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Academic year: 2022

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Tuesday 10:10am-12:00pm Office: LE832

Phone: 2905-3316

E-mail: Lins1007@mail.fju.edu.tw


1. 瞭解資訊行為的基本觀念與定義

2. 瞭解資訊需求與資訊尋求相關理論的應用 3. 熟悉資訊行為研究的資料蒐集技巧

4. 瞭解資訊科技對於資訊行為的影響 課程綱要

1. 資訊行為相關基本觀念 2. 資訊需求評估

3. 資訊尋求行為理論與研究 4. 網頁的可用性評估

5. 各種使用者族群的資訊行為 6. 人機互動與界面設計


1. Case, Donald O. Looking for Information: A Survey of Research on Information

Seeking, Needs, and Behavior. New York: Academic Press, 2002.

2. Marchionini, Gary. Information Seeking in Electronic Environments. New York Cambridge University Press, 1995.

3. Kuhlthau, Carol C. Seeking Meaning: A Process Approach to Library and

Information Services. Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited, 2004.

4. Large, Andrew, Lucy A. Tedd, and R. J. Hartley. Information Seeking in the Online

Age: Principles and Practice. London: Bowker-Saur, 1999.



9/18 課程介紹 9/25 教師節

10/2 資訊、資訊需求、資訊行為的定義

Annual Review of Information Science and Technology.

Fine, Sara F. "Research and the psychology of information use." Library Trends 32 (Spring 1984): 441-460.

Grover, Robert. "A proposed model for diagnosing information needs." School

Library Media Quarterly (Winter 1993): 95-100.

Case, Donald O. Looking for Information: A Survey of Research on Information

Seeking, Needs, and Behavior. New York: Academic Press, 2002, p. 40-62.

10/9 使用者研究的發展

Lubans, John Jr. "Library user studies." In Encyclopedia of Library and Information

Science 16 (1975): 147-160.

Siatri, Rania. “The Evolution of user studies.” Libri 49 (1999): 132-141.

10/16 電子環境中的資訊尋求 -- 使用者

Marchionini, Gary. Information Seeking in Electronic Environments. New York Cambridge University Press, 1995. Chap.1,2.

Michell, Gillian and Dewdney, Patricia. “Mental models theory applications for library and information science.” Journal of Education for Library and

Information Science 39(4) (Fall 1998): 275-281.

10/23 資訊尋求的影響因素

Marchionini, Gary. Information Seeking in Electronic Environments. New York Cambridge University Press, 1995. Chap. 3,4

Case, Donald O. Looking for Information: A Survey of Research on Information

Seeking, Needs, and Behavior. New York: Academic Press, 2002, p.65-108.

Heinström, Jannica. “The Impact of personality and approaches to learning on information behaviour.” Information Research 5(3) (April 2000)


Heinström, Jannica. “Fast surfers, Broad scanners and Deep divers as users of information technology – relating information preferences to personality traits.”

Presented at ASIST 2003 Annual Meeting -- Humanizing Information

Technology: From Ideas to Bits and Back (ASIST AM 03 2003), Westin Long Beach, Long Beach, California, October 20 - 23, 2003.

11/06 資訊尋求的過程

Marchionini, Gary. Information Seeking in Electronic Environments. New York Cambridge University Press, 1995. Chap. 3,4


Kuhlthau, Carol C. "Developing a model of the library search process: cognitive and affective aspects." RQ 28 (1988): 232-242.

Kuhlthau, Carol C. "Inside the search process: Information seeking from the user's perspective." Journal of the American Society for Information Science 42 (June 1991): 361-71.

Kuhlthau, Carol C. Seeking Meaning: A Process Approach to Library and

Information Services. Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited, 2004.

Belkin, Nicholas. "Anomalous states of knowledge for information retrieval." Journal

of Information Science 5 (1980): 133-143.

Belkin, Nicholas. "ASK for information retrieval: Part I." Journal of Documentation 38 (1982): 61-71.

Belkin, Nicholas. "Cognitive models and information transfer." Social Science

Information Studies 4 (1984): 111-130.

11/13期中考週 11/20資訊行為模式

Case, Donald O. Looking for Information: A Survey of Research on Information

Seeking, Needs, and Behavior. New York: Academic Press, 2002, p. 114-153.

Savolainen, Reijo. "The sense-making theory: reviewing the interests of a user- centered approach to information seeking and use." Information Processing and

Management 29 (1) (1993): 13-28.

11/27 分析式與瀏覽式查詢策略

Liebscher, Peter and Marchionini, Gary. “Browse and analytical search strategies in a full-text CD-ROM encyclopedia.” School Library Media Quarterly (Summer 1998): 223-233.

Marchionini, Gary. Information Seeking in Electronic Environments. New York:

Cambridge University Press, 1995. Chap. 5,6.

11/30 資訊行為研究方法

Moran, Barbara. B. "Construction of the questionnaire in survey research." Public

Libraries 23(2) (Summer 1985): 25-26.

Verhoeven, Stanley. "User surveys." Encyclopedia of Library and Information

Science 45, suppl. 10, 1990, p. 373-399.

Widdows, Richard, Hensler, Tia and Wyncott, Marlaya. "The focus group interview:

A method for assessing users' evaluation of library service." College and

Research Libraries 52 (July 1991): 353-359.

Wilson, T. D. and Streatfield, D. R. "Structured observation in the investigation of information needs." Social Science Information Studies 1 (1981): 173-184.

Case, Donald O. Looking for Information: A Survey of Research on Information

Seeking, Needs, and Behavior. New York: Academic Press, 2002, p.178-215.


12/4 不同族群的資訊行為;使用者為中心的資訊服務

Case, Donald O. Looking for Information: A Survey of Research on Information

Seeking, Needs, and Behavior. New York: Academic Press, 2002, chapters


Morris, Ruth C. “Toward a user-centered information service.” Journal of the

American Society for Information Science 45 (1)(1994): 20-30.

Wilson, Lizabeth A. "Building the user-centered library." RQ 34(3)(Spring 1995):297-302.

12/11 網站的可用性測試;人機互動

Instone, Keith. Usability heuristics for the web. Available at


Nielsen, Jakob. Top ten mistakes in web design. Available at


Nielsen, Jakob. “What is usability?” Usability Engineering. Cambridge MA:

Academic Press, chapter 2, p. 23-48.

Shackel, B. “Human-computer interaction-whence and whither?” Journal of the

American Society for Information Science 48(11) (1997): 970-986.

Preece, Jenny, et al. “Introduction: what is HCI?” (chapter1) In Human-Computer

Interaction. Wokingham, England: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. pp. 3-27.

Booth, Paul A. “Introducing human-computer interaction.” (chapter 1) In An

Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction. Hove, UK Lawrence Erlbaum

Associates Ltd., Publishers, pp. 103-136.

Borgman, Christine. "Psychological research in human-computer interaction." Annual

Review of Information Science and Technology 19 (1984): 33-64.

Tennant, Roy. “User interface design: some guiding principles.” Library Journal 124(17) (October 15, 1999): 28-29.

12/18 網路上的資訊行為

“Evironmental scanning and information seeking on the World Wide Web.” Available at http:// choo.fis.utoronto.ca/FIS/SSHRC/framework.html

Huberman, Berardo A. et al. “Strong regularities in the World Wide Web.” Science 280 (April 3, 1998): 95-97.

12/25 耶誕快樂 1/1 新年快樂


Mellon, Constance. "Library anxiety: A grounded theory and its development."

College and Research Libraries 47 (1986): 160-165.

Biggs, Mary. “Information overload and information seekers: what we know about them, what to do about them.” Reference Librarian 25/26 (1989): 411-429.


1/15 學期報告



Information Psycology 課程目標

1. 瞭解認知心理學、人格心理學等在資訊使用者研究的應用 2. 瞭解資訊尋求的理論與實務

3. 瞭解資訊科技對資訊行為的影響


1. 資訊尋求的相關理論 2. 資訊需求評估

3. 使用者研究的研究方法 4. 人機互動與界面設計 5. 網路上的資訊行為

6. 使用者為中心的資訊系統設計


Marchionini, Gary. Information Seeking in Electronic Environments. New York:

Cambridge University Press, 1995.

Kuhlthau, Carol C. Seeking Meaning: A Process Approach to Library and

Information Services. Norwood, New Jersey: Ablex Publishing Corporation, 1993.



蘇諼老師 Thursday 3:40pm-5:30pm 3316, 3292 lins1007@mails.fju.edu.tw


5. 瞭解資訊行為的基本觀念與定義

6. 瞭解認知心理學與其他相關理論的應用 7. 熟悉資訊行為研究的資料蒐集技巧 8. 瞭解資訊科技對於資訊行為的影響


7. 資訊行為相關基本觀念 8. 資訊需求評估

9. 資訊尋求行為理論與研究 10. 網頁的可用性評估

11. 使用者為中心的觀念發展 12. 人機互動與界面設計


Marchionini, Gary. Information Seekin g in Electronic Environments . New York Cambridge University Press, 1995.

Kuhlthau, Carol C. Seeking Meaning: A Process Approach to Library and

Information Services. Norwood, New Jersey: Ablex Publishing Corporation, 1993.

課程大綱 9/19 課程介紹

9/26 使用者研究範圍與名詞定義


Annual Review of Information Science and Technology.

Fine, Sara F. "Research and the psychology of information use." Library Trends 32 (Spring 1984): 441-460.

Grover, Robert. "A proposed model for diagnosing information needs." School Library Media Quarterly (Winter 1993): 95-100.

Lubans, John Jr. "Library user studies." In Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science 16 (1975): 147-160.

Siatri, Rania. "The Evolution of user studies." Libri 49 (1999): 132-141.

10/03 電子環境中的資訊尋求 -- 使用者

Marchionini, Gary. Information Seeking in Electronic Environments. New York Cambridge University Press, 1995. Chap.1,2.

Michell, Gillian and Dewdney, Patricia. "Mental models theory applications for library and information science." Journal of Education for Library and Information Science 39(4) (Fall 1998): 275-281.

10/10 人機互動

Shackel, B. "Human-computer interaction-whence and whither?" Journal of the American Society for Information Science 48(11) (1997): 970-986.

Preece, Jenny, et al. "Introduction: what is HCI?" (chapter1) In Human-Computer Interaction. Wokingham, England: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. pp. 3-27.

Booth, Paul A. "Introducing human-computer interaction." (chapter 1) In An Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction. Hove, UK Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Ltd., Publishers, pp. 103-136.

Borgman, Christine. "Psychological research in human-computer interaction." Annual Review of Information Science and Technology 19 (1984): 33-64.

Tennant, Roy. "User interface design: some guiding principles." Library Journal 124(17) (October 15, 1999): 28-29.

10/17 資訊尋求的因素


Marchionini, Gary. Information Seeking in Electronic Environments. New York Cambridge University Press, 1995. Chap. 3,4.

10/24 資訊尋求的過程

Marchionini, Gary. Information Seeking in Electronic Environments. New York Cambridge University Press, 1995. Chap. 3,4.

Kuhlthau, Carol C. "Developing a model of the library search process: cognitive and affective aspects." RQ 28 (1988): 232-242.

Kuhlthau, Carol C. "Inside the search process: Information seeking from the user's perspective." Journal of the American Society for Information Science 42 (June 1991): 361-71.

Kuhlthau, Carol C. Seeking Meaning: A Process Approach to Library and

Information Services. Norwood, New Jersey: Ablex Publishing Corporation, 1993.

Belkin, Nicholas. "Anomalous states of knowledge for information retrieval." Journal of Information Science 5 (1980): 133-143.

Belkin, Nicholas. "ASK for information retrieval: Part I." Journal of Documentation 38 (1982): 61-71.

Belkin, Nicholas. "Cognitive models and information transfer." Social Science Information Studies 4 (1984): 111-130.

Savolainen, Reijo. "The sense-making theory: reviewing the interests of a user- centered approach to information seeking and use." Information Processing and Management 29 (1) (1993): 13-28.

10/31 分析式與瀏覽式查詢策略

Liebscher, Peter and Marchionini, Gary. "Browse and analytical search strategies in a full-text CD-ROM encyclopedia." School Library Media Quarterly (Summer 1998):


Marchionini, Gary. Information Seeking in Electronic Environments. New York:

Cambridge University Press, 1995. Chap. 5,6.


11/07 電子環境中的資訊尋求 -- 未來趨勢

Marchionini, Gary. Information Seeking in Electronic Environments. New York Cambridge University Press, 1995. Chap. 8,9.

Durrance, Joan C. "Information needs: old songs, new tune." In Rethinking the Library in the Information Age. Washington, D.C.:U.S. Dept. of Education, v.2, 1989, p.159-177.

11/21 資訊尋求行為研究方法

Moran, Barbara. B. "Construction of the questionnaire in survey research." Public Libraries 23(2) (Summer 1985): 25-26.

Verhoeven, Stanley. "User surveys." Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science 45, suppl. 10, 1990, p. 373-399.

Widdows, Richard, Hensler, Tia and Wyncott, Marlaya. "The focus group interview:

A method for assessing users' evaluation of library service." College and Research Libraries 52 (July 1991): 353-359.

Wilson, T. D. and Streatfield, D. R. "Structured observation in the investigation of information needs." Social Science Information Studies 1 (1981): 173-184.


11/28 網址的可用性測試

Instone, Keith. Usability heuristics for the web. Available at http//www.webreview.com/97/10/10/usability/sidebar.html Nielsen, Jakob. Top ten mistakes in web design. Available at http//www.useit.com/alertbox/9605.html

Nielsen, Jakob. "What is usability?" Usability Engineering. Cambridge MA:

Academic Press, chapter 2, p. 23-48.

12/5 使用者為中心的資訊服務

Morris, Ruth C. "Toward a user-centered information service." Journal of the American Society for Information Science 45 (1)(1994): 20-30.


Wilson, Lizabeth A. "Building the user-centered library." RQ 34(3)(Spring 1995):297-302.

12/12 網路上的資訊行為

"Evironmental scanning and information seeking on the World Wide Web." Available at http// choo.fis.utoronto.ca/FIS/SSHRC/framework.html

Huberman, Berardo A. et al. "Strong regularities in the World Wide Web." Science 280 (April 3, 1998): 95-97.

12/19 資訊(圖書館)焦慮

Mellon, Constance. "Library anxiety: A grounded theory and its development."

College and Research Libraries 47 (1986): 160-165.

Biggs, Mary. "Information overload and information seekers: what we know about them, what to do about them." Reference Librarian 25/26 (1989): 411-429.

12/26 1/9 1/16 學期報告


Information Seeking 研究出現在以下領域中:

•library and information science, business, public administration, market research, management, consumer research, medical informatics, health sciences,

communication, psychology of personality 資訊使用者行為理論

讀者來到圖書館:1. To find information 2. To solve problems 1. information from library resources

2. information generated from the user’s internal reality


1. 什麼是資訊? 一個人的生活中有那些資訊來源? 圖書館能為資訊的傳遞過程貢 獻些什麼?

2. 使用者與資訊之間的互動方式為何? 在何種環境與心理狀況下?

3. 資訊包裝與傳播的方式為何? 是否與使用者接收與利用資訊的方式有關?

•Wersig 認為資訊有以下三種來源:

1. Generated internally by mental effort

2. Acquired by sheer perception of phenomena 3. Acquired by communication

•使用者研究的發展(Evolution of User Studies) 早期的使用者研究






reference counting


1954年 科學家的資訊收集習慣


1963年 首次研究心理學家開始注意到研究方法

1966年 Menzel 開始在ARIST 寫 ”Information Needs and Uses”

1975年 University of Sheffield 成立 Centre for Research on User Studies 1980年 資訊科技入侵 ”user studies” 質化研究興起

1990年 更多理論的應用、更複雜的質化研究、Internet的影響



To understand the psychology of information use which includes:

1. Review basic concepts of cognitive psychology and examine how they apply to the planning of information services.

2. Enables the student to design a study of exploring information needs and information seeking behavior of various user groups.


1. 對於認知心理學的基本觀念的認識,並研究它們在資訊服務上的應用。

2. 研究計劃的設計,以探索不同族群讀者的資訊需求行為。


1. Cognitive psychology and communication theory 2. Information needs assessment

3. Information seeking behavior studies

4. Questionnaire design and evaluation in survey research methods

1. 認知心理學與資訊傳播理論 2. 資訊需求評估

3. 資訊尋求行為研究 4. 調查式研究方法




Do you agree with the proposed changes for the Compulsory Part of Information and Communication Technology curriculum.. Agree Disagree

Teacher / HR Data Payroll School email system Exam papers Exam Grades /.

Classifying sensitive data (personal data, mailbox, exam papers etc.) Managing file storage, backup and cloud services, IT Assets (keys) Security in IT Procurement and

Provide all public sector schools with Wi-Fi coverage to enhance learning through the use of mobile computing devices, in preparation for the launch of the fourth IT in

 Create and present information and ideas for the purpose of sharing and exchanging by using information from different sources, in view of the needs of the audience. 

 Create and present information and ideas for the purpose of sharing and exchanging by using information from different sources, in view of the needs of the audience. 

 Service Level Agreement – ensure at least 99.7% availability of the WiFi service, support four-hour response time and four-hour service recovery with active monitoring,

Proceedings of the 19th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval pp.298-306.. Automatic Classification Using Supervised