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Perceived Organizational Support and Employee Outcome In Medical Service Organization: The Moderation Effects of Power D 郭美吟、童惠玲


Academic year: 2022

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Perceived Organizational Support and Employee Outcome In Medical Service Organization:

The Moderation Effects of Power D 郭美吟、童惠玲

E-mail: 319713@mail.dyu.edu.tw


Drawing on a cross-work unit sample of 102 supervisor-subordinate dyads from medical service organization, we examined health care industry how to develop to new type and role with organizational implicit knowledge changed to explicit knowledge. In this study, we measured constructs with different sources (e.g., employee rated their perceived organizational support, power distance, equity sensitivity, and organizational citizenship behavior, while supervisors rated their employees’ task performance) in order to reduce the possibility of same source bias. To enhance the clarity of the causal relationship among variables of this present study, questionnaires were distributed at three time points. The moderating effects of power distance and equity sensitivity on generally well established relationships between perceived organizational support and work outcomes (in-role task performance and organizational citizenship behavior) was examined. Results showed that both power distance and equity sensitivity altered relationships of perceived organizational support to work outcomes, in that the relationship of perceived organizational support to task performance was stronger for individuals scoring high on power distance, while the relationship of perceived organizational support to organizational citizenship behavior was stronger for individuals scoring high on equity sensitivity(entitled). From a practical standpoint, managers in medical service organization or health care industry that hope to increase employee in-role task performance and organizational citizenship behavior could take actions to enhance employee’s perceived organv izational support.

Keywords : perceived organizational support, job performance, organizational citizenship behavior, power distance, equity sensitivity

Table of Contents

內容目錄 中文摘要 .....................iii 英文摘要 .................

....iv 誌謝辭  .....................vi 內容目錄 ................

.....vii 表目錄  .....................ix 圖目錄  ...............

......x 第一章   緒論.................1   第一節  研究背景與動機.......

.....1   第二節  研究目的...............4 第二章   文獻探討...........

....5   第一節  知覺組織支持.............5   第二節  工作績效..........

.....7   第三節  組織公民行為.............9 第四節 權力距離的調節效果........

..12 第五節 公平敏感度的調節效果.........14 第三章   研究方法...............18 第 一節 研究架構...............18 第二節 研究假設...............18 第三節 研究對象 及抽樣方法..........19 第四節 研究工具...............21 第五節 資料處理與統計方法.

.........24 第四章 資料分析與發現............26 第一節 樣本資料特性..........

...26 第二節 描述性統計..............29 第三節 信效度分析..............30 第四 節 差異分析...............35 第五節 相關分析...............38 第六節 整體模式衡 量分析...........40 第七節 ㄧ般線性模式與假設驗證........41 第五章 結論與建議......

........48 第一節 結論.................48 第二節 建議...............

..51   第三節  研究限制與未來研究建議........52 參考文獻  ..................

.54 附錄A 實驗指導語..............67 附錄B 員工問卷第一階段...........68 附錄C 員 工問卷第二階段...........70 附錄D 員工問卷第三階段...........72 附錄E 主管問卷...

............74 表目錄 表 2-1 Adams的公平理論分析 .........15 表 3-1各變數測量之時間點與來 源 ..........21 表 4-1受試樣本之樣本特性 .............28 表 4-2本研究各變項之信度分析

...........32 表 4-3本研究各項驗證性因素分析 ..........34 表 4-4研究變項之多變量變異數分 析(部屬) ......36 表 4-5部屬人口統計變項對各變項之差異分析 .....36 表 4-6部門別對各變項之差異分析 .

.........38 表 4-7相關分析 ..................39 表 4-8知覺組織支持與組織公民行為模 型之適配 ....42 表 4-9ㄧ般線性模式分析表 .............44 圖目錄 圖 3-1研究架構 .......

...........18 圖 4-1知覺組織支持與權力距離交互效果對工作績效之散 佈圖..............


......45 圖 4-2知覺組織支持與公平敏感度交互效果對組織公民行 為之散佈圖................


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