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NCKU’s “Aim for the Top University Project”

Work Report Form for Distinguished Scholars

□續聘continuation of employment ▓離職resignation

100 年 7 月 13 日更新 受聘者姓名

Name of the Employee

Masataka ARAI

▓男 Male Female

聘 期 Period of Employment

from 103 年(y) 8 月(m) 24 日(d) to 103 年(y) 9 月(m) 6 日(d) 研究或教學或科技研發與

管理計畫名稱 The project title of

research, teaching, technology development and


能源科技與策略研究中心 103 年度工作計畫



Project Investigator (Head of Department/Center)



Grant Number HUA 103-21T-20-316

一、 研究、教學、科技研發與管理工作全程經過概述。(由受聘人填寫)

Please summarize the entire research, teaching, or science and technology R&D and management work process (To be completed by the employee)

本次主要與校內相關領域(噴霧燃燒、內燃機)老師進行研究交流,期間共拜訪校內(1)航太系 王覺寬教授實驗室(2)機械系林大惠教授實驗室(3)機械系吳明勳教授實驗室(4)能源科技與 策略研究中心工業燃燒示範爐實驗室,並於本校機械系進行專題演講一場,講題:Diesel Spray and Its Combustion(Past, Present and Future Research),約有 50 名師生參與,在實驗室 參訪中發現,成功大學在能源相關研究領域上的成果亮眼,擁有先進的設備與技術,堪與 國外其它研究機構比擬,在替代能源方面的研究,成大團隊在國際間也有相當數量的論文 發表成果,研究設備更是從基礎型研究到工業規模型測試鍋爐皆具備,可進行全面性的研 究與測試,本次也有談論到未來雙方進行跨國間的學術研究可能性,期盼雙方在共同的研 究領域中,能有更多互惠的成果。

另外,本次也拜訪國內相關汽車產業,包含(1)光陽工業股份有限公司(2)華擎機械工業股份 有限公司(3)高苑科技大學先進潔淨節能引擎研發與測試服務中心(4)財團法人工業技術研究 院工研院機械研究所(5)財團法人車輛研究測試中心,在與各企業的研究團隊訪談的過程中 了解到,台灣在汽機車的製造能力方面已屬成熟,現今各國研究團隊皆致力於減炭節能的 目標上,研發出更加環保節能的車型,國內在車輛自主研發方面,高苑科技大學先進潔淨 節能引擎研發與測試服務中心團隊已有相當規模的引擎研發與測試能力,與國內汽車製造 公司的研發團隊更是有相當縝密的技術合作,使得整個研發時程得以縮短,更加符合市場 需求。

除上述事項外,亦與能源科技與策略研究中心成員座談,討論未來合作可能性;另因本人 擔任國際液體噴霧與噴霧系統學會(Institute for Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ILASS))理事長,能源科技與策略研究中心明年(2015)八月將舉辦第十三屆國際噴霧及霧化 系統研討會(The 13th International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, ICLASS),亦與 ICLASS 2015 籌備委員會召開會議,了解目前籌備進度。




Please evaluate the performance of research, teaching or science and technology R&D and management Work: (To be completed by Project Investigator or Head of Department/Center)


Has the expected goal of recruitment been achieved?



What are the methods, professional knowledge, and progress of the research, teaching, or R&D and management work?



How have the research, teaching, or R&D and management results of the employed person given benefit to the project (or your unit)?



How has the employed person, during his or her term of employment, benefited your unit or the relevant domestic academic field?

受聘人於補助期間,經由參訪校內外研究單位,可對國內噴霧燃燒學界與相關業界有一定程 度了解,同時也能尋求國際合作機會。


Please describe the specific work performance, or the results of research, teaching, or R&D and management work:

1. 與校內能源相關領域實驗室討論交流互換經驗,同時也討論未來進行合作研究的可行性 2. 本校機械系進行專題演講一場,講題:Diesel Spray and Its Combustion(Past, Present and

Future Research)。

3. 拜訪國內相關領域(噴霧燃燒、內燃機)實驗室與汽機車製造公司,互相交換意見,ARAI 教授亦提出現今日本汽機車產業的現況與對台灣汽機車產業與研究方向的建議,雙方也論 及到未來合作的可能性。

(6)是否續聘受聘人? Will you continue hiring the employed person? □續聘Yes ▓不續聘No 因本次規劃 ARAI 教授來台兩週短期客座,屬於任務性質,故不續聘。

※ 此報告表篇幅以三~四頁為原則。This report form should be limited to 3-4 pages in principle.

※ 此表格可上延攬優秀人才成果報告繳交說明網頁下載。

This report form can be downloaded in http://scholar.lib.ncku.edu.tw/explain/



 Promote project learning, mathematical modeling, and problem-based learning to strengthen the ability to integrate and apply knowledge and skills, and make. calculated

For details about the development and management of learning and teaching resources, please refer to the Secondary Education Curriculum Guide (2017) Booklet 10: Quality Learning

(b) The Incorporated Management Committee may approve leave of various kinds to teaching and non-teaching staff employed under the Salaries Grant, paid or no-pay, in

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• involves teaching how to connect the sounds with letters or groups of letters (e.g., the sound /k/ can be represented by c, k, ck or ch spellings) and teaching students to