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Academic year: 2021

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ܴཥࣽמεᏢ ਠϣ஑ᚒࣴزीฝԋ݀ൔ֋





Design Research On Adapting <Love In A Fallen City>

Into Sexual Equality Education Curriculum



Design Research On Adapting <Love In A Fallen City> Into

Sexual Equality Education Curriculum


Love In A Fallen City, a famous fiction written by Eileen Chang, has been

adapted to highly acclaimed stage plays and movies several times. While love is

one of the three compulsory credits in college, it is important to learn how to run a

successful love affair. This study is designed to research on how to adapt the

literary work into sexual equality education courses curriculum, intend to integrate

into the concept of gender equality through lecturing literature work. Through the

course curriculum, share discussions with classmates regarding gender relations

and future issues such as operating marriage and introduction to literature classics,

it is hoped to enhance students’ literature appreciation capacity, understanding the

key concept of gender equality as well as providing substantial assistance to

students’ actual emotional experiences.

Key wordsΚ Love In A Fallen City, Gender Relations, Eileen Chang, Sexual

Equality In Education Curriculum Design



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12೶ຫࡾ୽Ητൕᚘލࠩᣌ៿Κᓵτႜৄհ᧐υFrom Repression to SubvesionΚOn ϚAll for LoveϛυΘΰπխ














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