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A Study on the Participation-Motivation and Satisfaction in Sport Clubs of High Graders in Elementary Schools of Chang-h 林培堅、呂崇銘


Academic year: 2022

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A Study on the Participation-Motivation and Satisfaction in Sport Clubs of High Graders in Elementary Schools of Chang-h


E-mail: 341883@mail.dyu.edu.tw


This study is to discuss the relations between the motivation of joining sports clubs and learning satisfaction on high level elementary school students in Changhua County. The subjects were the students who participate sports clubs in school. Adopting questionnaire method, there were 512 valid copies. The obtained data was analyzed , one-way ANOVA, T-test, post hoc, and Pearson

product-moment correlation coefficient. The results are as followings. First, as to the motivation of joining sports clubs for high level elementary school students in Changhua County, there was significant difference in gender, participation time, club fees, parental support, grades, and the time spent on sports per week. Second, there were three levels of motivation factors. The highest levels are sports entertainment and social demand, the second one is fulfillment demand, and the lowest one is environmental effects. Third, as to the learning satisfaction of joining sports clubs for high level elementary school students in Changhua County, there was

significant difference in gender, participation time, club fees, parental support, grades, and the time spent on sports per week.

Fourth, there were three levels of satisfaction factors. The highest level is personal recognition, the second ones are learning effects and peer relationship, and the lowest one is place and equipment. Fifth, for high level elementary school students in Changhua County, there was high correlation between motivation and learning satisfaction. Finally, according to the results, conclusions were made to offer available suggestions for the teachers of school clubs, administrative personnel, and education authority.

Keywords : satisfaction、motivation、sport clubs、Fifth and sixth grade students Table of Contents

中文摘要………III 英文摘要………

………IV 誌謝辭………V 目錄………

………VI 表目錄 ………VIII 圖目錄………

………X 第一章 緒論……… 1 第一節 研究動機………1 第二節 研究目的………

………4 第三節 研究問題………4 第四節 研究範圍與限制………

………5 第五節 名詞定義………6 第二 章 文獻探討………8 第一節 運動社團相關研究………

………… 8 第二節 運動社團參與動機理論與相關研究……… 16 第三節 運動社團學習滿意度理論與相 關研究……… 23 第四節 參與動機與滿意度相關性之研究……… 32 第三章 研究 方法………37 第一節 研究架構………

…… 37 第二節 研究程序……… 38 第三節 研究假設………

……… 40 第四節 研究對象及抽樣方法……… 41 第五節 研究工 具……… 43 第六節 研究施測………

……… 44 第七節 資料處理與統計方法……… 53 第四章 結果與討論………

………55 第一節 彰化縣國民小學高年級學童參與運動社團背景變項資料分析… 55 第二節 彰化縣國民 小學高年級學童參與運動社團動機及學習滿意度之現 況分析……… 60 第 三節 彰化縣國民小學高年級學童參與運動社團動機與學習滿意度上之差異 比較分析………

……… 63 第四節 彰化縣國民小學高年級學童參與運動社團動機及學習滿意度之各因素 間之差異情形………

……… 84 第五節 彰化縣國民小學高年級學童參與運動社團動機及學習滿意度之相關分 析…………

……… 86 第五章 結論與建議………90 第一節 結論……… 90 第二節 建議………

………… 94 參考文獻……… 97 中文文獻………

……… 97 西文文獻……… 106 附錄………

……… 109 附錄一 彰化縣國民小學高年級學童參與運動社團動機與學習滿意 度之研究 預試問卷………109 附錄二 彰化縣國民小學高年級學童參與運動社


團動機與學習滿意度之研究 正式問卷………113 附錄三 問卷統計分析………


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The purposes of this research was to investigate relations among learning motivation, learning strategies and satisfaction for junior high school students, as well as to identify

In different gender、time for study、time for cram、the parents education level and household income of junior high school students , some aspects of the academic stress were

The effect of gender on motivation and student achievement in digital game-based learning: A case study of a contented-based classroom. Using game-based learning to

The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of learning organization culture on teachers’ study and teaching potency in Public Elementary Schools.. The research tool of

The research objectives lie in the effects of real situated mobile learning on local culture education for students.. Methodologically speaking, 23 students at an elementary school

This purpose of study was to realize, as well as the factors of influence of information technology integrated in teaching by junior high school special education teachers in

This study was conducted to understand the latest situation between perception of principal‘s leading role and school effectiveness in junior high schools, and

Sixth, Industrial Advanced High School students in different family backgrounds, fields of career planning approach, are reaching a significant difference.. Based on these