• 沒有找到結果。



Academic year: 2021



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The purpose of this survey is to understand the services of university and college counseling centers across Taiwan, as a reference to comprehend the current status. This survey originates from the International Association of Counseling Services (IACS), and has been translated, simplified, and adjusted. The information you provide will be for academic use only with no individual analysis. Please answer all the questions truthfully. It is suggested that the survey be filled out by the center’s director or an appointed full-time professional counseling staff. Please place the completed survey in the return envelop, and mail it back before August 15, 2006. If you have any questions or uncertainties about the survey, please contact the researcher at 0913-275-028 or e-mail lil_ic@yahoo.com. Your support and assistance are very important to this research.

Thank you for your time and help.

National Taiwan Normal University Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling Advisor: Dr. Josh Chia-Hsin Lin Researcher: Lily I-Chien Lo July 2006

[Basic Information]

Ø Name of Institute:_____________________________________________________________

Ø Name of Center:______________________________________________________________

Ø Date:_______________________________________________________________________

Ø Name:______________________________________________________________________

Ø Title:_______________________________________________________________________


Ø Contact Number:______________________________________________________________

Ø E-mail:______________________________________________________________________

Ø Region of Belonging: □ Uncertain

□ First Northern Region □ Second Northern Region

□ Central Region □ Southern Region

Ø Student Body: Daytime___________; Evening___________; Continuing Studies___________



1. Does the Center remains neutral and independent in its functions? □ Yes □ No □ Uncertain 2. Administrative level of the Center: □ First Degree □ Second Degree □ Other__________

3. What is the Center’s level of interaction with the following units of the institute?

- health services □ High □ Medium □ Low - career development/placement □ High □ Medium □ Low - academic advising □ High □ Medium □ Low - academic support/tutoring □ High □ Medium □ Low - special education □ High □ Medium □ Low - overseas and international students □ High □ Medium □ Low - drillmaster’s office □ High □ Medium □ Low - residence hall/dormitory □ High □ Medium □ Low - faculty/academic unit □ High □ Medium □ Low - community mental health services □ High □ Medium □ Low - clubs/religious organizations □ High □ Medium □ Low - campus security □ High □ Medium □ Low - other__________ □ High □ Medium □ Low

4. Does the Center have promotional or publicity efforts? □ Yes □ No □ Uncertain 5. To whom is the Center administratively responsible?

□ President □ Chief Student Affairs Officer □ Other__________

6. Level of support from upper administrative unit: □ High □ Medium □ Low 7. Is budgetary support for the Center adequate? □ Yes □ No □ Uncertain

[PART TWO] COUNSELING SERVICES ROLES AND FUNCTIONS 1. Does the Center provide the following services?

- individual counseling □ Yes □ No □ Uncertain

- group counseling □ Yes □ No □ Uncertain

- crisis intervention/emergency □ Yes □ No □ Uncertain

- outreach program □ Yes □ No □ Uncertain

- consultation □ Yes □ No □ Uncertain

- research participation □ Yes □ No □ Uncertain

- professional development/training □ Yes □ No □ Uncertain

2. The Center’s total hours in service each week: __________hours


3. What client populations does the Center serve? (select all that applies)

□ students □ faculty □ staff □ alumni □ public □ other__________

4. Does the Center’s incorporate the following services?

- psychological assessment □ Yes □ No □ Uncertain - academic advising □ Yes □ No □ Uncertain - academic support/tutoring □ Yes □ No □ Uncertain - career advising □ Yes □ No □ Uncertain - career development □ Yes □ No □ Uncertain - learning skills □ Yes □ No □ Uncertain - other__________ □ Yes □ No □ Uncertain 5. Does the Center maintain a library of counseling/psychotherapy materials?

□ Yes □ No □ Uncertain

* If answered yes, is the library updated regularly? □ Yes □ No □ Uncertain 6. Does the Center maintain a library of career development materials?

□ Yes □ No □ Uncertain

* If answered yes, is the library updated regularly? □ Yes □ No □ Uncertain

7. Besides the Center, are there other agencies within or near the institute that provide crisis intervention and emergency service?

- within the institute □ Yes □ No □ Uncertain - near the institute □ Yes □ No □ Uncertain

8. Are referral resources well-utilized between the institute and the community?

□ Yes □ No □ Uncertain

9. Are psychiatric resources available through the Center? □ Yes □ No □ Uncertain 10. Does the Center provide the following outreach interventions?

- workshops □ Yes □ No □ Uncertain - presentations □ Yes □ No □ Uncertain - informational programs □ Yes □ No □ Uncertain - credited courses □ Yes □ No □ Uncertain - self-help resources □ Yes □ No □ Uncertain - minority/non-traditional students □ Yes □ No □ Uncertain

11. Is the Center involved in any committees within the institute regarding student rights and advocacy (eg. student appeal, gender equality)? □ Yes □ No □ Uncertain

12. Are referral resources available within the institution and the local community to meet the

needs of students whose problems are outside the scope of services provided by the Center?


- within the institute □ Yes □ No □ Uncertain - local community □ Yes □ No □ Uncertain

13. Is the Center involved in academic or research publishing? □ Yes □ No □ Uncertain 14. Does the Center conduct regular evaluation of its services? □ Yes □ No □ Uncertain

* If answered yes, does the Center uses comparative data from other institutions in the evaluation process? □ Yes □ No □ Uncertain

15. Does the Center provide for the training and supervision of practicum/internship students?

□ Yes □ No □ Uncertain

* If answered yes, approximately what percentage of the Center’s direct counseling service is provided by the trainees? __________%

16. Does the Center provide trainings for staff or professional development items listed below?

- individual supervision □ Regularly □ Irregularly □ No □ Uncertain - group supervision □ Regularly □ Irregularly □ No □ Uncertain - case conference □ Regularly □ Irregularly □ No □ Uncertain - Center meeting □ Regularly □ Irregularly □ No □ Uncertain - training/workshop/seminars □ Regularly □ Irregularly □ No □ Uncertain - off-campus/community seminars □ Regularly □ Irregularly □ No □ Uncertain - general supervision □ Regularly □ Irregularly □ No □ Uncertain


1. Does the Center’s procedure for training include agency policies and ethical/legal issues?

□ Yes □ No □ Uncertain

2. Does the Center have written statement on policies regarding handling of imminent danger?

□ Yes □ No □ Uncertain

3. What information is included in a case folder? (select all that applies)

□ client’s basic information □ counseling consent form □ intake record

□ counseling record □ other__________

4. Are hard copy case records kept in locked file cabinets? □ Yes □ No □ Uncertain 5. Does the Center have written statement on the policy that case records belong to the Center?

□ Yes □ No □ Uncertain

6. Does the Center have written statement on the policy regarding the disposing of confidential materials? □ Yes □ No □ Uncertain

7. How long is the case records maintained at the Center? __________years

8. Does the Center computerize its client data and case records? □ Yes □ No □ Uncertain



- name of director:______________________________

- education level: □ Ph. D □ Master’s □ Bachelor □ Other__________

- degree in counseling or related field: □ Yes □ No - licensed: □ Yes □ No

2. Full-time professional staff: total of__________ person(s) (omit the question if none) - number of staff licensed: __________ person(s)

- education level: Ph. D _______ person(s); Master’s _______ person(s);

Bachelor _______ persons(s); Other _______ person(s) - average work hours per person each week: __________ hours

- average workload distribution per person: professional service _______ %;

administrative work _______ %; other _______ %

3. Part-time professional staff: total of __________ person(s) (omit the question if none) - number of staff licensed: __________ person(s)

- education level: Ph. D _______ person(s); Master’s _______ person(s);

Bachelor _______ persons(s); Other _______ person(s) - average work hours per person each week: __________ hours

- average workload distribution per person: professional service _______ %;

administrative work _______ %; other _______ %

4. Full-time trainee: total of __________ person(s) (omit the question if none) - number of staff licensed: __________ person(s)

- current education level: Ph. D _______ person(s); Master’s _______ person(s);

Bachelor _______ persons(s); Other _______ person(s) - average work hours per person each week: __________ hours

- average workload distribution per person: professional service _______ %;

administrative work _______ %; other _______ %

5. Part-time trainee: total of __________ person(s) (omit the question if none) - number of staff licensed: __________ person(s)

- current education level: Ph. D _______ person(s); Master’s _______ person(s);

Bachelor _______ persons(s); Other _______ person(s) - average work hours per person each week: __________ hours

- average workload distribution per person: professional service _______ %;


administrative work _______ %; other _______ %

6. Administrative staff: total of __________ person(s) (omit the question if none) - average work hours per person each week: __________ hours

7. Student assistants: total of __________ person(s) (omit the question if none) - average work hours per person each week: __________ hours

8. Other staff: total of __________ person(s) (omit the question if none)

- if any, please list job titles and average work hours per person each week

- title ________________________________________; average work hours _______ hours - title ________________________________________; average work hours _______ hours - title ________________________________________; average work hours _______ hours - title ________________________________________; average work hours _______ hours - title ________________________________________; average work hours _______ hours

[PART FIVE] CENTER’S LOCATION AND PHYSICAL FACILITIES 1. Does the Center’s location correspond with the following conditions?

- Center is located at the center of institute □ Yes □ No □ Uncertain - Center is separated from administrative offices □ Yes □ No □ Uncertain 2. Does the Center incorporate the following facilities?

- accessibility for disabilities □ Yes □ No □ Uncertain - sound-proof measures □ Yes □ No □ Uncertain

- reception area □ Yes □ No □ Uncertain

- secured file location □ Yes □ No □ Uncertain - counseling material library area □ Yes □ No □ Uncertain - career material library area □ Yes □ No □ Uncertain

- assessment room □ Yes □ No □ Uncertain

- adequate individual counseling rooms □ Yes □ No □ Uncertain - adequate group counseling rooms □ Yes □ No □ Uncertain - computer equipment □ Yes □ No □ Uncertain - recording/observational tools □ Yes □ No □ Uncertain

- homepage □ Yes □ No □ Uncertain

* If answered yes, please provide website address: ________________________________

This survey is completed. Please take the time to check if there are any unanswered

questions that need to be filled in. Thank you for your participation and assistance.




您好!這份問卷旨在瞭解台灣大專校院學生諮商輔導中心的服務內容,以作為了 解諮商輔導中心現況的參考。本問卷來自國際諮商服務學會(IACS),經翻譯


及修正而成。您填答的資料將作學術用途,不作個別分析,敬請依照真實情形,逐題 填答。本問卷建議由中心主任或指定之專任輔導老師填寫。填答完畢請將問卷放置於 回郵信封,並在 8 月 15 日前寄回。如果您對本問卷有疑問或不清楚的地方,請洽研究 生,電話:0913-275-028 或 E-mail:lil_ic@yahoo.com。您的支持與協助對於本研究 非常重要,懇請您撥冗填答,感謝您的協助!

國立台灣師範大學 教育心理與輔導研究所 指導教授 林家興 博士 研究生 羅怡倩 敬啟 民國九十五年七月


Ø 學校名稱:_________________________________________________

Ø 中心名稱:_________________________________________________

Ø 填寫日期:_________________________________________________

Ø 填寫人姓名:_______________________________________________

Ø 填寫人職稱:_______________________________________________

Ø 聯絡電話:_________________________________________________

Ø E-mail:__________________________________________________

Ø 所屬大專校院區域: □ 不確定

□ 北一區大專校院 □ 北二區大專校院

□ 中區大專校院 □ 南區大專校院

Ø 全校學生人數:日間部________人、夜間部________人、進修部_______人



一、中心的運作是否能夠維持中立性及獨立性? □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定

二、中心的單位層級: □ 一級單位 □ 二級單位 □ 其他,請說明:__________


- 健康中心/保健室 □ 互動密切 □ 互動普通 □ 互動很少

- 生涯發展/就業輔導組 □ 互動密切 □ 互動普通 □ 互動很少

- 升學輔導單位 □ 互動密切 □ 互動普通 □ 互動很少

- 課業輔導單位 □ 互動密切 □ 互動普通 □ 互動很少

- 特教中心 □ 互動密切 □ 互動普通 □ 互動很少

- 僑生及外籍生輔導組 □ 互動密切 □ 互動普通 □ 互動很少

- 教官室 □ 互動密切 □ 互動普通 □ 互動很少

- 宿舍 □ 互動密切 □ 互動普通 □ 互動很少

- 教師/學術單位 □ 互動密切 □ 互動普通 □ 互動很少

- 社區心理健康機構 □ 互動密切 □ 互動普通 □ 互動很少

- 校園社團/宗教組織 □ 互動密切 □ 互動普通 □ 互動很少

- 校警隊 □ 互動密切 □ 互動普通 □ 互動很少

- 其他____________ □ 互動密切 □ 互動普通 □ 互動很少

四、中心是否實施機構服務的宣導? □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定

五、中心主管對誰負責? □ 校長 □ 學務長 □ 其他,請說明:__________

六、中心上級主管對中心的支持程度: □ 高 □ 中 □ 低 □ 不確定 七、中心經費是否足夠維持運作及符合學生的需求? □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定



- 個別諮商 □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定

- 團體諮商 □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定

- 危機處理/緊急服務 □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定

- 預防推廣 □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定

- 諮詢 □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定


- 研究參與 □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定

- 專業發展/在職訓練 □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定


三、中心服務對象包括(可複選) :

□ 學生 □ 教師 □ 職員工 □ 校友 □ 社區民眾

□ 其他,請說明:__________


- 心理測驗 □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定

- 升學輔導 □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定

- 課業輔導 □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定

- 就業輔導 □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定

- 生涯發展 □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定

- 學習技巧 □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定

- 其他__________ □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定

五、中心是否備有心理諮商相關圖書期刊提供閱覽? □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定

*如答是,圖書期刊是否有定期更新? □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定

六、中心是否備有生涯發展相關圖書期刊提供閱覽? □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定

*如答是,圖書期刊是否有定期更新? □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定 七、除了中心之外,其他校內或鄰近校外機構是否提供危機處理和緊急服務?

- 校內 □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定

- 校外 □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定

八、學校與社區轉介資源是否暢通? □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定 九、是否可透過中心轉介精神醫療服務? □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定 十、中心是否提供以下預防推廣服務?

- 工作坊 □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定

- 專題演講 □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定

- 宣導活動 □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定

- 學分課程 □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定

- 心理健康資源(例:相關文章,場地借用) □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定

- 少數或特殊族群學生人口 □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定

十一、 中心是否參與和學生權益促進相關的校內委員會(如:學生申訴,兩性平等)?


□ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定

十二、 當學生問題超出中心服務範圍時,中心是否提供以下轉介?

- 校內轉介資源 □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定

- 校外轉介資源 □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定

十三、 中心是否發表學術著作或論文? □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定 十四、 中心是否進行定期的自我評鑑? □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定 *如答是,中心在評鑑過程中,是否與其他學校做比較?

□ 是 □ 否 □ 不明確

十五、 中心是否提供全職或兼職實習訓練與督導? □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定 *如答是,中心個案量的多少百分比由實習生接案?__________%

十六、 中心是否提供以下在職訓練/專業發展項目?

- 個別督導 □ 定期實施 □ 不定期實施 □ 否 □ 不確定

- 團體督導 □ 定期實施 □ 不定期實施 □ 否 □ 不確定

- 個案研討 □ 定期實施 □ 不定期實施 □ 否 □ 不確定

- 中心會議 □ 定期實施 □ 不定期實施 □ 否 □ 不確定

- 校內訓練/工作坊/講座 □ 定期實施 □ 不定期實施 □ 否 □ 不確定

- 校外/社區講座 □ 定期實施 □ 不定期實施 □ 否 □ 不確定

- 督導 □ 定期實施 □ 不定期實施 □ 否 □ 不確定


一、中心訓練內容是否包括專業倫理/法律議題? □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定 二、中心是否有規章說明關於立即危機事件的處理? □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定

三、中心個案資料夾/袋的內容包括(可複選) :

□ 個案基本資料 □ 諮商同意書 □ 初診紀錄 □ 晤談紀錄

□ 其他,請說明:________

四、中心的諮商紀錄是否放置於上鎖的櫃子中? □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定 五、中心是否有規章說明諮商紀錄屬於中心財產? □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定 六、中心是否有規章說明關於保密性資料的銷毀程序? □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定 七、中心對於諮商紀錄保存的年限為:__________年

八、中心是否使用電腦化個案資料管理系統? □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定




- 主管姓名:______________________________

- 學歷: □ 博士 □ 碩士 □ 學士 □ 其他,請說明__________

- 學歷是否為諮商或相關科系/所: □ 是 □ 否 - 是否領有心理師證照: □ 是 □ 否


- 領有心理師證照:__________人

- 學歷:博士_______人、碩士_______人、學士_______人、其他_______人 - 每人每週平均工作時數:__________小時

- 每人平均工作量百分比分配:專業服務_____%、行政工作_____%、其他____%


- 領有心理師證照:__________人

- 學歷:博士_______人、碩士_______人、學士_______人、其他_______人 - 每人每週平均工作時數:__________小時

- 每人平均工作量百分比分配:專業服務_____%、行政工作_____%、其他____%

四、全職實習生:共計人數__________人 (若無,請略過本題)

- 領有心理師證照:__________人

- 學歷:博士班______人、碩士班______人、學士班______人、其他______人 - 每人每週平均工作時數:__________小時

- 每人平均工作量百分比分配:專業服務_____%、行政工作_____%、其他____%


- 領有心理師證照:__________人

- 學歷:博士班______人、碩士班______人、學士班______人、其他______人 - 每人每週平均工作時數:__________小時

- 每人平均工作量百分比分配:專業服務_____%、行政工作_____%、其他____%


- 每人每週平均工作時數:__________小時


- 每人每週平均工作時數:__________小時



- 若有,請列出各職稱及每人每週平均工作時數(如欄位不足,請另外加貼) :

- 職稱:____________________________________


- 職稱:____________________________________


- 職稱:____________________________________


- 職稱:____________________________________


- 職稱:____________________________________




- 中心位於校園中央的位置 □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定

- 中心遠離其他的行政單位 □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定


- 殘障人士出入口 □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定

- 隔音措施 □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定

- 等候區 □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定

- 檔案櫃子位置安全 □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定

- 諮商資料圖書室/區 □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定

- 生涯資料圖書室/區 □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定

- 心理測驗室 □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定

- 足夠的個別諮商室 □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定

- 足夠的團體輔導室 □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定

- 電腦設備 □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定

- 錄音/錄影設備 □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定

- 網頁 □ 是 □ 否 □ 不確定







Revised April, 2000

Accrediting Board Members: Vivian Boyd, Ph.D., Chairperson; Edward Hattauer, Ph.D., Vice Chair;

James Spivack, Ph.D.; Spencer Deakin, Ph.D.; George Hurley, Ph.D.; Nancy Buckles, M.S.W.;

Charlene Erskine, Ph.D.; Geraldine Piorkowski, Ph.D.; Irvin W. Brandel, Ph.D.; R.B. Simono, Ph.D.; Linda L. Locher, Ph.D.; Catherine M. Steel, Ph.D.; Charles Davidshofer, Ph.D.

The accreditation standards outlined in the article are used by the International Association of Counseling Services as the basis for the formal accreditation of college and university counseling programs throughout the United States, Canada, and Australia. They reflect the program elements and practice standards that are deemed essential in a counseling center that provides high-quality services to students.

University and college counseling services have played a vital role in higher education for many years. (Note. For the purposes of this document, the terms services and centers are interchangeable.) In the last three decades, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of campus counseling services and the multiplicity of functions that are performed. Guidelines for university and college counseling services were first developed in 1970 by a task force of counseling center directors chaired by Barbara Kirk (Kirk et al., 1971). Its work originated from an earlier draft developed by a committee of the Canadian University Counseling Association chaired by Robert I, Hudson. Guidelines were extensively revised in 1981 by a committee of the University and College Counseling Centers Board of Accreditation of the International Association of Counseling Services (IACS) chaired by Kenneth F. Garni (Garni et al., 1982). The 1981 revision reflected the evolving role, functions and changes in the professional practices of university and college counseling services in the preceding decade. The revision of 1991 (revised in 1991 and published in 1994; Kiracofe et al., 1994) marked a change from providing accreditation guidelines to the establishment of standards for accreditation. It also updated professional practice changes that have occurred in counseling centers in recent years. This present revision of 2000 amends the Standards to include (a) a provision on counseling services merged with other campus units, such as career services and health services; (b) a provision on the ethical use of more recent technology in counseling services; and (c) further specification, elaboration and clarification of the Standards.




Counseling services are an integral part of the educational mission of the institution and support the mission in a variety of ways, such as consultation, teaching, preventive and developmental interventions, and treatment. They provide clinical and counseling services to clients who are experiencing stress due to academic, career, or personal problems that may interfere with their ability to take full advantage of the educational opportunities before them. Counselors are also involved in consultation with faculty and staff, student needs advocacy, program development, teaching, outreach programming, retention activities, and research and evaluation that support the efforts of faculty and staff in enhancing the university environment.

Although the relationship of the counseling service to other units within the institution will vary according to organizational structure and individual campus needs, it is critically important that the service be administratively neutral. If it is perceived as being linked with units that are involved in making admissions, disciplinary, curricular, or other administrative decisions, this can severely restrict the use of the service. Such perceptions may prevent students from seeking services for fear that information they disclose may negatively affect their college careers.

Typically, counseling services are administratively housed in the student affairs unit of the institution and are acknowledged as a valuable component of the overall student services effort.

To achieve this recognition, counselors must develop an extensive network of institutional and community relationships. Close linkages should be forged with academic units, campus student service offices, and sources of referral and consultation. Solid working relationship must be maintained with campus and community medical services and with community mental health services, in order to accommodate clients who have medical problems or who require hospitalization. Counseling service professionals should work with faculty and administrators to promote the goal of psychological and emotional development in many aspects of campus life.

Finally, it is essential that the counseling service works closely with the chief student affairs officer and other key administrators to ensure the accomplishment of institutional goals and objectives. The chief student affairs officer, as well as other senior administrative staff, should be fully aware of and appropriately supportive of the complex role of the counseling service.

Although the counseling service works in a cooperative manner with members of the campus community, it is important to emphasize the unique role that it plays within the institution.

Specifically, it provides services such as crisis intervention, individual and group psychotherapy, career development, and consultation with the campus community about student characteristics and development. In addition, counseling professionals often provide a needed perspective for campus administrators in maintaining an appropriate balance between an administrative and a humanistic approach in managing distressed students.



The counseling service should play three essential roles in serving the university and college community. The most prominent is providing counseling and/or therapy to students experiencing personal adjustment, vocational, developmental and/or psychological problems that require professional attention. Second is the preventive role of assisting students in identifying and learning skills and will assist them in effectively meeting their educational and life goals. The third role involves supporting and enhancing the healthy growth and development of students through consultation and outreach to the campus community.

A counseling service must include an appropriate range of activities to be eligible for accreditation. Agencies whose services are limited to the following areas are not eligible to be accredited: academic advising, placement services, tutorial programs, academic skills training (e.g., developmental reading services, learning centers), and drug and alcohol programs. It should be noted, however, that many accredited counseling services include some or all of the aforementioned activities in their programs.

To be eligible for accreditation, a counseling service must provide the following program functions:

1. Individual and Group Counseling/Psychotherapy

Counseling services must provide individual and group counseling and therapy services that are responsive to the diverse population of students experiencing ongoing or situational psychological or behavioral difficulties. These direct service activities should meet the following criteria:

a. Individual and/or group counseling and psychotherapy should be provided for education, career, personal, developmental and relationship issues.

b. Psychological tests and other assessment techniques should be used as needed, to foster client self-understanding and decision making and to determine the most effective intervention strategies possible within the limits of available resources.

c. Staff should have the necessary training to meet the diverse needs of students.

d. Regular evaluation of the effectiveness of the services must be conducted.

e. All staff must adhere to the ethical principles of their disciplines.

f. Services provided by interns, practicum students, and paraprofessionals must receive close supervision by qualified personnel and be in compliance with professional training standards and state or provincial statutes.

2. Crisis Intervention and Emergency Services

Counseling services must provide crisis intervention and emergency coverage, either directly or through cooperative arrangements with other resources on campus and in the surrounding area.

Psychiatric resources must be available to the service, either on campus or in the community.

Counseling services should provide emergency services for students who are experiencing

acute emotional distress, are a danger to self or others, or are in need of immediate hospitalization.


Such services may be provided by other agencies on campus or in the surrounding community. In such cases, counseling service staff need to work closely with other service providers to ensure that the resources are adequate and effectively used.

3. Outreach Interventions

Counseling services must provide programming, focused on the developmental needs of students, that maximizes their potential to benefit from an academic experience. The counseling service must offer preventive and developmental interventions for students. Programs should be developed and provided that help students acquired new knowledge, skills, and behaviors;

encourage positive and realistic self-appraisal; foster personal, academic, and career choices;

enhance the ability to relate mutually and meaningfully with other; and increase the capacity to engage in a personally satisfying and effective style of living. These programs should be designed to meet the needs of students; be responsive to sexual orientation, racial, cultural, disability, and ethnic diversity among students; and reach students who are less likely to make use of traditional counseling services.

4. Consultation Interventions

Counseling services must provide consultative services to members of the university community that make the environment as beneficial to the intellectual, emotional and physical development of students as possible. The counseling service must play an active role in interpreting and, when appropriate, advocating for the needs of students to administrators, faculty, and staff of the institution. The service should also identify and address issues and problems in the environment that may impede the progress of students.

Consultation services provided by the center should meet the following guidelines:

a. Consultation regarding individual students should be provided as needed to faculty and other appropriate campus personnel within the bounds of the confidential counseling relationship.

b. Consultation may be provided to parents, spouses, and other agencies that are involved with students as long as confidentiality requirements are met.

A counseling service should not be solely responsible for administrative decisions about students.

5. Referral Resources

Counseling services must provide referral resources within the institution and the local community to meet the needs of students whose problems are outside the scope of services of the counseling center.

6. Research

An integral responsibility of the counseling service is to conduct ongoing evaluation and


accountability research, to determine the effectiveness of its services, and to improve the quality of services.

Services must adhere to the following:

a. Counseling services must abide by professional ethical standards as well as expectations developed by university groups responsible for overseeing research. Ultimate responsibility for the establishment and maintenance of accepted ethical practices shall reside with the individual researcher and the director of the counseling service.

b. The counseling service should contribute to studies of student characteristics and follow-up studies of student progress in various programs.

c. Counseling services should be involved with students and faculty who wish to conduct individual research on student characteristics or on the influence of specific student development programs. Such activities must be in compliance with appropriate professional ethical standards as well as institutional research board requirements.

d. The counseling service should make every effort to contribute to the fields of counseling, psychology, and other relevant professions (e.g., student personnel services, social work) through research and other scholarly endeavors.

7. Program Evaluation

There must be a regular review of the counseling service based on data from center evaluation efforts. When possible, it is desirable to include comparative data from other institutions in the evaluation process.

8. Training

Counseling centers must provide training, professional development, and continuing education experiences for staff and trainees. Training and supervision of others (paraprofessionals, practicum students, predoctoral interns, postdoctoral psychology resident/fellows, etc.) are appropriate and desirable responsibilities of counseling services. Although training and supervision are legitimate functions, they should not supersede the primary service role of the agency.

The following guidelines pertain to training:

a. Graduate student trainees and paraprofessionals should be selected carefully and supervised closely by experienced, qualified personnel in a manner consistent with professional training standards and state and provincial statutes.

b. Cases assigned to trainees must be related to their present level of training and competency to ensure quality services to students.

c. All staff members are to be afforded regular opportunities to upgrade their skills. Such

training may occur through case conferences, workshops sponsored by the center, and/or the

provision of time and/or resources for staff members to attend workshops and conferences.



Professional ethical practice forms the cornerstone of the counseling service. Maintaining ethical standards and abiding by related laws in the administration of a counseling center is a very complex and important task. Clear definitions of ethical and legal questions are not universally applicable, so an understanding of ethical codes and relevant case and statute law is essential.

Counseling center staff should have access to legal counsel when necessary and should be well informed regarding legal issues. Staff members must maintain strict adherence to the ethical principles, standards, and guidelines of the American Psychological Association (1978, 1981, 1982), the American College Personnel Association (1988), the American Counseling Association (1995), the Canadian Psychological Association (1986), the National Association of Social Workers (1979), and so forth. Agency operating procedures should be congruent with these standards and in no way abridge or contravene an individual staff member’s ethical obligations and privileges. [See Reference section on ethical statements and professional guidelines.]

1. Support and other staff must be selected carefully and trained thoroughly regarding appropriate agency policies and procedures.

2. The confidential nature of the counseling relationship must be consistent with professional ethical standards and with local, state, provincial and federal guidelines and state statutes.

Information should be released only at the request or concurrence of a client who has full and informed knowledge of the nature of the information that is being released. Appropriate information is then to be released selectively and only to qualified recipients. Instances of statutory limits to confidentiality and other appropriate restrictions (e.g., policies related to observation, audiotaping, and videotaping) need to be clearly articulated and implemented only after careful professional consideration.

3. When the condition of the client is indicative of clear and imminent danger to self or others, counseling service professionals must take reasonable personal action that may involve informing responsible authorities and, when possible and appropriate, consulting with other professionals. In such cases, counseling service professionals must be cognizant of existing ethical principles, relevant statutes, and local mental health guidelines that may stipulate the limits of confidentiality, ordinarily including, but not limited to, the following: statutes that require the reporting of child abuse and other forms of abuse; statutes and/or case law that stipulate making appropriate notification when client and/or others are at risk.

4. Procedures regarding the preparation, use, and distribution of psychological tests must be consistent with professional standards. [See Reference section on ethical statements and professional guidelines.]

5. Standards regarding research with human subjects must be maintained. Review procedures for

proposed research should be established to ensure that research efforts do not interfere with

service delivery responsibilities of the counseling service. [See Reference section on ethical

statements and professional guidelines.]


6. Systematic case records must be maintained as required by professional standards and applicable statues. The record must include all pertinent clinical documentation such as intake and assessment information, case notes, a termination summary, results of any tests or inventories, and so forth. If records are computerized or if computerized billing is used in the center, confidentiality of data files must be ensured. Confidentiality and appropriate handling of information and records must be reflected in the collection, classification, and maintenance of the data; administrative security; and in dissemination of information regarding clients.

Records must be secure and should be kept in a central area. Hard copy records must be stored in a secure area, typically in locked file cabinets. In the case of computerized records, password protection and other physical safeguards must be in place to ensure the confidentiality of stored material. Regardless of the case record form used by the center, all case records are the property of the counseling service.

7. Procedures for the disposition of client and agency records should be consistent with professional standards, college and university guidelines, and relevant statutes. The complete record should be maintained for a minimum of 7 years from the last date of service.

8. Access to counseling records must be limited to counseling center personnel. An informed, signed release of information must be obtained from the client before records or other counseling information can be shared with any other individual, office, or department.

9. Staff members must be knowledgeable about and function in a manner consistent with relevant civil and criminal laws. They should be aware of the obligations and limitations imposed on the institution by national, regional and local constitutional, statutory, regulatory, and institutional policy.

10. Technology

Counseling center must demonstrate a basic understanding of technology prior to adopting any new technology for use. It is recognized that counseling centers may need to rely on professional who are not psychologists to provide technical assistance. Professionals providing technical assistance should be given training concerning issues regarding confidentiality.

a. Computerized client data and case records must be secured in a way that will prevent unauthorized access. Clients must be informed that confidential information about their treatment is stored on the center’s computer.

b. Electronic mail (e-mail) is not a safe means to transmit confidential information. If e-mail is used to communicate with a client or transmit information, an informed consent must be used that explains the inherent technology risks to confidentiality.

c. Counseling centers that use fax machines to transmit confidential information must develop a system to secure the faxed material from unauthorized access. If a fax machine is used to transmit confidential information, an informed consent must be used.

d. Cordless and cellular telephones should not be used to communicate confidential




Counseling and psychotherapy functions are performed by professionals with at least a master’s degree from disciplines such as counseling psychology, clinical psychology, counselor education, psychiatry , and social work.

Both professional staff members and trainees should have access to necessary consultation resources. Assistance should be available in areas such as psychopharmacology, psychological assessment, case management, and program development. Specialists in psychiatry, learning disabilities, law, occupational information, and substance abuse are important resource professionals for the counseling staff as well.

It is expected that professional staff members be accorded rights and privileges consistent with university or college faculty. This may include tenure (or its equivalent) and the opportunity for representation on university governing bodies. Sabbatical, educational, or professional leaves should also be available wherever possible.

1. Director

a. Qualifications and Competencies

1) The director should have an earned doctorate from an regionally accredited university in counseling psychology, clinical psychology, counselor education, or other closely related discipline.

2) The director must have had an internship or equivalent in which she/he received supervision for counseling and psychotherapy activities, preferably with a diverse college student population 3) Before being named director, a person should have a minimum of 3 years experience as a staff

member in a clinical and/or counseling setting, at least 1 year of which should be in a clinical and/or administrative supervisory capacity.

4) The director should have abilities and attributes that enable effective representation of mental health issues in the university or college community; the director should have personal qualities and skills that enable effective interaction with, and the ability to gain the respect of, counseling staff, colleagues, administrators, faculty, staff, and students.

5) The director should hold appropriate state or provincial licensure, registration, or certification within a 2-year period of her/his appointment.

b. Equivalency Criteria: Nondoctoral Directors

For a doctoral equivalency waiver to be considered by the IACS University and College Counseling Centers’ Board of Accreditation, nondoctoral directors must meet the following criteria:

a. Hold a master’s degree in an appropriate field.

b. Have completed a supervised field placement as part of the requirement for the master’s degree

that provided ongoing counseling and psychotherapy experiences, preferably with a college



c. Have had graduate-level academic training in clinical and professional functioning such as diagnosis and assessment, psychotherapy and counseling practice, ethical and professional issues, supervision, diversity, and research.

d. Have had a minimum of 5 years of experience as a staff member in a clinical and/or counseling setting, at least 2 of which should be in a clinical and/or administrative supervisory capacity.

e. Be able to provide evidence of involvement with and commitment to educational and professional development.

f. Have a licensed, registered, or certified professional in the counseling service who has a doctorate in counseling psychology, clinical psychology, counselor education, or related discipline and who is directly involved in the delivery of counseling services and responsible for the supervision of the clinical activities of the agency.

c. Duties

1) Overall administration and coordination of the resources and activities of the center including strategic planning and goal setting, identification and attainment of service objectives, resource allocation, program and/or services evaluation and research, counseling, psychotherapy, outreach, consultation, and preventive mental health activities. With the staff, the director develops and implements philosophy, policies, and procedures for counseling service operations.

2) Coordination, recruitment, training, supervision, development, and evaluation of professional, non-professional, and support staff.

3) Preparation and administration of counseling center budget, the development of annual reports, and other reports and documents representing and advocating for the needs of the counseling center and the psychological and developmental needs of the university community.

4) Responsibility for providing crisis intervention, counseling and/or therapy, clinical supervision, outreach, and consultation services to the university community, as defined by administrative policies and procedures.

5) Participation in university or college policy formation and program development; providing consultation and education to the university community regarding psychological and developmental issues.

6) Service on college or university committees.

7) Administration of procedures that monitor the quality of counseling and/or clinical services rendered by the center.

8) Leadership in representing the center to other campus units.

2. Professional Staff

a. Qualifications and Competencies

1) Professional staff members should have a terminal degree. The minimum qualification for a


staff member is a master’s degree in relevant discipline from a regionally accredited institution of higher education.

2) Documentation of supervised experience at the graduate level in the counseling of college-age students must be provided.

3) Professional staff must have had appropriate course work at the graduate level and demonstrate knowledge, skills, and abilities in psychological assessment, theories of personality, abnormal psychology or psychopathology, human development, learning theory, learning theory, counseling theory, and/or other appropriate subjects.

4) Professional staff must have had a supervised internship, clinical field placement, or practicum experience with diverse populations as part of the degree requirement.

5) Doctoral-level staff must have a degree in counseling psychology, clinical psychology, counselor education, or other closely related discipline and should be licensed/certified to practice within their specialty. Nondoctoral staff should be appropriately licensed/certified or registered according to their level of education, training, and professional experience as determined by state regulations.

6) Professional staff must demonstrate knowledge of principles of program development, consultation, outreach, developmental theories of the adolescent and adult and be able to understand the person in the context of a diverse social and cultural milieu.

7) Professional staff should have personal attributes that enable them to facilitate effective interpersonal relationships and to communicate with a wide range of students, faculty, staff, and administrators.

8) When a staff member has the responsibility for the clinical supervision of other professional staff members or of graduate student trainees, the staff member must hold a doctorate or have an appropriate master’s degree and experience in the training of other professionals.

9) In those instances in which a staff member does not meet the above minimum qualifications, the Board of Accreditation will examine, on a case-by-case basis, any appeal to justify this individual’s commensurate qualifications.

b. Duties

1) Provide individual and group counseling and/or psychotherapy, assessment, and crisis intervention services.

2) Design and conduct developmental and outreach program activities.

3) Provide consultation services, as requested, to student groups, faculty, and staff within the university.

4) Participate in research and service evaluation activities.

5) Provide necessary training and supervision to paraprofessionals, graduate trainees, and postdoctoral fellows/residents.

6) Perform other assigned functions that contribute to the service offerings of the center and the

academic mission of the institution (e.g., teaching, committee work, liaison with academic or


administrative units, participation in university program development).

3. Other Center Administrative Staff

Centers develop administrative structures based on size and need. Individuals appointed to fill positions such as associate director or assistant director, or training director, should have relevant experience and expertise to fulfill the duties assigned to these roles.

4. Trainees

When graduate-level trainees (predoctoral interns, externs, practicum students, field placements) are used in the delivery of counseling center services and program, their work must be closely supervised in accordance with the trainee’s professional specialty and state, regional, provincial and/or national standards and statutes. Responsibility for the placement, the supervision of the trainee’s work, assignment of clinical and/or counseling responsibilities, and quality assurance of the program lies with the trainee’s supervisor(s), the training director of the counseling center (if available), and ultimately the director of the counseling center.

a. Types of Trainees 1) Predoctoral interns:

The term is reserved for those individuals completing either a full-time (40 hours per week for 1 year) or half-time (20 hours per week for 2 years) predoctoral internship that is an established and integral part of the agency mission, that is sequential and cumulative in nature and builds on the experience obtained at the agency, and that is both an intensive and extensive learning experience. Supervision of predoctoral interns should be regularly scheduled; at a minimum, a full-time intern should receive 4 hours of supervision per week, at least 2 of which should be face-to-face individual supervision (half-time interns prorated accordingly).

2) Practicum students, externs, supervised field placements, and so forth:

These terms apply to those trainees who are obtaining training and supervision, either as part of an academic practicum or on a voluntary basis, to obtain additional clinical/counseling experience. The center should provide an appropriate range of training, supervision, and learning experiences. These may be at the master’s, specialist’s or doctoral level and occur prior to the predoctoral internship.

3) Postdoctoral residents/fellows:

Postdoctoral residents/fellows need to have an opportunity to obtain advanced training and

education beyond the doctoral degree in preparation for practice in counseling, therapy, or

specialization in a practice area. Their training needs to be integrally connected to the

counseling center and consistent with the mission of the center and institution. Residencies are

typically 1 full year or 2 half-years and build on prior learning. As a result of this training,

residents should demonstrate advanced proficiency and skill in such areas as

assessment/diagnosis, treatment, outreach and consultation, program development and


implementation and evaluation, supervision, teaching, research, and administration. Regularly scheduled supervision should be integral to the training experience.

b. Duties: Trainees and Paraprofessionals

Professional trainees, such as interns, practicum students, as well as professional personnel, perform various functions in the counseling service appropriate to their training and experience.

1) Trainees

Materials describing professional (graduate student) trainees should include (1) number of trainees at various levels of training; (2) amount and content of training; (3) supervisor(s) and amount of supervision: (a) number of hours per week in direct supervision, (b) type of supervision (e.g., individual, group), and (c) qualifications of the supervisors; (4) scope of service functions performed; and (5) criteria for selection of trainees.

2) Paraprofessional Staff

A description of any paraprofessional program shall include the following: (1) number of paraprofessionals, (2) amount and content of their training, (3) supervisor(s) and amount of supervision, (4) service functions performed, and (5) criteria used for selection.

5. Support Staff

1. Clerical employees who deal directly with students should be selected carefully because they play an important role in the students’ impressions of the counseling service and often must follow decision-making protocols about student disposition.

2. Graduate assistants working at the center should have controlled access to clinical files or records. For example, trainees and graduate assistants should have access only to client records of students they see as clients and that are appropriate to their duties. Graduate research assistants may have access to files if identifiable information is coded.

3. Students (undergraduates) employed in the center should be selected carefully and trained sufficiently in confidentiality and privacy issues. They should be assigned tasks limited to their training that do not compromise the confidentiality of clients. Student-workers must not have access to client files and confidential office records and should not do client scheduling.

4. There should be an adequate number of trained support staff and effective use of technology to meet the center’s service load. Work tasks include receptionist duties, scheduling, data analysis, word processing, handling of any psychological tests or inventories, and billing. The use of student workers as office support workers should be minimized.

5. All support staff, including student workers, should be given training concerning (1) the operation and function of the counseling service, (2) the limits of their functioning within the counseling service, and (3) issues regarding confidentiality.



1. Professional Development

1. Ongoing professional development activities are an essential aspect of an effective counseling program. Both release time and budge resources should be made available to assist staff in these endeavors.

2. Staff members should hold membership in and participate in appropriate professional organizations.

3. Staff members should attend relevant campus colloquia and seminars and local, regional, provincial, and national professional meetings.

4. Staff members should be encouraged and supported in accepting leadership responsibilities within their respective local and national organizations.

5. The counseling service should maintain a continuous in-service training program, the chief features of which are supervision and consultation. Junior staff members should have the opportunity for continuing supervision and consultation from more highly trained and experienced staff members. It is highly desirable that additional in-service training be provided for all staff members, including activities such as case presentations, research reports, discussion of issues, and so forth. It is important that staff members be encouraged to participate in community activities related to their profession.

2. Staffing Practices

Staff members should be free of prejudice with respect to race, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, or physical challenge. The counseling service should demonstrate hiring practices that are consistent with the goals of equal opportunity/affirmative action.

3. Size of Staff

The human resources necessary for the effective operation of a counseling service depend, to a large degree, on the size and nature of the institution and the extent to which other mental health and student support resources are available in the area. The complexity of the service offerings and training programs also influences staffing needs. It is recommended that staff levels be continually monitored regarding student enrollment, service demands, and staff diversity to ensure that program objectives are being met.

a. Every effort should be made to maintain minimum staffing rations in the range of one full-time equivalent professional staff member (excluding trainees) to every 1,000 to 1,500 students, depending on services offered and other campus mental health agencies.

b. Support staff must be adequate to assume responsibility for all receptionist and secretarial duties necessary for the effective functioning of the counseling service.

c. Application from counseling services with fewer than two full-time equivalent professional staff

members shall not be approved because this would essentially place the Board of Accreditation

in the position of granting individual certification rather than agency accreditation.



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