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The Management of Disaster Prevention and Rescuing System of the ROC 祝匡華、劉原超 ; 邴傑民


Academic year: 2022

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The Management of Disaster Prevention and Rescuing System of the ROC 祝匡華、劉原超 ; 邴傑民

E-mail: 9808204@mail.dyu.edu.tw


During the last decade, on average, around 11,550 fire-events occurred in Taiwan area which caused about 300 deaths and more than 630 persons injured every year. For example, there were more than 368,000 emergent rescue calls answered in Taiwan area in 1999, that is, more than 1,000 calls a day in average and about 710 persons were rescued. These data clearly indicate that various disasters are threatening the safety of people’s lives and properties. Facing these disasters, the government has attempted to improve the incident command system and to establish regulations related to disaster rescuing and prevention laws, such as, “Key Points in Establishing Central Disaster Prevention and Rescuing Assembly,” “Key Points in Establishing Disaster Prevention and Rescuing Commission of Executive Yuan,” “Amendatory Acts for Structure of Fire and Disaster Prevention and Rescuing Administration,” and “Key Points in Operation of Central Disaster Response Center,” etc. It is not only the responsibility of the government but also the citizens to protect and care for their lives and properties that are threatened. However, there were several major disaster and public safety events that occurred in recently years in Taiwan area, such as the 921 earthquake, Pa-Jon River accident, and Ton-Di-Shi modern building fire-event which caused severe damage in both lives and properties. Although there are several acts and regulations that try to improve the disaster rescuing system and operation, it seemed not effective in combining the rescuing procedure between government and civilian organizations. How to develop and integrate an effective rescuing procedure between the official departments and civilian groups is a critical point for the whole rescuing system. It is important to set guidelines to achieve the best results by combining the private sector into the rescuing action. The purpose of this project is to establish the guidelines that will allow the private rescue organizations to be consolidated through continuous training and approval mechanisms as well as the supply of necessary equipments and facilities so that they can appropriately offer their best assistance and totally involve in rescue action when a disaster occurs. In chapter 2, we not only described the background, definition, and concept analysis in the relevant issues about disaster rescuing but also constructed the theory to support some cases analyses in this chapter. In section 3 of this chapter, we provided some disaster rescuing theories for future analyses, such as the crisis management theory, the disaster rescuing theory, and the systematic theory. From these theories, we try to generate an appropriate comparison method to evaluate the disaster rescuing systems among different countries and also to generate a relevant method to improve our national rescuing operation system. In chapter 3, we used the disaster rescuing system of American, the Federal Emergent Management Agency (FEMA), as a case study. Beginning with the revolution of its history, we analyzed the governmental structures, and then took the 911 event as an example to evaluate their rescuing operation and system. Finally, we tried to evaluate the validity of the emergency progress that operated by Incident Command System and the reality practices of disaster rescuing. We also tried to examine the application of theory on real situation. In chapter 4, we discussed the UK disaster rescuing system. From 2001, the rescuing system in UK was lead by the Civil Contingencies Secretariat Office in the Cabinet Office. Besides emphasizing on the devolution of responsibilities, they also take further effort to improve the negotiation and conformation between government departments. We also explored the damage recovery and detection progress in disasters using the Posters Bar traffic accident that occurred in May, 2002.

In chapter 5, we focused on the changes and revolutions of our national Disaster Prevention and Rescuing Laws in Taiwan before and after the event of 921 earthquakes. We also used the 921-earthquake as a sample to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of current disaster rescuing system. This can be an evidence-based experience to modify our rescuing operation and system. Finally, chapter 6 is the discussion and conclusion of this project. According to the statement of previous chapters, we codified the results based on the comparison between theory and practice; also, we pointed out the direction of future studies and possible suggestions for the disaster prevention and rescuing system in Taiwan area.

Keywords : Disaster ; Prevention ; Rescuing ; Theory ; Operation ; Organization ; Evidence-based Table of Contents

封面內頁 簽名頁 授權書………iii 中文摘要………

………v 英文摘要………vii 誌謝………

………x 目錄………xi 圖目錄………

………xiii 表目錄………xiv 第一章 緒論…


………1 第一節 研究動機與目的………1 第二節 研究方 法與範圍………5 第三節 研究架構………8 第二章 文獻檢視 與理論建構………10 第一節 重要名詞界定………10 第二節 文獻檢 視………16 第三節 理論建構………21 第三章 美國災 害防救體系之探討………27 第一節 歷史背景………27 第二節 災害 防救體制………31 第三節 九一一救災實例………37 第四章 英國 災害防救體系之探討………50 第一節 歷史脈絡………50 第二節 災 害防救體制………52 第三節 英國波特斯巴車站火車出軌事故………58 第五章 我 國災害防救體系之探討………65 第一節 歷史脈絡………65 第二節 災害防救體制………70 第三節 九二一震災………83 第六章 結論與建議………92 第一節 研究發現………92 第二 節 政策建議………99 第三節 後續研究方向………102 參 考文獻………104


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