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Academic year: 2022

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圖 1  研究系統架構  3.2 搜尋機制設計  搜尋機制可依前述分析之時間、空間、規格與 品質四類不同需求而設計,在表 1 歸納之所有項目 中,本研究依該項目是否滿足資料搜尋階段之需求 而區分為搜尋型項目與參考型項目兩類情形。搜尋 型項目包括如時間、空間與量化品質等,可依據系 統內建之知識,結合分析者參考影像之狀態而自動 形成搜尋條件;參考型項目則包括如影像處理歷程 等描述型項目,僅用於分析階段之參考。本研究所 設計之搜尋型項目包含: 1
圖 6  確認搜尋條件介面  圖 7  搜尋資料回傳介面  4.2 變遷分析介面  當分析者確認選取之資料後,系統即自動引入 參考影像與選取影像。並比較兩者之詮釋資料內容 (參考 3.3 節之規則) ,警示分析者資料可能帶有之 風險。本研究所發展之遙測影像變遷分析平台介面 如圖 8 所示,分析者可藉由同時比較不同時期之遙 測影像而判釋地物變遷之情況。其主要元件組成如 下:    工具列:工具列提供點、線、面三類數化工具, 分析者可開啟數化工具於任一地圖介面上數化, 所數化之成果將同步顯示於另一地圖介面。分



Reading Task 6: Genre Structure and Language Features. • Now let’s look at how language features (e.g. sentence patterns) are connected to the structure

Now, nearly all of the current flows through wire S since it has a much lower resistance than the light bulb. The light bulb does not glow because the current flowing through it

In view of the large quantity of information that can be obtained on the Internet and from the social media, while teachers need to develop skills in selecting suitable

Task: Writing an article to the school newspaper arguing either for or against the proposal which requires students to undertake 50 hours of community service, in addition to

In addition that the training quality is enhanced with the improvement of course materials, the practice program can be strengthened by hiring better instructors and adding

In addition, based on the information available, to meet the demand for school places in Central Allocation of POA 2022, the provisional number of students allocated to each class

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 The IEC endeavours to ensure that the information contained in this presentation is accurate as of the date of its presentation, but the information is provided on an