Government of Macao Special Administrative Region Statistics and Census Service
SEPTEMBER/2008 No. 9
The value of total imports and exports of goods registered year-on-year decreases in September 2008.
The value of total exports of goods amounted to MOP1.44 billion, down by 19.5% year-on-year; the value of domestic exports decreased by 33.4% to MOP772 million, but that of re-exports increased by 6.0% to MOP670 million. The value of total imports of goods amounted to MOP3.59 billion, down by 1.4% year-on- year.A trade deficit of MOP2.15 billion was recorded for September 2008.
From January to September 2008, total exports of goods fell by 13.9% year-on-year to MOP12.89 billion, with the value of domestic exports and re-exports declining by 19.2% and 4.1% respectively.
Meanwhile, total imports of goods grew by 3.9% to MOP32.77 billion over the same period of 2007.
In the first nine months of 2008, the trade deficit was widened to MOP19.88 billion; the exports/imports ratio decreased from 47.5% in the first nine months of 2007 to 39.3% in the same period of 2008.
In the third quarter of 2008, the value of total exports and imports went down by 19.6% and 1.3% year- on-year respectively, resulting in a trade deficit of MOP6.96 billion.
Table 1
’000 MOP
2007 2008 Year-on-year %
Principal indicators
Sep. 3rd Qtr. Jan. – Sep. Sep. 3rd Qtr. Jan. – Sep. Sep. 3rd Qtr. Jan. – Sep.
Exports 1 791 062 5 430 233 14 981 052 1 442 214 4 365 461 12 893 936 -19.5 -19.6 -13.9 Domestic exports 1 158 488 3 685 271 9 741 613 771 986 2 532 543 7 870 549 - 33.4 -31.3 -19.2 Re-exports 632 575 1 744 962 5 239 439 670 228 1 832 918 5 023 388 6.0 5.0 -4.1 Imports 3 640 335 11 473 283 31 530 534 3 588 276 11 323 132 32 771 905 -1.4 -1.3 3.9 Trade balance (Exp.-Imp.) -1 849 273 -6 043 050 -16 549 482 -2 146 062 -6 957 671 -19 877 968 -16.0 -15.1 -20.1 Exports/Imports ratio (%) 49.2 47.3 47.5 40.2 38.6 39.3 .. .. ..
.. Not applicable
The value of Textile & garment exports in the first nine months of 2008 reduced by 22.4% year-on- year to account for 58.5% of the total exports; moreover, the value of Non-textile exports increased by 1.7%, with exports of Image & sound appliances increasing by 52.6%, but exports of Machines & apparatus, parts & accessories thereof and Footwear registered decreases of 48.5% and 63.3% respectively.
Official Statistics. Reproduction of these data is allowed provided the source is quoted.
Statistics and Census Service
17th floor, “Dynasty Plaza” Bldg., 411-417 Alameda Dr. Carlos d’Assumpção, Macao Tel: 8399 5311 Fax: 2830 7825
Table 2
’000 MOP 2007 2008 Principal commodity
Jan. – Sep. Structure % Jan. – Sep. Structure %
Total 14 981 052 100.0 12 893 936 100.0 -13.9
Textile and garment 9 723 090 64.9 7 545 326 58.5 -22.4
Of which:
Garment, knitted or crocheted 5 522 995 36.9 4 028 329 31.2 -27.1 Garment, not knitted or crocheted 3 037 111 20.3 2 933 053 22.7 -3.4
Textile fabrics 862 859 5.8 394 924 3.1 -54.2
Textile yarn and thread 240 605 1.6 148 681 1.2 -38.2
Non-textile 5 257 963 35.1 5 348 610 41.5 1.7
Of which:
Machines and apparatus, 1 837 640 12.3 946 796 7.3 -48.5
parts and accessories thereof
Footwear 314 510 2.1 115 364 0.9 -63.3
Image and sound appliances 65 079 0.4 99 325 0.8 52.6
Among the major destinations of Macao’s exports, the USA and the EU together absorbed 51.5% of the total exports of goods in the first nine months of 2008. The value of exports to the USA, accounting for 41.6% of the total, dropped by 11.6% year-on-year; meanwhile, the value of exports to the EU declined by 50.9% to take up 9.9% of the total. As regards the Asian region, the value of exports to Mainland China decreased by 37.8% whereas that to Hong Kong rose by 22.6%.
Table 3
’000 MOP 2007 2008 Main country /
territory Jan. – Sep. Structure % Jan. – Sep. Structure %
Total 14 981 052 100.0 12 893 936 100.0 -13.9
EU 2 602 120 17.4 1 278 231 9.9 -50.9
Of which:
Germany 904 203 6.0 506 189 3.9 -44.0
United Kingdom 581 277 3.9 256 141 2.0 -55.9
France 437 840 2.9 173 102 1.3 -60.5
Italy 142 152 0.9 79 679 0.6 -43.9
USA 6 071 162 40.5 5 364 357 41.6 -11.6
Hong Kong 1 920 693 12.8 2 353 917 18.3 22.6
Mainland China 2 494 236 16.6 1 551 353 12.0 -37.8
Japan 177 925 1.2 179 365 1.4 0.8
Taiwan, China 194 091 1.3 168 947 1.3 -13.0
Australia 41 745 0.3 33 704 0.3 -19.3
Others 1 479 080 9.9 1 964 062 15.2 32.8
In the first nine months of 2008, the value of total imports of goods grew by 3.9% year-on-year. In terms of broad economic categories, the value of imports of Fuels & lubricants and Consumer goods expanded by 22.0% and 19.6% respectively, but that of Raw materials & semi-manufactures and Capital goods decreased by 18.2% and 5.5% respectively.
Table 4
’000 MOP 2007 2008 Broad economic
category Jan. – Sep. Structure % Jan. – Sep. Structure %
Total 31 530 534 100.0 32 771 905 100.0 3.9
Consumer goods
12 356 231 39.2 14 772 733 45.1 19.6
Raw materials and 8 735 120 27.7 7 149 604 21.8 -18.2
Fuels and lubricants 3 594 963 11.4 4 384 909 13.4 22.0
Capital goods 6 844 221 21.7 6 464 658 19.7 -5.5
The value of imports of Consumer goods not elsewhere specified (71.1% of the total imports of Consumer goods) registered a year-on-year increase of 23.3%. Among them, the value of imports of durable consumer goods (e.g. jewellery and watches) rose by 54.5%, non-durable consumer goods (e.g. tobacco and skin-care products) by 11.6% and semi-durable consumer goods (e.g. clothing and footwear) by 7.5%.
Table 5
’000 MOP 2007 2008 Principal category
of consumer goods Jan. – Sep. Structure % Jan. – Sep. Structure %
Total 12 356 231 100.0 14 772 733 100.0 19.6
Household consumption (food and beverages)
2 804 146 22.7 3 144 445 21.3 12.1
Passenger motor cars
& motorcycles
1 030 976 8.3 1 120 776 7.6 8.7
Consumer goods not elsewhere specified
8 521 109 69.0 10 507 512 71.1 23.3
Durable consumer goods 2 648 765 21.4 4 093 057 27.7 54.5
Semi-durable consumer goods 3 377 943 27.3 3 631 654 24.6 7.5
Non-durable consumer goods 2 494 401 20.2 2 782 802 18.8 11.6
Within the imports of Raw materials & semi-manufactures, the value of textile materials (25.8% of the total) fell by 36.5% year-on-year whereas that of construction materials (24.9% of the total) increased by 2.6%.
Table 6
’000 MOP 2007 2008 Principal category of raw
materials & semi-manufactures Jan. – Sep. Structure % Jan. – Sep. Structure %
Total 8 735 120 100.0 7 149 604 100.0 -18.2
Of which:
Textile materials 2 904 447 33.3 1 845 419 25.8 -36.5
Construction materials 1 736 494 19.9 1 781 495 24.9 2.6
Raw materials and semi-manufactures for furskins, paper and plastics
495 373 5.7 434 594 6.1 -12.3
The main suppliers of imported goods to Macao concentrated in the Asian region. The value of imports from Mainland China and Hong Kong together absorbed 50.6% of the total imports in the first nine months of 2008. The value of imports from Mainland China dropped slightly by 0.7% year-on-year but that from Hong Kong increased by 2.6%. In addition, the value of imports from the EU grew by 4.2%, while that from the USA dropped by 9.3%.
Table 7
’000 MOP 2007 2008 Main country /
territory Jan. – Sep. Structure % Jan. – Sep. Structure %
Total 31 530 534 100.0 32 771 905 100.0 3.9
EU 5 050 717 16.0 5 260 676 16.1 4.2
Of which:
France 1 255 311 4.0 1 598 231 4.9 27.3
Italy 508 949 1.6 897 417 2.7 76.3
Germany 1 505 958 4.8 830 632 2.5 -44.8
United Kingdom 559 352 1.8 608 368 1.9 8.8
USA 1 816 946 5.8 1 647 914 5.0 -9.3
Mainland China 13 446 206 42.6 13 348 843 40.7 -0.7
Hong Kong 3 164 059 10.0 3 245 684 9.9 2.6
Japan 2 755 908 8.7 2 816 633 8.6 2.2
Taiwan, China 1 126 199 3.6 1 092 735 3.3 -3.0
Republic of Korea 499 594 1.6 362 055 1.1 -27.5
Australia 520 625 1.7 303 156 0.9 -41.8
Others 3 150 280 10.0 4 694 209 14.3 49.0
The following statistical tables are available for download from our website
Table 1 − Imports and exports of goods by month
Table 2 − Domestic exports and re-exports of goods by month
Table 3 − Imports by section and division of SITC-Rev. 4, and country/territory of origin Table 4 − Exports by section and division of SITC-Rev. 4, and country/territory of destination Table 5 − Imports by country/territory of origin, and section and division of SITC-Rev. 4 Table 6 − Exports by country/territory of destination and principal commodity
Table 7 − Changes of external merchandise trade
Table 8 − Imports and exports by geographical/economic zone and country/territory
Table 9 − Domestic exports and re-exports by geographical/economic zone and country/territory Table 10 − Imports by broad economic category and country/territory of origin
Table 11 − Exports by principal commodity and country/territory of destination
* Table 12 − Quarterly exports by principal commodity and country/territory of destination
* Table 13 − Quarterly imports by broad economic category and country/territory of origin
* Table 14 − Exports by group of CAM-Rev. 1
* Available in March, June, September and December.