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- 111 學年度起適用-

中華民國 110 年 9 月





身心障礙學生升學大專校院甄試大學組英文考科考試說明 目 次


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身心障礙學生升學大專校院甄試大學組考試說明 英文考科


身心障礙學生升學大專校院甄試大學組 英文考科考試說明


自111 學年度起,「身心障礙學生升學大專校院甄試大學組英文考科」之命題係依據

108 學年度開始實施之「十二年國民基本教育課程綱要國民中小學暨普通型高級中等學校 語文領域—英語文」(簡稱「英語文課綱」)。


一、評量考生對高中常用實詞詞彙(content words)構詞、語意、字詞搭配(collocation)


二、評量考生參酌篇章文意發展,掌握各類語詞(含實詞、虛詞、詞組、慣用語及轉折 詞等)及語法應用的能力。





涵蓋108 學年度正式實施的「英語文課綱」所訂之第一至第五學期必修課程。


111 學年度起「身心障礙學生升學大專校院甄試大學組英文考科」的題型皆為單選題,

總共25 題。


本考科主要評量學生英文詞彙、語法及文章理解等語言能力。本測驗以選擇題形式 評量,共有三大題型:詞彙題、綜合測驗、閱讀測驗。詞彙題為單題試題,主要評量考 生詞彙的運用。綜合測驗、閱讀測驗為題組型試題,以選文搭配數道試題呈現,以評量

考生是否能看懂文長約180 至 350 字的選文。選文內容以考生的生活、學習經驗與認知能

力為主;取材來源涵蓋報紙、雜誌、書籍等。綜合測驗評量考生是否能從選文之上下文 意發展,掌握詞彙、語法及篇章結構的使用。閱讀測驗則是評量考生整合詞彙、語法、


詞彙範圍以高中英文常用 4,500 字詞為主,可參考大考中心高中英文參考詞彙表第一

至第五級1 ,為保留真實語言的使用,偶爾會有第六級(含)以上詞彙。

1 大學入學考試中心高中英文參考詞彙表(111 學年度起適用)已於 109 年 7 月 31 日公告。


英文考科 身心障礙學生升學大專校院甄試大學組考試說明





測驗目 標 : 評量 考生 對高中 常用 實 詞 詞 彙 (content words)構詞、語意、字詞搭配



I don’t know the exact number, but I ______ that twenty people are coming to the meeting.

(A) capture (B) fasten (C) estimate (D) reflect

(104 學年度身心障礙學生升學大專校院甄試大學組)


說明:本題測驗考生能否掌握詞彙 estimate 的語意與用法。作答主要線索為空格前…the

exact number…,以及空格後的…twenty people…提供解題之線索。


測驗目標:評量考生參酌篇章文意發展,掌握各類語詞(含實詞、虛詞、詞組、慣用語 及轉折詞等)及語法應用的能力。


Britain has long been known for its love of tea, but people in London also drink a lot of coffee.

In fact, the (11) Londoner reportedly drinks 2.3 cups of coffee every day. But what happens to the coffee grounds, the waste that remains after coffee beans are made into a cup of coffee? Some of the waste coffee grounds will be used to help (12) part of the city’s transportation system.

The government agency Transport for London has announced that some of the city’s buses will begin using a biofuel that (13) coffee oil. According to the technology company Bio-bean, Londoners produce over 200,000 tons of coffee ground waste a year. Bio-bean collects waste grounds from chain coffee shops and factories. The grounds are dried and (14) to remove the coffee oil.

London’s mayor, Sadiq Khan, said recently that his city has a health crisis caused directly by poor-quality air. The government has been (15) biofuels to cut production of carbon emissions.

Bio-bean, having received support from the oil company Royal Dutch Shell, says it has made enough coffee oil to power one of London’s famous double-decker buses for a whole year.


身心障礙學生升學大專校院甄試大學組考試說明 英文考科


11. (A) critical (B) average (C) familiar (D) internal 12. (A) raise (B) fuel (C) detect (D) defend

13. (A) contains (B) is containing (C) is contained (D) had contained 14. (A) processed (B) replaced (C) constructed (D) clarified 15. (A) getting on (B) making out (C) keeping on (D) turning to

(107 學年度身心障礙學生升學大專校院甄試大學組)


11.說明:本題評量考生能否掌握 average 的語意與段落文意發展的關係。作答線索在空格 前一句以及本句前後語意的關係,尤其是空格後的…reportedly drinks 2.3 cups of coffee every day。

12.說明:本題評量考生能否掌握 fuel 的語意與段落文意發展的關係。作答線索在空格前 一句、空格本句與空格後兩段內容,尤其是第二段內容主要說明 coffee ground waste 做為 biofuel 的情形。

13.說明:本題評量考生能否掌握句法結構。作答線索在空格前後的關係,尤其是空格 前…will begin using a biofuel that…,評量考生掌握關係子句中動詞的形式。

14.說明:本題評量考生能否掌握 processed 在句中上下文語境的用法。作答線索在空格前 後…are dried and…to remove the coffee oil 的語意關係。

15.說明:本題評量考生能否掌握片語 turning to 的語意與段落文意發展的關係。作答線索 在空格前一句,尤其是…a health crisis caused directly by poor-quality air,與空格 本句後…to cut production of carbon emissions 的語意關係。


測驗目標:評量考生綜合運用詞彙(含慣用語),掌握語意、語法、語用以及篇章結構 的知識,理解文意脈絡、擷取文章重要訊息,並加以分析、比較與推理的能 力。


Language is a human activity. It has an unlimited variability; in other words, language is subject to change. Many languages in the world have disappeared or evolved into other languages over the centuries.

It is estimated that over 7,000 languages are spoken in the world today. The number is constantly changing because languages are living and dynamic; people are learning more about languages every day. Among the thousands of languages spoken today, only ten have more than 100 million speakers. On the other hand, about 40% of languages are endangered, with less than 1,000 speakers remaining.


英文考科 身心障礙學生升學大專校院甄試大學組考試說明


Many cultures are under threat now due to the fact that their languages are disappearing.

According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), a language is considered endangered when “its speakers cease to use it, use it in fewer and fewer domains, use fewer of its registers and speaking styles, and/or stop passing it on to the next generation.” When children no longer learn an endangered language as their primary language, the language is considered extinct.

Many causes can lead to the death of a language. One culprit of language extinction is colonization. When an empire rises, it brings with it its own culture and language. In order to survive, indigenous people have to learn the language of the colonizers. In the old days, that meant abandoning the mother tongue entirely. In modern times, it means people have to learn the language of the dominant culture.

Can languages be saved? The short answer to that question is: Yes, languages can be saved.

Recognizing the value of endangered languages, many linguists and academics are working to preserve them through the use of modern technology. Mobile phone applications have been created to facilitate the learning of languages in danger. This new language learning method, which is especially appealing to younger people, has proven to be effective.

21. Which of the following titles best describes the passage?

(A) Dying and Saving of Languages (B) Use of UNESCO’s Language Policy (C) Languages and Effects of Colonization (D) Fighting Back of Endangered Languages

22. Which of the following best replaces “culprit” in the fourth paragraph?

(A) Problem. (B) Feature. (C) Meaning. (D) Cause.

23. According to UNESCO, which of the following is NOT part of the definition of an endangered language?

(A) Its speakers use it in fewer areas.

(B) Its speakers stop using the language.

(C) Its speakers stop writing in the language.

(D) Its speakers use fewer of its speaking styles.

24. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

(A) Colonization helps preserve indigenous cultures.

(B) Linguists are trying to save endangered languages.

(C) Over half of the languages spoken today are endangered.

(D) Modern technology has caused some languages to disappear.


身心障礙學生升學大專校院甄試大學組考試說明 英文考科


25. Which of the following statements can be inferred from the passage?

(A) Indigenous people should listen to their colonizers.

(B) Mobile phone applications may help a language survive.

(C) There is not much one can do about disappearing languages.

(D) Children should learn many languages to become global citizens.

(109 學年度身心障礙學生升學大專校院甄試大學組)



22.說明:本題評量考生能否利用上下文猜測詞意。作答線索在於第四段第一句 Many causes can lead to the death of a language.點出該段將著墨於語言消失的原因


23.說明:本題評量考生能否掌握段落細節。作答線索在於第三段內容,尤其是在第二句 According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), a language is considered endangered when “its speakers cease to use it, use it in fewer and fewer domains, use fewer of its registers and speaking styles, and/or stop passing it on to the next generation.”。

24.說明:本題評量考生能否掌握主旨與細節之間的關係。作答線索在於對於全文文意的 理解,尤其是第五段第三句Recognizing the value of endangered languages, many linguists and academics are working to preserve them through the use of modern technology.。





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