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Academic year: 2021

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台灣糖業股份有限公司 103 年新進博士級人員甄試試題 甄試類別【代碼】:全類別【G5701-G5703】



注意:作答前須檢查答案卷、入場通知書編號、桌角號碼、應試類別是否相符,如有不同應立即請監試 人員處理,否則不予計分。

本試卷為一張單面,共有三大題之非選擇題【中翻英、英翻中每大題各 25 分、英文寫作 1 題 50 分】,共計 100 分。






一、中翻英【25 分】

谷歌公司在今年五月底表示將製造 100 輛無人駕駛原型車,沒有踏板,沒有方向盤,也 沒有其他各類控制面板,只留下一個開關鍵。谷歌希望無人車在未來科技發展下能夠做到與 現在電腦及網路一樣無所不在。事實上,這並非突如其來的構想。至少從上世紀 30 年代起,

人們就已經開始夢想無人駕駛汽車,但直到近幾年才有(像賓士、富豪汽車等)一些汽車製 造商,嘗試把這一想法付諸實踐,推出裝備著感測器和複雜軟體的測試車以便在繁忙的道路 上權衡最佳行車方式。谷歌公司從頭開始設計無人駕駛汽車,現在已經遠遠領先。但是事實 證明,這一切都比預想的要難。谷歌公司曾承諾到 2017 年就能推出無人駕駛汽車,而今預 計產品模型在 2020 年前尚未能製造出來。

二、英翻中【25 分】

Honeybees are sensitive creatures. From time to time a hive simply vanishes. What has been brought into scientists’ attention is that colony collapse disorder, as this phenomenon is known, has been getting worse since 2006. Some beekeepers worry that what has been happening with the disappearance of beehives may make their trade impossible, and could even have an effect on agriculture—since many crops rely on bees to pollinate them. Climate change, habitat destruction, pesticides and disease have all been suggested as possible causes. Nothing, though, has been proved. But the latest research, reported in Naturwissenschaften by Dr. Jeff Pettis of the Bee Research Laboratory in Maryland, suggests that this may be because more than one factor is involved.

Dr. Pettis and his colleagues knew from previous reports that exposure to a pesticide called imidacloprid has a bad effect on honeybees' ability to learn things and wondered whether it might be causing other, less noticeable, damage. Since one thing common to colonies that go on to collapse seems to be a greater variety and higher load of parasites and pathogens than other colonies, they wondered in particular whether it might be weakening the insects' immune systems, and thus allowing infections to spread through a hive.

三、英文寫作【50 分】

In recent years, the food industry in Taiwan and many other countries across the world is no stranger to food fraud. Many cases of food fraud have resulted in actual and potential threats to public health. The repercussions could spiral from consumers’ loss of confidence in food manufacturing into the catastrophic damage in the country’s economy. According to the FDA, the US Food and Drug Administration, food fraud is usually economically motivated adulteration, defined as “fraudulent, intentional substitution or addition of a substance in a product for the purpose of increasing the apparent value of the product or reducing the cost of its production.”

Consider the several recent food fraud scandals in Taiwan:

Discuss the accountabilities of different parties in the chain of food industry, including manufacturers, distributors, consumers and probably most importantly the government authorizes.

Provide tenable solutions and safeguard measures to deter food fraud.



王盛元 臺北市木工業職業工會 詹志展 益正興業股份有限公司 黃瑋銓 巷弄國際股份有限公司 04 室內裝潢創作 優勝. 04

When the ship clearing from alongside, the crews who retract safety net, gangway, and check the ship's forward and aft draft need to comply with following

訊系 助理教授 張宏裕 冠捷科技公司 主任工程師 許景富 勝華科技股份有限公司 課長 李弘鈞 牧德科技股份有限公司 副理 陳政宏 國立虎尾科技大學 教授 吳宗霖

Other researchers say one way to solve the problem of wasted food is to take steps to persuade people to stop buying so much food in the first place.. People buy more food



