Propagation of smallness for an elliptic PDE with piecewise Lipschitz coefficients
C˘ at˘ alin I. Cˆ arstea
∗Jenn-Nan Wang
In this paper we derive a propagation of smallness result for a scalar second elliptic equation in divergence form whose leading order coefficients are Lipschitz continuous on two sides of a C2 hypersurface that crosses the domain, but may have jumps across this hypersur- face. Our propagation of smallness result is in the most general form regarding the locations of domains, which may intersect the interface of discontinuity. At the end, we also list some consequences of the propagation of smallness result, including stability results for the as- sociated Cauchy problem, a propagation of smallness result from sets of positive measure, and a quantitative Runge approximation prop- erty.
1 Introduction
Propagation of smallness is a quantitative form of the unique continuation property for solutions of partial differential equations. It can be regarded as a generalization of Hadamard three-circle theorem for analytic functions. For linear second order elliptic equations with nice coefficients, the propagation of smallness is well understood, see for example [2] or the survey article [1]
(and references therein). In this paper, we aim to study the propagation of smallness for second order elliptic equations with jump-type discontinuous leading order coefficients.
The highlight of our result is that the domains in the propagation of small- ness are arbitrarily chosen and may intersect the interface of discontinuity.
∗School of Mathematics, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan, 610064, P.R.China;
†Institute of Applied Mathematical Sciences, NCTS, National Taiwan University, Taipei 106, Taiwan. email:
It is also important to note that we obtain an inequality with exactly the same dependence on the geometry of the domains involved as in the classical result for Lipschitz leading order coefficients. This implies that a number of consequences of the classical result also apply to the type of piecewise Lips- chitz leading order coefficients we are considering here. These consequences include stability results for the associated Cauchy problem, such as the ones proved in [1], propagation of smallness from sets of positive measure, as the one proved in [6], or the quantitative Runge approximation property devel- oped in [8]. Propagation of smallness and quantitative Runge approximation property have enormous applications to inverse problems such as the identi- fication of obstacles by boundary measurements, or in the proof of stability results.
1.1 Notations
To better describe the main result, we would like to introduce several nota- tions. Let U ⊂ Rn, n ≥ 2 be an open bounded domain. Suppose we have coefficients ajk, bj, q ∈ L∞(U ), j, k = 1, . . . , n. We will say that
γ := ((ajk)jk, (bj)j, q) ∈V (U, λ, M, K1, K2), where λ, M, K1, K2 are positive constants, if
λ|ξ|2 ≤X
ajk(x)ξjξk ≤ λ−1|ξ|2, ∀x ∈ U,
||ajk||C0,1(U )≤ M, kbjkL∞(U )≤ K2, kqkL∞(U ) ≤ K1. In the case when bj = 0, j = 1, . . . , n, we will write
((ajk)jk, q) ∈V0(U, λ, M, K1),
With the set of coefficients γ, we define the second order elliptic operator Lγ that acts on a function u as follows
Lγu =X
∂j(ajk∂ku) +X
bj∂ju + qu.
Suppose now that Ω ⊂ Rn is a Lipschitz domain and Σ ⊂ Ω is a C2 hypersurface. Further assume that Ω\Σ only has two connected components, which we denote Ω±. If we have coefficients a±jk, bj, q ∈ L∞(Ω±), j, k = 1, . . . , n, such that
γ± := (a±jk)jk, (bj)j, q ∈V (Ω±, λ, M, K1, K2),
we will use the notation Lγ to denote the operator Lγu =X
χΩ+∂j(a+jk∂ku) + χΩ−∂j(a−jk∂ku) +X
bj∂ju + qu.
For P ∈ Rn and r > 0, Br(P ) will denote the open ball with center P and radius r. For an open set A ⊂ Rn and a number s > 0, we will use the notations
As = {x ∈ Rn : dist(x, A) < s}, As = {x ∈ A : dist(x, ∂A) < s}, and
sA = {sx : x ∈ A}.
Definition 1.1. We say that Σ is C2 with constants r0, K0 if for any point P ∈ Σ, after a rigid transformation, P = 0 and
Ω±∩ Cr0,K0(0) = {(x, y) : x ∈ Rn−1, |x| < r0, y ∈ R, y ≷ ψ(x)},
where ψ is a C2 function such that ψ(0) = 0, ∇xψ(0) = 0, kψkC2(Br0(0)) ≤ K0, and
Cr0,K0(0) = {(x, y) : x ∈ Rn−1, |x| < r0, |y| ≤ 1
If Σ is as above, then we may ”flatten” the boundary around the point P (without loss of generality P = 0) via the local C2-diffeomeorphism
ΨP(x, y) = (x, y − ψ(x)).
1.2 Main result and outline
Let D ⊂⊂ Ω be open and connected. Suppose that Σ ⊂ Ω is a C2 hypersur- face with constants r0 and K0. Further assume that Ω \ Σ has two connected components, Ω±. Let a±jk, q ∈ L∞(Ω±), j, k = 1, . . . , n, be coefficients such that
(a±jk)jk, q ∈V0(Ω±, λ, M, K1).
With these assumptions, we will prove a propagation of smallness result as follows.
Theorem 1.1. Suppose u ∈ H1(Ω) solves
Lγu = f + ∇ · F, kf kL2(Ω)+ kF kL2(Ω) ≤ .
There exist a constant h0 > 0, depending on λ, M , K1, r0, K0, Σ, such that if 0 < h < h0, r/2 > h, D ⊂ Ω is connected, open, and such that Br(x0) ⊂ D, dist(D, ∂Ω) ≥ h, then
kukL2(D) ≤ C(kukL2(Br(x0))+ )δ(kukL2(Ω)+ )1−δ, where
C = C1 |Ω|
, δ ≥ τC2|Ω|hn , with C1, C2 > 0, τ ∈ (0, 1) depending on λ, M , K1, r0, K0.
We want to point out that the propagation of smallness we obtained is in the most general form regarding the locations of D and Br0(x0), which may intersect the interface Σ. The strategy of proving Theorem 1.1 consists two parts. When we are at one side of the interface, we can use the usual propagation of smallness for equations with Lipschitz coefficients. When we near the interface, we then use the three-region inequality derived in [5]. The three-region inequality of [5] is used to propagate the smallness across the interface.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In section 2 we recall two known results. The first is a propagation of smallness result [1, Theorem 5.1] analogous to our own, in the case of Lipschitz leading order coefficients.
The second is a “three-region inequality” [5, Theorem 3.1] for leading order coefficients which are Lipschitz except across a C2 hypersurface. The rest of the section is concerned with extending the three regions inequality to a slightly richer family of regions.
In section 3 we use the three-region inequality we have established in section 2 to prove a propagation of smallness result with somewhat worse constants than the ones in Theorem 1.1. Then in section 4 we use this intermediate propagation of smallness result to prove Theorem 1.1.
Finally, in section5, following [1], [6], and [8], we list a few consequences of our main result. These are given without proofs, as these would be identical to the ones given in [1], [6], and [8].
2 Known results and extensions
In this section we recall the propagation of smallness result for Lipschitz leading order coefficients established in [1] and the three-region inequality proved in [5] for leading order coefficients that are Lipschitz except on a plane that intersects the domain. We then state and prove an extension of the three-region inequality which will introduce a scaling parameter to the family of regions for which the inequality applies.
2.1 Lipschitz leading order coefficients
Assume that ((ajk)jk, q) ∈V0(U, λ, M, K1). We then have the following.
Theorem 2.1 ( [1, Theorem 5.1]). Let u ∈ H1(U ) be a weak solution to the elliptic equation
Lγu = f + ∇ · F, kf kL2(U )+ kF kL2(U ) ≤ .
Let 0 < h < r/2, D ⊂ U connected, open, and such that Br
2(x0) ⊂ D, dist(D, ∂U ) ≥ h. Then
kukL2(D)≤ C(kukL2(Br(x0))+ )δ(kukL2(U )+ )1−δ, where
C = C1 |U | hn
, δ ≥ τC2|U|hn , with C1, C2 > 0, τ ∈ (0, 1) depending on λ, M , K1.
2.2 Piecewise Lipschitz leading order coefficients
Rn+ =(x, y) ∈ Rn−1× R : y > 0 , Rn− =(x, y) ∈ Rn−1× R : y < 0 , and assume that
˜ γ±=
(˜a±jk)jk, (˜bj)j, ˜q
∈V (Rn±, λ, M, K1).
Theorem 2.2 ( [5, Theorem 3.1]). There exist α±, δ0, τ0, β, C, R positive constants depending on λ, M , K1, K2, such that if 0 < δ < δ0, 0 < R1, R2 ≤ R, and
L˜γu = 0, in U3, then
|u|2 ≤ (eτ0R2 + CR−41 )
R2 2R1+3R2
2R1+2R2 2R1+3R2
U1 = {z ≥ −4R2,R1
8a < y < R1 a },
U2 = {−R2 ≤ z ≤ R1
2a, y < R1 8a}, U3 = {z ≥ −4R2, y < R1
a }, a = α+
δ , z(x, y) = α−y
δ +βy2
2δ2 − |x|2 2δ .
Note that in [5], the function u is required to be a solution in Rn. It is however clear from their proof that it only needs to solve the equation in U3. The proof of the three-region inequality is based on the Carleman estimate derived in [3] (or [7]).
2.3 Scaling the three regions
When trying to prove a propagation of smallness result, the family of regions given in Theorem2.2 has one important drawback, namely that if we choose the parameters R1 = θ ¯R1, R2 = θ ¯R2, θ ∈ (0, 1), the vertical (i.e. y-direction) size of the regions would scale like θ, while their horizontal (i.e. x-direction) size would scale like θ12. Using just these two parameters in the proof would then lead to constants in the propagation of smallness inequality (i.e. the constants C and δ in Theorem 1.1) that depend on the geometry of Ω, D, and Br(x0) in a way that is not invariant under a rescaling of these sets.
In order to derive a propagation of smallness result that is more closely analogous to [1, Theorem 5.1], we need to introduce another parameter to the family of three regions.
Assume that
˜ γ±=
(˜a±jk)jk, (˜bj)j, ˜q
∈V (Rn±, λ, M, K1, K2).
For 0 < θ ≤ 1, let Lθ˜γv =X
h χRn
+∂j(˜a+jk(θ·)∂kv) + χRn
θ˜bj(θ·)∂jv + θ2q(θ·)v.˜
Note that if
(˜a±jk)nj,k=1, (˜bj)nj=1, ˜q)
∈V (Rn±, λ, M, K1, K2), then
(˜a±jk(θ·))nj,k=1, (θ˜bj(θ·))nj=1, θ2q(θ·)˜
∈V (Rn±, λ, θM, θ2K1, θK2).
Suppose L˜γ = 0 in Ω, and let
uθ(x) = θ−2u(θx).
Lθ˜γuθ = 0, in θ−1Ω.
If U ⊂ θ−1Ω, note that Z
|u(x)|2dx = θn+4 Z
We therefore obtain, by scaling, the following corollary to Theorem 2.2.
Theorem 2.3. If 0 < δ < δ0, 0 < R1, R2 ≤ R, θ ∈ (0, 1], and L˜γu = 0, in θU3,
then Z
|u|2 ≤ (eτ0R2 + CR−41 )
R2 2R1+3R2
2R1+2R2 2R1+3R2
For u a solution to an inhomogeneous equation, we easily have a similar result.
Corollary 2.1. Under the assumptions above, if L˜γu = f + ∇ · F, in θU3,
kf kL2(Ω)+ kF kL2(Ω)≤ , then
kukL2(θU2) ≤ C(eτ0R2 + CR−41 )12
× kukL2(θU1)+ 2R1+3R2R2
kukL2(θU3)+ 2R1+2R22R1+3R2 . Proof. Let u0 ∈ H01(θU3) be the solution to
Lγ˜u0 = f + ∇ · F.
ku0kL2(θU3)≤ C(kf kL2(Ω)+ kF kL2(Ω)) ≤ C.
L(u − u0) = 0
we can apply Theorem 2.3 to u − u0 and the claim follows immediately.
3 An intermediate propagation of smallness result
In this section we assume that D ⊂⊂ Ω is open and connected, that Σ ⊂ Ω is a C2 hypersurface with constants r0 and K0, and that Ω \ Σ and D \ Σ both have two connected components each, denoted by Ω± and D± respectively.
We will consider coefficients
γ := (a±jk)jk, q ∈V0(Ω±, λ, M, K1).
We can now prove the following propagation of smallness result.
Theorem 3.1. Suppose u ∈ H1(Ω) solves
Lγu = f + ∇ · F, kf kL2(Ω)+ kF kL2(Ω) ≤ .
Then there exist h0 > 0 depending on λ, M , K1, r0, K0, Σ, such that if 0 < h < h0, h < r/2, Br(x0) ⊂ D+, and dist(D, ∂Ω) ≥ h, then
kukL2(D) ≤ C(kukL2(Br(x0))+ )δ(kukL2(Ω)+ )1−δ, where
C = C1 |Ω|
1 + |Σ ∩ Ω|
, δ ≥ τC2|Ω|hn , with C1, C2 > 0, τ ∈ (0, 1) depending on λ, M , K1, r0, K0.
The difficult part of the proof is obtaining L2 estimates of the solution in a neighborhood of Σ. We will use Corollary 2.1above in order to accomplish this. In order to adapt that result to the possibly curved surface Σ, we need to first consider how the three regions transform under the local boundary straightening diffeomorphisms ΨP.
3.1 Preimages of the three regions
Pick a point P ∈ Σ and set P = 0 without loss of generality. Let (x, y) ∈ Cr0,K0(0). We will try to determine when (x, y) ∈ Ψ−1P (θU2). To this end, we introduce the notation
x0 = x, y0 = y − ψ(x).
It is clear that (x, y) ∈ Ψ−1P (θU2) if and only if θ−1(x0, y0) ∈ U2. Because we expect the condition on the size of (x, y) to be approximately of order θ, we also introduce
x00= x
θ, y00 = y θ,
and expect to obtain a condition of order 1 on these. Finally, we introduce the function
ζ(x) = ψ(x)
|x|2 ,
which is bounded by our assumption on the regularity of Σ. Then z(θ−1x0, θ−1y0)
= α−
δ y00+ β
2δ2y002− |x00|2 2δ −α−
δ ψ(x)
θ − β
θ + β
2δ2 ψ(x)2
θ2 . Suppose |x|2 + y2 = r2. Let r00 = θ−1r, then
z(θ−1x0, θ−1y0) = α−
δ y00+ 1
2δ2(δ + β)(y00)2− (r00)2 2δ
− α−
δ θζ(x)|x00|2 − β
δ2θζ(x)y00|x00|2+ β
2δ2θ2ζ(x)2|x00|4 When r00 < r1 = αδ+β−δ, the minimum and maximum values of the fist three terms on the right hand side combined will be attained when y00 = ±r00 (endpoints of [−r00, r00]). Let kζk = kζkL∞(B
Rn−1(0,r0)), then z(θ−1x0, θ−1y0) ≤ α−
δ (1 + θkζkr00)r00+ β
2δ2(1 + 2θkζkr00+ θ2kζk2r002)r002, z(θ−1x0, θ−1y0) ≥ −α−
δ (1 + θkζkr00)r00+ β
2δ2(1 − 2θkζkr00− θ2kζk2r002)r002. Suppose now that r00 < r2, where r2 is chosen so that
2kζkr2+ kζk2r22 < 1 2, (which implies r2 < 1/(4kζk)). We have
z(θ−1x0, θ−1y0) ≤ 3α−
2δ r00+ 3β 4δ2r002, z(θ−1x0, θ−1y0) ≥ −3α−
2δ r00+ β 4δ2r002. Incidentally, note that if r00 < r2, then
θ−1y0 = y00− θ−1ψ(x) < r00+ θkζkr002 < 3 2r00,
so the condition θ−1y0 < R8a1 is satisfied if r00 < 12aR1. Hence, ΨP(B(0, r)) ⊂ θU2
if 3α−
2δ r00+ 3β
4δ2r002 < R1 2a
and 3α−
2δ r00− β
4δ2r002 < R2.
Consequently, if we only consider r00< r3 = 2αβ−δ, then we have that ΨP(B(0, r)) ⊂ θU2 if
δ r00 < R1 2a
and 3α−
2δ r00 < R2
In other words, we have proved the following lemma.
Lemma 3.1. If
r < θ min δR1 6aα−
,2δR2 3α−
, R1
12a, θ−1r0, r1, r2, r3
, then ΨP(B(P, r)) ⊂ θU2.
Using the same notation as above, by simple estimates we get that if (x0, y0) ∈ θU3, then
θ2 < 2α−
a R1+ β
a2δR21+ 8δR2 =: R20,
−δ β
α2−− 8βR2
≤ y0 θ ≤ R1
a . Noting that
|y|2 = |y0+ ψ(x)|2 ≤ 2|y0|2+ 2kζk2|x|2, we can show that
Lemma 3.2. Ψ−1P (θU3) is contained in a ball of radius
(1 + 2kζk2) 2α−
a R1+ 8δR2
+ 1
2 + (1 + 2kζk2)β δ
R21+ 128δ2R22 h
α−+ q
α2−− 8βR2i2
centered at P .
Finally, we would like to estimate the distance between Ψ−1P (θU1) and Σ ∩ Cr0,K0. Note that dist(θU1, ∂Rn+) = θR8a1. Recall that R0 is such that Ψ−1P (θU3) intersects the plane {y = 0} in a set contained in a ball of radius θR0 centered at P . Let x1, x2 ∈ BRn−1(0, R0), Y > 0, and set
d = dist ((x1, ψ(x1)), (x2, ψ(x2) + Y )) . Then
d2 = |x2− x1|2+ |Y + ψ(x2) − ψ(x1)|2
≥ |x2− x1|2+ |Y |2+ |ψ(x2) − ψ(x1)|2− 2|Y | |ψ(x2) − ψ(x1)|
≥ |x2− x1|2+1
2|Y |2− |ψ(x2) − ψ(x1)|2. We can estimate
|ψ(x2) − ψ(x1)| ≤ |x2− x1|
|∇ψ(x1+ t(x2− x1))| dt
≤ |x2− x1|K0
|x1+ t(x2− x1)| dt ≤ K0R0|x2− x1|,
d ≥ 1
2|Y |2+ (1 − K02R20)|x2− x1|2.
If necessary, R (given in Theorem 2.2) can be changed so that K02R20 < 1.
The above estimate, with Y = θR8a1, implies Lemma 3.3.
dist(Ψ−1P (θU1), Σ) > θR1 16a.
3.2 Proof of Theorem 3.1
Without loss of generality, we may take D to be the set D = {x ∈ Ω : dist(x, ∂Ω) > h}.
We pick R1, R2 so that we can apply Corollary2.1 at any point P ∈ Σ ∩ D.
By Lemma 3.2, there is a constant d > 0, independent of P , such that Ψ−1P (θU3) ⊂ Bθd(P ). We will choose θ such that θd = h2, which implies
Ψ−1P (θU3) ⊂ Ω for any P ∈ Σ ∩ D. Of course, this choice is not possi- ble if h is too large, so here we need to set h0 low enough, depending on r0, K0, λ, M, K1, Σ.
With this choice of parameters, by Lemma 3.3, there is a constant 1 >
µ > 0, also independent on P , so that
dist(Ψ−1P (θU1), Σ) > µh.
Note that, depending on the geometry of Σ, we again need to set h0 and R small enough so that Ψ−1P (θU1) ∩ Σµh = ∅, for any P ∈ Σ ∩ D.
By Lemma 3.1, there exists a constant ν > 0, and without loss of gener- ality ν < µ < 1, so that B5νh(P ) ⊂ Ψ−1P (θU2). By Vitali’s covering lemma, there exist finitely many P1, . . . , PN ∈ Σ ∩ D so that
Σνh∩ D ⊂
j(θU2), (1)
and the balls Bνh(Pj) are pairwise disjoint. By this last property, since for small h we have |Σνh∩ D| ∼ νh|Σ ∩ D|, it follows that there is a constant C such that
N ≤ C|Σ ∩ D|
hn−1 ≤ C|Σ ∩ Ω|
hn−1 . (2)
Let us denote ˜D = (D+)h/2\ (Σνh∪ Ω−), then by Theorem 2.1, we have that
kukL2( ˜D)≤ C+(kukL2(Br(x0))+ )δ+(kukL2(Ω)+ )1−δ+, (3) where
Br(x0) ⊂ ˜D, C+= C1 |Ω|
, δ+ ≥ τC2|Ω|hn . The function v = u ◦ Ψ−1P
j ∈ H1(θU3) satisfies in θU3 an equation of the form Lγ˜v = ˜f + ∇ · ˜F , k ˜f kL2(Ω)+ k ˜F kL2(Ω) ≤ C,
with the coefficients of the operator L˜γ satisfying
˜ γ± =
(˜a±jk)jk, (˜bj)j, ˜q
∈V (Rn±, ˜λ, ˜M , ˜K1, ˜K2),
with C > 0 and the parameters ˜λ, ˜M , ˜K1, ˜K2depending on λ, M, K1, K2, r0, K0. We can then pull back the three regions inequality of Corrolary2.1and apply it to u and the regions Ψ−1P
j(θU1), Ψ−1P
j(θU2), Ψ−1P
j(θU1) ⊂ (D+)h/2\ (Σνh∪ Ω−),
we have that kukL2(Ψ−1
Pj(θU2)) ≤ C(kukL2((D+)h/2\(Σνh∪Ω−))+ )ξ(kukL2(Ω)+ )1−ξ, where ξ = 2RR2
1+3R2. Combining this and (3), we obtain kukL2(Ψ−1Pj(θU2))≤ C10 |Ω|
(kukL2(Br(x0))+ )ξδ+(kukL2(Ω)+ )1−ξδ+. Then it follows from (1) and (2) that
kukL2(Σνh∩D) ≤ C100 |Σ ∩ Ω|
12 |Ω|
× (kukL2(Br(x0))+ )ξδ+(kukL2(Ω)+ )1−ξδ+. (4) Applying Theorem 2.1 again (now with an appropriate small ball ˜Br˜ ⊂ Σνh∩ D−⊂ Σνh∩ D), we have
kukL2(D−\Σνh)≤ C1000 |Ω|
12 |Σ ∩ Ω|
δ−2 |Ω|
× (kukL2(Br(x0))+ )δ−ξδ+(kukL2(Ω)+ )1−δ−ξδ+, (5) where
δ−≥ τC02|Ω|hn .
Combining the estimates (3), (4), and (5), we obtain the conclusion of The- orem 3.1.
4 The proof of Theorem 1.1
In this section we will prove the main theorem of this paper. We begin with deriving a three balls inequality, which is a direct consequence of Theorem 3.1. We would like to remark that a version of three balls inequality for the second order elliptic equation with jump-type discontinuous coefficients was obtained in [4]. However, the estimate derived in [4] does not fit what we need. So we derive our own three balls inequality here to serve a building block in the proof of the main theorem.
4.1 Three balls inequality
Here we assume Ω ⊂ Rnis an open Lipschtiz domain, Σ is a C2 hypersurface with constants r0, K0, and Ω \ Σ has two connected components, Ω±. We also assume we have coefficients
(a±jk)jk, q ∈V0(Ω±, λ, M, K1).
With these assumptions, let u ∈ H1(Ω) be a solution of Lγu = f + ∇ · F, kf kL2(Ω)+ kF kL2(Ω) ≤ .
Theorem 4.1. There exist values ¯r > 0, depending on r0, K0, such that if 0 < r1 < r2 < r3 < ¯r, Q ∈ Ω, dist(Q, ∂Ω) > r3, then there exist C > 0, 0 < δ < 1 such that
kukL2(Br2(Q)) ≤ C(kukL2(Br1(Q))+ )δ(kukL2(Br3(Q))+ )1−δ. (6) C, and δ depend on λ, M , r0, K0, K1, rr1
2, rr2
3, diam(Ω), |Σ ∩ Ω|.
Proof. We would like to use the propagation of smallness result with r = r101, D = Br2(Q), and Ω = Br3(Q). We can choose the constant ¯r so that Brj(Q) \ Σ can all only have at most two connected components. This would be the case for example if ¯r ≤ min(r0,12K0r20). Fix an ¯r as described. Then we can always find Q0 ∈ Br1(Q) so that Br1/10(Q0) ⊂ Br1(Q)∩Ω+or Br1/10(Q0) ⊂ Br1(Q) ∩ Ω−. Without loss of generality we may assume that Br1/10(Q0) ⊂ Br1(Q) ∩ Ω+.
Let gΣbe the metric induced on Σ by the Euclidean metric of Rn. Around a point P ∈ Σ at which we have chosen coordinates as in Definition 1.1, we can use the coordinates (x1, . . . , xn−1) as a local map for Σ. In these coordinates
gjkΣ = δjk+ ∂jψ∂kψ.
This observation implies that there exists a constant κ so that
|Σ ∩ Br3(Q)| < κrn−13 .
We will treat several cases separately. The first case is when r3 − r2 <
min(20r1, h0). Then we can apply Theorem 3.1, with h = r3− r2, to obtain kukL2(Br2(Q)) ≤ C(kukL2(Br1
10(Q0))+ )δ(kukL2(Br3(Q))+ )1−δ, where
C = C1
r3n (r3− r2)n
1 +
κr3n−1 (r3− r2)n−1
, (7)
δ ≥ τC2
(r3−r2)n. (8)
The second case is when r101 < 2h0, r3− r2 ≥ r201. Let r03 = r2+ 21r1 (note r30 < r3), h = r211 and again apply Theorem 3.1 to obtain
kukL2(Br2(Q)) ≤ C(kukL2(Br1
10(Q0))+ )δ(kukL2(Br3(Q))+ )1−δ, where
C = C1 (r2+ r1/21)n (r1/21)n
1 + κ(r2+ r1/21)n−1 (r1/21)n−1
, (9)
δ ≥ τC2(r2+r1/21)
(r1/21)n . (10)
The third and final case is when 10r1 ≥ 2h0, r3− r2 ≥ h0. In this case we take h = h0, and use the estimates
|Br3(Q)| ≤ (diam(Ω))n, |Br3(Q) ∩ Σ| ≤ |Ω ∩ Σ|.
We then have
||u||L2(Br2(Q)) ≤ C(kukL2(Br1
10(Q0))+ )δ(kukL2(Br3(Q))+ )1−δ, where
C = C1(diam(Ω))n hn0
1 + |Ω ∩ Σ|
, (11)
δ ≥ τC2
hn0 . (12)
It follows that, in all cases, we have our three ball inequality with the constant C being the maximum of the ones in (7), (9), and (11), and the exponent δ being the minimum of the ones in (8), (10), and (12).
4.2 Proof of Theorem 1.1
Once we have established the three balls inequality in Theorem4.1, the proof of Theorem 1.1 is standard. We include it here for the benefit of the reader.
r3 = h
2, r2 = 1
5r3 = 1
10h, r1 = 1
3r3 = 1 30h, and
D = {x ∈ Ω : dist(x, D) < r˜ 1} ,
which is an open connected subset of Ω, such that D ⊂ ˜D, dist( ˜D, ∂Ω) > h/2.
Let y ∈ ˜D and γ ∈ C([0, 1]; ˜D) be a continuous curve such that γ(0) = x0, and γ(1) = y. Define
0 = t0 < t1 < · · · < tN = 1 so that
tk+1 = max{t : |γ(t) − γ(tk)| = 2r1}, as long as |y − γ(tk)| > 2r1, otherwise N = k + 1, tN = 1.
Then Br1(γ(tk)) ∩ Br1(γ(tk−1)) = ∅, and Br1(γ(tk+1)) ⊂ Br2(γ(tk)), k = 1, . . . , N − 1. By Theorem 4.1 we have
kukL2(Br1(γ(tk+1)))+ ≤ C kukL2(Br1(γ(tk)))+ τ
(kukL2(Ω)+ )1−τ, where k = 0, . . . , N − 1. Note that by simply modifying the constant C we can add on both sides of (6).
mk= kukL2(Br0(γ(tk))+ kukL2(Ω)+ , then mk+1 ≤ Cmτk, k = 0, . . . , N , and so
mN ≤ C1+τ +···+τN −1mτ0N. Since the balls Br0(γ(tk)) are pairwise disjoint,
N ≤ |Ω|
ωnr1n ≤ C2|Ω|
hn . Then it is easy to see that
τN ≥ τC2|Ω|hn , C1+τ +···+τN −1 ≤ C1−τ1 . From a family of disjoint open cubes of side 2r1/√
n whose closures cover Rn, extract the finite number of cubes which intersect D non-trivially: Qj, j = 1, . . . , J . The number of these cubes satisfies J ≤ nn/22nr|Ω|1n . For each j there exists wj ∈ ˜D such that Qj ⊂ Br1(wj). Then
|u|2 ≤
|u|2 ≤
≤ JC2/(1−τ )(kukL2(Br1(x0)+ )2δ(kukL2(Ω)+ )2(1−δ).
5 Consequences of Theorem 1.1
In this section we list three results which are consequences of Theorem 1.1.
All of them are analogous to results of [1], [6], or [8], and exploit the similarity of Theorem1.1to [1, Theorem 5.1] (quoted above as Theorem2.1). Since the proofs of most of these results would be identical to the ones given in [1], [8], we will not give them here. The result analogous to that of [6] is a direct consequence of our Theorem 1.1 and the main result of [6].
Again we assume Ω ⊂ Rn is an open Lipschtiz domain, Σ is a C2 hy- persurface with constants r0, K0, Ω \ Σ has two connected components, Ω±, and
(a±jk)jk, q ∈V0(Ω±, λ, M, K1).
5.1 Global propagation of smallness
One consequence of Theorem1.1is the following global propagation of small- ness theorem.
Theorem 5.1 (see [1, Theorem 5.3]). Let Br(x) ⊂ Ω. If u ∈ H1(Ω) is a solution of
Lγu = f + ∇ · F, kf kL2(Ω)+ kF kL2(Ω) ≤ , and
kukL2(Br(x0)) ≤ η, kukH1(Ω) ≤ E, for some η > 0, E > 0, then
kukL2(Ω) ≤ (E + )ω η + E +
, where
ω(t) ≤ C
|log t|µ, t < 1,
and C > 0, 0 < µ < 1 depend on λ, M , K1, r0, K0, Σ, Ω, r.
5.2 Stability for the Cauchy problem
Another consequence is the following stability result for the Cauchy problem for the operator Lγ. Here Γ ⊂ ∂Ω is an open subset of the boundary.
Theorem 5.2 (see [1, Theorem 1.7]). Let u ∈ H1(Ω) be a solution of Lγu = f + ∇ · F, kf kL2(Ω)+ kF kL2(Ω) ≤ ,
with u|∂Ω ∈ H1/2(Γ), P
jkajknj∂ku|∂Ω∈ H−1/2(Γ), ku|∂ΩkH1/2(Σ)+ kP
jkajknj∂ku|∂ΩkH−1/2(Σ) ≤ η, kukL2(Ω) ≤ E0,
for some η, , E0 > 0. There exists 0 < ¯h < ∞, depending on λ, L, K, Ω, Σ such that if for every 0 < h < ¯h and every open D ⊂ Ω such that dist(D, ∂Ω) ≥ h, we have
kukL2(D)≤ C( + η)δ(E0+ + η)1−δ, where
C = C1 |Ω|
, δ ≥ τC2|Ω|hn ,
with C1, C2 > 0, τ ∈ (0, 1), depending on λ, M , K1, r0, K0, Σ, Ω, Γ.
Finally, we state a global version of the preceding theorem.
Theorem 5.3 (see [1, Theorem 1.9]). Let u ∈ H1(Ω) be a solution of Lγu = f + ∇ · F, kf kL2(Ω)+ kF kL(Ω) ≤ ,
with u|∂Ω ∈ H1/2(Γ), P
jkajknj∂ku|∂Ω∈ H−1/2(Γ), ku|∂ΩkH1/2(Γ)+ kP
jkajknj∂ku|∂ΩkH−1/2(Γ) ≤ η, kukL2(Ω) ≤ E0,
for some η, , E0 > 0. Then
kukL2(Ω)≤ (E + + η)ω
+ η E + + η
, where
ω(t) ≤ C
|log t|µ, t < 1,
and C > 0, 0 < µ < 1 depend on λ, M , K1, r0, K0, Σ, Ω, Γ.
5.3 Propagation of smallness from a set of positive measure
The next result follows easily from Theorems 1.1 of [6] and our main result.
Theorem 5.4 (see [6, Theorem 1.1]). Let u ∈ H1(Ω) be a solution of Lγu = 0. Suppose h > 0 is such that (Ω+)h is connected, and that E ⊂ (Ω+)h is a measurable set of positive measure. If ||u||L2(E) ≤ η, ||u||L2(Ω)≤ 1, then
||u||L2(Ωh)≤ C| log η|−µ,
where the constants C, µ > 0 depend on λ, M , K1, r0, K0, Σ, Ω, |E|, and h.
Proof. Note that even if Ω+ is does not have Lipschitz boundary as required by [6, Theorem 1.1], we can still choose a slightly smaller Lipschitz domain Ω˜+ ⊂ Ω+ such that E ⊂ ( ˜Ω+)h. By applying [6, Theorem 1.1], we get that
||u||L2(Br(x0))≤ C0| log η|−µ0,
where we have picked a ball Br(x0) ⊂ ( ˜Ω+)h. Applying our Theorem 1.1 with D = Ωh, the result follows.
5.4 Quantitative Runge property
The final results we would like to include are two consequences of Theorems 5.2 and 5.3. These are a quantitative versions of the Runge approximation property and result that come from the work [8].
Let D, ˜D be open subsets with Lipschitz boundaries such that D ⊂⊂
D ⊂⊂ Ω and define˜
S1 =u ∈ H1(D) : Lu = 0 in D , S˜1 =n
u ∈ H1( ˜D) : Lu = 0 in ˜Do ,
S2 =u ∈ H1(Ω) : Lu = 0 in Ω, u|Γ ∈ Hco1/2(Γ) .
The following two theorems can be proven by an argument identical to that in [8].
Theorem 5.5 (see [8, Theorem 2]). There exist µ > 0 and C > 1, which depend on n, λ, M , K1, r0, K0, Σ, Ω, Γ, such that for any v ∈ S1 and any 0 < < 1, there exists a u ∈ S2 such that
kv − ukL2(D) ≤ kvkH1(D), ku|∂Ωk
Hco1/2(Γ)≤ C exp(C−µ)kvkL2(D).
Theorem 5.6 (see [8, Theorem 3]). There exist µ > 1, C > 1, which depend on n, λ, M , K1, r0, K0, Σ, Ω, Γ, such that for any ˜v ∈ ˜S1 and any 0 < < 1, there exists a u ∈ S2 such that
k˜v − ukL2(D)≤ k˜vkH1( ˜D), ku|∂ΩkH1/2
co (Γ) ≤ C−µk˜vkL2(D).
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