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第 十 八 集 :《 印 第 安 傳 奇 》


Academic year: 2022

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第 十 八 集 :《 印 第 安 傳 奇 》


請小朋友看看封面和標題,猜猜這回安妮和傑克將到哪裡去冒險,又會遇到哪 些人及冒險的事呢?



(1) 草原上的一片湛藍:可能指的是…


《小提示》美洲大草原到底在哪裡?請找一找,在 109 頁後面的地圖。


1.美洲大草原位於美國中部,在二十世紀以前,這片遼闊的大草原,面積幾乎 占了美國土地的五分之一,這些人稱它為什麼? 答:「草的海洋」

2. 美洲大草原為什麼會稱為「草的海洋」?


1. 十九世紀初,美洲大草原最大的一族是哪一族?


2.拉科塔族大多生活在現的北達科他州、南達科他州和明尼蘇達州?請找一下 下列地圖中,這三洲的位置。






四、 有禮貌

1. 為什麼拉科塔人要把熊爪、鷹的羽毛、麋鹿的牙齒、毫豬的刺縫在衣服上?




麼樣的力量?(小朋友可以自行推測,沒有標準答案) 2.野牛送給拉塔科人哪些禮物?




3. 《小討論》

「拉科塔人欽佩不會流露恐懼之色的人」---你有過恐懼或害怕的經驗嗎?如 果今天不是在百年前的大草原,也不是在拉科塔族,而是在你的班上,怕某件 事、怕某個人,你該怎麼辦?你會採取什麼方法克服?

六、野牛的狂奔踐踏 1.野牛的真正名字是?

2.十九世紀初,美洲大草原上本來有多少隻野牛,一百年後,卻只剩下不到三 百頭了?這些野牛是被誰所殺?

3.請你想像一下:一大群美洲野牛---每隻九百公斤,站立時有 180 公分,狂 奔時會是什麼景象?請同學先分組一起想像,再上台和其他人一起分享。




























1.傑克看到了什麼情景,讓他覺得黑鷹奶奶說的對: 「每一件事都是相連的。」




作者:Ted Perry 出處:http://lenyan.688.idv.tw /articles/seattle.htm

美國劇作家佩瑞受到西雅圖酋長演說的啟發,在 1972 年(亦有說法為 1971 年)為生態電影

「Home」寫了一段獨白, 以更為敏感、尖銳的心面對天地,注入新的靈魂,延續了西雅圖 酋長的信念:




對我的人民而言,大地的每一部份都是聖潔的。 每一枝燦爛的松針、每一處沙濱、每一

片密林中的薄靄、每一隻跳躍及嗡嗡作響的蟲兒, 在我人民的記憶與經驗中都是神聖的。





馨 草原上的露水、小馬暖暖的體溫、以及我們人類,都是一家人。



將 成為我們的父兄,而我們將是他的子民。 因此,我們得考慮你們的要求。





的子孫,它是聖潔的,每一片清澈 湖水的朦朧倒影裡,都述說一個故事及我們人民生活中


那河水嗚咽的彽迴,是 我們先袓的聲音。 河,是我們的兄弟,滿足了我們的乾渴。河,

載負著我們的獨木舟,並養育我們的子孫。 如果我們將土地賣給你們,你們必定要教導你

們的子孫,它是我們的手足,也是你們的弟 兄,因此,你們一定要善待河,一如你們善待





的土 地,一點都不在乎祖先們的勞苦與後代生存的權力。他對待他的母親--大地,及兄弟,


下來 的,將只是一片荒蕪。




吧! 這些喧鬧聲看來只會污損我們的耳朵。



或是被松翼所薰香的風的味道。 大氣對紅人而言是珍貴的,因為野獸、森林、人類及萬物


都分享著同樣的氣息。白人似乎 不在意他們所呼吸的空氣。就好像死了幾天的人,已經對



養育的萬物共享著這份靈氣。 風,送來了我們祖先的第一口氣,也帶走了他們最後一聲的














們 的孩子知道,大地是我們的母親,我們向來如此教育著我們的子孫。任何發生在大地上








會回應到自己身上。雖然白人的上帝與他並肩齊步,和他交談一如他的朋友,但 白人也無

法豁免於相同的命運。畢竟,我們都是兄弟。 我們知道一件事:終有一天我們會看到,白

人必將發現我們的上帝是同一位! 你們現在也許認為,因為你們擁有神,所以也可以占有


祂而言是珍貴的,對大地的傷害,是 對造物主的輕蔑。白人也終將滅絕,甚至有可能比其



你們統治紅人與土地的權力。 這樣的命運對我們來說真是難解。尤其當野牛被屠殺,野馬

被訓服,當森林中最隱密的角 落也充滿了人味,原始的山陵景象被電話線所破壞時,我們

真是不明白啊! 叢林哪兒去了? 消失了! 老鷹哪兒去了? 不見了! 美好的生活已經

結束, 殘喘求生的日子開始!

〔註一〕白人領袖:指當時的美國第十四任總統 Franklin Pierce (1804-1869)

文建會金主題閱讀區:《西雅圖酋長宣言》Flash 檔



C hief Seattle's Statem ent

Ted Perry,1972


ow can you buy or sell the sky, the w arm th of the land? The idea is strange to us. If w e do not ow n the freshness of the air and the sparkle of the w ater, how can you buy them ?

Every part of the Earth is sacred to m y people. Every shining pine needle, every sandy shore, every m ist in the dark w oods, every clear and hum m ing insect is holy in the m em ory and experience of m y people. The sap w hich courses through the trees carries the m em ory of red m an.

The w hite m an's dead forget the country of their birth w hen they go to w alk am ong the stars. O ur dead never forget this beautiful Earth, for it is the m other of the red m an. W e are part of the Earth and it is part of us. The perfum ed flow ers are our sisters, the deer, the horse, the great eagle, these are our brothers. The rocky crests, the juices in the m eadow s, the body heat of the pony, and the m an, all belong to the sam e fam ily.

So, w hen the G reat C hief in W ashington sends w ord that he w ishes to buy our land, he asks m uch of us.

The G reat W hite C hief sends w ord he w ill reserve us a place so that w e can live com fortably to ourselves. H e w ill be our father and w e w ill be his children.

So w e w ill consider your offer to buy land. B ut it w ill not be easy. For this land is sacred to us. This shining w ater that m oves in stream s and rivers is not just w ater but the blood of our ancestors. If w e sell you land, you m ust rem em ber that it is sacred, and you m ust teach your children that it is sacred and that each ghostly reflection in the clear w ater of the lakes tells of events in the life of m y people.

The w aters m urm ur is the voice of m y father's father.

The rivers of our brothers they quench our thirst. The rivers carry our canoes and feed our children. If w e sell you our land, you m ust rem em ber to teach your children that the rivers are our brothers, and yours, and you m ust henceforth give the rivers the kindness that you w ould give m y brother.

W e know that the w hite m an does not understand our w ays. O ne portion of land is the sam e to him as the next, for he is a stranger w ho com es in the night and takes from the land w hatever he needs. The Earth is not his brother, but his enem y and w hen he has conquered it, he m oves on. H e leaves his father's graves behind, and he does not care. H e kidnaps the Earth from his children, and he does not care. H is father's grave, and his children's birthright are forgotten. H e treats his m other, the Earth, and


his brother, the sam e, as things to be bought, plundered, sold like sheep or bright beads. H is appetite w ill devour the Earth and leave behind only a desert.

I do not know . O ur w ays are different from yours w ays. The sight of your cities pains the eyes of the red m an. B ut perhaps it is because the red m an is a savage and does not understand. There is no quiet place in the w hite m an's cities. N o place to hear the unfurling of leaves in spring, or the rustle of an insect's w ings. B ut perhaps it is because I am a savage and do not understand. The clatter only seem s to insult the ears. A nd w hat is there to life if a m an cannot hear the lonely cry of a w hippoorw ill or the argum ents of the frogs around a pond at night. I am a red m an and do not understand. The Indian prefers the soft sound of the w ind darting over the face of the pond, and the sm ell of the w ind itself, cleansed by a m idday rain, or scented w ith the pinon pine.

The air is precious to the red m an, for all things share the sam e breath - the beast, the tree, the m an, they all share the sam e breath. The w hite m an does not seem to notice the air he breathes. Like a m an dying for m any days, he is num b to the stench. B ut if w e sell you our land, you m ust rem em ber that the air is precious to us, that the air shares its spirit w ith all the life it supports.

The w ind that gave our grandfather his first breath also receives his last sigh. A nd if w e sell you our land, you m ust keep it apart and sacred, as a place w here even the w hite m an can go to taste the w ind that is sw eetened by the m eadow 's flow ers. So w e w ill consider your offer to buy our land. If w e decide to accept, I w ill m ake one condition - the w hite m an m ust treat the beasts of this land as his brothers. I am a savage and do not understand any other w ay. I have seen a thousand rotting buffaloes on the prairie, left by the w hite m an w ho shot them from a passing train. I am a savage and do not understand how the sm oking iron horse can be m ade m ore im portant than the buffalo that w e kill only to stay alive. W hat is m an w ithout the beasts? If all the beasts w ere gone, m an w ould die from a great loneliness of the spirit. For w hatever happens to the beasts, soon happens to m an. A ll things are connected.

Y ou m ust teach your children that the ground beneath their feet is the ashes of our grandfathers. So that they w ill respect the land, tell your children that the Earth is rich w ith the lives of our kin. Teach your children w hat w e have taught our children, that the Earth is our m other. W hatever befalls the Earth befalls the sons of the Earth. If m en spit upon the ground, they spit upon them selves.

This w e know - the Earth does not belong to m an - m an belongs to the Earth. This w e know . A ll things are connected like the blood w hich unites one fam ily. A ll things are connected. W hatever befalls the Earth - befalls the sons of the Earth. M an did not w eave the w eb of life - he is m erely a strand in it.

W hatever he does to the w eb, he does to him self. Even the w hite m an, w hose G od w alks and talks w ith him as friend to friend, cannot be exem pt from the com m on destiny. W e m ay be brothers after all. W e shall see. O ne thing w e know , w hich the w hite m an m ay one day discover- O ur G od is the sam e G od.


Y ou m ay think now that you ow n H im as you w ish to ow n our land, but you cannot. H e is the G od of m an, and H is com passion is equal for red m an and the w hite. The Earth is precious to H im , and to harm the Earth is to heap contem pt on its C reator. The w hites too shall pass, perhaps sooner than all other tribes. C ontam inate your bed, and you w ill one night suffocate in your ow n w aste.

B ut in your perishing you w ill shine brightly, fired by the strength of the G od w ho brought you to this land and for som e special purpose gave you dom inion over this land and over the red m an.

That destiny is a m ystery to us, for w e do not understand w hen the buffalo are slaughtered, the w ild horses tam ed, the secret corners of the forest heavy w ith scent of m any m en, and the view of the ripe hills blotted by talking w ires.

W here is the thicket? G one.

W here is the Eagle? G one.

The end of living and the beginning of survival.




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