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Academic year: 2022

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報告者: 陳靜怡 醫師 指導者: 陳玉昆 主任

林立民 教授 王文岑 主任



Case 1

Name:鄧○ ○


Age:47 y/o



Chief complaint:

referred from 高長 dental dept. for

management of a cystic lesion over mandible


Present Illness

This 47 y/o female visited dental dept. of 高 長H in 99.03 for treatment of periodontal disease. A cystic lesion was found over

anterior mandible on panoramic film. The dentist suggested her to visit OS dept. of our H but the patient postponed the visit til



Past History And Personal Habit

Past Medical history:

Systemic disease: thyroid cystic nodules Hospitalization: endometriosis

Operation: endometriosis (高長H, 1995)

Drug Allergy: unknown drug (ENT)

Past dental history: NP

Personal habits: A(-), B(-), C(-), other habit(-)


OMF Findings

Covering mucosa:


Consistency: bony hard

Bony expansion (-)

Pain (-)

Tooth mobility (-)

Tooth vitality (?)

Lip parethesia (-)


Image Findings -- Panorex



Image Findings – CT Scan



Clinical Impression & Treatment

Clinical impression

-- a cystic lesion over tooth 41-45 apical area


-- incisional biopsy on 99.09.29


Histopathological Findings


Immunohistochemical Stains





HP Report & Treatment

Histopathological report

-- Schwannoma over anterior mandible


-- excision on 99.11.12


Histopathological Findings


Final Diagnosis & F/U

Schwannoma over anterior mandible

Neurological deficit (-)



Case 2

Name: 申○ ○

Gender: female

Age: 44

主治醫師: 陳昭明醫師

初診日期: 99.12.16

Chief complaint:

pain over lower right posterior tooth for 1 week


Present Illness

This 44 y/o female suffered from

spontaneous pain over lower right posterior tooth for 1 week. She visited OM OPD on 99.12.16 for further evaluation and

treatment. After x-ray examination, Dr. 林 立民 found a lesion over the patient’s right anterior mandible. Then she was referred to OS for biopsy.


Past History And Personal Habit

Past Medical history: NP

Drug Allergy: Nil

Past dental history: NP

Personal habits: A(-), B(-), C(-), other habit(-)


OMF Findings

Tooth 47 residual roots, pain (+)

PE films

-- tooth 47 residual roots

-- a well-defined, ovoid shaped, R/L lesion with cortical border, containing R/O substance over 33, 32 inter-radicular area


Image Findings – Panorax


Clinical Impression & Treatment

Clinical impression

-- lateral periodontal cyst over tooth 32, 33 inter-radicular area


-- referred to OS Dr.陳昭明, tooth 47

extraction and cyst enucleation on 99.12.17


Histopathological Findings


HP Report & Treatment

Final diagnosis

-- Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor over tooth 32, 33 inter-radicular area


-- F/U, no recurrence



Case 3

Name: 劉○ ○

Gender: male

Age: 61

主治醫師: 賴聖宗醫師

初診日期: 99.09.30

Chief complaint:

discomfort over lower right post. teeth for 6 months


Present Illness

This 61 y/o female felt discomfortable and strengthless over lower right posterior teeth for 6 months. She had visited a local dental clinic. After x-ray examination, a lesion was found. Under her friend’s recommendation, she visited Dr.賴聖宗’s OPD for further



Past History And Personal Habit

Past Medical history: NP

Drug Allergy: voren, amoxicillin, ciprofoxacin

Past dental history: NP

Personal habits: A(-), B(-), C(-), other habit (-)


OMF Findings

46, 47 metal crown, gingiva recession, 47 root exposure, vestibule mild swelling with bluish hue

Tooth mobility(?), percussion pain(?)

PE film: a well-defined R/O with R/L rim lesion over 47 apical area




Image Findings – Panorex



Clinical Impression & Treatment

Clinical impression

-- cementoblastoma over tooth 47 apical area


-- excision of the tumor and extraction of tooth 47 on 99.10.07


Histopathological Findings


HP Report & Treatment

Final diagosis

-- Cementoblastoma over tooth 47 apical area

99.10.28 last visit lost F/U


Case 4

Name: 陳○ ○

Gender: male

Age: 15 y/o

主治醫師: 黃逸岳醫師

初診日期: 99.10.26

Chief complaint:

a mass over right upper jaw for 6 months


Present Illness

This 15 y/o male suffered from a mass over right posterior maxilla for more than 6 months. He went to a local dental clinic, and the dentist suggested

him to visit dental dept. of big hospital. Then he went to 高榮 and accepted x-ray examination and biopsy. He was informed that the lesion was a

ameloblastoma. His mother brought him to Dr.洪 堅銘’s clinic for second opinion. Dr.洪 suggest

them to visit our OS OPD for further management.


Past History And Personal Habit

Past Medical history: NP

Drug Allergy: Nil

Past dental history: NP

Personal habits: A(-), B(-), C(-), other habit(-)


OMF Findings (1)

A bony hard mass

from tooth 16 distal to tuberosity

Tooth mobility(?), vitality(?)

Size: 3.0x2.0 cm

Surface: smooth

Color: pink

Consistency: bony hard


OMF Findings (2)

Mobility: fixed





Neck LAP (-)


Image Findings -- Panorax


Clinical Impression & Treatment

Clinical impression

-- Ameloblastoma over right posterior maxilla


-- incisional biopsy on 99.10.26


Histopathological Findings


HP Report & Treatment

Histopathological report

-- ameloblastic fibro-cystic odontoma over right maxilla


-- CT scan on 99.11.02, a calcified mass over right maxilla

-- excision on 100.01.28


Image Findings – CT Scan


Histopathological Findings


Final diagnosis & Treatment

Final diagnosis

-- Ameloblastic fibro-odontoma over right maxilla


-- regular F/U


Case 5

Name: 蘇○○

Gender: female

Age: 71 y/o

主治醫師: 黃逸岳

初診日期: 100.02.18

Chief complaint:

lower jaw deviation for years and upper prosthesis broken


Present Illness

This 71 y/o female found her lower jaw

deviated to right side for more then 10 years.

She started to have difficulty in chewing

recently, so she went to a local dental clinic for evaluation. The dentist suggested her to visit Dr.許瀚仁.


Past History And Personal Habit

Past Medical history:

Systemic diseases: ventrical hyperplasia, osteoporosis

Hospitalization: leiomyoma over left knee Surgery: left knee replacement

Drug Allergy: Nil

Past dental history: NP

Personal habits: A(-), B(-), C(-), other habit(-)


OMF Findings (1)

Facial asymmetry(+), chin deviated to right side, length of ramus

left side > right side


OMF Finding (2)

Dental midline, lower deviated to left side

MMO = 43mm

TMJ click (?)

Pain (?)

Muscle tenderness(?)


Image Findings


Clinical Impression & Treatment

Clinical impression

-- neoplasm over left condyle


-- CT scan on 100.03.02, fibrous dysplasia over left condyle

-- referred to Dr.黃逸岳 for further management

-- condylectomy on 100.04.13


Image Findings -- CT


Histopathological Findings


HP Report & Treatment Course

Final diagnosis

-- Osteolipoma over left condyle


-- IMF and stent for 2 weeks -- regular F/U in OS OPD


Case 6

Name: 李蔡○○

Gender: female

Age:54 y/o

主治醫師: 吳逸民醫師

初診日期: 99.11.24

Chief complaint:

an ulcerative lesion over lower left post gum since 99.09


Present Illness

This 54 y/o female suffered from an

ulcerative lesion over lower left posterior gum since 99.09. She went to many places for treatment, including長庚hospital、林嘉 龍 dental clinic etc. Routine periodontal

treatment was performed but the lesion did not subside. She went to our periodontal

dept for further examination and treatment.


Past History And Personal Habit

Past Medical history:

Systemic disease: HTN, DM

Drug Allergy: Nil

Past dental history: NP

Personal habits: A(-), B(-), C(-), other habit(-), oral trauma or irritation(-)


OMF Findings (1)

An ulcerative ,

depressive lesion over tooth 35, 36 gingiva

Size: 1.0x1.0cm

Shape: crater-like

Surface: ulcerative

Color: red


OMF Findings (2)

Consistency (?)

Mobility: fixed


Induration (?)

Fluctuation (-)

Discharge (-)

Lymphadenopathy (-)


Image Findings – Periapical film


Image Findings – Panoramic film


Clinical Impression & Treatment

Clinical impression

-- oral ulcer over tooth 35, 36 gingiva R/O malignancy


-- incisional biopsy on 99.11.24


Histopathological Findings


HP Report & Treatment Course

Histopathological reprot

-- Squamous cell carcinoma, grade I over tooth 35, 36 gingiva


-- marginal resection and SND on 99.12.12

Final diagnosis

-- squamous cell carcinoma, grade I over tooth 35, 36 gingiva with bone invasion (T4N0M0, stage IV)


Case 7

Name: 田○○

Gender: male

Age: 69 y/o

主治醫師: 謝天渝醫師

初診日期: 99.07.26

Chief complaint:

referred from 東港安 泰 H for evaluation of right parotid gland tumor


Present Illness

This 69 y/o male had trauma history over right

face ten years ago. Swelling over his right face was noted sometimes. The symptom was on and off for years. He noted that the swelling persisted since 5 to 6 years ago. Recently, 泰武衛生所主任 suggested him to go to安泰hospital for treatment. After

panorax examination, Dr. 宋昌霖 referred him to OS dept for further treatment.


Past History And Personal Habit

Past Medical history:

Systemic disease: HTN

Hospitalization: stroke (民國95年)

Drug Allergy: Nil

Past dental history: NP

Personal habits: A(-), B(-), C(-), other habit(-)


OMF Findings

A subcutaneous mass over right infra-

auricular area

Size: 6.0x4.7cm

Shape: dome-shaped

Surface: intact skin, smooth

Consistency: firm

Mobility: fixed


OMF Findings (2)


tenderness (+)


Induration (-)

LAP (-)

Facial nerve deficit (-)


Image Findings


Clinical Impression & Treatment

Clinical impression

-- Salivary gland tumor over right parotid gland, R/O malignancy


-- Needle biopsy on 99.08.02


Histopathological Findings


HP Report & Treatment

Histopathological report

-- compatible with acinic cell tumor

-- suggest incisional biopsy and further examination


-- CT scan on 99.08.10 -- excision on 99.09.10


Image Findings – CT Scan


Histopathological Findings


Immunohistochemical Stains

Cytokeratin (+) for acinic cells EMA (+) for ductal epithelium


Final Diagnosis & Treatment

Final Diagnosis

-- Acinic cell carcinoma over right parotid gland with extra-capsular invasion

-- no calcified material found


-- chemotherapy (UFUR oral) -- facial nerve deficit (+)

-- CT scan on 99.11.22, no obvious local recurrence


Case 8

Name: 陳○ ○

Gender: male

Age: 71 y/o

主治醫師: 許瀚仁醫師

初診日期: 100.03.25

Chief complaint:

a soft tissue mass over left tongue border for 2 month


Present Illness

This 71 y/o male suffered from a rapidly growing soft tissue mass over left tongue

border since 2 months ago. Under his family

‘s suggestion, he visited our OS OPD for further evaluation and treatment.


Past History And Personal Habit

Past Medical history:

Systemic diseases: HTN, 狹心症

Drug Allergy: Nil

Past dental history: NP

Personal habits: A(+) 已戒一年, B(-), C(-), other habit(-)


OMF Findings (1)

An exophytic soft tissue mass over left tongue border

Size: 3.0x2.0cm

Shape: lobulated and peduculated

Surface: ulcerative

Color: red

Consistency: soft


OMF Findings (2)

Mobility: fixed





Neck LAP (-)


Clinical Impression & Treatment

Clinical impression

-- pyogenic granuloma over left tongue border


-- excisional biopsy on 100.03.25


Histopathological Findings


Immunohistochemical Stains






HP Report & Treatment

Histopathological report

-- malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor over left tongue border


-- CT scan on 100.04.18, no definite lesion -- 2 nodules present, wide excision on



Final diagnosis

Final diagnosis

-- Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor over left tongue border


Case 9

Name: 王○○

Gender: male

Age: 43 y/o

照會醫師: 侯郁芹醫師

照會日期: 100.04.04

Chief complaint:

a mass over lower anterior gum


Present Illness

This 43 y/o male visited our ER on 100.04.02 due to progressive neck pain and abdomen extension. C/T examination revealed

multiple nodules over liver, lung and rib, and mucosa thickening of distal transverse colon. He was admitted to 肝膽內科ward on the same day. A mass over lower anterior gum area was found after admission.


Past History And Personal Habit

Past Medical history: NP

Systemic disease: impaired liver function due to alcoholism

Hospitalization: right ankle laceration Operation: right ankle laceration

Drug Allergy: Unknown

Past dental history: NP

Personal habits: A(+), B(-), C(+), other habit(-)


OMF Findings (1)

An exophytic soft

tissue mass over tooth 31, 41 labial gingiva

Size: 1.5x1.0x0.5 cm

Shape: polypoid and pedunculated

Surface: smooth

Color: red

Consistency: elastic


OMF Findings (2)

Mobility: fixed





Neck LAP (-)


Clinical Impression & Treatment

Clinical impression

-- inflammatory hyperplastic lesion  pyogenic granuloma

-- metastatic tumor of unknown origin over tooth 31, 41 labial gingiva


-- excisional biopsy by Dr.施亦倫 on 100.04.04


Histopathological Findings


Immunohistochemical stains






HP Report & Treatment Course

Final diagnosis

-- Metastatic adenocarcinoma over tooth 31, 41 labial gingiva

primary tumor: colon cancer suspected


-- 100.04.08 大腸鏡檢&biopsy  colon cancer (adenocarcinoma)


Case 10

Name: 鄭蕭○ ○

Gender: female

Age: 75 y/o

主治醫師: 陳鴻榮醫師

初診日期: 99.10.12

Chief complaint:

a painful ulcer over left tongue border for 40 days


Present Illness

This 75 y/o female suffered from a painful ulcer over left tongue border for 40 days.

The size of the ulcer got larger gradually.

She came to a local dental clinic for

treatment. The dentist suggested her to visit the OS OPD of our hospital.


Past History And Personal Habit

Past Medical history:

Systemic diseases: DM type II Surgery: spine surgery

Drug Allergy: Nil

Past dental history: NP

Personal habits: A(-), B(-), C(-), other habit(-)


OMF Findings (1)

An ulcer over left tongue border with multiple white patches

Size: 2.5x0.5 cm

Shape: irregular

Surface: ulcerative

Color: yellowish mixed white


OMF Findings (2)

Consistency: firm

Mobility: fixed






Fever or local heat(-)


Clinical Impression & Treatment

Clinical impression

-- squamous cell carcinoma over left tongue border


-- incisional biopsy on 99.10


Histopathological Findings


HP Report & Treatment

Histopathologcal report

Tuberculosis over left tongue border


-- referred to 胸腔內科, 法定傳染病七日內通報 -- 10.29 Chest PA & 11.09 CT lung cancer suspected

bronchoscopic biopsy, CT-guided biopsy  inflammation, acid-fast stain(-)

-- sputum 抗酸菌培養 mycobacterium tuberculosis complex


Image Findings – Chest & CT


Thank you for your




Delayed healing ulcer over L’t lateral tongue border with reddish color,. ulcerative surface, firm

enlargement of the mass (pleomorphic adenoma) in the left masseter and buccal space with invasion to left maxillary sinus and zygomatic arch, malignant.. transformation needs to

inferior border of cortex of left ascending ramus and from 0.5cm inferior to sigmoid notch down to the inferior border of cortex of left mandible,.. measuring 7.0x5.5cm

Poor enhanced lesion about 12X7mm in size in the lower right lingual soft tissue. Adjacent bony structure

6 An ulcerated mass over left tongue and left protid mass SCC & Warthin’s tumor 7 A swelling mass over left hard palate for 3 years Adenoid cystic carcinoma 8 A fast-growing

Oral cavity, tongue border, left, incision, sarcoma, suggestive of malignant fibrous histiocytoma.

margin over left posterior maxilla, extending from the distal side of tooth 24 to the mesial side of tooth 26 , and from the border of left maxillary sinus to the left

Ewing’s sarcoma is a highly malignant, small round cell bone tumor that was Þ rst described by James Ewing in 1921.. [1] An extraskeletal form of this tumor has been described