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I can able to visualize pictures in my head


Academic year: 2021

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附錄一:The Learning Channel Preference Checklist

The Learning Channel Preference Checklist (O’Brien, 1990)

Read each sentence carefully and think how it applies to you. On each line, write the number that best describes your reaction to each sentence.

5- Almost Always 4- Often 3- Sometimes 2- Rarely 1- Almost Never 1. I can read remember something better if I write it down.

2. When reading, I listen to the words on my head or I read aloud.

3. I need to discuss things to understand them better.

4. I don’t like to read or listen to directions: I’d rather just start doing.

5. I can able to visualize pictures in my head.

6. I can study better when music is playing.

7. I need frequent breaks while studying.

8. I think better when I have the freedom to move around; studying at a desk is not for me.

9. I take lots of notes on what I read and hear.

10. It helps me to LOOK at a person speaking. It keeps me for focused.

11. It’s hard for me to understand what a person is saying when there is background noise.

12. I prefer having someone tell me how to do something rather than having to read the direction myself.

13. I prefer hearing a lecture or tape rather than reading a textbook.

14. When I can’t think of a specific word, I use my hands a lot and call something a

“what-cha-ma-call-it” or a “thing-a-ma-jig.”

15. I can easily follow a speaker even though my head is down or I’m staring out the window.

16. It’s easier for me to get work done in a quiet place.


17. It’s easy for me to understand maps, charts, and graphs.

18. When beginning an article or book, I prefer to take a peek at the ending.

19. I remember what people say better than what they look like.

20. I remember things better if I study aloud with someone.

21. I take notes, but never go back and read them.

22. When I am concentrating on reading or writing, the radio bothers me.

23. It’s hard for me to picture things in my head.

24. I find it helpful to talk myself through my homework assignments.

25. My notebook and desk may look messy, but I know where things are.

26. When taking a test, I can “see” the textbook page and the correct answer on it.

27. I can’t remember a joke long enough to tell it later.

28. When learning something new, I prefer to listen to information on it, then read about it, then do it.

29. I like to complete one task before starting another.

30. I use my fingers to count and I move my lips when I read.

31. I dislike proofreading my work.

32. When I am trying to remember something new, for example, a telephone number, it helps me to form a picture of it in my head.

33. For extra credit, I prefer to do a report on tape rather than write it.

34. I daydream in class.

35. For extra credit, I’d rather create a project than write a report.

36. What I get a great idea, I must write it down right away or I’ll forget it.




級數 Step Ahead第四級 班級 中文姓名 ____ 英文名 ____

各位同學,本量表欲瞭解你們學習英語時的學習狀況和學習風格,所以你們填 寫的內容不會影響你們的成績,每一題也沒有正確答案,希望同學能安心仔細地閱 讀底下的句子並考慮你們自己的實際情形,每一題均有五個選項讓你選擇,請逐題 作答,在最合適的” □”內打「9」,謝謝大家的合作。

幾乎總是如此 常常如此 有時如此 很少如此 幾乎不曾如此

1.作筆記可以讓我更記得住。 □ □ □ □ □

2.當我在閱讀時,我會在心裡默唸或是把內容大聲唸出。 □ □ □ □ □

3.利用討論的方式比較可以幫助我瞭解學習的內容。 □ □ □ □ □

4.我喜歡直接開始學習,不喜歡根據先聽到或讀到的指示去 做。

□ □ □ □ □

5.我可以在腦中描繪想像畫面。 □ □ □ □ □

6.播放音樂的時候,我的學習效果會比較好。 □ □ □ □ □

7.當在閱讀的時候,常常每隔一段時間我就需要休息一下。□ □ □ □ □ 8.我不適合坐在書桌前讀書;當我可以自由活動的時候,我

的思路會比較清楚。 □ □ □ □ □

9.我會把聽到和讀到的東西作很多筆記記下來。 □ □ □ □ □

10.「看」著說話的人能幫助我專心。 □ □ □ □ □

11.有其他的聲音會干擾我去了解說話的人要表達的內容。 □ □ □ □ □


幾乎總是如此 常常如此 有時如此 很少如此 幾乎不曾如此

12.我寧可有人教我怎麼做,而不喜歡自己看相關說明。 □ □ □ □ □ 13.我比較喜歡聽別人講解或聽錄音帶;比較不喜歡讀課本。□ □ □ □ □

14.當我想不出一個東西的名稱時,我會用大量的手勢並且 用自己的話語來稱呼那個東西。

□ □ □ □ □

15.即使我看者窗外,我仍可以輕易地聽懂別人在說什麼。 □ □ □ □ □

16.在安靜的地方我比較容易完成手邊的事情或功課。 □ □ □ □ □

17.看懂地圖、表格和插圖對我來說是很容易的。 □ □ □ □ □

18.在開始看一篇文章或一本書之前,我喜歡先看一下它的 結尾或結論部分。

□ □ □ □ □

19.對我來說,記住別人說過的內容比記住他們的長相還容 易。

□ □ □ □ □



□ □ □ □ □

21.我會記筆記,但是我不會複習我所寫的東西。 □ □ □ □ □

22.當我專心地讀書或寫字時,收音機的聲音會干擾我。 □ □ □ □ □

23.在腦海中描繪聽到的內容對我來說是困難的。 □ □ □ □ □

24.我發現從作業中,與自己對話是可以幫助學習的。 □ □ □ □ □


幾乎總是如此 常常如此 有時如此 很少如此 幾乎不曾如此

25.我的筆記簿和書桌看起來可能很亂,但我很清楚東西擺 在哪兒。

□ □ □ □ □

26.考試時,我的腦海中能浮現正確答案在書上的位置。 □ □ □ □ □

27.我總是記不住聽過的笑話以致於無法說給別人聽。 □ □ □ □ □

28.在學一樣新的事物時,我比較喜歡先聽聽看有關的資 訊,再讀一些相關的資訊,最後才去實作。

□ □ □ □ □

29.當在學習時,我喜歡先完成一項工作之後再開始另一項。□ □ □ □ □

30.算東西的時候我會用手指頭來算;在閱讀的時候我則會 動嘴唇默唸。

□ □ □ □ □

31.我不喜歡再檢查一遍已完成的功課。 □ □ □ □ □

32.如果我試著去記一樣新東西時,在腦中形成一幅影象是 有幫助的。

□ □ □ □ □

33.為了加分,我喜歡把報告以錄音的方式呈現而非用寫的。□ □ □ □ □

34.在上課的時候,我會作白日夢。 □ □ □ □ □

35.為了加分,我寧可作一個成品也不要寫報告。 □ □ □ □ □

36.當我有一個很棒的想法時,我必須立刻寫下來,否則我 會忘記。

□ □ □ □ □



何嘉仁文教機構 Step Ahead 第四級期末測驗 Hess Language School- Step Ahead 4 Final Test

班級 Class:

姓名 Name: 日期 Date:


Final Oral Test 30%

1. Where do you go to school? (3 %) 2. What grade are you in? (3 %)

3. (Student Book Picture.) Do the children play (guitar/ computer games)?

(3 %)

4. What do they do? (3 %)

5. Can you (speak English/ sing a pop song/ play the recorder)? Is it easy?

(3 %)

6. Do you want to play the (guitar/ drums/ bass)? (3 %) 7. Do you go to (school) on (Saturday)? (3 %)

8. Ask me a question? (3 %)

9. Do you like to (study/ speak English) with (name/ me)? (3 %) 10. Can you give (your test) to (CT’s name)? (3 %)




Patty Goes Shopping / Countable and Uncountable

班級: _____________ 級數: _____________ 英文名: _____________

Part A. Reading Comprehension 閱讀理解:

Direction: According to “ Patty Goes Shopping” to choose the correct answer in each question or statement. (依據剛剛閱讀 Patty Goes Shopping 之內容,來選擇 正確答案。)

1. ( ) Patty is a nice girl and a good student, but she is _________.

a. careful b. careless c. smart d. pretty

2. ( ) Where do Patty and her mom go after breakfast?

a. bedroom b. classroom c. supermarket d. home

3. ( ) What does Patty want to have for breakfast?

a. cookies and water b. bread and juice c. cookies and juice d. bread and milk

4. ( ) What goes all over the cat?

a. Bananas b. Milk c. Water

d. Watermelons

5. ( ) Does Patty know how to choose a good watermelon?

a. Yes, she does. She eats the watermelon in the supermarket.

b. Yes, she does. She listens to the watermelon and hits it hard.

c. No, she doesn’t. She doesn’t like any kinds of fruit.

d. No, she doesn’t. Because she doesn’t like to eat watermelons.


6. ( ) What does Patty’s mom’s list say?

a. Tomatoes and carrots.

b. Tomatoes and milk.

c. Carrots and milk.

d. Bread and watermelons.

7. ( ) Who does Patty see and ask the rice?

a. A man by fish.

b. A man with some eggs.

c. A woman with some eggs.

d. A woman by fish.

8. ( ) Where are the cookies?

a. They are between the meat and the milk.

b. They are over the meat.

c. They are between the eggs and fish.

d. They are over the eggs.

9. ( ) How do Patty and her mom go home?

a. They walk home.

b. They go home by taxi.

c. They take a bus.

d. Patty’s dad drives them home.

10. ( )What does Patty talk about with her dad?

a. She talks about her school.

b. She doesn’t talk anything.

c. She talks about her friends.

d. She talks about the supermarket.

Part B. Grammar: Countable nouns and Uncountable nouns 文法:可數名詞 與不可數名詞

Direction: classify the following nouns and match.


mango pizza

watermelon Countable nouns carrot

grape vegetable


Uncountable nouns sugar

soup bread






貴子弟在何嘉仁英語課程Step Ahead 第四級(SA4)將至期末;這次國立台 灣師範大學學術研究單位與何嘉仁文教機構合作,針對您的孩子實施在網路多媒體 環境下實施英文教材課程教授,我們將以Step Ahead 第五級(SA5)相關課文 Patty Goes Shopping 故事閱讀、可數與不可數名詞文法為此次實施教學內容。


而此次課程內容設計為資深傑出外籍教師、中籍教師與美術編輯共同研發編輯,將 有助於學生們英語學習之教材內容。除此之外,於此次課程實施前,利用課餘時安 排英語學習風格量表填寫,了解孩子們的學習風格,以利找出更加適合他們的教材 內容,讓英語學習更有成效!


國立台灣師範大學工業科技教育系副教授 蘇照雅 國立台灣師範大學工業科技教育系研究生 楊大鋒 何嘉仁文教機構 分校




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