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Academic year: 2021

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97年公務人員特種考試第二次司法人員考試試題 代號:

等 別: 三等考試

類 科: 公證人、檢察事務官偵查實務組 科 目: 英文

考試時間: 2 小時 座號:

※注意: 禁止使用電子計算器。


30260 全一頁


一、選擇題(20 分)

請從以下提供的十個單字中,選取最合適填入文章各空格中者,並將其英文字母代 碼(A, B, C...I, J)填寫在答案卷上。

(A) entitled (B) endemic (C) communities (D) mechanism (E) overturning (F) avenue (G) contrary (H) servants (I) legislature (J) anti-discrimination

A doctrine unique to the American system is the review of legislative actions by the courts. This quite often results in judges making law and rescinding law 1 to the popular will of the people. Bad decisions, which are 2 to the system, have their greatest consequences in this area. Examples are the recent Hawaii decision to allow gay marriages and the stay of prop 209, the 3 initiative in California. Some judges have ordered tax increases in some 4 — classic taxation without representation. There has to be a 5 to override bad law by judges. A two-thirds vote of the 6 is an appropriate level to revoke judicial decisions. Citizens' initiative petitions to put the issue on the ballot is another 7 . As Teddy Roosevelt recommended in his 1912 presidential campaign— let the nation decide at the next election whether to uphold or reject any Court decision creating a new "right" or 8 a state or federal law. "It is the people and not the judges who are 9 to say what the Constitution means," said T.R., "for the Constitution is theirs; it belongs to them and not to their 10 in office."

二、中譯英:請將下列中文段落譯成英文。(20 分)

民間司改會「民間法律學苑」從 89 年開始規劃,在 90 年初正式開課。開課以來,

我們都竭力提供學員最好的課程、師資、教材及場地。根據學員的評鑑資料,本學 苑的三大特色分別為:小班教學、生活化的課程及具有豐富實務經驗的師資群。

三、英譯中:請將下列英文段落譯成中文。(20 分)

The great American Henry David Thoreau in his great essay Civil Disobedience stated that one should break laws even if there are witnesses. He argued that you have a moral obligation to break laws even if you suffer the consequences. Our founding fathers took a much more radical view that one should violently overthrow the government if one disagrees with its laws.

四、英文作文(40 分)

Write an essay of no less than 200 words on the following topic:

Death Penalty: A Necessary Evil?

Please include in your essay as many arguments and examples as you can.



(十) 由監評人員主持公開抽題(無監評人員親自在場主持抽題時,該場次 之測試無效)

3.本專班所有考生一律參加面試(筆試缺考或 0 分者不得參與面試) 第二階段 面試:6/27 上午 10:30

第二十四條 學、術科測 試辦理單位應遴聘具有 下列資格之一者,擔任 學科測試及術科測試採 筆試非測驗題方式之監 場人員:. 一、


The contents of this essay are to demonstrate that one can get the ultimate achievements by Separate-teaching also, to clarify the value of Separate-teaching and

(1)試務相關工作人員進行報到時,請試務人員查驗該等人員之疫苗 接種證明(如健保快易通、紙本疫苗接種卡或數位新冠病毒健康 證明等)或 3 日內抗原快篩陰性證明∕3


(一)機關主要職掌:本局組織規程奉考試院 101.8.1 考授銓法五字第 1013628775 號函發布,掌理全市教育行政業務,組織規程修正經考 試院 107.4.11