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operated by Incorporated Management Committee

(September 2005)


new Code of Aid for Aided Schools (COA for IMC schools) in which the Incorporated Management Committee (IMC) of an aided school is given greater management autonomy and flexibility in respect of administration of financial and staffing matters of the school.

With the enhanced autonomy and flexibility enjoyed by IMC schools, some of the administrative procedures and practices in respect of school management detailed in the existing School Administration Guide (SAG), which is written for schools without IMC, may not be applicable to IMC schools.

School Administration Guide For IMC Schools

2. This supplement is written exclusively for IMC schools to provide the essential information which supplements the SAG on

Ø new administrative procedures, with detailed operational guide and procedural manual where necessary, on new measures introduced for IMC schools;

Ø revised administrative procedures on issues/measures with changes where the existing procedures as stipulated in the SAG are no longer applicable to IMC schools.

IMC schools and their management team must therefore read this Supplement in conjunction with the SAG

3. Unless as specified in the “List of new issues/changes with new/revised administrative procedures for IMC schools” detailed below, IMC schools should continue to refer to the operational procedures and guidelines on all other issues as prescribed in the SAG in establishing transparent and accountable administrative procedures and good practices in respect of school management. For this purpose and in this particular context, the term

“School Management Committee” quoted in the SAG should also refer to Incorporated Management Committee.

4. This Supplement, as with the SAG, is complied by making reference to circulars and instructions issued by the Permanent Secretary for Education and Manpower (PSEM) from time to time to assist schools in establishing proper and accountable administrative procedures and practices in respect of school management and staffing matters.

Therefore, Incorporated Management Committees and their school management personnel should abide by such rules and requirements as promulgated in those circulars and instructions which are incorporated in this Supplement and the SAG.


operation. We welcome views and suggestions to improve this Supplement as well as the SAG.

6. Updated release of the SAG for IMC schools incorporating the recommended practices as kept in this Supplement will be published in due course.


Section in New COA

Issue Relevant provision in the SAG

New/Revised Administrative Procedures to be included in the SAG for IMC Schools 5.2(a) Roles and

responsibilities of an IMC in

dealing with complaints from staff and the public

Section 7.9 on

“Handling of complaints”

All relevant sections and provisions in the SAG still stand.

10.1(b) Award/withhold of incremental credit

Section 7.8.5 on

“General principles in taking

disciplinary actions”

All relevant sections and provisions in the SAG are applicable with the following revisions:

7.8.5 (c) is revised to read

“Subject to the provisions of the Employment Ordinance (EO) and the Code of Aid, IMC may decide on the appropriate disciplinary action to be taken in managing staff performance including:

Ÿ withholding an annual increment (IMC should refer to the principles and procedures set out in Appendix A in handling cases of withholding salary increment of staff);

Ÿ suspending a teacher from normal duties

Ÿ dismissal; and Ÿ summary dismissal.”

7.8.5 (d) is revised to read

“Schools must comply with the following requirements stipulated in the Code of Aid:

Ÿ the procedures for dismissal; and Ÿ the payment of salaries on termination

of service.


10.2(a) Expanded Operating Expenses Block Grant

Section 6.2.1 (b) on

“Operating Expenses Block Grant”

Section 6.2.1(b) is replaced as follows:

(b) Expanded Operating Expenses Block Grant (Expanded OEBG)

Ÿ The Expanded OEBG includes

virtually all non-salary recurrent grants except those which are ad-hoc in nature, those which are currently under review, and those which are paid for very specific purposes on a

reimbursement basis.

Ÿ Schools can use this block grant for purposes related to teaching and

learning, operation and development of their schools. It can also be used to finance professional development of their teaching staff and any other educational purposes endorsed by the IMCs. Details on the principles, rules on usage, computation and adjustment methods are set out in Appendix B.

10.2(b) Other Grants - Teacher Relief Grant

Nil An additional clause (h) is added to Section 6.2.1 as follows:

(h) Teacher Relief Grant

• The Teacher Relief Grant (TRG) is a cash grant provided to enhance

schools’ flexibility in the deployment of manpower.


Ÿ The Teacher Relief Grant consists of two components: a basic component which is an annual recurrent cash grant provided to schools for the

appointment of supply teachers to cover approved leave of teachers of less than 30 days; and an optional component, for encashment of up to a maximum of 10% of the teaching establishment, on a temporary or permanent basis.

Ÿ Schools will have full flexibility in using the TRG to employ temporary teaching-related staff and procure education-related services, organize staff professional development and student learning activities.

Ÿ Details about the basis of calculation of the components of this grant and their use are set out in Appendix C.

11 Non-Recurrent and Capital Grants

Section 6.3 on

“Procurement of goods and services”

and Section 8.3 on

“Maintenance of premises”

All relevant sections and provisions in the SAG still stand.

12.1 Government to carry the risk of damage or loss

Section 8.4.1 on

“Security measures in schools” and Section 8.6 on


All relevant sections and provisions in the SAG still stand.


13.1 General rules and requirements on appointment, promotion, resignation, retirement, termination and dismissal of staff

Section 7.2 on

“Appointment, re-grading, promotion and acting

appointment” and Section 7.3 on

“Staff selection”

All relevant sections and provisions in the SAG still stand.

13.2(b) Verify eligibility for appointment and assessment of salaries of staff paid under Salaries Grant

Section 7.4.2.on

“Verification of qualifications and experience”

All relevant sections and provisions in the SAG still stand.

13.2(j) Medical and X-ray examination before appointment

Section 7.4.1 on

“Physical check-up”

Section 7.4.1 is revised to read as follows:

“The IMC should, in consideration of maintaining a healthy school environment and in the interest of the students, decide whether to require each staff member (other than supply staff paid on daily rate) to undergo a medical examination

including a chest X-ray examination by a registered medical practitioner before appointment.”

13.2(k) Letter of

Appointment or Contract of Service

Section 7.4.4 on

“Employment Contract”

All relevant sections and provisions in the SAG still stand.


13.3(e) Direct

appointment of teachers to promotion ranks

Section 7.2.4 on

“Promotion and acting

appointment” and Section 7.3 on

“Staff selection”

All relevant sections and provisions in the SAG are applicable with a new Section 7.2.5 added as follows:

7.2.5 Direct appointment of teachers to promotion ranks

“For direct appointment of teachers to promotion ranks, IMC should follow detailed procedures as set out in “Guiding principles and procedures for direct appointment of teachers to promotion ranks” in Appendix D.

13.6(b) Deployment of teaching staff

Nil A new Section 7.11 is added as follows:

7.11 Deployment of redundant teacher

“When such circumstance arises that there is/are over-ranked principal/redundant teacher(s) in the school and that they have to be deployed to other schools operated under the same sponsoring body so as to avoid or alleviate over-establishment of staff as provided under section 40AG of the EO, the IMC should ensure that the deployment is conducted in an objective, fair and transparent manner. The IMC should also ensure that the school has put in place a set of objective, fair and

transparent “school-based criteria” in identifying the sequence of teachers to become redundant before handling their deployment. Schools should refer to the procedures as set out in “Principles for identifying, deployment and arrangement of redundant teachers” in Appendix E” in handling such cases.


13.7 Change of Rank within Grade

Nil A new Section 7.12 is added as follows – 7.12 Change of Rank within Grade

(a) Change of rank within grade refers to such situation where a staff member (including principal of a school) steps down from a higher rank to a lower rank within his/her serving grade e.g. graduate or

non-graduate grade.

(b) Such stepping down from a higher rank to a lower rank may arise in the following circumstances:

(i) Reduction of classes which affects the headship entitlement and/or the number and rank of promotion posts of a school;

(ii) The staff member requests to step down from a higher rank voluntarily;

(iii) IMC requests a staff member to step down to a lower rank.

(c) For stepping down of staff in the case of (b) (iii) above, IMC must ensure that such case is handled conscientiously with the consent of the majority of IMC members following the “Guiding principles in handling change of rank/stepped-down case” as set out in Appendix F and that all relevant legislations and ordinances have been fully complied with.


13.9 Leave

(a) On

submission of leave record

(b) On approval of no-pay leave

Section 7.5.3 on

“Leave matters”

All relevant sections and provisions in the SAG are applicable with the following revisions:

7.5.3 (c) is revised to read

“Schools are required to send to the EMB records of leave granted to staff for PSEM’s endorsement by August each year.”

Appendix 8(b) of Section 7 –

The table on “Approving authority for granting leave” is revised by replacing

“No-pay sick leave, maternity leave, tuberculosis leave and study leave” under type of leave of teaching staff by “All no-pay leave”.

13.11(a) Employment of short-term supply staff

Section 7.2.1(f) on

“Appointment of supply teacher”

Section 7.2.1(f) is revised to read as follows:

(f) Appointment of supply teacher

Ÿ With the introduction of TRG, IMC schools are provided with an annual recurrent cash grant for the

employment of fixed daily-rated supply teacher to substitute for teachers on approve leave lasting for less than 30 days, application for reimbursement of payment for employment of supply teacher is no longer required.

Ÿ Under the arrangement of TRG, employment of supply teacher is no longer confined to teacher on approve leave for three consecutive calendar days or more. Nevertheless, in most cases, the “three consecutive calendar days” criterion may still be taken as a point of reference if IMC would like to maintain a prudent use of the TRG.


Ÿ IMC should ensure that fair and reasonable criteria for approving the employment of daily-rated supply teacher to substitute for teachers on approve leave have been put in place in the school and that such criteria are made open and consistently applied in handling arrangement of supply

teacher for teachers on leave.

Ÿ For the employment of supply teacher paid on fixed daily rate basis, school should observe the principles set out in the “Guide to salary assessment” and relevant circulars announcing the daily rates of pay for supply staff issue from time to time.

13.12 Provident Fund and Mandatory Provident Fund

Section 7.5.4 on

"Provident Fund Scheme for teaching staff" and Section 7.5.5 on

"Provident Fund Scheme for

non-teaching staff".

All relevant provisions in the SAG are applicable with the following revisions:

7.5.4 (a) is revised to read as

“All teaching staff are required to join the Provident Fund Scheme and contribute to either the Grant Schools Provident Fund or the Subsidized Schools Provident Fund, except for those aged over 55 on first appointment to aided schools, those employed on temporary basis, those employed on gratuity-bearing contract terms or those paid by grants other than the Salaries Grant. An extract from the Provident Fund Rules stating the benefits that a teacher-contributor may receive from the Fund is in Appendix G.”


14.1(c) Financial management

Section 6.5 on

“Guiding principles relating to Internal Control”

Replaced by new Financial Management Guide.

14.5(b) Accounting and auditing

Section 6.4 on

"Accounting and financial control".

Replaced by new Financial Management Guide

14.6 Compliance with Public

Accounting Procedures for procedures for procurement of stores and equipment

Section 6.3 on

“Procurement of goods and services”

All relevant sections and provisions in the SAG still stand.

15 Student Matters Section 3.on

“Student Matters”

All relevant sections and provisions in the SAG are applicable with the following revisions:

Title of Section 3.8.2 is revised to read “Senior Secondary Fee Remission Scheme and

Boarding Fee Remission” and additional clauses (c) and (d) are added as follows:

(c) If senior secondary students submit eligibility certificates issued by the Student Financial Assistance Agency and apply for fee remission of tuition fees, the principal is advised to effect their

entitlement in accordance with the level of assistance as indicated in their respective eligibility certificates and maintain a register of such remission.


(d) “The Principal may approve fee remission of boarding fees in respect of students in need, and shall maintain a register of such remission. The students’ eligibility certificates may be used as reference to assess their eligibility for the fee remission. The permitted level of fee remission of boarding fees is 10% of the total fee income which means the

maximum fee payable times the approved enrolment. However, approval may be sought to vary the level of fee remission in special cases.”

15.4 School days and school holidays

Section 1 (item 2 under General Administration in the Appendix on

“Summary of Major

Requirements for School Operation”) and Section 3.2.2 on “Attendance”

All relevant sections and provisions in the SAG are applicable with the following revisions:

A new Section 3.2.3 is added as follows:

3.2.3 School days and school holiday (a) The IMC should ensure that in drawing up

the school calendar and the school holiday list, the interests of students, teachers and other stakeholders are duly considered as well as the quality of learning and the maximization of learning time, which are equally important.

(b) IMC should ensure that the school holiday list includes the general holidays gazetted by the Government of the Hong Kong


Special Administrative Region and other requirements and recommendations regarding planning of school days and other school holidays as announced by PSEM through circular.

(c) The school should refer to the following details in calculating school holidays:

(i) The number of school holidays, which should include public holidays, shall be 90 days a year, with three

additional discretionary holidays.

(ii) There should be no less than 190 school days for whole-day schools and 209 days for bi-sessional primary schools.

(iii) The dates and occasions of

discretionary holidays, as well as the duration and the intended dates of school-based staff development days should be stated clearly in the school calendar. If school cannot fix the exact dates for staff development days at the beginning of the school year, the information on the number of such development days and whether or not students need to attend school should also be given in the calendar.

The original Section 3.2.3 on “Transfer of students” is re-numbered as 3.2.4


16.2 Use of fund on maintenance works

Section 8.3 on

“Maintenance of premises”

All relevant sections and provisions in the SAG still stand.

16.3 Change of room use

Section 8.2.3 on

“Change of room use”

All relevant sections and provisions in the SAG still stand.

16.4 Use of school premises for public and educational purposes

Section 8.2 on "Use of school


All relevant sections and provisions in the SAG still stand.


1. The IMC should fully understand that withholding salary increment of a staff member is one of the disciplinary actions taken on staff with persistent substandard performance. Such disciplinary action should be exercised with extreme prudence and care.

2. The IMC should remind its staff that salary increment is not granted automatically but awarded with regard to the staff’s actual performance. In this connection, the IMC should ensure that proper performance management system has been put in place for the staff and that stringent standards are applied to the monitoring and assessment of performance. Where a staff member is not performing satisfactorily, he/she should be advised of the failings, and helped to improve his/her performance through guidance and close supervision by his/her senior.

3. The IMC should also ensure that the expected standards of performance and a system of clear, objective and reasonable criteria for measuring substandard performance leading to withholding of salary increment of staff are worked out and clearly communicated to their staff beforehand. In any case, disciplinary action such as withholding salary increment taken against any staff should not come as a surprise to the staff concerned. An appeal mechanism should be put in place for handling appeal from staff concerned.

4. The decision to withhold salary increment of a staff member should be supported and approved in advance by majority of the IMC members at a meeting with all decision and documents properly recorded.

Points to note in handling withhold of increment

5. In handling withhold salary increment of staff, IMC should consider the following necessary steps:

(a) A performance appraisal system has been put in place in the school;

(b) Clear, objective and reasonable criteria for measuring substandard performance leading to withholding increment of staff member has been worked out;

(c) Warning is given to the staff member concerned that his/her performance is not up to the required standard for award of increment and that IMC has the intention to withhold his salary increment;

(d) A grace period is given for the staff member concerned to make improvement during which the supervisor of the staff member concerned should make every effort to provide support and guidance to help the staff member to make improvement;


(ii) If yes, notify him in writing well in advance before the next incremental date that his/her next salary increment will be withheld giving details as follows-

Ÿ reasons and grounds for the decision;

Ÿ effective date of withholding increment (this should be the incremental date of the staff concerned);

Ÿ length of the period of withholding (should be in completed months with end date);

Ÿ conditions for early withdrawal or continuation of the withholding period, if any.

(g) Inform the Funds Section of the EMB via REO of the case in writing immediately giving the following details for the purpose of salary administration –

Ÿ Name, ID No. and rank of the staff concerned;

Ÿ Effective date of withholding salary increment;

Ÿ Salary point as at the effective date of withholding increment;

Ÿ Length of the period of withholding (in completed month(s) with end date)

Ÿ Date of next increment (please refer to paragraph 6 below)

6. The IMC should note that the period of withholding salary increment of staff should not be more than six months. Unless with strong justification that the staff member should warrant an extension of the period of withholding, he/she should receive his/her increment with effect from the end date of the withholding period as specified in the letter to the EMB. In all cases, the original incremental date of the staff concerned (i.e. the date on which he is eligible to receive the next salary increment) should remain unchanged.

7. If at the end of the withholding period the staff member concerned still shows no improvement in his/her performance and that the IMC decides to extend the period of withholding his/her salary increment, subject to such conditions as prescribed in the letter to the staff concerned mentioned in (f) (ii) above, the IMC should inform the staff and the Funds Section immediately following procedures as in (f) (ii) and (g) above.


the deployment of funds for educational purposes.


2. The Expanded OEBG includes virtually all non-salary recurrent grants to aided schools, except those which are ad-hoc in nature, those which are currently under review, and those which are paid for very specific purpose on a reimbursement basis. The full list of constituent grants under the Expanded OEBG is set out at Annexes A and B. There is no demarcation between the General Domain and Special Domain in the Expanded OEBG.

The Expanded OEBG is provided as one block grant and schools are free to deploy the funding flexibly.

3. Schools may use the surplus under the Expanded OEBG on items chargeable to other EMB subsidies outside the Expanded OEBG. In addition, schools may use the surplus to top up non-recurrent expense for projects approved/funded by EMB. Subject to certain limits, schools may also use the surplus to top up recurrent expenses arising from other government-funded projects, furniture and equipment and other facilities or educational services acquired through private donations or other fund-raising schemes.

4. The computation and annual adjustment of provision of the Expanded OEBG are based mostly on the number of operating classes, except for some school specific grants i.e.

grants that are of special nature and only applicable to selected schools with special circumstances. These school specific grants will continue to be determined separately in accordance with the prevailing criteria applicable to each of these grants.


5. The Expanded OEBG covers ambits of all its constituent grants. It can be used for purposes related to teaching and learning, operation and development of the schools.

For examples, schools may use the Expanded OEBG to cover expenditure incurred from operating cost such as telephone and electricity charges of the schools, procurement of consumables and teaching aid, conduction of educational programmes for their students, hiring of staff outside permanent staff establishment, procurement of stores, furniture and equipment, cleansing, security and other necessary services. It can also be deployed to finance professional development for their teaching staff and any other educational purposes endorsed by the IMCs. For employment of staff, all expenditure related to salaries, leave entitlement and statutory benefits such as Mandatory Provident Fund, long service payment and severance payment can also be covered by the Expanded OEBG.


wreaths and all other similar items for ceremonial activities or tributes to other schools are kept to the absolute minimum. Schools should set their own spending priorities and allocation in a cost effective manner, having regard to the objectives and policies laid down in the School Development Plan and Annual School Plan.

7. In utilizing the funding flexibility of the Expanded OEBG, schools are requested to take notice of the following:

a. Schools should ensure that the total spending should be kept within the amount of provision and avoid deficits as far as possible. Any deficits arising should be borne by school own funds or by the school sponsoring body (SSB).

b. Subsidy will continue to be provided for Provident Fund/MPF contributions in respect of janitors, clerical and other supporting staff employed within the provision allocated for the school-specific Administration Grant/Revised Administration Grant c. Surplus under the Expanded OEBG can be used to top up no more than:

i. 50% of recurrent cost arising from government-funded projects; and

ii. 25% of recurrent cost arising from furniture and equipment and other facilities or educational service acquired through private donations or other fund-raising schemes.

In this connection, schools should establish proper procedures, objective criteria and clear approving authority for transferring the surplus out of the Expanded OEBG.

8. Schools are reminded that non-education related expenditure as listed below are not allowed to be charged to the Expanded OEBG:

i. fringe benefits for staff, including housing benefits, provision of food allowance, travelling allowance, medical expenses etc;

ii. loans to staff or third parties;

iii. contribution of salaries of staff in the headquarters or other service units of the school sponsoring body;

iv. donations; and

v. any other items announced via Circular/Circulars Memorandum issued by EMB from time to time.

In the event that expenditure is found improperly charged to the Expanded OEBG, the


IMC whereas new schools will receive the Expanded OEBG when the schools come into operation.

10. For both existing and new schools, the level of provision of the school specific grants, if applicable, will continue to be determined separately in accordance with the prevailing criteria applicable to each of these grants. In addition,

(i) for existing schools

A snapshot of the aggregate of prevailing provision of the constituent grants, other than the school-specific grants mentioned above, of each school concerned in the immediate past school year before the application of the Expanded OEBG will be taken. This snapshot will be taken as level of provision and known as the Baseline Reference. In subsequent years, the Baseline Reference will be adjusted in accordance with the June-on-June movement of the Composite Consumer Price Index (CCPI) each year as well as the change in the number of operating classes multiplied by the Average Per Class Rate at the time. That is,

Provision of

Expanded OEBG = Baseline Reference + School Specific Grants

Annually adjusted Baseline Reference =

Original Baseline Reference adjusted

by CCPI +


Class x Rate

Change in number of classes (ii) for new schools

For a new aided school, the level of provision will be determined by a Basic Provision (A); Average Per Class Rate (B) multiplied by the number of operating classes (denoted by N). That is,

Provision of

Expanded OEBG = A + B x N + School Specific Grants

11. The values of the A, B and rates for school specific grants will also be adjusted by the CCPI. In addition, PSEM may adjust these as the situation merit, e.g. schools having more than one lift incurring higher maintenance charges or with the Set-Up Fund account not being closed.


13. For aided schools that are newly operated or in the midst of their developmental stage and have yet to attain the full range of levels of classes, they may opt for the method for new schools or continue to adopt the method for existing schools when they establish their IMCs. The option is irrevocable.

Composition of constituent grants

14. Where necessary to reflect the changing educational needs, PSEM may amend the constituent grants under the Expanded OEBG, such as adding of new grants for new education initiatives, deleting obsolete grants, subsuming school-specific grant into the Basic Provision (A) and/or the Average Per Class rate (B) or vice versa.

Accounting arrangements

15. The annual provision of the Expanded OEBG will normally be released to schools on a quarterly basis in September, November, February and May. Each payment should normally be of an amount equivalent to three months’ provision. For certain school specific grants where the level of provision cannot be ascertained at the beginning of a school year or in the event of overpayment, adjustment or other special circumstances, the payment schedule and the amount of payment will be adjusted as appropriate.

16. Schools should keep a separate ledger to clearly record all the income and expenditure chargeable to the Expanded OEBG. While the demarcation of the General Domain and Special Domain is removed, schools are advised to take into consideration that schools may be required to report on the expenditure specified for programmes under certain school specific grants like Capacity Enhancement Grant. As such, schools should devise their books and accounts in a way that can facilitate them to fulfil the reporting requirements, where necessary.

Surplus retention

17. Schools may retain a maximum surplus of up to 12 months’ provision of the Expanded OEBG for the year in which the grant is provided. PSEM may under exceptional circumstances agree that individual school can retain surplus in excess of this level.


Self-regulation takes place through annual planning, budgeting and review by the schools themselves.

19. For external monitoring, schools are required to disclose financial information properly in their Annual School Plan and the Annual School Report, which are to be uploaded onto the website of schools. In addition, IMCs are also required to submit to the EMB their annual accounts including the information as required by the EMB, which will have been audited by a certified public accountant (practising) as defined in the Professional Accountants Ordinance (Cap. 50).

20. The IMC of a school is responsible for the proper management, administration and operation of the school. It handles funds and assets received from the Government in the capacity of a trustee. Therefore, it is obliged to hold accountability for any improper use of the public resources.


21. To support IMCs in stepping up their accountability mechanism in the wake of increased funding flexibility, guidelines on financial management (including principles of disclosure and accounting convention, and performance indicators) and the setting up of an internal control system with clear delineation of roles and responsibilities will be uploaded to EMB Homepage in due course for schools’ reference.


1 Accommodation and Catering Services ü No

2 Advanced Level (AL) Biology ü No

3 AL Chemistry (Teacher Assessment Scheme) ü No

4 AL Computer Studies ü No

5 AL Engineering Science ü No

6 ASL Chemistry ü No

7 ASL Chinese History* ü No

8 ASL Chinese Language and Culture ü No

9 ASL Computer Applications ü No

10 ASL Design and Technology ü No

11 ASL Electronics ü No

12 ASL Ethics and Religious Studies ü No

13 ASL Government and Public Affairs ü No

14 ASL History* ü No

15 ASL Liberal Studies* ü No

16 ASL Literature in English ü No

17 ASL Music ü No

18 ASL Use of English ü No

19 ASL Visual Arts ü No

20 Computer and Information Technology ü No

21 Computer Literacy ü No

22 Design and Technology ü No

23 Electronics and Electricity ü No

24 Engineering Science ü No

25 Fashion and Clothing ü No

26 Home Economics ü No

27 Integrated Science ü No

28 Moral and Civic Education ü ü No

29 Putonghua ü ü No

30 Technological Studies ü No

31 Textiles ü No

32 Visual Arts ü No


34 Administration Grant for additional Clerical Assistants ü No 35 Administration Grant/Revised Administration Grant ü ü Yes 36 Air-conditioning Grant for Preparation Room of

Laboratories ü No

37 Capacity Enhancement Grant ü ü Yes

38 Chinese Extensive Reading Scheme ü ü No

39 Composite Furniture and Equipment Grant* ü ü No 40 Composite Information Technology Grant ü ü Yes

41 Consumables for IT Learning Centres ü No

42 English Extensive Reading Scheme ü ü No

43 Enhancement Grant ü ü No

44 Lift Maintenance Grant ü ü No

45 Noise Abatement Grant ü ü Yes

46 Programme Funds for Whole-school Approach to

Guidance and Discipline ü ü No

47 Recurrent English Language Grant ü No

48 Refund of fees for certificates on fire safety* ü ü No 49 Refund of fees for certificates on structural safety* ü ü No

50 School and Class Grant ü ü No

51 School Curriculum Development Grant ü No

52 School-based Remedial Support Programme ü Yes 53 School-based Support Scheme for Newly Arrived

Children ü ü Yes

54 Student Guidance Service Grant ü Yes

55 Supplementary Grant ü ü No

56 Training and Development Grant ü ü No

57 Understanding Adolescent Project (Primary) Grant ü Yes 58 Whole-school Approach to Integrated Education ü ü Yes

59 Boarding Grant ü Yes

60 Practical/Technical Subjects ü No

* Grants newly included in the Expanded OEBG.


1 Accommodation and Catering Services ü No

2 Advanced Level (AL) Biology ü No

3 AL Chemistry (Teacher Assessment Scheme) ü No

4 AL Computer Studies ü No

5 AL Engineering Science ü No

6 ASL Chemistry ü No

7 ASL Chinese History* ü No

8 ASL Chinese Language and Culture ü No

9 ASL Computer Applications ü No

10 ASL Design and Technology ü No

11 ASL Electronics ü No

12 ASL Ethics and Religious Studies ü No

13 ASL Government and Public Affairs ü No

14 ASL History* ü No

15 ASL Liberal Studies* ü No

16 ASL Literature in English ü No

17 ASL Music ü No

18 ASL Use of English ü No

19 ASL Visual Art ü No

20 Computer and Information Technology ü No

21 Computer Literacy ü No

22 Design and Technology ü No

23 Electronics and Electricity ü No

24 Engineering Science ü No

25 Fashion and Clothing ü No

26 Home Economics ü No

27 Integrated Science ü No

28 Moral and Civic Education ü ü No

29 Practical/Technical Subject ü No

30 Putonghua ü ü No

31 Technological Studies ü No

32 Textiles ü No


35 Administration Grant/Revised Administration Grant ü ü Yes 36 Air-conditioning Grant for Preparation Room of

Laboratories ü No

37 Air-conditioning Grant for schools for physically

disabled /severely mentally handicapped children ü ü Yes

38 Boarding Grant ü ü Yes

39 Capacity Enhancement Grant ü ü Yes

40 Chinese Extensive Reading Scheme ü ü No

41 Composite Furniture and Equipment Grant* ü ü No 42 Composite Information Technology Grant ü ü Yes 43 Computers as Communication/Rehabilitation Aids ü ü No 44 Computers for Assisted Learning Activities ü ü No

45 English Extensive Reading Scheme ü ü No

46 Enhancement Grant ü ü No

47 Lift Maintenance Grant ü ü No

48 Maintenance Grant for Sewage Treatment Plant ü ü Yes

49 Noise Abatement Grant ü ü Yes

50 Programme Funds for Whole-school Approach to

Guidance and Discipline ü ü No

51 Refund of fees for certificates on fire safety* ü ü No 52 Refund of fees for certificates on structural safety* ü ü No 53 Resource Material Grant for visually impaired

students ü ü Yes

54 School and Class Grant ü ü No

55 School Curriculum Development Grant ü No

56 School-based Support Scheme for Newly Arrived

Children ü ü Yes

57 Supplementary Grant ü ü No

58 Supportive Remedial Service for hearing impaired

pupils attending ordinary schools ü ü Yes

59 Training and Development Grant ü ü No

60 Travelling Grant for Certificated Master/Mistress

teaching home-bound pupils ü ü Yes

61 Travelling Grant for resource teachers ü ü Yes 62 Understanding Adolescent Project (Primary) Grant ü Yes

* Grants newly included in the Expanded OEBG.


cover approved leave of eligible teachers. With the TRG, schools are no longer required to apply for reimbursement of supply teachers to substitute for teachers on leave lasting for less than 30 days. Schools are allowed to claim reimbursement from EMB for appointing supply teachers for regular teachers on maternity leave, sick leave and other approved leave lasting for 30 days or more. For leave of 30 to 89 days, expenses incurred for the employment of daily-rated supply teachers can be reimbursed. For leave of 90 days or more, expenses for monthly term temporary replacements can be reimbursed.

2. With the consent of the IMC, majority of teachers and parents in advance, schools may opt to obtain a cash grant by freezing up to 10 % of their approved teaching establishment with enhanced rates of computation. In this connection, the existing arrangement of Substitute Teacher Grant (STG) is replaced by the TRG for IMC schools.


3. Schools can use the TRG to appoint temporary supply teachers or teaching-related staff. They can also have full flexibility in using the TRG to procure education-related services or employ other staff like social workers, educational psychologists, professional tutors for career-oriented studies, etc. to meet their school-based needs and requirements of the various new initiatives, including the new academic structure for senior secondary education. If the TRG is used for employment of staff, expenditures like salaries, contribution to Mandatory Provident Fund, and any statutory benefits conferred by the Employment Ordinance should be met by the TRG.

Principles and rules on usages

4. Similar to the Expanded OEBG, schools should always put the interest of students as the first priority. They should ensure that the expenditure incurred is reasonable and necessary for educational purposes. Schools should ensure that the total spending be kept within the amount of provision and avoid deficits as far as possible. Schools may use of the surplus under the Expanded OEBG to top up the TRG. If there is still unsettled deficit, it has to be borne by the school’s own funds.

5. In the event that there is surplus under the TRG, schools should deploy the surplus to the permitted use of the TRG only and cannot use it for purposes outside of the TRG.


(a) An annual recurrent cash grant

This is mainly for teachers on leave and calculated as follows –

* Specified fund refers to those government funds/grants approved by the PSEM for inclusion in the computation.

(b) An optional cash grant

This is for freezing of posts and calculated as follows –

(i) for permanent freezing, which is irrevocable, the rate is the mid-point salary1 of the posts concerned;

(ii) for temporary freezing for 30 to 89 days, the rate is the standard daily rates of supply teacher; and

(iii) for temporary freezing for 90 days or more, the rate is the average monthly salary point 2of temporary teachers in the event of basic ranks, or at the starting salary point of the relevant promotion ranks in the event of promotion ranks.

7. The average monthly salary points for the purposes of calculating the optional cash grant will be reviewed every 3 years and revised if necessary. As for the actual amount of the standard daily rates of supply teachers and various rates for freezing, they are adjusted in accordance with the civil service salary.

1 The mid-point salary of Certificate Master(CM) is Master Pay Scale (MPS) Point 19; Assistant Primary School Master (APSM) is MPS Point 22 and Graduate Master (GM) is MPS Point 25.

2 For the 2004/05 school year, the average monthly salary point of temporary teachers in aided secondary schools is MPS Point 17 and 14 for GM and CM respectively. For aided primary schools, the average monthly salary point of temporary teachers is MPS Point 16 for both APSM and CM.

2.5 man-days

Number of teachers on the approved establishment and

temporary teachers employed under specified


Daily rate of pay for the

respective grades of supply teachers

x x

Respective teaching posts

to be frozen Frozen period

Respective rates as detailed in (i)

to (iii)

x x


November, February and May. The optional cash grant is released to schools on a claim basis and payments are also on a quarterly basis.

9. For reimbursement of daily-rated supply teachers to replace regular teachers on maternity leaves, sick leaves and other approved leaves lasting for 30 days to 89 days, schools should use the claim form at Annex A. For appointment of temporary teachers for regular teachers taking leaves of 90 days or more on monthly term, please submit appointment form available from EMB hompage (http://www.emb.gov.hk à Teachers’

Developmentà Employment Related InformationàAppointment Matters).

10. Schools wishing to apply for the optional cash grant for freezing teaching posts should use the claim form at Annex B.

Surplus retention

11. Schools will be allowed to accumulate surplus up to three times the annual provision of the TRG in the year in which the grant is provided.


12. Schools receiving the TRG should include in their School Report the use of the TRG with reference to their own situation and school-based targets. Schools should keep a separate ledger account to record all income and expenditure chargeable to the TRG.

13. The IMC of a school is obliged to hold accountability for any improper use of the public resources including the TRG.


(For supply teachers required to contribute to Mandatory Provident Fund, please provide supporting information of MPF if claim period is less than 60 days)

Teacher on leave Leave period Name of supply Supply period No. of Daily rate Salary amount MPF subsidy Contract period

Name SRN Post From To teacher From To working days

(a) #

(b) $ $

(a) x (b) $

(c) From To

Total $ $

# The number of working days should exclude Sunday, Saturday (short-week), public holidays, discretionary holidays or any days on which the teachers are not required to perform duties.

B. For temporary teachers appointed on monthly term, please submit appointment form available from available from EMB Internet ( http://www.emb.gov.hk à Teachers’ Development à Employment Related Information à Appointment Matters)

C. Certification I certify that –

(i) the emoluments have been paid to the supply teacher(s) and/or MPF scheme trustee(s) concerned. Relevant receipts are attached for your records;

(ii) the reimbursement claim is not covered by the ambits of the Teacher Relief Grant , the Teacher Professional Preparation Grant and Specialised Teaching Support Grant.

(iii) this request for payment complies with the conditions set out in Education and Manpower Bureau Circular Memorandum No. 173/2005 dated 20 August; and (iv) there is no other claim on the salaries of teachers filling the vacant posts.

My school will refund to Education and Manpower Bureau any over-payment of grant.

Signature of Supervisor : __________________________________________________

School chop Name of Supervisor : ___________________ Claim Date :_____________________


A. Temporary freezing of regular vacant posts arising from teachers on leave

Teachers on leave Leave period Leave of 30 to 89 calendar days Leave of 90 calendar days or more

Name SRN Rank Leave Type From To No. of working

days 1 (a)

Daily rate 2 $ (b)

No. of months


Monthly salary3 $


MPF Subsidy 4

$ (e)

TRG Amount $ (a)x(b)+(e) or


Total $ B. Temporary freezing of regular posts

No. of posts claimed

(specify the rank) Period Vacancy of 30 to 89 calendar

days Vacancy of 90 calendar days or more

N/AM @

From To No. of working

days 1 (a)

Daily rate 2 $ (b)

No. of months


Monthly salary 3 $


MPF Subsidy 4

$ (e)

TRG Amount $ (a)x(b)+(e) or

(c)x(d)+(e) ( )

( ) ( ) ( )

Total $ @ N: New claim posts / AM: Amendment of previous claim dated ___________(copy attached).


1 The number of working days should exclude Sunday, Saturday (short-week), public holidays, discretionary holidays or any days on which the teachers are not required to


(a) (for NEW frozen posts only)

(b) posts only)

(c) newly frozen posts $ ( ) (d)

( ) ( ) ( )

Total $

@ PRE: Posts previously frozen / NEW: New frozen posts

# For freezing of vacant posts of 60 days or more, employer’s contributions to MPF Scheme (5 % of the monthly salary capped at $1,000) will be included.

D. Certification I certify that –

(i) consent has been obtained from my school’s IMC for freezing the above teaching post(s) in the above-mentioned period in the school year;

(ii) the total number of frozen posts ___ claiming TRG including the temporary frozen posts arising from (A) teachers on leave ___ and (B) the regular posts ___

together with (C) the permanent frozen posts___does not exceed the ceiling of 10% of the approved teaching staff establishment of my school

(Graduate posts : _______; Non-graduate posts : _______; Total: _______) at the claim date and this request for payment complies with the conditions set out in Education and Manpower Bureau Circular Memorandum No. 173/2005 dated 20 August 2005. (Please enter number of posts in the space provided.) (iii) there is no other claim on the salaries of teachers nor reimbursement of supply teachers for the frozen posts during the frozen period.

My school will refund to Education and Manpower Bureau any over-payment of grant.

Signature of Supervisor :

School chop Name of Supervisor : Claim Date :

c.c. SSDO( ) Contact Person : _____________________________________ Tel No.:__________________


♦ In general, promotion posts should be reserved for existing staff.

♦ Before any decision on direct appointment to promotion ranks is to be made, it is paramount that the Incorporated Management Committee should, in consultation with its staff, agree on whether a mechanism for such direct appointment would need to be put in place in the school, having regard to such needs and considerations as school development, human resources planning and management, staff management and the morale of the existing staff, etc. Some examples are:

1. For new schools where, for operational reasons, experienced teachers are urgently required to help developing the school.

2. For schools where there are succession problem and candidates suitable for internal promotion could not be timely identified.

3. Staff of specific skill or qualification required for leading or undertaking a specific course or programme is unavailable.

♦ The decision to put in place in the school a mechanism for direct appointment to promotion ranks should be made conscientiously and agreed by the IMC with sound justifications, and be supported by an overwhelming majority of the staff.

♦ Once a decision to put in place such a mechanism in the school is arrived, the rationale and the criteria where and when direct appointment to promotion ranks would be exercised in the school must be made known to all the staff. The IMC should make sure that all the staff members are aware of the existence of such an arrangement.


♦ Will direct appointment to promotion ranks be taken as a regular practice, or should it be approved by the IMC on an individual case basis, subject to consultation with the staff?

♦ Have all the implementation criteria and procedures been cautiously deliberated and endorsed by the IMC, and agreed by the staff?


♦ A good practice of direct appointment should include the following features:

1. The criteria of appointment are drawn up jointly with staff concerned.

2. The process of direct appointment is conducted in an open, fair and transparent manner.

3. The selection is undertaken by a selection committee comprising the principal, IMC manager(s) and/or other independent personnel or professional, and is closely monitored by the IMC.

4. Morale of the existing staff has been taken care of.

Suggested Workflow for Direct Appointment to Promotion Rank


Agree with sound justifications

where circumstances warrant Discussion for the setting

up a mechanism for direct appointment to promotion

Proposal shelved

Set criteria and procedures for direct appointment

Appointment of selection committee by the IMC

Conduct interview and make recommendation to the IMC

Appointment completed

Keep selection records for inspection, when Open Recruitment



every effort to absorb the redundant teachers such as appointing the teachers to share jobs on a voluntary basis or by using other school funds. For schools operated under big sponsoring body (i.e. operating more than one school), arrangement should be made to deploy their redundant teachers to fill available vacancies in other schools under the same sponsoring body as far as possible.

Identifying Redundant Teachers

2. For schools having redundant teachers, the IMCs should, in consultation with teachers, work out a set of “school-based” criteria (e.g. school’s operational needs, subject specialties of teachers and the developmental requirements of schools, etc) which are objective, fair and transparent so as to identify the sequence of teachers to become redundant.

3. IMCs are also required to set up an appeal mechanism to serve as an effective channel for teachers to communicate with the school management on issue relating to redundancy. For schools operated under sponsoring bodies that operate more than one school, IMCs should ensure that both the criteria and the appeal mechanism are applied consistently as far as possible in all the schools under the same sponsor.

4. The criteria and appeal mechanism should be in place, documented and announced to all teachers as early as possible. This will facilitate early identification of and notification to redundant teachers after the staff establishment for the school year concerned is approved.

Deployment of Redundant Teacher by School Sponsoring Bodies

5. Under the existing rule and practice, a school sponsoring body operating more than one school should arrange to deploy redundant teachers in a school under its sponsorship to fill available vacancies in other schools under its sponsorship as far as possible.

6. If the redundant teachers out-number the vacancies, the school sponsoring body should also put in place a set of criteria to deploy the redundant teachers to fill all the vacancies available among the schools under its sponsorship based on the needs of schools.

IMCs should ensure that schools would complete the deployment arrangements in accordance with the schedule set by the Education and Manpower Bureau each year as announced through circular as far as possible so as to facilitate timely application for


in accordance with the Code of Aid and the Guides to Appointment for the respective ranks currently in force. Like regular full-time teachers, regular part-time teachers within the approved teaching establishment are subject to the provisions under the Code of Aid, including (a) eligibility for joining the Grant/Subsidized Schools Provident Fund or relevant provident fund schemes as appropriate, (b) entitlement of various types of leave such as paid sick leave, and (c) their relevant part-time teaching experience being recognised on a pro-rata basis for incremental and promotion purposes.

Over-ranked Principals/Redundant Senior Teachers Required to Step-down

9. In the event that reduction of staff entitlement affects the number of senior teachers (i.e.

teachers appointed at promotion ranks) and/or the headship entitlement of a school, a school sponsoring body operating more than one school should transfer the redundant senior teachers to fill available senior teacher vacancies in other schools under its sponsorship and consider to deploy Principals so that the substantive rank of the head of the school does not exceed the headship entitlement. However, for schools operated by one-school sponsors, or where there are no available senior teacher vacancies and/or vacancies of appropriate headship rank in schools under the same sponsor for deployment, the redundant senior teachers should step down to become the lower or basic rank teachers as appropriate and the over-ranked Principals should assume posts of an appropriate lower rank.

10. Schools should observe all other related arrangements in respect of stepping down of Principals/senior teachers to a lower rank as announced by the Permanent Secretary through circular from time to time.


discontinue taking up duties of a higher rank), there are broadly two circumstances leading to step down/change of rank: -

(1) Redundancy

Reduction of classes that affects the headship entitlement and/or the number and rank of promotion posts;

(2) Unsatisfactory performance

The staff member concerned is either not performing satisfactorily in his/her current position or not meeting the expected and agreed standard that the current position requires.

♦ In handling stepping-down cases arising from (1) above , IMCs should follow the procedures stipulated in relevant circulars in force for secondary, special and primary schools as appropriate.

♦ Prior to the setting-up of a formal mechanism for stepped-down or change of rank among staff arising from (2) above , the IMC should consult its staff on the needs and advantages of establishing such a staff management system in the school, having regard to such considerations as school operation and development, fairness to appointment, human resources planning, staff management, and the morale of the existing staff, etc.

♦ The IMC should also consider the subject in conjunction wi th the school’s availability and sophistication of an objective appraisal system, continuous professional development mechanism and appeal system. The stepped-down or change of rank mechanism should be conscientiously made and agreed by the IMC with sound justifications and be supported by an overwhelming majority of the staff.

♦ All staff have to be clearly informed of the rationale and criteria for stepped-down or change of rank which are made on the principles of fairness, objectivity and transparency.


♦ Have sufficient warning, grace period and adequate opportunity for appeal been given


♦ Are the staff content that fair and impartial stepped-down/change of rank procedures which are developed beforehand be put in place?

Good Practice of Stepping-down

♦ It is desirable to stipulate in the employment contract the disciplinary procedures, including demotion, to be followed

♦ The IMC should, in consultation with the staff, jointly draw up a set of stepped- down/change of rank criteria which are objective, fair and transparent.

♦ The process of stepped-down/change of rank should be conducted in a fair and objective manner.

♦ Stepped-down can only be justified by unsatisfactory performance of the staff concerned for the past and present years, and such evidence of performance must be assessed through a formal appraisal system.

♦ An appeal system must be set up for the staff concerned to defend or redress their cases.

♦ Clear stipulation is to be included in the Employment Contract/Letter of Appointment that the provision for future stepped-down/change of rank from a promoted post is possible, as and when situation so warrants.

♦ Provision should be included in the Confirmation Letter for Promotion that stepped-down/change of rank is possible should one fail to perform satisfactorily, or up to the agreed expectation.

♦ Written confirmation should be mutually signed by both the IMC and the staff concerned should stepped-down/change of rank take place, which will serve as an agreement for change of employment terms.

♦ Other than change of remuneration as a result of change of rank, no adverse effect should be made against the fringe benefits of the staff concerned, for example the number of service years counting for provident fund contribution.

♦ The rank changed should normally be one rank lower than the staff’s existing rank.

♦ The change of rank should take effect on a date specified by the IMC and, as far as practicable, agreeable to the staff.




Not substantiated


Stepped-down/change of rank on grounds of performance


Discussion in the IMC for the setting up of a

mechanism for


relevant circulars in force for handling Case


1. Conduct investigation/

evaluation on the staff’s past and present performance 2. Interview with the staff


3. Make recommendation to IMC

Case closed Setting up of an

evaluation committee

Set criteria for stepped-down /change of rank (in consultation with

Appeal system

Issue of confirmation letter for Give warning/grace period

No improvement despite warning and grace period



the Funds which are statutory rules made under the Education Ordinance. The following are extracts of certain main features for easy reference only.

1. With effect from 1 September 1980, Government's subsidies towards the employers' contribution in respect of the Grant/Subsidised Schools Provident Fund shall be made in accordance with the following scale :

Length of continuous contributory service

Employers' contribution (percentage of employees' salary)

Less than ten years 5%

Not less than 10 years ) 10%

but less than 15 years )

Not less than 15 years 15%

2. Employees' contribution shall remain at 5%.

3. Every teacher who is not over the age of 55 years upon his first appointment to a school on or after 24 June 1982 is required to contribute to the Fund. A part-time teacher employed on a regular basis may at his option contribute to the provident fund.

4. An annual dividend to each contributor of 5 per cent of his account is guaranteed and any shortfall in funds for the purpose of the guaranteed dividend is to be met by a loan (repayable without interest) made by the Government to the Funds. No supplementary dividend may be declared if there is an outstanding loan.


Benefits on Withdrawal

Length of Continuous Contributory service

Contributor's own contribution plus dividends declared


Government's donation plus dividends declared


Less than 5 years 100% Nil

Not less than 5 years) 100% 50%

but less than 6 years)

Not less than 6 years) 100% 60%

but less than 7 years)

Not less than 7 years) 100% 70%

but less than 8 years)

Not less than 8 years) 100% 80%

but less than 9 years)

Not less than 9 years) 100% 90%

but less than 10 years)

Not less than 10 years 100% 100%




 whole-day face-to-face classes for individual class level(s) - (i) all teachers and school staff (including teaching and non-teaching staff) directly employed by the school having

Application for Special Pay Arrangement in the 2022/23 School Year for Over-ranked Head / Stepped-down Senior Teacher(s) in Aided Primary Schools.. [Please read the attached

 For secondary school teachers at the rank of SAM / AM before stepping down, since there is no non-graduate teaching post in the approved establishment starting from

For schools with surplus teachers retained under the ERP Scheme, if they turn the grants into regular teaching posts after reduction in the number of approved S1 classes, they are