Government of Macao Special Administrative Region Statistics and Census Service
No. 2 (Supplement)
Survey coverage of the Gaming Industry for the second quarter of 2007 excluded junket promoters and junket associates.
Number of Paid Employees
At the end of the second quarter of 2007, there were 45 033 paid employees engaged in the Gaming Industry, representing significant increases of 50.1% and 23.7% respectively compared with the second and fourth quarters of 2006. Analyzed by occupation, 26 774 were engaged in positions that are directly related to betting services, such as hard and soft count clerks, cage cashiers, pit bosses, casino floorpersons, dealers, betting service operators, etc., up by 48.2% and 18.1% respectively over the second and fourth quarters of 2006. Within this group of employees, 17 293 were dealers.
Meanwhile, 7 826 persons were engaged as services and sales workers, including casino and slot machine attendants/hosts, security and surveillance workers, etc., up by 30.7% and 17.1% respectively compared with the second and fourth quarters of 2006.
Paid employees in the Gaming Industry by occupation
No. of paid employees as at
end of June 2007 Percentage change Occupation
Total Male Female Jun. 2007 Jun. 2006
Jun. 2007 Dec. 2006
Total 45 033 22 050 22 983 50.1 23.7
Directors and managers of companies 1 991 1 237 754 125.5 98.7
Professionals 492 397 95 178.0 67.3
Technicians and associate professionals 2 168 1 293 875 98.0 56.0
a29 065 12 876 16 189 50.8 20.3
Of which: Hard and soft count clerks, cage cashiers, pit bosses, casino floorpersons, dealers, betting service operators, etc.
26 774 12 007 14 767 48.2 18.1
Services and sales workers 7 826 4 520 3 306 30.7 17.1
Of which: Casino and slot machine attendants / hosts, security and surveillance workers, etc.
6 484 4 129 2 355 26.1 15.0
Skilled workers in agriculture and fishery 749 660 89 -9.7 -4.2
Craftsmen and similar workers 381 376 5 21.0 4.7
Plant and machine operators, drivers and assemblers 86 86 - 152.9 50.9
Unskilled workers 2 275 605 1 670 63.0 36.0
- Absolute value equals zero
According to the International Standard Classification of Occupations of the International Labour Organization, positions such as dealers, casino floorpersons and cage cashiers are grouped under “Clerks”.
Official Statistics. Reproduction of these data is allowed provided the source is quoted.
Statistics and Census Service
thfloor, “Dynasty Plaza” Bldg., 411-417 Alameda Dr. Carlos d’Assumpção, Macao Tel: 3995311 Fax: 28307825 Printed in October 2007
E-mail: Homepage:
2nd Quarter/2007 DSEC No. 2 (Supplement)
Number of Vacancies
At the end of June 2007, the Gaming Industry reported 5 112 vacant posts, down by 10.3% and 9.2% compared with the end of June and December 2006 respectively. Amongst the vacancies, 62.6%
(3 199) were related to positions such as hard and soft count clerks, cage cashiers, pit bosses, casino floorpersons, dealers, betting service operators, etc., of which 2 525 were for dealers. In addition, there were 808 vacancies (15.8%) for services and sales workers.
Number of vacancies in the Gaming Industry by occupation End of Occupation
Jun. 2006 Dec. 2006 Jun. 2007
Total 5 699 5 631 5 112
Directors and managers of companies 20 51 38
Professionals 3 13 9
Technicians and associate professionals 103 63 192
Clerks 3 909 4 230 3 602
Of which: Hard and soft count clerks, cage cashiers, pit bosses, casino
floorpersons, dealers, betting service operators, etc. 3 777 3 861 3 199
Services and sales workers 1 425 1 008 808
Of which: Casino and slot machine attendants / hosts, security and
surveillance workers, etc. 1 281 907 748
Skilled workers in agriculture and fishery 8 8 2
Craftsmen and similar workers 50 110 46
Plant and machine operators, drivers and assemblers - 21 -
Unskilled workers 181 127 415
- Absolute value equals zero
In terms of recruitment prerequisites, 82.4% of the vacant posts required no working experience;
52.3% required senior secondary or higher education. Besides Cantonese, other preferred language skills were Mandarin (86.6%) and English (74.8%).
Vacancies by recruitment prerequisites
% Majority of vacancies by occupation
Prerequisites Overall
Clerks Services and sales workers Working experience
Yes 17.6 8.3 39.9
No preference 82.4 91.7 60.1 Professional qualification
Yes 3.0 0.0 0.0
No preference 97.0 100.0 100.0 Educational attainment
Primary education 1.4 0.0 0.0 Junior secondary education 46.0 38.0 80.8 Senior secondary education 42.4 50.3 18.9 Tertiary education 9.9 11.7 0.2
No preference 0.4 0.0 0.0
Language skills (can choose more than one)
of which: Mandarin 86.6 96.8 90.2
bIn June 2007, average earnings for full-time employees in the Gaming Industry was MOP 14 491, up by 14.9% and 3.7% respectively over June and December 2006. The average for resident workers was MOP 13 565, while the average for non-resident workers was MOP 21 959.
Average earnings for employees in positions that are directly related to betting services, such as hard and soft count clerks, cage cashiers, pit bosses, casino floorpersons, dealers, betting service operators, etc. was MOP 14 898, which rose by 13.5% and 1.7% respectively over June and December 2006, with dealers earning MOP 13 729. The average earnings for services and sales workers was MOP 7 997, which increased by 8.8% over June 2006 but fe1l by 1.0% over December 2006.
Average earnings of resident and non-resident employees in the Gaming Industry by occupation
June 2007 (MOP)
Percentage change over Jun. 2006
Percentage change over Dec. 2006 Occupation
Overall Resid. Non-resid. Overall Resid. Non-resid. Overall Resid. Non-resid.
Total 14 491 13 565 21 959 14.9 19.3 -15.2 3.7 5.4 -15.5
Directors and managers of companies 45 511 37 992 50 488 -9.1 0.3 -13.7 -16.6 -13.0 -18.4
Professionals 19 079 16 930 31 094 -27.8 -22.5 -23.5 -31.7 -19.8 -31.3
Technicians and associate professionals 17 241 16 063 23 553 8.6 11.2 -2.7 9.1 5.5 23.9
Clerks 14 664 14 434 21 675 13.2 14.9 3.6 1.5 2.5 -3.8
Of which: Hard and soft count clerks, cage cashiers, pit bosses, casino
floorpersons, dealers, betting service operators, etc.
14 898 14 663 21 997 13.5 15.3 5.2 1.7 2.8 -3.0
Services and sales workers 7 997 8 400 6 505 8.8 16.9 -26.8 -1.0 5.1 -25.2
Of which: Casino and slot machine attendants / hosts, security and surveillance workers, etc.
8 158 8 600 6 434 10.8 17.6 -27.6 -0.4 5.5 -25.2
Skilled workers in agriculture and
fishery 7 903 7 208 10 057 -5.2 9.7 -20.5 -2.4 5.2 -9.4
Craftsmen and similar workers 11 865 11 536 16 975 15.0 12.8 29.2 7.3 5.1 39.2 Plant and machine operators, drivers
and assemblers 9 558 9 558 - 46.2 46.2 .. 32.7 32.7 ..
Unskilled workers 6 378 6 449 6 115 9.2 10.4 .. 4.7 5.6 12.5
- Absolute value equals zero .. Not applicable
b Earnings of employees for hours worked or services provided during the reference period. Including basic salary, regular
allowances, subsidies, gratuities and overtime payments. Excluding year-end bonuses, holiday allowances, profit-sharing bonuses
and other similar bonuses.
1. 按職業及性別統計之博彩業有薪酬員工數目
Pessoal remunerado nas lotarias e outros jogos de aposta segundo o sexo, por profissão Number of paid employees in the Gaming Industry by gender and occupation
2007年6月底 / Fim de Jun. 2007 / End of Jun. 2007
職業 Pessoal remunerado
Profissão Paid employees
Occupation 男女 男 女
1 3 4 5
總數 Total
45 033 22 050 22 9831. 企業領導人員及經理 1 991 1 237 754 Directores e quadros dirigentes de empresas
Directors and managers of companies
2. 專業人員 492 397 95 Especialistas das profissões intelectuais e científicas
3. 技術員及輔助專業人員 2 168 1 293 875 Técnicos e profissionais de nível intermédio
Technicians and associate professionals
4. 文員 29 065 12 876 16 189 Empregados administrativos
其中 / Dos quais / Of which :
- 兌換、賭場監場、巡場、投注員等 9 481 4 152 5 329 Empregados de tesouraria, ficheiros e caixas, chefes e
fiscais de banca, operadores de serviços de apostas, etc.
Hard and soft count clerks, cage cashiers, pit bosses, casino floorpersons, betting service operators, etc.
- 荷官 17 293 7 855 9 438
5. 服務、銷售及同類工作人員 7 826 4 520 3 306 Pessoal dos serviços, vendedores e trabalhadores similares
Services and sales workers 其中 / Dos quais / Of which :
賭場侍應生、角子機場服務員、護衛及 6 484 4 129 2 355 保安、閉路電視監察員等
Assistentes de sala de jogos e/ou de “slot machine”, guardas de segurança, operadores de sistemas de vigilância, etc.
Casino and slot machine attendants / hosts, security guards, surveillance room operators, etc.
6. 漁農業熟練工作者 749 660 89 Trabalhadores qualificados da agricultura e da pesca
Skilled workers in agriculture and fishery
7. 工業工匠及手工藝工人 381 376 5 Trabalhadores da produção industrial e artesãos
Craftsmen and similar workers
8. 機台、機器操作員、司機及裝配員 86 86 - Operadores de instalações e máquinas, condutores
e montadores
Plant and machine operators, drivers and assemblers
9. 非技術工人 2 275 605 1 670 Trabalhadores não qualificados
Unskilled workers
人數 / Nº / No.
2. 按職業及性別統計之博彩業全職及兼職有薪酬員工數目
Pessoal remunerado a tempo completo e a tempo parcial nas lotarias e outros jogos de aposta segundo o sexo e a profissão Number of full-time and part-time paid employees in the Gaming Industry by gender and occupation
2007年6月底 / Fim de Jun. 2007 / End of Jun. 2007
全職員工 兼職員工
職業 總數 A tempo completo A tempo parcial
Profissão Total Full-time Part-time
Occupation 男女 男 女 男女 男 女
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
總數 Total 45 033 43 551 21 393 22 158 1 482 657 825 1. 企業領導人員及經理 1 991 1 991 1 237 754 - - - Directores e quadros dirigentes de empresas
Directors and managers of companies
2. 專業人員 492 468 373 95 24 24 - Especialistas das profissões intelectuais e científicas
3. 技術員及輔助專業人員 2 168 2 117 1 255 862 51 38 13 Técnicos e profissionais de nível intermédio
Technicians and associate professionals
4. 文員 29 065 27 818 12 347 15 471 1 247 529 718 Empregados administrativos
其中 / Dos quais / Of which :
- 兌換、賭場監場、巡場、投注員等 9 481 8 504 3 723 4 781 977 429 548 Empregados de tesouraria, ficheiros e caixas, chefes e
fiscais de banca, operadores de serviços de apostas, etc.
Hard and soft count clerks, cage cashiers, pit bosses, casino floorpersons, betting service operators, etc.
- 荷官 17 293 17 272 7 845 9 427 21 10 11
5. 服務、銷售及同類工作人員 7 826 7 718 4 470 3 248 108 50 58 Pessoal dos serviços, vendedores e trabalhadores similares
Services and sales workers 其中 / Dos quais / Of which :
賭場侍應生、角子機場服務員、護衛及 6 484 6 484 4 129 2 355 - - - 保安、閉路電視監察員等
Assistentes de sala de jogos e/ou de “slot machine”, guardas de segurança, operadores de sistemas de vigilância, etc.
Casino and slot machine attendants / hosts, security guards, surveillance room operators, etc.
6. 漁農業熟練工作者 749 726 658 68 23 2 21 Trabalhadores qualificados da agricultura e da pesca
Skilled workers in agriculture and fishery
7. 工業工匠及手工藝工人 381 380 375 5 1 1 - Trabalhadores da produção industrial e artesãos
Craftsmen and similar workers
8. 機台、機器操作員、司機及裝配員 86 83 83 - 3 3 - Operadores de instalações e máquinas, condutores
e montadores
Plant and machine operators, drivers and assemblers
9. 非技術工人 2 275 2 250 595 1 655 25 10 15 Trabalhadores não qualificados
Unskilled workers
人數 / Nº / No.
3. 按場所規模統計之博彩業有薪酬員工數目
Pessoal remunerado, segundo a dimensão do estabelecimento nas lotarias e outros jogos de aposta
Paid employees by size of establishment in the Gaming Industry
人數 / Nº / No.
場所規模 (員工人數) 總數
Dimensão do estabelecimento (Nº de trabalhadores) Total
Size of establishment (No. of workers)
1 2
總數 Total 45 033
< 100 78
100 - 299 -
300 - 499 1 100
500 - 999 570
1000 - 1999 1 748
≧2000 41 537
2007年6月底 / Fim de Jun. 2007 / End of Jun. 2007
4. 按職業及性別統計之博彩業本地及外地全職有薪酬員工六月份平均薪酬 —— 不包括雙糧、年終賞金、花紅及其他同類獎金 Remunerações médias nas lotarias e outros jogos de aposta, relativas ao mês de Junho, dos trabalhadores residentes e não residentes remunerados a tempo completo, segundo o sexo e a profissão - excluídos os subsídios de férias e Natal, os prémios de fim de ano (13º mês), as participações nos lucros e similares Average earnings of full-time resident and non-resident paid employees in the Gaming Industry in June by gender and occupation - excluding year-end bonuses, holiday allowances, profit-sharing bonuses and other similar bonuses
06/2007 澳門元 MOP
總數 本地 外地
職業 Global Residente Não residente
Profissão Overall Resident Non-Resident
Occupation 男女 男 女 男女 男 女 男女 男 女
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
總體平均數 / Média global / Overall average 14 491 15 542 13 476 13 565 14 207 13 002 21 959 22 927 19 879 1. 企業領導人員及經理 45 511 52 124 34 663 37 992 42 758 31 130 50 488 57 824 37 339 Directores e quadros dirigentes de empresas
Directors and managers of companies
2. 專業人員 19 079 18 995 19 407 16 930 16 479 18 690 31 094 32 945 23 555 Especialistas das profissões intelectuais e científicas
3. 技術員及輔助專業人員 17 241 18 640 15 205 16 063 16 903 14 877 23 553 27 231 17 191 Técnicos e profissionais de nível intermédio
Technicians and associate professionals
4. 文員 14 664 15 125 14 296 14 434 14 832 14 121 21 675 22 382 20 833 Empregados administrativos
其中 / Dos quais / Of which :
- 兌換、賭場監場、巡場、投注員等 17 274 18 489 16 327 16 765 17 913 15 918 21 997 22 532 21 314 Empregados de tesouraria, ficheiros e caixas, chefes e
fiscais de banca, operadores de serviços de apostas, etc.
Hard and soft count clerks, cage cashiers, pit bosses, casino floorpersons, betting service operators, etc.
- 荷官 13 729 13 798 13 671 13 729 13 798 13 671 - - -
5. 服務、銷售及同類工作人員 7 997 8 067 7 902 8 400 8 822 7 976 6 505 6 452 6 855 Pessoal dos serviços, vendedores e trabalhadores similares
Services and sales workers 其中 / Dos quais / Of which :
賭場侍應生、角子機場服務員、護衛及 8 158 8 018 8 404 8 600 8 770 8 393 6 434 6 380 9 617 保安、閉路電視監察員等
Assistentes de sala de jogos e/ou de “slot machine”, guardas de segurança, operadores de sistemas de vigilância, etc.
Casino and slot machine attendants / hosts, security guards, surveillance room operators, etc.
6. 漁農業熟練工作者 7 903 8 244 4 600 7 208 7 577 4 600 10 057 10 057 - Trabalhadores qualificados da agricultura e da pesca
Skilled workers in agriculture and fishery
7. 工業工匠及手工藝工人 11 865 11 842 13 600 11 536 11 506 13 600 16 975 16 975 - Trabalhadores da produção industrial e artesãos
Craftsmen and similar workers
8. 機台、機器操作員、司機及裝配員 9 558 9 558 - 9 558 9 558 - - - -
Operadores de instalações e máquinas, condutores e montadores
Plant and machine operators, drivers and assemblers
9. 非技術工人 6 378 6 829 6 217 6 449 6 841 6 312 6 115 6 786 5 851 Trabalhadores não qualificados
Unskilled workers
5. 按職業及性別統計之博彩業本地及外地全職有薪酬員工六月份平均薪酬 —— 包括雙糧、年終賞金、花紅及其他同類獎金 Remunerações médias nas lotarias e outros jogos de aposta, relativas ao mês de Junho, dos trabalhadores residentes e não residentes remunerados a tempo completo, segundo o sexo e a profissão - incluídos os subsídios de férias e Natal, os prémios de fim de ano (13º mês), as participações nos lucros e similares Average earnings of full-time resident and non-resident paid employees in the Gaming Industry in June by gender and occupation - including year-end bonuses, holiday allowances, profit-sharing bonuses and other similar bonuses
06/2007 澳門元 MOP
總數 本地 外地
職業 Global Residente Não residente
Profissão Overall Resident Non-Resident
Occupation 男女 男 女 男女 男 女 男女 男 女
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
總體平均數 / Média global / Overall average 15 208 16 478 13 981 14 194 15 013 13 474 23 391 24 580 20 838 1. 企業領導人員及經理 48 813 56 827 35 666 41 757 48 591 31 915 53 484 61 839 38 507 Directores e quadros dirigentes de empresas
Directors and managers of companies
2. 專業人員 22 232 22 716 20 330 18 719 18 727 18 690 41 873 44 834 29 815 Especialistas das profissões intelectuais e científicas
3. 技術員及輔助專業人員 17 791 19 185 15 763 16 650 17 500 15 451 23 905 27 520 17 652 Técnicos e profissionais de nível intermédio
Technicians and associate professionals
4. 文員 15 395 16 006 14 907 15 108 15 634 14 694 24 133 25 202 22 861 Empregados administrativos
其中 / Dos quais / Of which :
- 兌換、賭場監場、巡場、投注員等 18 338 19 797 17 202 17 661 18 993 16 679 24 622 25 449 23 566 Empregados de tesouraria, ficheiros e caixas, chefes e
fiscais de banca, operadores de serviços de apostas, etc.
Hard and soft count clerks, cage cashiers, pit bosses, casino floorpersons, betting service operators, etc.
- 荷官 14 370 14 557 14 214 14 370 14 557 14 214 - - -
5. 服務、銷售及同類工作人員 8 192 8 332 7 999 8 608 9 134 8 079 6 648 6 617 6 855 Pessoal dos serviços, vendedores e trabalhadores similares
Services and sales workers 其中 / Dos quais / Of which :
賭場侍應生、角子機場服務員、護衛及 8 390 8 305 8 537 8 844 9 106 8 527 6 612 6 561 9 617 保安、閉路電視監察員等
Assistentes de sala de jogos e/ou de “slot machine”, guardas de segurança, operadores de sistemas de vigilância, etc.
Casino and slot machine attendants / hosts, security guards, surveillance room operators, etc.
6. 漁農業熟練工作者 7 903 8 244 4 600 7 208 7 577 4 600 10 057 10 057 - Trabalhadores qualificados da agricultura e da pesca
Skilled workers in agriculture and fishery
7. 工業工匠及手工藝工人 11 897 11 869 13 968 11 570 11 536 13 968 16 975 16 975 - Trabalhadores da produção industrial e artesãos
Craftsmen and similar workers
8. 機台、機器操作員、司機及裝配員 9 558 9 558 - 9 558 9 558 - - - - Operadores de instalações e máquinas, condutores
e montadores
Plant and machine operators, drivers and assemblers
9. 非技術工人 6 455 6 953 6 277 6 547 7 002 6 388 6 115 6 786 5 851 Trabalhadores não qualificados
Unskilled workers