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醫院公關人員職能探討 The Study On The Competency Of The Public Relation Practitioners in The Hospitals


Academic year: 2021

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The Study On The Competency Of The Public Relation Practitioners in The Hospitals


近年來,媒體的自由開放,企業開始重視自己在市場上的形象,也因此,公共關 係在組織行銷市場上日漸受到重視,而全球化與網際網路逐漸改變公關人員的工 作內容,公關人員從「傳出消息」的角色,轉變為橋樑建立者,同時必須為組織 蒐集和傳遞資訊。由此可知,醫院公關人員在醫院裡擔任的角色,也從單純地只 接受命令的「傳出消息」的角色轉變為橋樑建立者,同時也肩負了代表醫院形象、

推動行銷的重要任務。又因現今醫院的經營方式劇變,如何在有限的醫療給付制 度下獲得最大的生存空間,已是每家醫院刻不容緩的議題。種種環境變遷的因 素,再再提醒了我們公關人員的重要性及貢獻性。但是,環顧國內有關於醫院公 關人員的相關研究卻乏善可陳,本研究想藉由醫院公關人員職能建立為例,來探 討醫院公關人員所應具備的核心能力,冀望能由本研究結果提供給醫院相關人士 在公關人員選、育、留、用上的參考。

本研究結果顯示自變項與依變項之間並無太多的顯著差異,換言之,受測者對於 醫院公關人員所應具備能力的看法不會因為受測者本身的性別、年齡、最高學 歷、大學就讀科系、職務、是否擁有管理學學位、擔任目前職務的年資、以及受 測者所處醫院位置、受測者所處醫院層級別、受測者所處醫院是否設有專職公關 人員、受測者所處醫院公關工作由哪一部室負責等因素影響,也可以說,受測者 認為醫院公關人員皆應具備的「工作態度」、「人格特質」、「專業知識與技能」、「衝 擊與影響力」及「管理能力」等能力,因此亦可藉此根據,提供有意從事醫院公 關工作者自我培養能力的建議方向。

再者本研究對象為院長、副院長等醫院組織中的金字塔頂端人物,結果顯示出的 是長官對於醫院公關人員具備能力的要求,建議爾後研究可針對實際操作公關工 作的工作人員對於應具備能力的看法,以確實瞭解他們的職能要項,並可藉此比 較出差異性。而本研究依照不同的醫院等級、不同區域性質與不同受測者個人特




The business industry has paid more and more attention to their image management in the public market accompanied with the intense growth of mass media during these years. Respecting the fact that the public relation is important, more organizations make a point of doing public relation programs on the market. With globalization and the growth of internet, the duties of public relation practitioner have been changed.


Different from the previous role as an information transmitter, now the major role of public relation practitioner has transformed to establish a bridge between organization and society. In the meantime, public relation practitioner has to collect and transmit information for his/her organization. According of that, the role of public relation practitioner in hospital has been changed to a builder of the bridge of communication, and he/she has to take the responsibility of the image management and marketing also.

It’s an important issue that how to maximum the revenue in order to make survive under this strict payment of healthcare. How to maintain the good reputation and atttract more patients would be the harsh challenges and then lift the position of public relation practitioner accordingly. So far the literature did not cover the field among public relation practitioners that much; therefore, in this study, we attempt to study the central competency of public relation practitioner need to perform their job perfectly.

We found that there was no significantly difference between the competency and personal characteristics through statistic analysis. The result showed the competency of public relation practitioner would not be significantly different among different groups,such as gender, age, the college they went, administratorship, the

supervisorsship, the seniority of the present job, the location of hospital, the hierarchy of the hospital,and so on.

The result showed that job attitude, personality, professional knowledge and skills, impact and influence, and management ability were the important competency for public health practitioners. We advised the public relation practitioners could utilize the competency result for their own career planning scheme,and further utilize these criteria to select appoint and succession plan for public relation practitioners in human resource management practices.



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Corollary 13.3. For, if C is simple and lies in D, the function f is analytic at each point interior to and on C; so we apply the Cauchy-Goursat theorem directly. On the other hand,

Corollary 13.3. For, if C is simple and lies in D, the function f is analytic at each point interior to and on C; so we apply the Cauchy-Goursat theorem directly. On the other hand,