Arrivals See Time Averages (PASTA)



0 u(s)d˜˜ n(s)


n(t) = lim



0 u(s)ds˜ t

(arrival average) (time average)

• Condition – For PASTA to hold, we need the lack of anticipation assumption (LAA): for each t ≥ 0,

– the arrival process {˜n(t + u) − ˜n(t), u ≥ 0} is independent of {˜x(s), 0 ≤ s ≤ t} and {˜n(s), 0 ≤ s ≤ t}.

• Application:

– To find the waiting time distribution of any arriving customer – Given: P[system is idle] = 1 − ρ; P[system is busy] = ρ


Poisson Arrivals See Time Averages (PASTA)



Case 1: system is idle

Case 2: system is busy

⇒ P ( ˜w ≤ t) = P ( ˜w ≤ t|idle) · P (idle upon arrival) + P ( ˜w ≤ t|busy) · P (busy upon arrival)


Memoryless Property of the Exponential Distribution

• A random variable ˜x is said to be without memory, or memoryless, if P [˜x > s + t|˜x > t] = P [˜x > s] for all s, t ≥ 0 (3)

• The condition in Equation (3) is equivalent to P [˜x > s + t, ˜x > t]

P [˜x > t] = P [˜x > s]


P [˜x > s + t] = P [˜x > s]P [˜x > t] (4)

• Since Equation (4) is satisfied when ˜x is exponentially distributed (for e−λ(s+t) = e−λse−λt), it follows that exponential random variable are memoryless.

• Not only is the exponential distribution “memoryless,” but it is the unique continuous distribution possessing this property.


Comparison of Two Exponential Random Variables

Suppose that ˜x1 and ˜x2 are independent exponential random variables with respective means 1/λ1 and 1/λ2. What is P [˜x1 < ˜x2]?

P [˜x1 < ˜x2] =

0 P [˜x1 < ˜x2|˜x1 = x]λ1e−λ1xdx


0 P [x < ˜x21e−λ1xdx


0 e−λ2xλ1e−λ1xdx


0 λ1e−(λ12)xdx

= λ1

λ1 + λ2


Minimum of Exponential Random Variables

Suppose that ˜x1, ˜x2,· · · , ˜xn are independent exponential random variables, with ˜xi having rate μi, i = 1, · · · , n. It turns out that the smallest of the ˜xi is exponential with a rate equal to the sum of the μi.

P [min(˜x1, ˜x2, · · · , ˜xn) > x] = P [˜xi > x for each i = 1, · · · , n]


n i=1

P [˜xi > x] (by independence)


n i=1


= exp





How about max(˜x1, ˜x2, · · · , ˜xn)? (exercise)



In another word, the initial state description is the conjunct of the precondition of the task and the guard condition of the task’s method, and the state descriptions are

The Empire State Building is currently the third tallest skyscraper in the United States (after the Willis Tower and Trump International Hotel and Tower, both in Chicago), and the

Mie–Gr¨uneisen equa- tion of state (1), we want to use an Eulerian formulation of the equations as in the form described in (2), and to employ a state-of-the-art shock capturing

• Strange metal state are generic non-Fermi liquid properties in correlated electron systems near quantum phase transitions. • Kondo in competition with RVB spin-liquid provides

The CME drastically changes the time evolution of the chiral fluid in a B-field. - Chiral fluid is not stable against a small perturbation on v

* All rights reserved, Tei-Wei Kuo, National Taiwan University, 2005..

• If the cursor scans the jth position at time i when M is at state q and the symbol is σ, then the (i, j)th entry is a new symbol σ

What is the number of ways a binomial random walk that is never in the negative territory and returns to the origin the first time after 2n steps.. • Let n