Tsung-Ming Huang
Department of Mathematics National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
April 8, 2009
1 Eigenspaces Definitions
Simple eigenspaces
2 Perturbation Theory Canonical angles Residual analysis
3 Krylov subspaces
Krylov sequences and Krylov spaces Convergence
Block Krylov spaces
4 Rayleigh-Ritz Approximation Rayleigh-Ritz methods Convergence
Refined Ritz vectors Harmonic Ritz vectors
Let A be of order n and let X be a subspace of Cn. Then X is aneigenspaceorinvariant subspaceof A if
AX = {Ax; x ∈ X } ⊂ X .
If (λ, x) ≡ (α + ıβ, y + ız) is a complex eigenpair of a real matrix A, i.e.,
A(y + ız) = (α + ıβ)(y + ız) = (αy − βz) + ı(βy + αz)
Ay = αy − βz, Az = βy + αz, then
y z = y z
α β
−β α
. It implies that R [ y z ] is an eigenspace of A.
師大 Definitions
Let X be an eigenspace of A and let X be a basis for X . Then there is a unique matrix L such that
AX = XL.
The matrix L is given by
L = XIAX, where XI is a matrix satisfying XIX = I.
If (λ, x) is an eigenpair of A with x ∈ X , then (λ, XIx)is an eigenpair of L. Conversely, if (λ, u) is an eigenpair of L, then (λ, Xu)is an eigenpair of A.
Proof: Let
X = [x1· · · xk] and Y = AX = [y1· · · yk] .
Since yi ∈ X and X is a basis for X , there is a unique vector `i such that
yi = X`i.
If we set L = [`1· · · `k], then AX = XL and L = XIXL = XIAX.
Now let (λ, x) be an eigenpair of A with x ∈ X . Then there is a unique vector u such that x = Xu. However, u = XIx. Hence
λx = Ax = AXu = XLu ⇒ λu = λXIx = Lu.
Conversely, if Lu = λu, then
A(Xu) = (AX)u = (XL)u = X(Lu) = λ(Xu), so that (λ, Xu) is an eigenpair of A.
師大 Definitions
Let A be of order n. For X ∈ Cn×kand L ∈ Ck×k, we say that (L, X)is an eigenpair of order k or right eigenpair of order k of Aif
1. X is of full rank, 2. AX = XL.
The matrices X and L are called eigenbasis and eigenblock, respectively. If X is orthonormal, we say that the eigenpair (L, X)is orthonormal.
If Y ∈ Cn×k has linearly independent columns and
YHA = LYH, we say that (L, Y ) is a left eigenpair of order k of A.
How eigenpairs transform under change of basis and similarities?
Let (L, X) be an eigenpair of A. If U is nonsingular, then the pair (U−1LU, XU )is also eigenpair of A. If W is nonsingular, then (L, W−1X)is an eigenpair of W−1AW.
A(XU ) = (AX)U = (XL)U = (XU )(U−1LU ), (W−1AW )(W−1X) = W−1AX = (W−1X)L.
The eigenvalues of L of an eigenspace with respect to a basis are independent of the choices of the basis.
師大 Definitions
Let L = {λ1, . . . , λk} ⊂ Λ(A) be a multisubset of the
eigenvalues of A. Then there is an eigenspace X of A whose eigenvalues are λ1, . . . , λk.
Proof: Let
A[ U1 U2 ] = [ U1 U2 ]
T11 T12 0 T22
be a partitioned Schur decomposition of A in which T11is of order k and has the members of L on its diagonal. Then
AU1= U1T11.
Hence the column space of U1is an eigenspace of A whose eigenvalues are the members of L.
An eigenvalue whose geometric multiplicity is less than its algebraic multiplicity is defective.
Let X be an eigenspace of A with eigenvalues L. Then X is a simple eigenspace of A if
L ∩ [Λ(A) \ L] = ∅.
In the other words, an eigenspace is simple if its eigenvalues are disjoint from the other eigenvalues of A.
師大 Simple eigenspaces
Let (L1, X1)be a simple orthonormal eigenpairs of A and let (X1, Y2)be unitary so that
X1 Y2 =
L1 H 0 L2
Then there is a matrix Q satisfying the Sylvester equation L1Q − QL2= −H
such that if we set X =
X1 X2
and Y =
Y1 Y2 , where
X2 = Y2+ X1Q and Y1 = X1− Y2QH,
YHX = I and YHAX =diag(L1, L2).
Proof: Since (L1, X1)is a simple eigenpairs of A, it implies that Λ(L1) ∩ λ(L2) = ∅.
By Theorem 1.18 in Chapter 1, there is a unique matrix Q satisfying
L1Q − QL2= −H such that
I −Q
0 I
L1 H 0 L2
I Q 0 I
=diag(L1, L2).
That is
I −Q
0 I
X1 Y2
I Q 0 I
=diag(L1, L2).
師大 Simple eigenspaces
X1 X1Q + Y2 = diag(L1, L2).
1 X and Y are said to be biorthogonal.
2 Since A
X1 X2 = X1 X2 diag(L1, L2), we see that
AX2 = X2L2,
so that (L2, X2)is an eigenpair of A. Likewise (L1, Y1)is a left eigenpair of A.
Let x and y be nonzero vectors. Then the angle ∠(x, y) of x and y is defined as
cos ∠(x, y) = |xHy|
k x k2k y k2.
Extend this definition to subspaces in Cn. Let X and Y be subspaces of the same dimension. Let X and Y be orthonormal bases for X and Y, respectively, and define C = YHX. We have
k C k2≤k X k2k Y k2= 1.
Hence all the singular value of C lie in [0, 1] and can be regarded as cosine of angles.
師大 Canonical angles
Let X and Y be subspaces of Cnof dimension p and let X and Y be orthonormal bases for X and Y, respectively. Then the canonical angles between X and Y are
θi(X , Y) = cos−1γi, (1) with
θ1(X , Y) ≥ θ2(X , Y) ≥ · · · ≥ θp(X , Y), where γi are the singular values of YHX.
If the canonical angle is small, then the computation of (1) will give inaccurate results.
For small θ, cos(θ) ∼= 1 −12θ2. If θ ≤ 10−8, then cos(θ) will evaluate to 1 in IEEE double-precision arithmetic, and we will conclude that θ = 0.
The cure for this problem is to compute the sine of the canonical angles.
Let X and Y be orthonormal bases for X and Y, and let Y⊥be an orthonormal basis for the orthogonal complement of Y.
Then the singular values of Y⊥HX are the sines of the canonical angles between X and Y.
師大 Canonical angles
Proof: Let
X =
. By the orthonormality, we have
I = CHC + SHS.
VH(CHC)V = Γ2 ≡ diag(γ12, · · · , γp2)
be the spectral decomposition of CHC. Then by the definition of canonical angle θiin (1), we have
θi= cos−1γi. But
I = VH(CHC + SHS)V = Γ2+ VH(SHS)V ≡ Γ2+ Σ2.
It follows that
Σ2 ≡ diag(σ21, · · · , σ2p) =diag(1 − γ21, · · · , 1 − γp2), where σi are singular values of S = Y⊥HX. Therefore,
σ2i = 1 − γi2= 1 − cos2θi = sin2θi ⇒ θi= sin−1σi.
Let x be a vector with k x k2= 1and let Y be a subspace. Then sin ∠(x, Y) = min
y∈Y k x − y k2.
師大 Canonical angles
Proof: Let (Y, Y⊥)be unitary with R(Y ) = Y. Let y ∈ Y, then
(x − y) =
xˆ ˆ x⊥
yˆ 0
x − ˆˆ y ˆ x⊥
. It implies that
k x − y k2=
(x − y) 2
x − ˆˆ y ˆ x⊥
and hence
miny∈Ykx − yk = kˆx⊥k2= kY⊥Hxk2. (2) By Theorem 10 and (2), we have
sin ∠(x, Y) = kY⊥Hxk2= min
y∈Ykx − yk.
Let X and Y be orthonormal matrices with XHY = 0and let Z = X + Y Q. Let
σ1≥ σ2 ≥ · · · ≥ σk> 0 and ζ1 ≥ ζ2 ≥ · · · ≥ ζk> 0 denote the nonzero singular values of Z and Q, respectively.
θ1 ≥ θ2≥ · · · ≥ θk
to be the nonzero canonical angle between R(X) and R(Z).
σi = sec θi and ζi= tan θi, for i = 1, . . . , k.
師大 Canonical angles
Proof: Since
XHX = I, YHY = I, XHY = 0 and Z = X + Y Q, we have
ZHZ = (XH + QHYH)(X + Y Q) = I + QHQ.
This implies that
σi2 = 1 + ζi2, for i = 1, . . . , k. (3) Define
Z ≡ Z(Zˆ HZ)−1/2= (X + Y Q)(I + QHQ)−1/2, where (I + QHQ)−1/2is the inverse of the positive definite square root of I + QHQ. Then ˆZis an orthonormal basis for R(Z) and
XHZ = (I + QQˆ H)−1/2.
Hence the singular values γi of XHZˆare γi =
q 1 + ζi2
for i = 1, . . . , k. Using (3) and the definition of canonical angles θi between R(X) and R(Z), we have
cos θi = γi= σi−1. That is
σi= 1 cos θi
= sec θi. The relation tan θi= ζinow follows from (3).
師大 Canonical angles
Let (L1, X1)be a simple right orthonormal eigenpair of A and let (X1, Y2)be unitary. From Theorem 8, (L1, Y1≡ X1− Y2QH) is left eigenpair of A and Y1HX1= I. By Theorem 12, we obtain the following corollary.
Let X be an orthonormal basis for a simple eigenspace X of A and let Y be a basis for the corresponding left eigenspace Y of Anormalized so that YHX = I. Then the singular values of Y are the secants of the canonical angles between X and Y. In particular,
kY k2= sec θ1(X , Y).
Let [X X⊥]be unitary. Let R = AX − XL and
SH = XHA − LXH. Then kRk and kSk are minimized when L = XHAX,
in which case
kRk = kX⊥HAXk and kSk = kXHAX⊥k.
Proof: Set
X X⊥ =
Lˆ H
. Then
R =
Lˆ H
X −
XL =
L − Lˆ G
師大 Residual analysis
It implies that kRk =
L − Lˆ G
which is minimized when L = XHAXand min kRk = kGk = kX⊥HAXk.
The proof for S is similar.
Let X be of full column rank and let XIbe a left inverse of X.
Then XIAX is a Rayleigh quotient of A.
Let X be orthonormal and let
R = AX − XL.
Let `1, . . . , `kbe the eigenvalues of L. Then there are eigenvalues λj1, . . . , λjk of A such that
|`i− λji| ≤ kRk2 and
v u u t
(`i− λji)2≤√
師大 Krylov sequences and Krylov spaces
Power method: compute the dominant eigenpair Disadvantage: at each step it considers only the single vector Aku, which amounts to throwing away the information contained in u, Au, A2u, . . . , Ak−1u.
Let A be of order n and let u 6= 0 be an n vector. Then {u, Au, A2u, A3u, . . .}
is a Krylov sequence based on A and u. We call the matrix Kk(A, u) =
u Au A2u · · · Ak−1u the kth Krylov matrix. The space
Kk(A, u) = R[Kk(A, u)]
is called the kth Krylov subspace.
Let A and u 6= 0 be given. Then
1 The sequence of Krylov subspaces satisfies
Kk(A, u) ⊂ Kk+1(A, u), AKk(A, u) ⊂ Kk+1(A, u).
2 If σ 6= 0, then
Kk(A, u) = Kk(σA, u) = Kk(A, σu).
3 For any κ,
Kk(A, u) = Kk(A − κI, u).
4 If W is nonsingular, then
Kk(W−1AW, W−1u) = W−1Kk(A, u).
師大 Krylov sequences and Krylov spaces
A Krylov sequence terminates at ` if ` is the smallest integer such that
K`+1(A, u) = K`(A, u).
A Krylov sequence terminates based on A and u at ` if and only if ` is the smallest integer for which
dim[K`+1] =dim[K`].
If the Krylov sequence terminates at `, then K`is an
eigenspace of A of dimension `. On the other hand, if u lies in an eigenspace of dimension m, then for some ` ≤ m, the sequence terminates at `.
If K`+1 = K`, then dim[K`+1] =dim[K`]. On the other hand, if dim[K`+1] =dim[K`], then K`+1 = K`because K`⊂ K`+1. If the sequence terminates at `, then
AK` ⊂ K`+1= K`, so that K` is an invariant subspace of A.
Let X be an invariant subspace with dimension m. If u ∈ X, then Aiu ∈ X for all i. That is Ki⊂ X and
dim(Ki) ≤ mfor all i. If the sequence terminates at ` > m, then K` is an invariant subspace and dim(K`) >
dim(Km) =dim(X ), which is impossible.
師大 Convergence
By the definition of Kk(A, u), for any vector v ∈ Kk(A, u)can be written in the form
v = γ1u + γ2Au + · · · + γkAk−1u ≡ p(A)u, where
p(A) = γ1I + γ2A + γ3A2+ · · · + γkAk−1.
Assume that A is Hermitian and has an orthonormal eigenpairs (λi, xi)for i = 1, . . . , n. Write u in the form
u = α1x1+ α2x2+ · · · + αnxn, where αi = xHi u. Since p(A)xi = p(λi)xi, we have
p(A)u = α1p(λ1)x1+ α2p(λ2)x2+ · · · + αnp(λn)xn. (4) If p(λi)is large compared with p(λj)for j 6= i, then p(A)u is a good approximation to xi.
If xHi u 6= 0and p(λi) 6= 0, then tan ∠(p(A)u, xi) ≤ max
|p(λi)|tan ∠(u, xi).
Proof: From (4), we have
cos ∠(p(A)u, xi) = |xHi p(A)u|
kp(A)uk2kxik2 = |αip(λi)|
j=1|αjp(λj)|2 and
sin ∠(p(A)u, xi) = qP
j6=i|αjp(λj)|2 qPn
師大 Convergence
tan2∠(p(A)u, xi) = X
≤ max
|p(λi)|2 X
= max
|p(λi)|2 tan2∠(u, xi).
Assume that p(λi) = 1, then tan ∠(p(A)u, xi) ≤ max
j6=i,p(λi)=1|p(λj)| tan ∠(u, xi) ∀ p(A)u ∈ Kk. Hence
tan ∠(xi, Kk) ≤ min
j6=i |p(λj)| tan ∠(u, xi).
Assume that
λ1> λ2 ≥ · · · ≥ λn
and that our interest is in the eigenvector x1. Then tan ∠(x1, Kk) ≤ min
deg(p)≤k−1,p(λ1)=1 max
λ∈[λn,λ2]|p(λ)| tan ∠(u, x1).
How to compute
deg(p)≤k−1,p(λmin 1)=1 max
The Chebyshev polynomials are defined by ck(t) =
cos(k cos−1t), |t| ≤ 1, cosh(k cosh−1t), |t| ≥ 1.
師大 Convergence
(a) c0(t) = 1, c1(t) = tand
ck+1(t) = 2ck(t) − ck−1(t), k = 1, 2, . . . . (b) For |t| > 1,
ck(t) = (1 +p
t2− 1)k+ (1 +p
t2− 1)−k. (c) For t ∈ [−1, 1], |ck(t)| ≤ 1. Moreover, if
tik = cos(k − i)π
k , i = 0, 1, . . . , k, then
ck(tik) = (−1)k−i.
(d) For s > 1,
|p(t)| = 1
ck(s), (5) and the minimum is obtained only for p(t) = ck(t)/ck(s).
For applying (5), we define
λ = λ2+ (µ − 1)(λ2− λn)
to transform interval [λn, λ2]to [0, 1]. Then the value of µ at λ1 is µ1 = 1 + λ1− λ2
λ2− λn and
deg(p)≤k−1,p(λ1)=1 max
= min
deg(p)≤k−1,p(µ1)=1 max
|p(µ)| = 1 ck−1(µ1).
師大 Convergence
Let the Hermitian matrix A have an orthonormal eigenpair (λi, xi)with
λ1> λ2 ≥ · · · ≥ λn. Let
η = λ1− λ2 λ2− λn. Then
tan ∠[x1, Kk(A, u)] ≤ tan ∠(x1, u) ck−1(1 + η)
= tan ∠(x1, u)
(1 +p
2η + η2)k−1+ (1 +p
2η + η2)1−k.
For k large, we have
tan ∠[x1, Kk(A, u)] . tan ∠(x1, u) (1 +p
2η + η2)k−1. For k large and if η is small, then the bound becomes
tan ∠[x1, Kk(A, u)] . tan ∠(x1, u) (1 +√
2η)k−1. Compare it with power method:
If |λ1| > |λ2| ≥ · · · ≥ |λn|, then the convergence of the power method is |λ2/λ1|k.
師大 Convergence
For example, let
λ1 = 1, λ2 = 0.95, λ3= 0.952, · · · , λ100 = 0.9599 be the eigenvalues of 100-by-100 matrix A. Then η = 0.0530and the bound on the convergence rate is 1/(1 +√
2η) = 0.7544. Thus the square root effect gives a great improvement over the rate of 0.95 for the power method.
Replaced A by −A, then the Krylov sequence converges to the eigenvector corresponding to the smallest
eigenvalue of A. However, the smallest eigenvalues of a matrix – particularly a positive definite matrix – often tend to cluster together, so that the bound will be unfavorable.
The hypothesis λ1> λ2 can be relaxed. Suppose that λ1= λ2 > λ3. Expand u in the form
u = α1x1+ α2x2+ α3x3+ · · · + αnxn. Then
Aku = λk1(α1x1+ α2x2) + α3λk3x3+ · · · + αnλknxn. This shows that the spaces Kk(A, u)contain only approximations to α1x1+ α2x2.
師大 Convergence
Let λ be a simple eigenvalue of A and let A =
x X
λ 0 0 L
= λxyH + XLYH be a spectral representation. Let
u = αx + Xa, where
α = yHu and a = YHu.
sin ∠[x, Kk(A, u)] ≤ |α|−1 min
Proof: From Theorem 11,
sin ∠[x, Kk(A, u)] = |α|−1 min
kαx − yk2
= |α|−1 min
kαx − p(A)uk2
≤ |α|−1 min
deg(p)≤k−1,p(λ)=1kαx − p(A)uk2. Since
p(λ) = 1 and AX = XL, we have
p(A)u = p(A)(αx + Xa) = αp(λ)x + Xp(L)a = αx + Xp(L)a.
sin ∠[x, Kk(A, u)] ≤ |α|−1 min
kαx − (αx + Xp(L)a)k2
= |α|−1 min
師大 Block Krylov spaces
Let (λi, xi)be an eigenpair of A for i = 1, . . . , n. Write vector u in the form
u = α1x1+ α2x2+ · · · + αnxn. Assume that λ1is double, i.e., λ1 = λ2. Then
Aku = λk1(α1x1+ α2x2) + λk3α3x3+ · · · + λknαnxn. Hence the Krylov sequence can only produce the
approximation α1x1+ α2x2 to a vector in the eigenspace of λ1. Let U be a matrix with linearly independent columns. Then the sequence
{U, AU, A2U, . . .}
is called a block Krylov sequence and the space Kk(A, U )is called the k-th block Krylov space.
Gaol: passing to block Krylov sequence improves the convergence bound.
Let A be Hermitian and let (λi, xi)be a complete system (n eigenvectors are linearly independent) of orthonormal eigenpairs of A with
λ1≥ λ2 ≥ · · · ≥ λn,
and assume that the multiplicity of λ1 is not greater than m. If
B =
... xHm
U is nonsingular and we set
v = U B−1e1,
師大 Block Krylov spaces
tan ∠[x1, Kk(A, U )] ≤ tan ∠(x1, v) ck−1(1 + 2η)
= tan ∠(x1, v)
(1 + 2p
η + η2)k−1+ (1 + 2p
η + η2)1−k(6), where
η = λ1− λm+1 λm+1− λn.
Proof: Since v ∈ R(U ), we have Kk(A, v) ⊂ Kk(A, U ). By Theorem 11,
sin ∠[x1, Kk(A, U )] = min
y∈Kk(A,U )
kx1− yk2
≤ min
kx1− yk2 = sin ∠[x1, Kk(A, v)].
This implies that
∠[x1, Kk(A, U )] ≤ ∠[x1, Kk(A, v)].
By the definition of B, we have
... xHn
U B−1 = I ⇒ xHi U B−1 = eTi for i = 1, . . . , m.
By the definition of v,
xHi v = xHi U B−1e1= 0 for i = 2, . . . , m.
On the other hand, (λi, xi)is an eigenpair of Hermitian A, i.e., xHi A = λixHi . Hence
xHi Ajv = λjixHi v = 0 for i = 2, . . . , m.
師大 Block Krylov spaces
This implies that x2, . . . , xm are not contained in Kk(A, v). That is
Ajv = α1λj1x1+ αm+1λjm+1xm+1+ · · · + αnλjnxn
for j = 1, . . . , k − 1. We may now apply Theorem 23 to get (6).
Let U be a subspace and let U be a basis for U . Let V be a left inverse of U and set
If X ⊂ U is an eigenspace of A, then there is an eigenpair (L, W )of B such that (L, U W ) is an eigenpair of A with R(U W ) = X .
Proof: Let (L, X) be an eigenpair of A and let X = U W . Then from the relation
AU W = U W L we obtain
BW = VHAU W = VHU W L = W L, so that (L, W ) is an eigenpair of B.
師大 Rayleigh-Ritz methods
We can find exact eigenspaces contained in U by looking at eigenpairs of the Rayleigh quotient B.
Algorithm (Rayleigh-Ritz procedure)
1 Let U be a basis for U and let VH be a left inverse of U .
2 Form the Rayleigh quotient B = VHAU.
3 Let (M, W ) be a suitable eigenpair of B.
4 Return (M, U W ) as an approximate eigenpair of A.
(M, U W )is called aRitz pair. Written Ritz pair in the form (λ, U w), we will call λ aRitz valueand U w aRitz vector.
Two difficulties for Rayleigh-Ritz procedure: (i) how to choose the eigenpair (M, W ) in statement 3. (ii) no guarantee that the result approximates the desired eigenpair of A.
Let A = diag(0, 1, −1) and suppose we interested in approximating the eigenpair (0, e1). Assume
U =
1 0
0 1/√ 2 0 1/√
B = UHAU =
0 0 0 0
and any nonzero vector p is an eigenvector of B. If we take p = [1, 1]T, then U p = [1, 1/√
2, 1/√
2]is an approximate eigenvector of A, which is completely wrong. Thus the method can fail, even though the space U contains the desired
師大 Rayleigh-Ritz methods
The matrices U and V in Algorithm 1 satisfy the condition VHU = Iand they can differ. Hence Algorithm 1 is called anoblique Rayleigh-Ritz method.
If the matrix U is taken to be orthonormal and V = U . In addition, W is taken to be orthonormal, so that ˆX ≡ U W is also orthonormal. We call this procedure theorthogonal Rayleigh-Rite method.
Let (M, ˆX ≡ U W )be an orthogonal Rayleigh-Rite pair. Then R = A ˆX − ˆXM
is minimal in any unitarily invariant norm.
Proof: By Theorem 14, we need to show M = ˆXHA ˆX. Since (M, W )is an eigenpair of B and W is orthonormal, we have
M = WHBW and
師大 Convergence
Let (λ, x) be the desired eigenpair of A and Uθ be an orthonormal basis for which θ = ∠(x, Uθ)is small.
Theorem Let
Bθ= UθHAUθ. Then there is a matrix Eθsatisfying
kEθk2 ≤ sin θ p1 − sin2θ
kAk2 such that λ is an eigenvalue of Bθ+ Eθ. Proof. Let (Uθ, U⊥)be unitary and set
y = UθHx and z = U⊥Hx.
From Theorem 10, we have
kzk2= sin θ and kyk2 =p
1 − sin2θ.
Since Ax − λx = 0, we have UθHA[Uθ, U⊥]
x − λUθHx = 0, or
Bθy + UθHAU⊥z − λy = 0.
Let ˆy = y/kyk2 = y/p
1 − sin2θ. If r ≡ Bθy − λˆˆ y = −1
p1 − sin2θ
UθHAU⊥z, it follows that
krk2≤ sin θ p1 − sin2θ
師大 Convergence
Now define
Eθ= −r ˆyH. Then
kEθk2 = q
λ1((r ˆyH)(ˆyrH)) = q
λ1(rrH) = krk2≤ sin θ p1 − sin2θ
kAk2 and
(Bθ+ Eθ)ˆy = Bθy − (r ˆˆ yH)ˆy = Bθy − r = λˆˆ y.
Therefore, (λ, ˆy)is an eigenpair of Bθ+ Eθ. Corollary
There is an eigenvalue µθof Bθsuch that
|µθ− λ| ≤ 4(2kAk2+ kEθk2)1−1/mkEθk1/m2 , where m is the order of Bθ.
Let (µθ, wθ)be an eigenpair of Bθ and let
wθ Wθ be unitary, so that
wHθ WθH
wθ Wθ =
µθ hHθ 0 Nθ
. Then
sin ∠(x, Uθwθ) ≤ sin θ s
1 + khθk22 sep(λ, Nθ)2, where sep(λ, Nθ) = k(λI − Nθ)−1k−1.
師大 Convergence
By the continuity of sep, we have
|sep(λ, Nθ) −sep(µθ, Nθ)| ≤ |µθ− λ|
⇒ sep(λ, Nθ) ≥sep(µθ, Nθ) − |µθ− λ|.
Suppose µθ→ λ and sep(µθ, Nθ)is bounded below. Then sep(λ, Nθ)is also bounded below. Since khθk2 ≤ kAk2, we have sin ∠(x, Uθwθ) → 0along with θ.
Let (µθ, Uθwθ)be a Ritz pair for which µθ→ λ. If there is a constant α > 0 such that
sep(µθ, Nθ) ≥ α > 0, (7) then
sin ∠(x, Uθwθ) . sin θ r
1 +kAk2 α2 .
This corollary justifies that eigenvalue convergence plus separation equals eigenvector convergence.
The condition (7) is called the uniform separation condition.
Let (µθ, xθ)with kxθk2 = 1be the Ritz approximation to (λ, x).
Then by construction, we have
µθ = xHθ Axθ. (8)
xθ = γx + σy, (9)
where y⊥x and kyk2= 1. Then
|γ| = |xHxθ| = cos ∠(xθ, x) and |σ| = |yHxθ| = sin ∠(xθ, x).
If the uniform separation is satisfied, we have
|σ| = sin ∠(xθ, x) = O(θ).
師大 Convergence
Substituting (9) into (8) and using the facts of Ax = λx and yHx = 0, we find that
µθ = (¯γxH + ¯σyH)(γλx + σAy)
= |γ|2λ + σxHθ Ay.
|µθ− λ| = |(|γ|2− 1)λ + σxHθ Ay|
≤ |σ|2|λ| + |σ|kxθk2kAk2kyk2
≤ |σ|(1 + |σ|)kAk2
= O(θ).
Thus the Ritz value converges at least as fast as the eigenvector approximation of x in U (Uθ).
If A is Hermitian, then
µθ = (¯γxH + ¯σyH)(γλx + σAy)
= |γ|2λ + ¯rσxHAy + |σ|2yHAy = |γ|2λ + ¯rσ¯λxHy + |σ|2yHAy
= |γ|2λ + |σ|2yHAy and
|µθ− λ| = |(|γ|2− 1)λ + |σ|2yHAy|
≤ |σ|2|λ| + |σ|2kyk2kAk2kyk2
≤ 2|σ|2kAk2
= O(θ2).
Since the angle θ = ∠(x, Uθ)cannot be known and hence cannot compute error bounds. Thus, we must look to the residual as an indication of convergence.
師大 Convergence
Let A have the spectral representation A = λxyH + XLYH,
where kxk2 = 1and Y is orthonormal. Let (µ, ˜x)be an approximation to (λ, x) and let
ρ = kA˜x − µ˜xk2. Then
sin ∠(˜x, x) ≤ ρ
sep(µ, L) ≤ ρ
sep(λ, L) − |µ − λ|.
Proof: Since YHx = 0, we have that Y is an orthonormal basis for the orthogonal complement of the space span{x} and then sin ∠(˜x, x) = kYHxk˜ 2. Let r = A˜x − µ˜x. Then
YHr = YHA˜x − µYHx = (L − µI)Y˜ Hx.˜ It follows that
sin ∠(˜x, x) = k(L − µI)−1YHrk2 ≤ krk2 sep(µ, L). By the fact that sep(µ, L) ≥ sep(λ, L) − |µ − λ|, the second inequality is obtained.
Since λ is assumed to be simple, this theorem says that:
Sufficient condition for ˜xto converge to x is for µ to converge to λand for the residual to converge to zero.
師大 Refined Ritz vectors
Let µθbe a Ritz value associated with Uθ. A refined Ritz vector is a solution of the problem
min kAˆxθ− µθxˆθk2 subject to xˆθ ∈ Uθ, kˆxθk2 = 1.
Let A have the spectral representation A = λxyH + XLYH,
where kxk2 = 1and Y is orthonormal. Let µθbe a Ritz value and ˆxθthe corresponding refined Ritz vector. If
sep(λ, L) − |µθ− λ| > 0, then
sin ∠(x, ˆxθ) ≤ kA − µθIk2sin θ + |λ − µθ| p1 − sin2θ[sep(λ, L) − |λ − µθ|].
Proof: Let U be an orthonormal basis for Uθ and let x = y + z, where z = U UHx. Then
kzk2 = kUHxk2 = sin θ.
Moreover, since y and x are orthogonal,
kzk22 = kx − yk22 = (xH− yH)(x − y)
= kxk22+ kyk22= 1 + kyk22
⇒ kyk22= 1 − kzk22= 1 − sin2θ.
y = y
p1 − sin2θ , we have
(A − µθI)ˆy = (A − µθI)y p1 − sin2θ
= (A − µθI)(x − z) p1 − sin2θ
= (λ − µθ)x − (A − µθI)z p1 − sin2θ
師大 Refined Ritz vectors
k(A − µθI)ˆyk2≤ |λ − µθ| + kA − µθIk sin θ p1 − sin2θ . By the definition of a refined Ritz vector we have
k(A − µθI)ˆxk2 ≤ |λ − µθ| + kA − µθIk sin θ p1 − sin2θ
. The result now follows from Theorem 35.
By Corollary 30, µθ→ λ. It follows that sin ∠(x, ˆxθ) → 0. In other words, refined Ritz vectors are guaranteed to
µθ = ˆxHθ Aˆxθ is more accurate than µθ and kAˆxθ− ˆµθxˆθk2 is optimal.
The computation of a refined Ritz vector amounts to solve min kAˆx − µˆxk2
subject to x ∈ U , kˆˆ xk2 = 1. (10) Let U be an orthonormal basis for U . Then (10) is equivalent to
min k(A − µI)U zk2 subject to kzk2 = 1.
The solution of this problem is the right singular vector of (A − µI)Ucorresponding to its smallest singular value. Thus refined Ritz vector can be computed by the following algorithm.
1 V = AU
2 W = V − µU
3 Compute the smallest singular value of W and its right singular vector z
4 x = U zˆ
師大 Harmonic Ritz vectors
Exterior eigenvalues are easily convergent than interior eigenvalues by Rayleigh quotient. The quality of the refined Ritz vector depends on the accuracy of the Ritz value µ and each refined Ritz vector must be calculated independently from its own distinct value of µ.
Let U be an orthonormal basis for subspace U . Then (κ + δ, U w)is aHarmonic Ritz pair with shift κif
UH(A − κI)H(A − κI)U w = δUH(A − κI)HU w. (11) Given shift κ, (11) is a generalized eigenvalue problem with eigenvalue δ.
Let (λ, x) be an eigenpair of A with x = U w. Then (λ, U w) is a harmonic Ritz pair.
Proof: Since (λ, x) is an eigenpair of A with x = U w, we have Ax = λx ⇒ AU w = λU w.
It implies that
UH(A − κI)H(A − κI)U w = (λ − κ)UH(A − κI)HU w.
Taking eigenvalue δ = λ − κ, we obtain
UH(A − κI)H(A − κI)U w = δUH(A − κI)HU w.
That is (κ + δ, U w) = (λ, U w) is a harmonic Ritz pair.
師大 Harmonic Ritz vectors
Given a shift κ, if we want to compute the eigenvalue λ of A which is closest to κ, then we need to compute the eigenvalue δ of (11) such that |δ| is the smallest value of all of the absolute values for the eigenvalues of (11).
If x is approximately represented in U , then the harmonic Rayleigh-Ritz will produce an approximation to x.
How to compute the eigenpair (δ, w) of (11)?
(A − κI)U = QR
be the QR factorization of (A − κI)U . Then (11) can be rewritten as
RHRw = δRHQHU w.
That is
(QHU )w = δ−1Rw.
This eigenvalue can be solved by the QZ algorithm. The harmonic Ritz vector ˆx = U wand the corresponding harmonic Ritz value is µ = ˆxHAˆx.