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The QR algorithm


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The QR algorithm

Tsung-Ming Huang

Department of Mathematics National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan

December 3, 2008




1 The power and inverse power methods The inverse power method

2 The explicitly shift QR algorithm

The QR algorithm and the inverse power method The unshifted QR algorithm

Hessenberg form

3 Implicity shifted QR algorithm The implicit double shift

4 The generalized eigenvalue problem

Real Schur and Hessenberg-triangular forms The doubly shifted QZ algorithm



The power and inverse power methods

Let A be a nondefective matrix and (λi, xi)for i = 1, · · · , n be a complete set of eigenpairs of A. That is {x1, · · · , xn} is linearly independent. Hence, for any u0 6= 0, ∃ α1, · · · , αnsuch that

u0 = α1x1+ · · · + αnxn. Now Akxi= λkixi, so that

Aku0= α1λk1x1+ · · · + αnλknxn. (1) If |λ1| > |λi| for i ≥ 2 and α16= 0, then


λk1Aku0= α1x1+(λ2

λ1)kα2x2+· · ·+αnn

λ1)kxn→ α1x1 as k → 0.




Let A have a unique dominant eigenpair (λ1, x1)with x1x1 = 1 and X = x1 X2  be a nonsingular matrix with X2X2= I such that

X−1AX =

 λ1 0

0 M

 . Let u0 6= 0 be decomposed in u0 = r1x1+ X2c2. Then

sin ∠(x1, Aku0) ≤ |λ1|−kkMkk2kc2/r1k2 1 − |λ1|−kkMkk2kc2/r1k2. In particular ∀ ε > 0, ∃ σ such that

sin ∠(x1, Aku0) ≤ σ[ρ(M )/|λ1| + ε]k 1 − σ[ρ(M )/|λ1| + ε]k, where ρ(M ) is the spectral radius of M .



Proof: Since

u0= α1x1+ X2c2 = x1 X2 

 α1 c2

= X

 α1 c2

 , it follows that

X−1Aku0 = X−1AkX



= (X−1AX)(X−1AX) · · · (X−1AX)

 α1 c2


 λk1 0 0 Mk

  α1 c2

 . Hence,

Aku0 = X



= α1λk1x1+ X2Mkc2.



Let the columns of Y form an orthonormal basis for the subspace orthogonal to x1.By Lemma 3.12 in Chapter 1, we have

sin ∠(x1, Aku0) = kYAku0k2

kAku0k2 = kYX2Mkc2k21λk1x1+ X2Mkc2k2. But

kYX2Mkc2k2≤ kMkk2kc2k2 and

1λk1x1+ X2Mkc2k2≥ |α1||λk1| − kMkk2kc2k2, we get

sin ∠(x1, Aku0) ≤ |λ1|−kkMkk2kc21k2 1 − |λ1|−kkMkk2kc21k2. By Theorem 2.9 in Chapter 1, ∀ ε > 0, ∃ ˆσsuch that

kMkk2≤ ˆσ(ρ(M ) + ε)k.



Take σ = ˆσkc21k2.Then ∀ ε > 0,

sin ∠(x1, Aku0) ≤ σ[ρ(M )/|λ1| + ε]k 1 − σ[ρ(M )/|λ1| + ε]k.

The error in the eigenvector approximation converges to zero at an asymptotic rate of [ρ(M )/|λ1|]k.

If A has a complete system of eigenvectors with

1| > |λ2| ≥ · · · ≥ |λn|, then the convergence is as




Algorithm (Power Method with 2-norm) Choose an initial u 6= 0 with kuk2 = 1.

Iterate until convergence

Computev = Au; k = kvk2; u := v/k Theorem

The sequence defined by Algorithm 1 is satisfied

i→∞lim ki = |λ1|

i→∞lim εiui= x1 kx1k


1|, where ε = |λ1| λ1



Proof: It is obvious that

us = Asu0/kAsu0k, ks= kAsu0k/kAs−1u0k. (2) This follows from λ1−sAsu0 −→ α1x1 that

1|−skAsu0k −→ |α1|kx1k

1|−s+1kAs−1u0k −→ |α1|kx1k and then

1|−1kAsu0k/kAs−1u0k = |λ1|−1ks−→ 1.

From (1) follows now for s → ∞

εsus = εs Asu0 kAsu0k =

α1x1+Pn i=2αi










→ α1x1

1x1k = x1

kx1k α1




Algorithm (Power Method with Linear Function) Choose an initial u 6= 0.

Iterate until convergence

Computev = Au; k = `(v); u := v/k

where`(v), e.g.e1(v)oren(v), is a linear functional.


Suppose `(x1) 6= 0and `(vi) 6= 0, i = 1, 2, . . . ,then

i→∞lim ki = λ1 i→∞lim ui = x1




Proof: As above we show that

ui = Aiu0/`(Aiu0), ki= `(Aiu0)/`(Ai−1u0).

From (1) we get for s → ∞ λ1−s

`(Asu0) −→ α1`(x1), λ1−s+1`(As−1u0) −→ α1`(x1), thus


ks−→ 1.

Similarly for i −→ ∞,

ui= Aiu0

`(Aiu0) = α1x1+Pn






−→ α1x1




Note that:

ks = `(Asu0)

`(As−1u0) = λ1

α1`(x1) +Pn


1)s`(xj) α1`(x1) +Pn



= λ1+ O

| λ2

λ1 |s−1


That is the convergent rate is







Let u 6= 0 and for any µ set rµ= Au − µu. Then krµk2is minimized when

µ = uAu/uu.

In this case rµ⊥ u.

Proof: W.L.O.G. assume kuk2= 1. Let u U  be unitary and set

 u U

A u U  ≡

 ν h g B


 uAu uAU UAu UAU





 u U

 rµ =

 u U

Au − µ

 u U



 u U

A u U 

 u U

 u − µ

 u U



 ν h g B

  u U

 u − µ

 u U



 ν h g B

  1 0

− µ

 1 0


 ν − µ g


It follows that krµk22= k

 u U

rµk22 = k

 ν − µ g

k22 = |ν − µ|2+ kgk22.




minµ krµk2 = kgk2 = krνk2. That is µ = ν = uAu. On the other hand, since

urµ= u(Au − µu) = uAu − µ = 0, it implies that rµ⊥ u.

Definition (Rayleigh quotient)

Let u and v be vectors with vu 6= 0.Then vAu/vuis called a Rayleigh quotient.

If u or v is an eigenvector corresponding to an eigenvalue λ of A, then


vu = λvu vu = λ.

Therefore, ukAuk/ukukprovide a sequence of approximation to λin the power method.


師大 The inverse power method

Inverse power method


Find the eigenvalue of A that is in a given region or closest to a certain scalar σ and the corresponding eigenvector.

Let λ1, · · · , λnbe the eigenvalues of A. Suppose λ1is simple and σ ≈ λ1.Then

µ1 = 1

λ1− σ, µ2 = 1

λ2− σ, · · · , µn= 1 λn− σ

are eigenvalues of (A − σI)−1 and µ1→ ∞ as σ → λ1. Thus we transform λ1into a dominant eigenvalue µ1.

The inverse power method is simply the power method applied to (A − σI)−1.


師大 The inverse power method


y = (A − σI)−1xand ˆx = y/kyk2. It holds that

(A − σI)ˆx = x

kyk2 ≡ w.


ρ = ˆx(A − σI)ˆx = ˆxw.


r = [A − (σ + ρ)I]ˆx = (A − σI)ˆx − ρˆx = w − ρˆx.

Algorithm (Inverse power method with a fixed shift) Choose an initial u0 6= 0.

For i = 0, 1, 2, . . .

Computevi+1= (A − σI)−1ui andki+1= `(vi+1).

Setui+1= vi+1/ki+1


師大 The inverse power method

The convergence of Algorithm 3 is |λλ1−σ

2−σ| whenever λ1 and λ2are the closest and the second closest eigenvalues to σ.

Algorithm 3 is linearly convergent.

Algorithm (Inverse power method with variant shifts) Choose an initial u0 6= 0.

Given σ0= σ.

For i = 0, 1, 2, . . .

Computevi+1= (A − σiI)−1uiandki+1= `(vi+1).

Setui+1= vi+1/ki+1andσi+1= σi+ 1/ki+1. Above algorithm is locally quadratic convergent.


師大 The inverse power method

Connection with Newton method

Consider the nonlinear equations:


 u λ

 Au − λu

`Tu − 1


 0 0

. (3)

Newton method for (3): for i = 0, 1, 2, . . .

 ui+1 λi+1


 ui λi


 ui λi



 ui λi

. Since


 u λ


 A − λI −u

`T 0


the Newton method can be rewritten by component-wise

(A − λi)ui+1 = (λi+1− λi)ui (4)

`Tui+1 = 1. (5)


師大 The inverse power method


vi+1= ui+1 λi+1− λi. Substituting vi+1into (4), we get

(A − λiI)vi+1= ui. By equation (5), we have

ki+1= `(vi+1) = `(ui+1)

λi+1− λi = 1 λi+1− λi. It follows that

λi+1= λi+ 1 ki+1.

Hence the Newton’s iterations (4) and (5) are identified with Algorithm 4.


師大 The inverse power method

Algorithm (Inverse power method with Rayleigh Quotient) Choose an initial u0 6= 0 with ku0k2 = 1.

Compute σ0= uT0Au0. For i = 0, 1, 2, . . .

Computevi+1= (A − σiI)−1ui.

Setui+1= vi+1/kvi+1k2 andσi+1= uTi+1Aui+1. For symmetric A, Algorithm 5 is cubically convergent.



The explicitly shift QR algorithm

The QR algorithm is an iterative method for reducing a matrix A to triangular form by unitary similarity transformations.

Algorithm (explicitly shift QR algorithm) Set A0 = A.

For k = 0, 1, 2, · · · Choose a shift σk;

Factor Ak− σkI = QkRk,where Qkis orthogonal and Rkis upper triangular;

Ak+1= RkQk+ σkI; end for




Ak− σkI = QkRk=⇒ Rk= Qk(Ak− σkI), it holds that

Ak+1 = RkQk+ σkI

= Qk(Ak− σkI)Qk+ σkI

= QkAkQk

The algorithm is a variant of the power method.


師大 The QR algorithm and the inverse power method

Let Q = Qˆ q  be unitary and write


 QˆA ˆQ QˆAq qA ˆQ qAq

 Bˆ ˆh ˆ g µˆ

 . If (λ, q) is a left eigenpair of A, then


g = qA ˆQ = λqQ = 0ˆ and ˆµ = qAq = λqq = λ.

That is


 Bˆ hˆ 0 λ


But it is not an effective computational procedure because it requires q is an eigenvector of A.


師大 The QR algorithm and the inverse power method

Let q be an approximate left eigenvector of A with qq = 1, ˆµ = qAq and r = qA − ˆµq. Then

r Qˆ q 

= (qA − ˆµq) Qˆ q 

= qA ˆQ − ˆµqQˆ qAq − ˆµqq 

= qA ˆQ 0  = ˆg 0  . Therefore,

kˆgk2= kr Qˆ q  k2= krk2.

The QR algorithm implicitly chooses q to be a vector produced by the inverse power method with shift σ.


師大 The QR algorithm and the inverse power method

Write the QR factorization of A − σI as

 Qˆ q

(A − σI) = R ≡

 Rˆ r

 . It holds that

q(A − σI) = r = rnneTn ⇒ q = rnneTn(A − σI)−1 (6) Hence, the last column of Q generated by the QR algorithm is the result of the inverse power method with shift σ applied to eTn. Question

How to choose shift σ?


師大 The QR algorithm and the inverse power method


A =

 B h g µ

 . Then

eTnAen= µ and eTnA − µen= g µ  − µen= g 0  .

If we take (µ, en)to be an approximate left eigenvector of A, then the corresponding residual norm is kgk2.

If g is small, then µ should approximate an eigenvalue of A and choose σ = µ = eTnAen(Rayleigh quotient shift).


Why the QR algorithm converges?


師大 The QR algorithm and the inverse power method


A − σI ≡

 B − σI h g µ − σ

= QR ≡

 P f e π

  S r 0 ρ

(7) be the QR factorization of A − σI. Take

A ≡ˆ

 Bˆ ˆh ˆ g µˆ

= RQ + σI. (8)

Since Q is unitary, we have

kek22+ π2 = kf k22+ π2 = 1 which implies that

kek2= kf k2 and |π| ≤ 1.


師大 The QR algorithm and the inverse power method

From (7), we have

g = eS.

Assume S is nonsingular and κ = kS−1k2, then kek2≤ κkgk2.

Since R ≡

 S r 0 ρ

= Q(A−σI) ≡

 P e f π¯

  B − σI h g µ − σ

 , it implies that

ρ = fh + ¯π(µ − σ) and then

|ρ| ≤ kf kkhk + |π||µ − σ| = kek2khk2+ |π||µ − σ|

≤ κkgk2khk2+ |µ − σ|.


師大 The QR algorithm and the inverse power method

From (8), we have


g = ρe which implies that

kˆgk2≤ |ρ|kek2 ≤ |ρ|κkgk2≤ κ2khk2kgk22+ κ|µ − σ|kgk2. Consequently,

kgj+1k2 ≤ κ2jkhjk2kgjk22+ κjj − σj|kgjk2. If g0 is sufficiently small and µ0 is sufficiently near a simple eigenvalue λ, then gj → 0 and µj → λ.

Assume ∃ η and κ such that

khjk2 ≤ η and κj = kSj−1k2 ≤ κ.


師大 The QR algorithm and the inverse power method

Take the Rayleigh quotient shift σj = µj. Then kgj+1k2 ≤ κ2ηkgjk22,

which means that kgjk2converges at least quadratically to zero.

If A0 is Hermitian, then Akis also Hermitian. It holds that hj = gj

and then

kgj+1k2≤ κ2kgjk32. Therefore, the convergent rate is cubic.


師大 The unshifted QR algorithm

The unshifted QR algorithm

QR algorithm

Ak+1= QkAkQk or

Ak+1= QkQk−1· · · Q0A0Q0· · · Qk−1Qk

for k = 0, 1, 2, · · · . Let

k= Q0· · · Qk−1Qk. Then

Ak+1= ˆQkA0k.


師大 The unshifted QR algorithm


Let Q0, · · · , Qkand R0, · · · , Rkbe the orthogonal and triangular matrices generated by the QR algorithm with shifts σ0, · · · , σk starting with A. Let

k= Q0· · · Qk and ˆRk= R0· · · Rk. Then

kk= (A − σ0I) · · · (A − σkI).

Proof: Since

Rk = (Ak+1− σkI)Qk

= Qˆk(A − σkI) ˆQkQk

= Qˆk(A − σkI) ˆQk−1,


師大 The unshifted QR algorithm

it follows that

k = Rkk−1 = ˆQk(A − σkI) ˆQk−1k−1


kk= (A − σkI) ˆQk−1k−1. By induction on ˆQk−1k−1, we have

kk= (A − σkI) · · · (A − σ0I).

If σk= 0for k = 0, 1, 2, · · · , then ˆQkk = Ak+1 and ˆ

r(k)111(k)= ˆQkke1 = Ak+1e1.

This implies that the first column of ˆQkis the normalized result of applying k + 1 iterations of the power method to e1.


師大 The unshifted QR algorithm

Hence, ˆq1(k)approaches the dominant eigenvector of A, i.e., if Ak = ˆQkAQk=

 µk hk gk Bk


then gk→ 0 and µk → λ1,where λ1is the dominant eigenvalue of A.

Theorem Let

X−1AX = Λ ≡ diag(λ1, · · · , λn)

where |λ1| > |λ2| > · · · > |λn| > 0. Suppose X−1has an LU factorization X−1= LU,where L is unit lower triangular, and let X = QRbe the QR factorization of X. If Akhas the QR

factorization Ak = ˆQkk,then ∃ diagonal matrices Dkwith

|Dk| = I such that ˆQkDk−→ Q.


師大 The unshifted QR algorithm

Proof: By the assumptions, we get

Ak= XΛkX−1 = QRΛkLU = QR(Λk−k)(ΛkU ).


k−k)ij = `ijij)k → 0 for i > j, it holds that

Λk−k → I as k → ∞.


Λk−k = I + Ek, where Ek→ 0 as k → ∞. Then

Ak= QR(I + Ek)(ΛkU ) = Q(I + REkR−1)(RΛkU ).


師大 The unshifted QR algorithm


I + REkR−1 = ¯Qkk

be the QR factorization of I + REkR−1.Then Ak = (Q ¯Qk)( ¯RkkU ).


I + REkR−1→ I as k → ∞, we have

k → I as k → ∞.

Let the diagonals of ¯RkkU be δ1, · · · , δmand set Dk= diag(¯δ1/|δ1|, · · · , ¯δnn).

Then Ak= (Q ¯QkD−1k )(DkkkU ) = ˆQkk.


師大 The unshifted QR algorithm

Since the diagonals of DkkkU and ˆRkare positive, by the uniqueness of the QR factorization

k = Q ¯QkD−1k , which implies that

kDk= Q ¯Qk → Q as k → ∞.


(i) Since X−1AX = Λ ≡ diag(λ1, · · · , λn), we have

A = XΛX−1 = (QR)Λ(QR)−1 = Q(RΛR−1)Q ≡ QT Q which is a Schur decomposition of A. Therefore, the column of ˆQkDkconverge to the Schur vector of A and Ak= ˆQkA ˆQkconverges to the triangular factor of the Schur decomposition of A.


師大 The unshifted QR algorithm

(ii) Write

R(Λk−k) =

R11 r1,i R1,i+1 0 rii ri,i+1 0 0 Ri+1,i+1

L(k)11 0 0

`(k)∗i,1 1 0 L(k)i+1,1 `(k)i+1,i L(k)i+1,i+1

. If `(k)∗i,1 , L(k)i+1,1 and `(k)i+1,i are zeros, then

R(Λk−k) =

R11L(k)11 r1,i R1,i+1Li+1,i+1 0 ri,i ri,i+1Li+1,i+1 0 0 Ri+1,i+1Li+1,i+1

 and

I + REkR−1 = R(I + Ek)R−1= R(Λk−k)R−1


G11 g1,i G1,i+1

0 gii gi,i+1 0 0 Gi+1,i+1

= Q¯kk ∼ QR factorization


師大 The unshifted QR algorithm

which implies that

k= diag( ¯Qk11, w, ¯Qki+1,i+1) and

Ak = QˆkA ˆQk= ¯QkQAQ ¯Qk= ¯QkT ¯Qk


A(k)11 a(k)1,i A(k)1,i+1 0 λi A(k)i,i+1 0 0 A(k)i+1,i+1


Therefore, Akdecouples at its ith diagonal element.

The rate of convergence is at least as fast as the approach of max{|λii−1|, |λi+1i|}kto zero.


師大 Hessenberg form


A Householder transformation or elementary reflector is a matrix of

H = I − uu where kuk2 =√


Note that H is Hermitian and unitary.


Let x be a vector such that kxk2 = 1and x1 is real and nonnegative. Let

u = (x + e1)/√ 1 + x1. Then

Hx = (I − uu)x = −e1.


師大 Hessenberg form


I − uux = x − (ux)u = x − xx + x1

√1 + x1 · x + e1

√1 + x1

= x − (x + e1) = −e1


Let x be a vector with x16= 0. Let u = ρkxkx

2 + e1 q1 + ρkxkx1



where ρ = ¯x1/|x1|. Then

Hx = − ¯ρkxk2e1.


師大 Hessenberg form

Proof: Since

[ ¯ρx/kxk2+ eT1][ρx/kxk2+ e1]

= ρρ + ρx¯ 1/kxk2+ ¯ρ¯x1/kxk2+ 1

= 2[1 + ρx1/kxk2], it follows that

uu = 2 ⇒ kuk2=√ 2 and

ux = ρkxk¯ 2+ x1

q1 + ρkxkx1




師大 Hessenberg form


Hx = x − (ux)u = x − ρkxk¯ 2+ x1

q1 + ρkxkx1



2 + e1

q1 + ρkxkx1




1 −( ¯ρkxk2+ x1)kxkρ


1 + ρkxkx1



x −ρkxk¯ 2+ x1

1 + ρkxkx1



= −ρkxk¯ 2+ x1

1 + ρkxkx1



= −¯ρkxk2e1.


師大 Hessenberg form

•Reduction to Hessenberg form Take

A =

 α11 a12 a21 A22


Let ˆH1 be a Householder transformation such that Hˆ1a21= v1e1.

Set H1 = diag(1, ˆH1). Then H1AH1=

 α11 a1211a211A221


 α11 a121 v1e11A221

For the general step, suppose H1, · · · , Hk−1are Householder transformation such that

Hk−1· · · H1AH1· · · Hk−1=

A11 a1,k A1,k+1 0 αkk ak,k+1 0 ak+1,k Ak+1,k+1



師大 Hessenberg form

where A11is a Hessenberg matrix of order k − 1. Let ˆHkbe a Householder transformation such that

kak+1,k= vke1. Set Hk= diag(Ik, ˆHk),then

HkHk−1· · · H1AH1· · · Hk−1Hk=

A11 a1,k A1,k+1k 0 αkk ak,k+1k

0 vke1kAk+1,k+1k



師大 Hessenberg form

× × × × ×

× × × × ×

× × × × ×

× × × × ×

× × × × ×

 H1


× × × × ×

× × × × ×

0 × × × ×

0 × × × ×

0 × × × ×



× × × × ×

× × × × ×

0 × × × ×

0 0 × × ×

0 0 × × ×



× × × × ×

× × × × ×

0 × × × ×

0 0 × × ×

0 0 0 × ×


師大 Hessenberg form

Definition (Givens rotation)

A plane rotation (also called a Givens rotation) is a matrix of the form

P =

 c s

−¯s ¯c

where |c|2+ |s|2= 1.

Given a 6= 0 and b, set

v =p|a|2+ |b|2, c = |a|/v and s = a

|a| ·¯b v, then

 c s

−¯s c¯

  a b

= v a



! .


師大 Hessenberg form


Pij =

 Ii−1

c s


−¯s c¯


 .

× × × ×

× × × ×

× × × ×

× × × ×

 P12


+ + + +

0 + + +

× × × ×

× × × ×

 P13


+ + + +

0 × × ×

0 + + +

× × × ×



+ + + +

0 × × ×

0 × × ×

0 + + +


師大 Hessenberg form

× × × ×

× × × ×

× × × ×

× × × ×

 P12


+ 0 × ×

+ + × ×

+ + × ×

+ + × ×



+ 0 0 ×

+ × + ×

+ × + ×

+ × + ×



+ 0 0 0

+ × × +

+ × × +

+ × × +


師大 Hessenberg form

(i) Reduce a matrix to Hessenberg form by QR factorization.

× × × × ×

× × × × ×

× × × × ×

× × × × ×

× × × × ×



× × × × ×

× × × × ×

0 × × × ×

0 × × × ×

0 × × × ×



× × × × ×

× × × × ×

0 × × × ×

0 0 × × ×

0 0 × × ×



× × × × ×

× × × × ×

0 × × × ×

0 0 × × ×

0 0 0 × ×

: upper Hessenberg


師大 Hessenberg form

(ii) Reduce upper Hessenberg matrix to upper triangular form by Givens rotations

× × × × ×

× × × × ×

0 × × × ×

0 0 × × ×

0 0 0 × ×

 P12A1


× × × × ×

0 × × × ×

0 × × × ×

0 0 × × ×

0 0 0 × ×



× × × × ×

0 × × × ×

0 0 × × ×

0 0 × × ×

0 0 0 × ×

 P34A3


× × × × ×

0 × × × ×

0 0 × × ×

0 0 0 × ×

0 0 0 × ×



× × × × ×

0 × × × ×

0 0 × × ×

0 0 0 × ×

0 0 0 0 ×

= T (upper triangular)


師大 Hessenberg form

× × × × ×

0 × × × ×

0 0 × × ×

0 0 0 × ×

0 0 0 0 ×

 A1P12


+ + × × ×

+ + × × ×

0 0 × × ×

0 0 0 × ×

0 0 0 0 ×



× + + × ×

× + + × ×

0 + + × ×

0 0 0 × ×

0 0 0 0 ×

 A3P34


× × + + ×

× × + + ×

0 × + + ×

0 0 + + ×

0 0 0 0 ×



× × × + +

× × × + +

0 × × + +

0 0 × + +

0 0 0 + +

= H (upper Hessenberg)


師大 Hessenberg form

A practical algorithm for reducing an upper Hessenberg matrix Hto Schur form:

1 If the shifted QR algorithm is applied to H, then hn,n−1will tend rapidly to zero and other subdiagonal elements may also tend to zero, slowly.

2 If hi,i−1 ≈ 0, then deflate the matrix to save computation.

How to decide hi,i−1to be negligible?


|hi+1,i| ≤ εkAkF

for a small number ε, then hi+1,iis negligible.

Let Q be an orthogonal matrix such that H = QAQ ≡ [hij] is upper Hessenberg. Let

H = H − h˜ i+1,iei+1eTi ∼ deflated matrix


師大 Hessenberg form


E = Q(hi+1,iei+1eTi )Q. Then

H = Q˜ (A − E)Q.

If |hi+1,i| ≤ εkAkF,then

kEkF = kQ(hi+1,iei+1eTi )QkF = |hi+1,i| ≤ εkAkF or

kEkF kAkF ≤ ε.

When ε equals the rounding unit εM,the perturbation E is of a size with the perturbation due to rounding the

elements of A.


師大 Hessenberg form

The Wilkinson shift

1 The Rayleigh-quotient shift σ = hn,n

⇒ local quadratic convergence to simple

2 If H is real

⇒ Rayleigh-quotient shift is also real

⇒ can not approximate a complex eigenvalue

3 The Wilkinson shift µ : If λ1, λ2 are eigenvalues of

 hn−1,n−1 hn−1,n hn,n−1 hn,n


1− hn,n| ≤ |λ2− hn,n|, then µ = λ1.


師大 Hessenberg form

Algorithm do k = 1, 2, · · ·

compute Wilkinson shift µk

Reduce upper Hessenberg Hk− µkI to upper triangular Tk: Pn−1,n(k) · · · P12(k)(Hk− µkI) = Tk;


Hk+1 = TkP12(k)∗· · · Pn−1,n(k)∗ + µkI;

end do

⇒ Schur form of A ⇒ eigenvalues of A.


How to get eigenvectors of A?


師大 Hessenberg form

If A = QT Q is the Schur decomposition of A and X is the matrix of right eigenvectors of T , then QX is the matrix of right eigenvalues of A.


T =

T11 t1,k t1,k+1 0 τkk tk,k+1 0 0 Tk+1,k+1

 and τkkis a simple eigenvalue of T , then

−(T11− τkkI)−1t1,k 1


 is an eigenvector of T and

0 1 −tk,k+1(Tk+1,k+1− τkkI)−1  is a left eigenvector of T corresponding to τkk.



The implicity shifted QR algorithm

Theorem (Real Schur form)

Let A be real of order n. Then ∃ an orthogonal matrix U such that


T11 T12 · · · T1k 0 T22 · · · T2k ... . .. ... ... 0 · · · 0 Tkk

∼ quasi-triangular

The diagonal blocks of T are of order one or two. The blocks of order one contain the real eigenvalue of A. The block of order two contain the pairs of complex conjugate eigenvalue of A.

The blocks can be made to appear in any order.



Proof: Let (λ, x) be a complex eigenpair with λ = µ + iν and x = y + iz. That is

2y = x + ¯x, 2zi = x − ¯x and

Ay = 1

2[λx + ¯λ¯x]

= 1

2[(µy − νz) + i(µz + νy) + (µy − νz) − i(νy + µz)]

= µy − νz. (9)


Az = 1

2i[λx − ¯λ¯x] = νy + µz. (10) From (9) and (10), we have

A y z 

= µy − νz νy + µz 

= y z 

 µ ν

−ν µ

≡ y z  L.




y z  = X1 X2 

 R 0

= X1R

be a QR factorization of y z . Since y and z are linearly independent, it holds that R is nonsingular and

X1 = y z  R−1. Consequently,

AX1 = A y z  R−1 = y z  LR−1= X1RLR−1. Using this result and (X1 X2)is unitary, we have

 X1T X2T

A X1 X2 





 RLR−1 X1TAX2 0 X2TAX2

 . (11)



Since λ and ¯λare eigenvalues of L and RLR−1 is similar to L, (11) completes the deflation of the complex conjugate pair λ and ¯λ.


AX1 = X1(RLR−1)

⇒ A maps the column space of X1 into itself

⇒ span(X1)is called an eigenspace or invariant subspace.

•Francis double shift

1 If the Wilkinson shift σ is complex, then ¯σ is also a candidate for a shift.

2 Apply two steps of the QR algorithm, one with shift σ and the other with shift ¯σto yield a matrix ˆH.




Q ˆˆR = (H − σI)(H − ˆσI) be the QR factorization of (H − σI)(H − ˆσI), then

H = ˆˆ QH ˆQ.


(H − σI)(H − ˆσI) = H2− 2Re(σ)H + |σ|2I ∈ Rn×n, we have that ˆQ ∈ Rn×nand ˆH ∈ Rn×n. Therefore, the QR algorithm with two complex conjugate shifts preserves reality.

Francis double shift strategy

1 Compute the Wilkinson shift σ;

2 From the matrix H2− 2Re(σ)H + |σ|2I := ˜H ∼ O(n3) operations;

3 Compute QR factorization of ˜H : ˜H = ˆQ ˆR;

4 Compute ˆH = ˆQH ˆQ.



• The uniqueness of Hessenberg reduction Definition

Let H be upper Hessenberg of order n. Then H is unreduced if hi+1,i 6= 0 for i = 1, · · · , n − 1.

Theorem (Implicit Q theorem)

Suppose Q = q1 · · · qn  and V = v1 · · · vn  are unitary matrices with

QAQ = H and VAV = G

being upper Hessenberg. Let k denote the smallest positive integer for which hk+1,k = 0,with the convection that k = n if H is unreduced. If v1 = q1, then vi= ±qiand |hi,i−1| = |gi,i−1| for i = 2, · · · , k.Moreover, if k < n, then gk+1,k = 0.



Proof: Define W ≡ w1 · · · wn  = VQ. Then GW = GVQ = VAQ = VQH = W H which implies that

hi,i−1wi = Gwi−1




hj,i−1wj for i = 2, · · · , k.

Since v1 = q1, it holds that w1 = e1,

h21w2 = Gw1− h11w1 = α21e1+ α22e2. Assume

wi−1= αi−1,1e1+ · · · + αi−1,i−1ei−1.




hi,i−1wi = G[αi−1,1e1+ · · · + αi−1,i−1ei−1] −





= α¯i,1e1+ · · · + ¯αi,iei.

By induction, w1 · · · wk  is upper triangular. Since V and Qare unitary, W = V ∗ Q is also unitary and then

w1wj = 0, for j = 2, · · · , k.

That is

w1j = 0, for j = 2, · · · , k which implies that

w2= ±e2. Similarly, by

w2wj = 0, for j = 3, · · · , k,




w2j = 0, for j = 3, · · · , k.

We get w3 = ±e3.By induction,

wi= ±ei, for i = 2, · · · , k.

Since wi= Vqi and hi,i−1 = wiGwi−1, we have vi = V ei= ±V wi = ±qi and

|hi,i−1| = |gi,i−1| for i = 2, · · · , k.

If hk+1,k = 0, then

gk+1,k = eTk+1Gek= ±eTk+1GW ek= ±eTk+1W Hek

= ±eTk+1




hikwi = ±




hikeTk+1ei = 0



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