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A Study on Application of Kano Model to Research The Influence of Mobile Value Added Service on Customer Satisfaction 王聿軒、王學銘


Academic year: 2022

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A Study on Application of Kano Model to Research The Influence of Mobile Value Added Service on Customer Satisfaction


E-mail: 9601159@mail.dyu.edu.tw


The mobile phone subscriber numbers of Taiwan achieved twenty-one million and three hundred thousand until Dec 2005 which including 2G, 3G and PHS, and the rate of the popularization reached 94.56% high. Although the number of mobile phone subscribers has increased fast, some telecommunication operators’ revenue stop growing even fall into decline because the continuing competition cause the rate plan unceasing to fall, and the voice service market has been saturated. At present, the domestic telecommunication operator’s focus on the rate plan and handset product competition, they don’t have obvious

difference in service. Therefore, the consumers have difficulty to distinguish which one is better. It is an important target and strategy for operators to develop new value-added service, the innovation function, and to create difference competitive advantage so as to enhance the satisfaction of consumers; it also indicates another important direction to help the mobile phone operators search for the profit growing. This study mainly applies the Kano model to classifying the mobile value-added service to consumers’ satisfaction attribute. It is to analyze the correlation between the satisfaction and attention for the viewpoint of value-added service quality to users by questionnaire. The findings showed that the characteristic of value-added service has different Kano model classification, and the different background users have different views on it. The findings also showed that there’s much correlation between the satisfaction and attention of majority of quality characteristic classification. The findings expect to be a reference to competition strategy for our operators developing the value-added service market; formulate the value-added service that is suitable for consumers; enhance the satisfaction of consumers to operators.

Keywords : mobile value add service、consumer satisfaction、Kano model Table of Contents

封面內頁 簽名頁 授權書... iii 中文摘要... iv 英文摘要... v 誌 謝... vi 目錄... vii 圖目錄... x 表目

錄... xi 第一章 緒論...1 1.1 研究背景與動機... 1 1.2 研究目 的... 6 1.3 研究流程與架構... 6 1.4 研究範圍與研究限制... 7 1.4.1 研究範

圍... 7 1.4.2 研究限制... 8 第二章 文獻探討 2.1 行動電話產業、行動加值服務市場概況...

9 2.1.1 全球行動電話市場現況與未來... 13 2.1.2 行動加值服務市場概況... 17 2.1.3 本行動加值服務分析與未 來發展... 25 2.1.4 i-mode 的發展與成功關鍵因素分析... 26 2.2 二維品質模式... 29 2.2.1 二維品質模 式理論... 30 2.2.2 Kano 二維品質模式 ( Kano model ) ...32 2.2.3 Kano 二維品質模式應用相關文獻... 36 2.2.4 二維品質分類方法... 38 2.3 顧客滿意度理論文獻探討... 40 2.3.1 市場區隔理論... 40 2.3.2 顧客之定義... 44 2.3.3 顧客期望理論... 44 2.3.4 顧客滿意理論... 46 2.3.5 顧 客滿意的重要性... 49 2.3.6 影響顧客滿意度的因素... 50 2.3.7 顧客滿意的衡量尺度... 51 第 三章 研究方法 3.1 研究架構... 53 3.2 研究假設... 54 3.3 問卷設計... 54 3.3.1 研究變數... 55 3.3.2 抽樣方法與前測... 56 3.4 分析方法... 57 第四章 資 料統計與分析 4.1 問卷回收與樣本結構分析... 59 4.1.1 問卷回收分析... 59 4.1.2 樣本資料結構分 析... 60 4.2 信度分析... 61 4.3 Kano 二維品質分類分析... 61 4.3.1 Kano 二維品質分 類 – 全體受訪者... 61 4.3.2 Kano 二維品質分類 – 以性別區分... 65 4.3.3 Kano 二維品質分類 – 以年齡區分... 67 4.3.4 Kano 二維品質分類 – 以職業區分... 69 4.3.5 Kano 二維品質分類 – 以教育程度區分... 71 4.3.6 Kano 二維品質分 類 – 以月收入所得區分... 73 4.4 行動加值服務重視度與滿意度分析... 75 4.4.1 行動加值服務品質特性重視度分 析... 75 4.4.2 行動加值服務品質特性滿意度分析... 76 第五章 結論與建議... 79 5.1 研究結

果... 79 5.1.1 研究假設結果檢定... 79 5.1.2 二維品質模式歸類... 80 5.1.3 重視度與 滿意度關聯... 81 5.1.4 研究結論... 82 5.2 後續研究建議... 84



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