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臺北自來水事業處及所屬工程總隊 103 年新進職員甄試試題 甄試類科:全【


Academic year: 2021

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臺北自來水事業處及所屬工程總隊 103 年新進職員甄試試題 甄試類科:全【F8901~F8907】 甄試職別:全



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本試卷為一張雙面,測驗題型分為【公文寫作 1 題,每題 40 分】與【四選一單選選擇題 30 題,

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【國文】佔 40 分


臺北自來水事業處為瞭解供水轄區(臺北市及新北市部分行政區)700多個里里長對該 處服務及施政作為之觀感及認同度,多年來全面推動拜訪所有里長,由各營業分處專員帶隊 親赴里辦公處進行專訪,透過懇談及問卷調查強化宣達該處服務及施政作為,並瞭解里長對 該處服務及施政之觀感及認同度,傾聽基層民意並積極回應各項建言,強化互動機制,使該 處施政更能貼近民意,獲得支持。統計歷年里長對該處整體服務表現表示滿意者高達95%,


參考以上資料,請代業務承辦人高立人撰擬臺北自來水事業處致所屬各營業分處函:為 暸解用戶對本處各項服務之觀感及建言,各營業分處應安排時程,賡續推動拜訪供水轄區內 所有里長,以強化互動機制。

【英文】佔 30 分


【2】1. Successful people have some _______ in common. They are diligent, enthusiastic, and optimistic.

 trades  traits  trains  trends

【4】2. For the first time in his life he wanted to be completely _______, with no one else interfering.

 incredible  incurable  indifferent  independent

【3】3. Winning the Nobel Prize is one of the highest _______ a writer can achieve.

 talents  medals  honors  evidences

【3】4. We don’t need to _______ what the future will hold; just focus on the present task.

 object  ignore  predict  produce

【2】5. They made a _______ to avoid the town center during rush hour.

 journey  detour  concession  compliment


【2】6. It is high time that we _______ proper care of the elderly and the poor.

 take  took  taking  have taken

【3】7. The Reynolds _______ to sell their two houses in order to pay their debts.

 oblige  obliged  were obliged  have obliged

【4】8. The fierce snake, _______ venom is extremely toxic, is found in Eastern Australia.

 its  that  which  whose

【1】9. There isn't _______ beer left. Someone drank the last bottle.

 any  some  many  much

【2】10. _______ recently has his stock portfolio produced the kind of returns that would allow him to retire comfortably.

 Thus  Only  While  Besides


The modern sailing ship was developed by a man who never went to sea. He was Prince Henry of Portugal, the younger son of the Portuguese King and an English princess. Prince Henry lived in the fifteenth century. As a boy he became devoted to the sea, and he dedicated himself to improving the design of ships and the methods of sailing them. In 1416, when he was twenty-two, Henry founded a school for mariners, to which he invited everyone who could help him—Jewish astronomers, Italian and Spanish sailors, and Arab mathematicians and map makers who knew to use the crude compass of the day and could improve it.

Henry’s goal was to design and equip vessels that would be capable of making long ocean voyages without having to hug the shore. The caravel carried more sail and was longer and slimmer than any ship then made, yet was tough enough to withstand gales at sea. He also developed the carrack, which was a slower ship. But it was the very one that was capable of carrying more cargo.

To Prince Henry the world owes credit for development of craft that made oceanic exploration possible. He lives in history as Henry the Navigator.

【4】11. What was the purpose for Prince Henry to start his school?

 Helping mariners.

 Improving his own skills as a sailor.

 Studying astronomy and mathematics.

 Improving ship design and sailing methods.

【2】12. The teachers in Prince Henry’s school seem to have been .

 members of the royal family

 astronomers, sailors and map makers

 shipbuilders

 ship owners

【1】13. Prince Henry’s goal was to design vessels that could .

 make long deep-sea voyages

 travel faster than those in use at that time

 explore the coastline of Portugal

 carry larger crews and more cargo than existing ones

【3】14. Compared with his caravel, Henry’s carrack was .

 longer and slimmer  able to carry more sail

 able to carry more cargo  shorter and faster

【2】15. Which of the Following is Prince Henry’s principal achievement?

 Improving the compass.

 Making oceanic exploration possible.

 Inventing the clipper ship.

 Founding a school for mariners.



【自來水法規(包含民法、消費者保護法、自來水法及其施行細則、臺北自來水事業處營業章程及消費性用水服 務契約)】佔 30 分





















【4】20.依消費者保護法規定,訂立定型化契約前,應有多少日以內之合理期間,供消費者審閱全部條款內 容?

 7 日

 10 日

 15 日

 30 日







【3】22.依自來水法規定,水質水量保護區依都市計畫程序劃定為水源特定區者,其土地應視限制程度減免 的稅捐,下列何者正確? A.土地增值稅 B.契稅 C.贈與稅 D.遺產稅

僅 ABC

僅 BCD

僅 ACD






































【3】30.依臺北自來水事業處消費性用水服務契約規定,該處因不可抗力之事由致停止供水連續超過多少小 時者,當月基本費按停水日數比例扣減?

 8 小時

 12 小時

 24 小時

 48 小時




五、 最遲應於甄試日前一週,於分署網站公告甄試資訊。甄試資


七、 應試者對於試題若有疑義,應於甄試 結束次日起三個工作日內、以及對於

 Promote project learning, mathematical modeling, and problem-based learning to strengthen the ability to integrate and apply knowledge and skills, and make. calculated

More than 90% of the leaders reported that the Panel Chair was also expected to ensure that all teachers followed curriculum guidelines, and to review evidence of teaching

臺北市大理高級中學 第32試場.

(2007) demonstrated that the minimum β-aberration design tends to be Q B -optimal if there is more weight on linear effects and the prior information leads to a model of small size;