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A Study on Business Strategy of Online Game Company-A Case Study of Cayenne Entertainment Technology Co., Ltd. 黃自強、杜強國, 樊晉源


Academic year: 2022

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A Study on Business Strategy of Online Game Company-A Case Study of Cayenne Entertainment Technology Co., Ltd.

黃自強、杜強國, 樊晉源

E-mail: 374677@mail.dyu.edu.tw


The popularity of Internet access and electronic products changes our habits and customs. The broad-band network usage has grown up five times in 10 years since 2001. According to investigating, about 50% of Internet population have experience in on-line games. It brings up the huge output value and the investment of the on-line game industry is increasing accordingly. Therefore, The competition is becoming intenser. In this thesis, I take new entrants of the on-line game industry as a case study. It differs from those who focus on large companies with a long history. I figure out the morphology of business strategy of the company case, which makes full use of its product feature and internal resource, after interview and document-study. I derive five major propositions via the law of case study: 1.The uniqueness of products themselves is the Successful strategy for the new entrants of on-line game industry. 2.Besides developed pathway system, the product and service quality are the critical point of marketing. 3.The company, Cayenne Entertainment Technology Co., Ltd., recognizes the importance of teamwork. It standardizes the procedure of cooperation and improves the employee benefits to minimize the turnover impacts on the company. 4.The on-line game companies with ability of research and development may not make good profit. Therefore, new entrants do not have to research and develop by themselves.

They can evade risks and operate well by carefully choosing game products and applying the experience from the cooperating RD firms. 5.New entrants of the on-line game industry may benefit by taking a conservative assessment for capital expenditures during early development.

Keywords : On-line game、Business strategy、Cayenne Entertainment Technology Co., Ltd.、Case study Table of Contents

封面內頁 簽名頁 中文摘要 vi 英文摘要 vii 誌謝 ix 目錄 x 圖目錄 xiii 表目錄 xiv 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研 究動機 3 第三節 研究目的 5 第二章 文獻探討 6 第一節 線上遊戲 6 一、線上遊戲的定義 6 二、線上遊戲的分類 7 三、臺灣 線上遊戲產業的發展 11 四、線上遊戲的產業鏈 16 五、線上遊戲的收費模式 18 第二節 經營策略 19 一、經營策略 19 二、

經營策略的分析理論 20 第三節 線上遊戲公司經營策略相關研究 24 第三章 研究方法 29 第一節 個案研究法 29 一、研究方 法選擇 29 二、研究流程 30 第二節 個案選擇 32 第三節 資料蒐集與分析方法 34 一、資料蒐集: 34 二、分析方法 35 第四 節 研究嚴謹性 36 第四章 個案分析與命題發展 38 第一節 產業現況分析 38 一、一般環境分析 38 二、線上遊戲產業現況分 析 42 第二節 個案公司介紹 45 一、公司簡介 45 二、經營現況 47 三、未來遠景 49 第三節 個案公司經營策略 50 一、現行 經營策略 51 二、資源基礎分析 60 第四節 命題發展 65 一、由產品選擇觀察個案的經營策略 65 二、由資源基礎觀察個案的 經營策略 69 第五章 結論與建議 84 第一節 結論 84 一、線上遊戲產業的現況 84 二、紅心辣椒公司經營策略之形貌 85 三、

個案經營策略的相關命題 86 第二節 理論與實務意涵 87 一、理論意涵 87 二、管理實務意涵 90 第三節 建議 91 參考文獻 93 REFERENCES

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