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借屍還魂 : 基差交易重現


Academic year: 2022

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借屍 Zombi


指 Advis

灣大學管 碩

Depart College

National T Ma

屍還魂 ie Trade rage Fro


指導教授 sor: Shy

中華民 Ju


管理學院 碩士論文

tment of F e of Mana

Taiwan U aster The

: 基差 e: The R om Beyo

貝永和 yle Belz

授:李賢 yan-Yua

民國 95 年 uly, 200

院財務金 文

Finance agement

Universit esis

差交易重 Return o

ond the

和 zer

賢源 博士 an Lee, P

年 6 月 09



重現 f Basis


士 Ph.D.



The Ret

Kyle Be Departm

College o

Abstract The basis a for investm trade and a practices in long-term r affects the sustainabil


貝永和 國立台


基差交易策 今市場條件 信用貿易上 期獲利。另 差交易的長

mbie T

turn of B

elzer ment of F

of Manage


arbitrage tra ment banks a

adapted it to n fixed inco returns on t relationship lity of the ne



策略在 200 件,新的交 上,做出精 另外論述持 長期持續性


Basis Ar


ement, Na

ading strateg and hedge f o current ma ome credit tr the new bas

p between d ew basis tra

: 基


8 年完全崩 交易概念和策 精確的分析 持有基差如何 性做出討論



ational Tai

gy collapsed funds. New arket condit

rading, incl is trade.

debtor and c ade.



崩潰瓦解,造 策略已經復

:包括什麼 何影響到債


from Be

iwan Univ

d at the end w trading m tions. This p luding what

Special atte creditor. F



造成投資銀 復甦。本論文 麼因素會影響 債務人和債權

eyond th


d of 2008, ca mentalities a

paper presen t factors affe ention is pa Finally, I co



銀行和避險基 文將針對新 響逐日計算 權人之間的

e Grave

ausing billio and practice

nts a rigorou ect mark-to- aid to the wa mment on t

基金數十億 新的交易概念 算損益評估及 的關係。最後

ons of dolla es have reviv

us analysis -market val ay holding b the long-term

億元的損失 念如何影響 及在基本貿 後,我也會

ars in losses ved this

of new luation and basis


。因應現 響固定收入 貿易上的長 會針對新基 s


Table of Introduct Section 1 Fund The Section 2 Section 3 Sens Sens Sens Sens Sens Section 4 Mar Mar Mar Section 5 Section 6 Scen Scen Conclusio Referenc

Contents tion

1: Basis Ar damentals o collapse of 2: The New 3: Sensitiv

sitivity to C sitivity to ch sitivity to p sitivity of th sitivity of th 4: Mark-to

rk to market rk-to-marke rk to market 5: Basis pa 6: How CD

nario 1: The nario 2: Pre

on es:


rbitrage B of the Trade f basis arbitr w Basis vity Analys Changes in th hanges in co arallel shift he basis to c he basis pac o-Market C

t sensitivity t sensitivity t sensitivity ackage usi DS Chang e hedged loa

datory beha

Before Sep e



he Dirty Pri oupon size ts in CDS cu changes in t ckage to rec Changes in y to parallel

y to changes y to changes

ing forwar e the Rule an

avior by bas


ptember, 2



the Slope of covery rate a n the Valu shifts in CD s in the stee s in the reco

rd CDS es of the G

sis holders 008

f the CDS c assumptions ue of a Bas DS curve:

pness of the very rate:


curve s:

sis Packag

e CDS curv ge


5 6 6 8 10 12 15 16 17 19 21 23 24 26 26 28 31 32 33 37 40


Index of

F.1 The str F.2 The BR F.3 The ba F.4 Sensiti F.5 Sensiti F.6 Paralle F.7 Implied F.8 The eff F.9 Changi F.10 The e F.11 The e F.12 The e F.13 The e F.14 Mark F.15 Mark F.16 Mark F.17 Chang F.18 BRD F.19 The b F.20 The B


ructure of a RD for Cab asis package

ivity of the b ivity of the b el shifts in C d survival p ffect of a par ing the slop effects of ch effects of ch effect of rec effect of rec -to-market -to-market -to-market ges in the C

for CWLN basis packag BRD for CW

traditional le & Wirele e for Cable &

basis packa basis packa CWLN CDS probability w

rallel shifts pe of the CD hanging slop hanging slop overy rate a overy rate a sensitivity t sensitivity t sensitivity t CDS premiu with forwa ge for Cable WLN on Ma

basis trade, ess 8⅝, 201

& Wireless age to chang age to chang

S curve with a paral

in the CDS DS Curve

pes on impli pes on the b assumptions assumptions to parallel s to changes i to changes i um for forwa

ard CDS e & Wireles ay 22, 2009


, showing p 9

8⅝, 2019 ges in the bo ges in the co

llel shift in C S curve on th

ied survival basis packag s on implied s on the bas shifts in the in the slope in the recov ard CDS co

ss 8⅝ on Ma

ayments be

ond price oupon size

CWLN CD he basis pac

l probabiliti ge

d default pro sis package

CDS curve of the CDS very rate ontracts

ay 22, 2009

fore and in

S curve ckage



e S curve


the event oof default 8 13 13 15 16 17 18 18 19 20 20 22 23 25 26 27 29 30 37 37


Introductio In 1997 a t default swa hedge their more than corporate b

CDS quick tool for inv between th to take adv differences few basis p However, i dissolved i basis trade a large shif

This paper affect retur Special att debtor. F

1 Wikipedia,

2 Paterson, S


team workin ap (CDS).”

r loan portfo simple hedg bond marke

kly outgrew vestors to bo he credit ma vantage of d s between th points, thus

in the last q into hundred

and wideni ft in mental

r will provid rns on a bas ention will Finally, I ma

“Credit Defau S. WSJ, Feb. 9

ng for J.P. M

1 For the fi folios. As

ging. The et without ha

w their origin oth gain exp arket and oth differences b he cash bon

traders reli quarter of 20

ds of millio ing discrepa ity and prac

de a rigorou sis package?

also be paid ake some co

lt Swaps,” see 9, 2009.

Morgan Cha rst time com the popular e structure o aving to pay

nal purpose posure to th her capital m between the nd market

ed on timin 008 as liqui ons of dollar ancies betw ctice of the

us analysis o

? What fa d to how the omments on

e references fo 5

ase invented mmercial ba rity of the C of the CDS a

y out large f

of simply h he credit ma

markets. T e CDS mark

and the CD ng and lever

dity in the c rs in losses f ween the bon basis trade,

of the basis actors affect e basis chan n the sustain

or full citation.

d a new kin anks could n CDS increas

allowed inv face values

hedging cred arket and to

The basis tr ket and cash DS market h rage in order

capital mark for those in nd markets a

but have no

trade, as it i the mark-to nges the rela nability of th


d of derivat now use ma ed, it quickl vestors to ga


dit risk, and take advant ade was one h bond mark have been sm

r to profit fr kets dried up nvolved2.

and the CD ot eliminate

is practiced o-market va ationship be he new basi

tive, the “cr arket instrum

ly became u ain exposure

d become an tage of diffe e of the firs ket. Historic mall, genera from the bas p the basis t The collap S market ha ed it.

d now. Wh alue of a ba etween cred

is trade.

redit ments to used for e to the

n important erences

t strategies cally the ally only a sis.

trade pse of the

ave caused

hat factors sis package ditor and



The organi was practic how it’s cu a mark-to-m 6 I show ho conclude w

Section 1

Anywhere two marke difference


The idea b CDS prote credit qual instances in the trade at convergenc

The trick in instrument bond upfro

ization of th ced before S urrently prac market valu ow the basi with a few c

1: Basis A

the same un ts, when the is called “th

ntals of the

ehind the ba ction with t lity of the bo

n which the t a point wh ce.

n basis trad ts, in that th ont. In ord

his paper is September 2

cticed; in se uation analy is is changin comments o


nderlying a e two marke he basis.”

e Trade

asis trade is the same bo ond will be e credit spre hen the two

ding is to cre here is no up der to make

as follows:

2008; in sec ection 3, a s ysis; in secti ng the relati n the sustai

Before Se

asset is trade ets are the c

s to hold a n ond as the re hedged by ead on the b markets are

eate two ide pfront paym the bond m


In section 1 ction 2 I exp sensitivity a

ion 5 I exam ionship betw nability of n


ed in two m cash bond m

neutral posit eference ent the CDS.

bond diverge e divergent,

entical asset ment, while c more like a C

1, I give a b plain how th analysis of mine the bas ween credito

new basis a

r, 2008

markets there market and c

tion by buyi tity. This The key to es away fro , the trader c

ts, in differe corporate bo CDS it is ne

brief explana he basis trad the new ba sis using for or and debto arbitrage tra

e exists a di credit defau

ing a corpor way any dra o a successfu m the CDS can expect t

ent markets.

onds require ecessary to g

ation of the de has chan asis trade; in

rward CDS;

or. Finally ding strateg

fference bet ult swap mar

rate bond an astic change ul trade is to spread. By to profit fro

. CDS are e the dirty p go the fundi

basis as it nged and

n section 4

; in section y, I


tween the rket this

nd buying es in the o find

entering om their

e unfunded price of the

ing (repo)


market to b funding co using a par and receivi

Basis = CD

Negative b bond, are r negative ba and buy pr (F) on the b expectation the CDS co negative ba speed and

Figure 1. Th

barrow the p ost, it is usef

r asset swap ing the cred

DS Spread –

basis trades, relatively ea asis trades t rotection on bond to fall ns prove tru ontract will asis is gener leverage to

he structure o

par value of ful to swap p. After ne dit spread on

– Bond Cred

where the asy to imple

the trader ne n the bond in l, or the CD ue, either the

rise. Bec rally small make signi

of a tradition

f the corpor the bond fo etting the pa n the bond (

dit Spread P

CDS spread ement and in eed only bu n the CDS m DS spread to

e value of th ause of the a few basis ificant profi

nal basis trad 7

rate bond.

or a fixed cr ayments, the (see also fig


d (D) paid i nvolve a po uy the bond market. Th

rise such th he bond (alr relative eas points at m its in the bas

de, showing p

Because w edit premiu e trader is le gure 1 bellow

s smaller th ositive carry (funding th he trader ex he basis con ready purch se in which most) and tem

sis trade.

payments be

we now have um over the eft paying a w):

han the cred y on the trad his purchase xpects either

nverges to z hased) will r negative tra mporary. Tr

efore and in t

e to pay a flo banks fund a fixed CDS

it spread (F de. To imple e in the repo r the credit zero. If the

rise, or the v ades can be rader’s mus

the event of d

oating ding costs S premium

F) on the ement o market)

premium e trader’s value of

implement st rely on





The collap

The nation freeze in th in capital m second hal collapse of

At first gla relatively f wrong. W entity, mas participant under the m

3 Paterson, S

rce: Lehman Bo

pse of basis

nalization of he CP mark markets. L lf of 2008, p f the basis a

ance it may free from ch While basis

ssive structu ts, helped ca market cond

S. WSJ, Feb.


s arbitrage

f Fannie Ma ket and illiqu Losses at De primarily fro arbitrage tra

appear that hanges in th arbitrage do ural shifts in ause the bas ditions at th

9, 2009.

ae and Fredd uidity in the eutsche Ban om losses o ade.

, given the n he credit bon oes have a n n the bond m sis trade to u

e end of 20


die Mac, th e corporate b nk’s credit t on basis arbi

neutral posi nd market.

neutral posi market, as w

unravel. A 08 will clar

e collapse o bond marke trading desk itrage trades

ition of basi However, tion on the well as the e A review of rify the situa

of Lehman B et shattered k topped US s, becoming

is arbitrage , your first g

credit quali elimination f the structur


Brothers, th the establis S$1.8bn3 in g a symbol o

it should re glance woul ity of the re

of many ma re of the bas

he complete shed norms n the

of the

emain ld be ference arket

sis trade


First lets ex funding co Funding co significant positive ca to continue Lehman (a traders to c Even trade increasing ratio 30-50 capital just which did bond mark

As hedge f and the bot precipitous swap, payi credit prem implied cre exponentia market val

4 Shah, A,

5 McAdie, R

6 Shah, A,

xamine the osts even at osts of 40bp

perceived r arry on nega e. Then Le and later Wa close their p ers who had enormously 0x) as collat

t to maintain not have ab ket entirely

funds and ot ttom fell ou sly regardle ing par at in mium is imp edit risk of t ally. Trade ue of their t et al. 2008

R. 2008

et al. 2008

funding leg AA rated b p+ above LI

risks were t ative basis tr

ehman Brot aMu, the Ice position or m locked in R y. Instead teral, 10-25%

n the trades bility to mov


ther players ut of the mar ess of credit nception and plied from th the bond is ers who had trades drop



g of the basi anks contin IBOR were topping LIB rades, the g thers collap elandic Ban move their b Repo rates f d of having t

% was dem s. This affe

ve bonds on

s were force rket. With quality. Re d receiving he dirty pric

increasing, d locked in l at phenome


is trade.

nued to rise common ev BOR+100bp growing size sed. Repo nks and othe bonds onto for longer pe

to place 2-3 manded, forc fect was mo nto the bank

ed to dump hout deman eviewing the

a fixed cred ce of the bo

thus (F) th lower credit enal rates.

Following t above LIBO ven for the b ps4. While

e of the neg o dealers, re

ers) simply the bank bo eriods of tim 3% of the pa cing banks t

st severe on k book and f

their bonds d to suppor e bond leg, dit premium ond, as the d e credit pre t premiums

the collapse OR through

best banks, e this would ative basis a eeling from

ceased to ro ook at the ba me found th ar value loan

o use enorm n hedge fund forced many

into the ma rt it, the pric

the trader h m above LIB dirty price o mium abov suddenly s

e of Bear St hout the sum

and those w d normally o

allowed the their own lo oll over loan anks fundin heir margins ned aside (a mous amoun ds and othe y players ou

arket, liquid ce of bonds has entered a BOR. How of the bond f ve LIBOR ri saw the mar

terns, mmer.

with offset the ese trades osses to ns, forcing ng rate5.


a leverage nts of er players

ut of the

dity ceased fell a par asset wever, the

falls the ises rk-to-


The real da corporate b amount.

credit qual relatively u in the risin bond mark began ama capital mar millions (a upfront” tr of basis arb

Section 2

The liquidi helped cau markets als mentality a

Under norm risk of defa 2008, bond

anger was th bonds to ris

Deep liquid lity, as they unchanged.

ng short-term ket. The ne assing massi rkets. Fina and even bil rade, which


2: The Ne

ity crisis, an use the basis

so created g and substan

mal conditio ault on thos d prices whe

hat a lack o e, even thou dity in the C

are unfund While the m CDS prem

et effect is t ive mark-to ally losses w llions) based

allowed for

ew Basis

nd ensuing d s arbitrage t great opport nce of the ba

ons, falling se bonds wa ere falling f

f liquidity c ugh the cred CDS market

ed derivativ e credit crun miums, this that trades t o-market los

went from t d on the lev r bank and h

drop in dem o unravel.

tunities, but asis trade.

corporate b as rising. H

for reasons u


caused bond dit risk on th t and the sim ve instrumen nch did sign

effect was hat began a sses as the b the tens of m verage invol

hedge funds

mand for risk However t t the changin

bond prices However, in unrelated to

d prices to f hose bonds mplicity of C

nts) meant t nal rising de dwarfed by as “risk free”

bond market millions of d lved. Basi s to leverag

ky bonds ca the dislocat ng risk prof

should mea n the market o the credit

fall and the “ did not rise CDS (which

that the CD efault risks, y the titanic

” positive c t dislocated dollars to th is arbitrage e, and even

aused prices tion between file required

an the mark t conditions quality of th

“credit prem e by a propo h are related DS market w

which was movements carry trades, d itself from

he hundreds was a “no m ntually led to

s to plumme n the credit d a change i

kets assessm s of the last he bonds.

mium” on ortional d only to was

reflected s in the , suddenly

other of money

o collapse

et and and bond in both the

ment of the quarter of



traders who standing on

The new b value of th basis, the n spread. No the new ba defaulting.

By hedging from par, t the CDS re same time of the bond spurious pa the bond co until the bo

There are a recover rat market is t default. S traders from

7 Gosh, A. 2

o were alrea n the sidelin

asis, like th he bond shou

new basis di ot only was t asis focused


g the par va traders could eturned the

the trader o d). Instead o

ar asset swa oupon is oft ond either m

a few impor tes are unce hat no matt Second, the

m a basis pa


ady locked nes, opportu

he old basis, uld be hedg id not focus that not hap d on long ter

alue of a bon d profit from full notiona only paid a p

of receiving ap, traders r ften larger th matures or d

rtant points ertain7. Th ter what the new basis d ackage are l

into basis tr unities wher

involved o ged by the n s on converg ppening, the rm gains po

nd in the CD m the defau al value of t portion of th g a fixed cre

receive the b han the CDS defaults.

to note on t he advantage actual reco does not rel large enoug


rades, that m re growing.

opposing tra notional valu

gence of the e opposite te ossible from

DS market, ult of the bon

he CDS (m he par value edit premium

bond coupo S spread, al

the new bas e of fully he overy rate of ly on levera gh that lever

meant huge

ades in the c ue of the CD

e credit prem end was con m the rising p

while the a nd (see figu minus the act e initially (s m on the bo on and pay t llowing trad

sis. First, in edging the p f the bond, t age, per se.

rage is not n


credit and bo DS. Howe

miums on th ntinuing in t possibility o

actual bond ure 2 bellow

tual recover still receivin ond, determi

the CDS pre ders to recei

a rising def par value of the basis pa The expec necessary.

arket losses

ond market ever, unlike

he bond and the market.

of a bond is

was trading w). If a bond ry rate), whi ng the recov ined by the

emium. A ive a positiv

fault enviro f the bond in ackage retur

cted gains a However,

s. For those

. The par the old d the CDS

Instead, suer

g well away d defaulted,

ile at the very value

now Additionally

ve carry

onment, n the CDS rns par on available to

the upfront y




payment on funding co both the bo for those n

Section 3

In this sect method of BRD. I ana as differen curve and t expected p

Traditional been repre LIBOR.

upon the co distribution new way o

The BRD p entering a b The expect

n the bond m osts, reducin

ond and the names nearin

3: Sensitiv

tion I presen presenting alyze the ef nt CDS char the assumed payoffs on a

lly the size sented by d This was su onvergence n of possibl of measuring

plots the an basis packa ted return o

means that ng the positi CDS will b ng default. I

vity Analy

nt a sensitiv a basis pack ffects of diff

acteristics, d recover ra a basis packa

of the basis difference be

ufficient bec e of these tw le returns, d g and analy

nnualized ho age, superim on the packa

players suc ive carry on be great, bot I deal with b


vity analysis kage, the Ba ferent chara

including th ate on the C


s, and the ex etween the C cause return wo numbers depending up

zing the bas

old-to-defau mposed over age is simply


h as banks a n the trade. F th in a syste both of thes

s of a basis p arclays Cap acteristics, s he shape of CDS. I analy

xpected retu CDS spread ns from a tra . Howeve pon the tim sis is impor

ult or hold-to r the default

y the averag

and hedge f Finally, the ematic mark se issues dir


pital® “Basis such as coup the CDS cu yze how thes

urns generat d and the Z- aditional ba er, because t ming of the b


o-maturity r t probability ge return on

funds still fa mark-to-m ket wide sen

rectly in the

To do this I s Represent pon size and urve, paralle se character

ted from a b -spread, the asis package the new bas bond’s matu

returns that y implied by n the packag

ace signific arket volati nse, and spe e next two s

I first introd tation Diagr d dirty price el shifts in t ristics affec

basis packag credit prem e are simply sis trade has urity or defa

can be exp y the CDS c ge.

ant ility on ecifically


duce a new ram,” or e, as well the CDS

t the

ge, have mium above

y based s a large ault, thus a

ected from curve.



Fig matures wi marginal p

Figure 2: Th

Figure 3: Th

Initial outlay Annual cash Value on de Value on Re

Note: Data fr

The return


T = CF Dt =

8 Gosh, A. 2

gure 2 bellow ithout defau probability o

he BRD for C

he Basis Pac

y h flow efault


rom Nov. 11, 2

generated b

= date at wh Ft = bond cou

= discount r


w, the dotte ult) after a n of default im

Cable & Wire

ckage for Ca

2008, collected

by a basis p

hich the bon upon – CDS rate at time

ed line plots number of y mplied by th

eless 8⅝, 201

ble & Wirele Bond

-£79.0 862.5bp Recovery


d on DataStre

package can

nd defaults o S premium,



s the annual years (X axi he the CDS


ss 8⅝, 2019 C



eam and Bloom

n be express

or matures, or the net c

ized return s). The lig curve for C


£0 08.5bp -Recovery



ed as8:

ending the carry on the

(Y axis) if t ght blue bar Cable & Wir


-£79 454



basis trade e trade

the bond de r graph bello reless.


9.0 4bp 00 00

efaults (or ow is the


The expect


n = pt =

Baclays Ca using CWL different sc examine th DataStream ask premiu B74675, a

The discou Wireless p discount ra

Implied de correspond calculated


pre D n

ted return o

= maturity d

= probability

apital used C LN because cenarios. T he how diffe m. The aver ums quoted graphic app

unt rate used lc. is based ate used was

efault probab ds with actu

by rearrang

= credi Dt = discoun

pt = cumul n = matu

on the packa

date of the b y of surviva

Cable & W e it’s flat CD

The purpos erent charac rage CDS pr on Novemb proximation

d in calculat in the UK a s taken form

bilities were ual recovery

ging the CD

it premium nt rate at ye lative proba urity of the c

age can be w


al up to time

ireless, 201 DS curve an e of this sec cteristics aff remiums us ber 11, 2008 n of the clos

tions was ta and traded o m the UK D

e calculated y rates. Th DS no-arbitra

for the life ar t

ability of def contract in y


written as:

e t implied b

9 (CWLN) nd moderate

ction is not fect the basi sed are the C

8. Bond dat sing price on

aken from th on the Lond Debt Manage

d with a 20%

he marginal age conditio

of the contr fault implie years

by the CDS

as their exa e discount, a to examine is trade. CD Cable & Wi ta was obtai n Novembe

he UK Gilt don Stock E ement Offic

% assumed r default prob on (more lat


ed by CDS c

S curve.

ample trade allows for ea

a particular DS curve dat ireless, plc.

ined from B er 11, 2008 w

strip bond m Exchange. T

ce website (

recovery ra bability (M ter in this se


e. I choose to asy compar r trade, but ta was obta 1-10yrs Sen Bloomberg, b was used.

market, as C The data for


ate which ro MPD) can b


o continue rison across instead to ained from nior CDS bond ID:

Cable &

the gov.uk).

oughly be



The return are two rea package, w from receiv The effect

Isolating th example. H the CDS m

Figure 4: Se

The figure the returns

y to Change

s on a basis asons for thi which chang ving par pac

of reducing

he change in However, th market and c

ensitivity of t

above show generated b

es in the Di

s package ar is. First, c ges the retur ck on the pa g the market

n market pr he key to fin corporate bo

he basis pac

ws the affec by a basis p

irty Price

re most sens changing the rn on that ou ackage is in t price of th

rice, without nding profit ond market.

ckage to cha

ct of a 25%

package. T


sitive to cha e bond price utlay. Sec nversely pro he bond can

t adjusting t on the basi

nges in the b

increase an The table be

anges in the e changes th cond, if the b oportional to be clearly s

the CDS sp is trade is to

bond price

nd decrease i ellow the fig

e dirty price he initial co bond defaul o the marke

seen in Figu

read, is a so o search for

in the (dirty gure shows

on the bon ost of buying

lts the gain t price of th ure 4 bellow

omewhat un dislocation

y) price of th expected re

d. There g a basis generated he bond.


nrealistic ns between

he bond on eturns on


the CWLN the importa on the bon greater the


The bond c changes in negative, th Changing t and have n

Figure 5: Se

N basis pack ance of the d, the great return on th

y to change

coupon is th n coupons si

he expected the coupon not been inc

ensitivity of b

kage given a gain made er the gain he basis pac

es in coupon

he second b ize represen d returns on is also a pro luded in ou

basis packag

a variety of on the pack on the pack ckage.

n size:

ond charact nt changes in n the basis re oxy for fund ur analysis th

ge to change


different ch kage when th kage, and th

teristic I ana n the net car emain can p ding costs, w hus far.

s in the Cou

hange in bon he bond def e earlier tha

alyze. The i rry on the tr positive due

which direc

pon Size

nd price. T faults. The at gain is rea

importance rade. Even e to the disco ctly reduce t

This figure e greater th alized (on d

of this facto n as the net ount on the the carry on

highlights e discount default) the

or is that t carry goes


n the trade


Notice that bond coupo effect, the still around (bellow fig


Changing t The implie the 10yr C the implied

Figure 6: Pa

t while chan on produce change in n d 60%. Th gure 5).

y to paralle

the CDS cu ed default pr

DS spread a d marginal p

arallel shifts

nging the bo s only a slig net carry is q his can be se

el shifts in C

urve affects b robabilities affects the n probability


ond price pr ght parallel quite signifi een from th

CDS curve:

both the exp change the net carry on of default.

DS curve


roduced an shift of the ficant as the he change in


pected timin timing of t n the trade, w

exponential curve. De implied sur n expected r

ng of defau the arrival o while earlie

l shift BRD espite the re rvival proba returns on th

ult and the n of par, and th er CDS matu

D curve, chan elatively sm ability after he basis pac

net carry on hus the retu urities help

nging the mall visual 10years is ckage

the trade.

urn. Only determine


Figure 7: Im

Figure 8: Af

The paralle coupon siz large impa blue bars a probability

mplied surviva

ffect of paral

el shift on th ze, both chan act on the m at the bottom y of default

al probability

lel shifts in th

he CDS cur nge the net marginal prob

m of the BR shrinks, the

y with a paral

he CDS curv

rve has a sim carry on th bability of d RD. This m e value of th

18 llel shift in CW

ve on basis p

milar effect e trade. H default, show means for ne he the risky



on the BRD However, the wn by the d egative shif

cash flow o


D curve as c e shift of th difference b fts in the CD on the basis

changing th e CDS curv etween the DS curve, w package in

e bond ve has a

red and while the ncreases.


The effect growing(sh and a shift


A more po means a “d CWLN cre rotate the c on short an short or on

Figure 9: Ch

of falling(r hrinking) ne

in the CDS

y of the bas

ositive chang decreasing s edit curve, a credit curve nd long term nly long term

hanging the

ising) impli et carry, as s S curve.

sis to chang

ge in slope m steepness” o as in our bas e around a p m CDS matu

m maturities

slope of the

ied default p shown by th

ges in the sl

means a “st of the credit se case the s

oint. Chan urities, as I

s would also

CDS curve


probability he proportio

lope of the

teeper” cred t curve. Th

slope is nea nging the sl have shown o be a chang

is dominate onal relation

CDS curve

dit curve, wh his is relativ ar zero. To c lope does no n. Changin ge in slope.

ed by the eff nship betwe


hile a negat vely easy to change the s ot necessari ng the CDS

ffects of the een expected

tive change o imagine on

slope of the ily mean an S premium o

d returns

in slop n the e curve we n equal shift

on only t


Figure 10: A

Figure 11: A

In this case as implied the net carr curve is a m increased (

Affect of chan

Affect of chan

e, the basis defaults rat ry on the tra more profita (or both).

nging slope o

nges in slope

package be tes are high ade is larger able curve,

on implied su

e of CDS cur

nefits from her early on

r. Even gi as either th

20 urvival proba

rve on basis

the increas (when they iven other m

e default pr



es in the ste y have the gr manipulation robability is

eepness of t reatest effec ns in the cre increased o

the credit cu ct on return edit curve, a or the net ca

urve, both s), and as a steeper arry is



Recovery r explicitly q implied sur implied sur accurately recovery ra section on



pre D n The left sid equation, t To balance effect on th

y of the bas

rate assump quoted in th rvival proba rvival proba guess their ate on a bon


ically we ca

= credi Dt = discoun

pt = cumul n = matu de of the eq he default l e this we mu he default le

sis package

ptions are un he market.

ability of th ability, thus r assumed re nd after you

arket valuat

an see this b

it premium nt rate at ye lative proba urity of the c quation is th

eg. By rai ust increase eg then the p

e to recover

nlike other f CDS contr he reference

s in order to ecovery rate u have enter


by looking a

for the life ar t

ability of def contract in y he premium

ising the rec e marginal p

premium le


ry rate assu

factors that racts are quo

entity. H o understand

e. Changin ed into the

at the no arb

of the contr fault implie years

leg, which covery rate probability o eg.


affect the b oted by thei However, the d your coun

ng market c contract, we

bitrage cond


ed by CDS c

must be equ (R) we dec of default (p

basis. First ir premium, e recovery r nterparties tr conditions c e deal with

dition on a C


ual to the rig rease the va pt – pt-1), wh

t, they are n , which affe rate also aff rue beliefs, can also cha that issue in

CDS contrac

ght side of t alue of the d hich has a gr

not ects the fects the

you must ange the

n the next



default leg.



Figure 12: T

The second recovery ra either the i base case o probability expected re

Figure 13: T

The affects o

d important ates assump initial outlay of a 20% rec y (see the ba

eturns on a

The effect of

of recover rat

t difference ptions have y or the net covery rate.

ar graph at t basis packa

recover rate

te assumptio

between as no direct af carry on th . Recover the bottom o age.

e assumption

22 ons on implie

sumed reco ffect on cash he trade, the

ry rates do, h of the BRD

ns on the bas

d default pro

overy rates a h flows. B BRD curve however, af ) and thus h

sis package


and other fa Because they

e remains un ffect the ma have a signi

actors analy y do not eff nchanged fr arginal defau

ficant affec zed, fect affect rom our

ult ct on the


Section 4 The purpos after a basi market val to-market v price of the to-market e actually mo effects of d

It is worth should be l contract va be offsettin For examp rising bond

The initial buyer persp leg must be written as9


9 Professor

4: Mark-t se of this se is package h

ues are calc value assoc e bond minu effects on th ove in isola different fac

noting that largely offs alue while a ng in sign th ple, when an d value and

market-to-m pective this e zero. As


r Shyan Yuan

to-Market ection is to a has been en culated by p

iated with t us the price he CDS leg ation, the ba ctors individ

because ba etting; i.e. a at the same t hey may not n issuers cre cash flows

market valu s means at in

s the CDS c

n Lee, “Cred

t Change analyze the ntered, as op product, and the changing e at which th

of the basis asis is explo

dually is im

asis trade is an increased

time bond v t be in magn edit rating is

on the basi

ue of a CDS nception va curve chang

it Derivatives 23

s in the V mark-to-ma pposed to be d not explici g market pr he bond was

s package. F oiting disloc mportant.

a fully hedg d default ris values are fa

nitude. Also s downgrad is trade, whi

S on inceptio alue of the d ges the mark

s and Structu

Value of a arket risks a efore enterin itly ‘netted’

rice of a bon s purchased Finally, whi cations betw

ged position sk portrayed

alling. Ho o, some cha ed, it trigge ile leaving t

on is always default leg m k-to-market

ured Finance

Basis Pac associated w ng the basis

’ by trading nd is simplis d. Thus, I on

ile it is unli ween market

n, Mark-to-m d in CDS ma owever, whi

anges are un ers step-up c the CDS leg

s zero. Fro minus the va

value of the

e” class note

ckage with changin s package. m activit. T stic, the cur nly analyze kely these f ts, thus unde

market chan arket, increa ile some cha nique to one covenants o g unaffected

om the prot alue of the p

e CDS is co

s, Fall Seme

ng factors mark-to- The mark-

rrent traded the mark- factors will

erstand the

nges ases CDS anges may e market.

on bonds, d.

tection premium ommonly

ester 2008.


Ann pt Dt

I expand th


Δpr Dt

pt Ψt

R ω The first te market rate the expecte which one the contrac

Mark to m

Changes in First, they spread mat of the carry default we

nuity($) = v = surv = disco his formula

re = change = c = disco = surv = survi = beg = curre erm is simpl

e CDS curv ed payoffs o

counterpart ct value for

market sens

n the CDS le affect the n tching the m y on the bas

change the

value of CD vival probab ount rate at

to calculate

e in carry current mark

ount rate at vival probab val probabi market CD ginning reco ent recovery ly the prese ve. The dif

on default.

ty would pa both parties

sitivity to p

eg of the tra net carry com maturity on

sis package e present val

S premium bility of defa

year t ed based on

ket CDS spr year t bility of defa

ility of defau DS curve

overy rate a y rate assum ent value of

fference bet This chan ay to “tear”

s is zero.

parallel shif

ade affect th ming from t

the bond (th changes.

lue of payof


cash paym ault implied

n the change

read - begin ault implied ult in year t assumption mption

the change tween next t nge in mark- up the cont

fts in CDS

he mark-to- the basis pa he 10yr spre

Second, by ffs received

ents and de d by CDS cu

e in fair valu

nning CDS s d by beginni t implied by

in expected two terms i -to-market v tract by brin


market valu ackage. By ead in this c y changing t d on default.

fault payme urve

ue of the CD

spread ing CDS cu y the current

d cash flows s the chang value is, in e ng it up to m

ue of basis p y raising or case) we cha the expected . While th


DS as:



s, implied b e in present effect, the f market value

package in t lowing the ange the pre d timing of he value rec

by the new t value of fair price

e, where

two ways.

CDS esent value

bond eived


never chan years disco

Figure 14: M

As the cred is gained(l contract pr out. Gain because up premium.

Despite the curve, it is asymmetri deterioratio slow and d

nges, par × ( ounted, and


dit curve sh ost). The ga remium and ns from upw pward shifts

e nearly line important t c. This m on in the cre downward v

(1-R), chang thus the ma

ket sensitivity

hifts up(dow ain recorded d the current ward shifts i s increase th

ear relations to remembe means that su edit quality volatility sm

ging the exp ark to mark

y to parallel s

wn), toward d is equal to t market pre in the credit he probabili

ship betwee er that credi udden upwa of the refer mall.


pected time et value.

shifts in CDS

the right(lef o the presen

emium, plus t curve are s ty of defaul

en mark-to-m t risk is a on ard shifts of

rence entity

of receivin

S curve

ft) side of th nt value of th s the increas smaller than lt, lowering

market valu ne-sided jum f the credit c y. Whereas d

ng par chang

he horizonta he differenc

sed probabi n losses for the expecte

ues and para mp risk, thu curve are lik downward s

ges the num

al axis, cont ce between t ility of a def downward ed value of

allel shifts in us volatility kely, given a

shifts are ge mber of

tract value the original fault pay-

shifts the credit

n the CDS is

a enerally




Like parall CDS contr outs. Unl changes. N the same ti The loss on payments.

Figure 15: M

Mark to m Making ma recovery ra implied de

market sen

lel shifts, ch ract, it chang

like parallel Negative cha ime the redu n the reduct

Positive c


market sens ark-to-mark ate is not a q

fault probab

sitivity to c

hanging the ges the pres l shifts, the anges in slo uced premiu tion in prem changes hav

ket sensitivity

sitivity to c ket changes

quoted rate.

bility, and t

changes in t

slope of the sent value o

effects are ope increase ums and inc miums and c ve equal and

y to changes

hanges in t in value ba . As I show thus has an e


the Slope o

e credit curv of the credit

offsetting b e the chance creased cum cumulative s d opposite e

s in the steep

the recover ased on chan

ed before re effect on th

of the CDS

ve has the t premium an based on the e of early de mulative surv

survival dom effects.

pness of the

ry rate:

nging recov ecovery rate

e fair value


wo effects o nd the prob e structure o efault payme

vival rates r minates the

CDS curve:

very rates is es have a sig

of the CDS

on the fair v bability of de of our steepn ents, a gain reduce cont gain on def

tricky beca gnificant ef S contract.

value of a efault pay- ness

, while at tract value.


ause the ffect on the


The recove volatility is entity issue Recovery r lower reco recovery ra single nam

Figure 16: M

Mark-to-m basis packa may fall si the scenari prepared fo outs becom

ery rate on a s relatively es more deb rates are als very rates, w ates, in gene me CDS is la


market chang age. How gnificantly io in which or significan me more like

a bond is les symmetrica bt (reducing so related to while perio eral, are ver arge.

ket sensitivity

ges in value ever, these as credit ris a basis hold nt mark-to-m ely.

ss volatile t al. Larger g recovery ra o the default

ds with low ry idiosyncr

y to changes

e tend to mo changes are sk increases der receives market vola


than the cred changes in ates) or reti t cycle. Peri w default rat ratic and the

s in the recov

ove in the op e not necess s; however, s the largest atility, and e

dit premium n recovery ra res debt (in iods with hi tes have hig e variance o

very rate

pposite dire sarily bad fo

this means t pay-out.

expect volat

m, however ate are likel ncreasing rec

igh default r gh recovery

on realized r

ection expec or the basis companies Thus basis tility to incr

unlike CDS ly when a re covery rates rates tend to rates. How recovery rat

cted returns investor. B

are closer t holder mus rease as def

S premiums eference


o have wever, tes for

on the ond prices to default, st be fault pay-



Section 5

One possib contract to entering in in which th intervening effective d exchanged mathemati

The CDS n (value to a slightly to


5: Basis p

ble modifica buy protec nto a forwar he CDS con g period. T date is later t d until after t cally below

no-arbitrage protection get the no a

n = the co k = the co pt = the cum Φt = cumul

= [the su from 0

=(probab = [pt – p

ackage us

ation to the ction in the f d CDS cont ntract is effe The forward than a vanil

the effectiv w:

e condition sell must eq arbitrage co

ontract matu ontract effec mulative de

ative probab um margina

to k] divide bility of def pk)] / (1 - pk)

sing forw

basis packa future at a p tract today, ective, but a d CDS cont lla CDS wh ve date, even

above, state qual the val ondition for

urity date ctive date efault probab

bility of def al default pr

ed by proba fault from k )] (by Baye


ward CDS

age is using pre-specified

the CDS tra assumes the

tract is also ile having t n if the refer

es that the p lue to a prot a k to n yea

bility fault condit robabilities ability of sur k to t) / cum

s’ theorem)

forward CD d premium ader locks i risk of CD of a shorter the same ma rence entity

premium leg tection buye ar forward C

tional on sur from k to t a rvival from mulative surv


DS. A For for set leng in a lower p S spread ch r duration, a aturity date.

y defaults. I

g must equa er). I mod CDS:

rvival until and the prob 0 to k vival probab

rward CDS gth of time.

premium for hanges in the

as the contra . No prem

show this r

al the defaul dify this con


bability of s bility at k

is a By r the period

e act’s miums are


lt leg ndition



The net eff premium.

credit prem pictured m

Figure 17: C

A basis pac the forward loss in the the BRD fo which is th defaults be increased c basis packa

fect is that t Figure 17 mium falls, a mature in 10

Changes in t

ckage holde d CDS. Th

event of an or different he same as a efore the eff carry) if the age quickly

the orward C shows that assuming th


he CDS prem

er, however hus while th n un-hedged

forward CD a vanilla CD fective date e bond matu y decreases b

CDS contra t as k, the ef he final mat

mium for forw

r, must assu he net carry d default dom

DS contract DS. In eac of the forw ures or defau

bellow zero


acts with late ffective date turity date o

ward CDS co

me the cred y on a basis minates the t options.

ch case, the ward CDS, b ults after the o as the effe

er effective e of the con of the contra


dit risk on th package wi

gain off the The base ca returns are but positive e effective d

ctive date is

dates have tract, becom act is unchan

he bond unt ith forward e carry. Fi ase is a 0x1

highly nega and slightly date. The s extended.

lower the c mes further nged (all co

til the effect CDS is incr igure 18 bel 0 year forw ative if the b y higher (du expected re

credit distant, the ontracts

tive date of reased, the llow shows ward CDS,

bond ue to the eturn on the


Figure 18: B

While usin basis packa negative sl are based o can be com estimated r quickly the will be trem

Basis pack the credit q effective d More impo


ng forward C ages are the lope, forwar on the condi mparatively recovery rat e loss will b mendous.

kages utilizin quality of th date of the F ortant, if the

LN with Forw

CDS on the e same. In rd CDS redu itional marg

small. Gi tes, the astu be minimal,

ng forward he reference FCDS, using e investor ha

ward CDS

Cable & W n cases of ex

uce the carr ginal defaul iven that bo ute trader co

while if it d

CDS can al e entity. If g an FCDS g

as some con


Wireless bas xtreme cred ry on the tra lt probabilit nd prices on ould purchas defaults afte

lso be usefu f an investor greatly incr ntrol over th

is package m it risk, wher ade significa ties, which,

n extreme ri se a bond w er the effect

ul if the inve r is sure the reases the ca

he timing of

may not be re the credit antly. For

in the case isk names c with the expe

tive date of

estor has in e firm will n ash flow on f the default

a good idea t curve has rward CDS of steep cre can hover at ectation if it the FCDS,

side inform not default b

the basis p t of the refe

a, not all an extreme premiums edit curves t or around t defaults

the gain

mation on before the




entity, grea The next se

Section 6

The pay-ou finance lite refinancing credit defa this section scenarios a predatory b

At the mos of lenders.

or liquidati CDS contr raising the contract on loan issuan

The key fa refinanced CDS pricin

at profits ca ection deals

6: How CD

uts and strat erature. A g or liquidat ault swaps ar n I briefly d as illustratio

behavior an

st fundamen When ch ing a loan, a racts lower’

liquidation n an ex ante nce on an ex

actor in this , or liquidat ng and impl

an be achiev s directly w

DS Chan

tegies for le A creditors o tion and his re fundame discuss how

ons of this c nd the affect

ntal level, cr hoosing the

and make th s lenders pa n payoff if th e basis, and

x post basis.

equation is ted. Every lied surviva

ved by ‘guid ith this kind

ge the Ru

enders and b optimal cont

s beliefs abo ntally chang

CDS affect change. I foc

t of changin

redit default optimal deb heir contrac ayoffs if it c he firm defa

changes the .

that it is wi ything discu al probabilit


ding’ the de d of manipu

ules of the

bond holder tract is base out the lend ging the rel t this relatio cus primaril ng capital str

t swaps are bt contract, ct decision b choose to re aults. By d e lenders de

ithin the len ussed in the ies, has assu

fault past th ulations.

e Game

rs are relativ ed on his inf der’s reactio

lationship b onship broad

ly on the ba ructures on

changing th lenders esti based on the efinance a po

definition th ecision if CD

nder’s powe previous se umed that d

he effective

vely well de formation se n set. As etween cred dest sense. I asis trade, in basis holde

he optimal c imate their p ese factors.

oorly perfor his changes DS contract

er to decide ections up to default timin

date on the

efined in rec et, payouts a hedging in ditor and de

I use severa ncluding hed ers.

contracting payoffs on r The prem rming firm, the lender’

ts are entere

if the firm o this point, ng is indepe


cent on

nstrument, ebtor. In

al different dging,

decisions refinancing mium on

, while s optimal ed into after


, including endent and r


beyond the literature.

Scenario 1

In this scen

“senior sec forms of de the loan is not have su capital mar

I analyze th renegotiati

e influence o

1: The hedg

nario the ba cured,” in th

ebt. Howev less than th ufficient liq rkets. Thus

his scenario ion standpoi

of creditors

ged loan

ank has an o hat it has pri ver, it is still

he face valu quidity to rep

it is the ban

o not from a int. Clearly

. Clearly

outstanding ior claim on l impaired s ue. The cre

pay the outs nks decision

an optimal c the banks b


that does no

credit line w n the recove such that in

edit line is s standing ba n to roll ove

contracting best option i

ot conform

with an ‘at r erable assets the event of set to mature alance, nor d

er the loan o

framework, is to roll ov

to other are

risk’ firm. T s of the firm f default, th e after time does it have or force the

, but from a ver the loan

eas of the fin

The credit li m, compared he liquidatio e 1, but the f access to o company to

an ex post in this situa


ine is d to other on value of

firm does other

o default.



By hedging such that th option, to r on the bank market con

This hedgi entire loan

Scenario 2

Section 3 c are calcula influence o default tim

g it’s loan b he bank’s o roll over the ks loan boo nditions and

ng need not n book may

2: Predator

clearly show ated using th on the defau ming on bond

book in the C ptimal deci e loan, leave ok. While d clearly sho

t be done in also have si

ry behavior

ws that basis he implied s ult timing of ds, abnorma

CDS marke sion is to re es the bank this may be ows how CD

n the single imilar payo

r by basis h

s holders be survival pro f the referen al returns ca


et, the bank efuse to roll with no net e a somewha

DS are chan

name CDS ut profiles t

holders and

enefit from obabilities, w

nce entity.

an be made.

has drastica over the cr t profit whil at extreme e nging the re

market, ind to scenario

d the effects

early bond which assum

If the basi .

ally change redit line.

le credit risk example, it elation betw

dex based h 1b.

s of capital

default. R me the prote s holder has

d its payout The banks k of the firm

is not far fr ween bank an

edges on a b

l structure

Returns on th ection buyer

s influence

t structure alternate m remains rom current nd creditor.



he basis r has no over the


In general, of investor holders can of investor Second, wh that’s nece very impor broken cov

Exchange o timing of d become a r offers can forms of ex bond inves

because bo rs, bondhold n gain signi rs, either by hile absolut essary to for rtant. Eve venant class

offers are o default. Be

relative com come in ma xchange off stors vs. pay

onds are arm ders have le ificant influ y private pla te control m rce a compa n if bonds c sifies as a de

one example ecause of re mmon corpo any forms, d fers. The k yoffs to basi

ms-length tr ess control o

ence in seve acement on i may be impo any into defa

can be reneg efault and tr

e of a decisi ecent develo orate action

debt for equ key to unde is holders.


ransaction b over firm re eral ways.

issuance or ossible, veto fault. Thus gotiated ind riggers CDS

on in which opments in

for firms fa uity, debt fo erstanding th

between sing financing d First, bond

aggressive o power ove s the voting dividually, a S payment.

h a bond hol the credit m acing signifi r senior deb his scenario

gle issuer an decisions.

ds can be he open marke er refinancin g rules for bo a single mis

lder can gre markets, exc ficant defaul bt and debt o is the diffe

nd a dispers However, b eld by a sma et operation ng decisions ond holders

sed paymen

eatly influen change offer lt risk. Ex swaps for c erence is in

sed group bond/basis

all number ns.

s is all s can be nt or

nce the rs have xchange cash are all

payoffs to


Clearly sce offered by mark-to-m block the e open mark ABC comp

enario 2a re the compan market basis) exchange of ket operation

pany retires

epresents a l ny in exchan ) from the e ffer. Alter ns, however none, or on

loss to holde nge for thei exchange off

rnatively AB r the increas nly a portion


ers of the A ir bonds. O ffer. Thus,

BC compan se in deman n of its debt

ABC basis p On the othe , if possible y could see nd would aff

t scenario 2

ackage, des r hand bond ABC basis k to purcha ffect market 2b begins.

spite the pre d holders ga s holder will ase its debt t

price of de emium

ain (on a l seek to through

bt. If


In scenario lose the mo basis packa bond.

Scenario 2 exchanges, generally l senior secu scenario 1 as straightf change wh

o 2b, if ABC ost. If AB age, while b

has been p , and will li leave basis h ured debt fo

like situatio forward wh hen compare

C defaults b BC does not bond holder

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Table of  Introduct Section 1 Fund The  Section 2 Section 3 Sens Sens Sens Sens Sens Section 4 Mar Mar Mar Section 5 Section 6 Scen Scen Conclusio Referenc Contentstion  1: Basis Ardamentals ocollapse of 2: The New3: Sensitivsitivity to Csitivity to chsiti
Figure 7: Im Figure 8: Af The paralle coupon siz large impa blue bars a probability mplied survivaffect of paral el shift on thze, both chanact on the mat the bottomy of default  al probability lel shifts in thhe CDS curnge the net  marginal prob
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By contrast to the often heavily edited and revised printed Chán scriptures of the Sòng period (many of them eventually being integrated in the official Buddhist canon

Explanatory Note Visitor Expenditure Survey is conducted at different departure points on a daily basis, to collect information on visitors’ spending (excluding gaming

Fully quantum many-body systems Quantum Field Theory Interactions are controllable Non-perturbative regime..

• Adds variables to the model and subtracts variables from the model, on the basis of the F statistic. •

The course objective is designed to let students learn the following topics: (1) international trade, (2) business letters highly used in trade, (2) business letters highly used

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EdD, MEd, BEd Adjunct Assistant Professor Department of Early Childhood Education Member, Centre for Child and Family Science The Education University of Hong

 Sequence-to-sequence learning: both input and output are both sequences with different lengths..