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Academic year: 2022

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中三級 中國歷史科 教學設計示例(供收錄非華語學生的學校參考使用﹞


一. 建議教節:4-5 節

二. 預期學習成果:


1. 了解日本發動全面侵華的史實。(知識內容) 2. 初步認識抗日戰爭的經過。(知識內容)

3. 透過閱讀不同的歷史資料(包括地圖、圖像、漫畫等),了解不同的觀點,分析歷史 事件。(知識內容、技能)

4. 從民眾支持抗戰的史實,了解眾志成城的道理及日本失敗的原因。(情意、態度)

三. 教學建議:

1. 因應非華語學生的中文能力,工作紙較多圖像,部分題目輔以英文,協助學生理解 內容。

2. 題型包括選擇、圈示、短答等。思考題可以考慮讓非華語學生以口語回答。

3. 教師可按學生學習情況加入討論環節,以增加學生之間的互動。

4. 教師教授課題時,除教授相關史實外,亦須指導學生認識中國的文明和文化,促進 他們認識中國的文化特質。

5. 教師可因應學生的程度而選取適合的部分或教學活動施教。

四. 教學方案:

內容重點 流程 相關教材



1. 講解關鍵詞及整個教節的概要;

2. 從世界地圖、日本侵佔中國及太平洋地 區的地圖,讓學生認識日本侵佔中國、


3. 透過歷史圖片及影片,讓學生認識南京 大屠殺的始末及日軍的暴行;

4. 透過歷史圖片及影片,讓學生認識日本 侵略香港的始末及日軍於香港實施的政 策;

5. 透過歷史資料(歷史圖片、政治漫畫),

讓學生了解日本管治東南亞的情況(包 括慰安婦的個案討論)。



課節二 日本的戰敗

1. 透過歷史圖片,讓學生了解抗日時期中 國軍民一心,共同對抗日本的入侵;

歷史圖片、政治漫 畫、戰時宣傳海報



2. 透過歷史資料(歷史圖片、海報、戰時宣 傳),讓學生認識東南亞人民對抗日本的 決心;

3. 隨著美國在日本廣島及長崎投下原子 彈,日本投降,第二次世界大戰結束。

#就已標示的題目(黃色部分),教師可用作評核學生的表現(多為口語發揮及手作設 計),教師可著學生輔以文字說明(字數視乎學生的能力而定)。


1. 學校可參考本教學計劃以調適課程,以配合學生的需要;

2. 可因應學生的中文程度而刪去或減少當中的英文句子或詞彙;

3. 可同時參考課程發展處所出版的其他教材或為本課綱準備的其他示例;

4. 可考慮向學生提供更多全方位學習的經驗如到內地考察、參觀博物館等等。



XXX 中學

中三級 中國歷史科課堂工作紙 日本侵華與抗日戰爭

(The Japanese Invasion on China and the Anti-Japanese War)

姓名 Name:________________________ 成績 Grade:_____ / _____

班別 Class:___________________( ) 批改日期 Date of Marking:_________


1. 認識日本發動全面侵華的史實(The Invasion of China by Japanese) 2. 認識抗日戰爭的概略(The Overview of the Anti-Japanese War)

3. 認識抗日活動及日本戰敗(Anti-Japanese Activities and the Defeat of Japan)

一. 本節關鍵詞(Key Terms)

1 Manchurian Incident 九一八事變 2 Marco Polo Bridge Incident 蘆溝橋事變 3 The Nanjing Massacre 南京大屠殺 4 The Nanjing Safety Zone 國際安全區 5 Concentration Camps 集中營

6 Guerilla Forces 游擊隊

7 Anti-Japanese Activities 抗日活動

8 Propaganda 宣傳

9 Atomic Bombs 原子彈

10 Second World War 第二次世界大戰

二. 本節概要(Key Points of the Chapter)

1. 日本於 1937 年發動全面侵華戰爭。 Japan launched a full scale invasion on China starting from 1937.

2. 日本侵華戰爭對人民生活帶來負面的 影響。

The invasion of Japanese brought a negative impact to the livelihood of Chinese.

3. 日本侵華激起國內抗日情緒,在軍民的 合作下,最後擊退日本,日本戰敗。

The invasion of Japanese aroused

anti-Japanese sentiment in China. With the cooperation between military and civilians, Japan was eventually defeated by China.



 想一想(Think for a while):日本侵華戰爭﹝1937-1945﹞為第二次世界大戰

﹝1939-1945﹞的其中一個部分。於第二次世界大戰期間,參戰國分為同盟國及軸 心國。看看以下地圖,分析一下不同國家所屬的陣營。(Japanese invasions of China (1937-1945) is a part of the Second World War (1939-1945). In the Second World War, participating countries were divided into 2 camps: Allied Power and Axis Power. Please take a look at the following map and identify the countries that belong to Allied Power and Axis Power respectively.)

1. 試辨識以下國家屬於甚麼陣營?請圈出正確答案。 (Please identify the camps that the following countries belong to? Please circle the correct answers.)

美國 (The United States) 同盟國 (Allied Power) / 軸心國 (Axis Power)

蘇聯 (The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics)

同盟國 / 軸心國

意大利 (Italy) 同盟國 / 軸心國

英國 (The United Kingdom) 同盟國 / 軸心國

日本 (Japan) 同盟國 / 軸心國

德國 (Germany) 同盟國 / 軸心國

中華民國 (The Republic of China) 同盟國 / 軸心國

2. 請在上圖用紅圈標示德國、日本及意大利,並用藍色三角形標示美國、蘇聯、英國 及中華民國。(Please use red circles to indicate Germany, Japan and Italy, and use blue triangles to indicate the United States, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom and the Republic of China.)

3. 你能找到你所來自的國家嗎?試用綠圈標示該國家,並指出其於第二次世界大戰時 所屬的陣營。(Can you find the country of your origin? Please use a green circle to indicate the country and point out which camp that the country belongs to in the Second World War.)

Figure 1: 第二次世界大戰的國家 (Countries in the Second World War) (基於版權原因,有關圖片未能於網上發放)。建議於搜尋器輸入

「WWII+World Map」,以搜尋相關的圖片。



課節一:日本發動侵華戰爭(The launch of war in invading China by Japan)

 日本於 1930 年代開始發動對中國的侵略戰爭。(Japan began to invade China in the 1930s.)

1. 請在上圖以箭咀標示日軍侵佔中國不同城市的先後次序。(Please use an arrow to indicate the route of Japanese army’s occupations of different Chinese cities in the above map.)

Figure 2 The Chinese territories that were invaded by Japan (1931-1945)


戰爭地圖集》(北京:中國地圖出版社,2016 年),頁 61;另建議於 搜尋器輸入「日本侵華+地圖」,以搜尋相關的圖片。



2. 請按先後次序排列以下三件歷史事件(以英文字母標示)(Please arrange the following 3 events according to their chronological order (indicate by alphabet)):

A. The Marco Polo Bridge Incident(蘆溝橋事變)

B. Manchurian


C. The Nanjing Massacre (南京大屠殺)


3. 從地圖所見,日本侵佔中國的策略是怎樣的?(According to the map, what was the strategy of Japanese in invading China?)

4. 從地圖所見,中國政府如何應付日本的侵略?為甚麼日本不進一步攻佔內陸地區?

(According to the map, how did the Chinese government cope with the Japanese invasion?

Why didn’t Japan invade the inland regions of China?)

 日本於 1941 年後開始發動對太平洋地區及東南亞的侵略戰爭。(Japan began to invade Pacific regions and the Southeast Asia starting from 1941 onwards.)

Figure 3 日本對太平洋地區及東南亞的侵略 (The invasion of Japan in the Pacific regions and Southeast Asia)


集》(北京:中國地圖出版社,2016 年),頁 182-183;另建議於搜尋器輸入「日 本+太平洋+東南亞+侵略+地圖」,以搜尋相關的圖片。



1. 請用黃色標示出日本、紅色標示出香港及藍色標示出你所來自的地區 / 區域。

(Please use yellow, red and blue to highlight Japan, Hong Kong and the place or country of your origin respectively.)

2. 請在地圖上用圓圈標示出於 1941 年被日本佔領的國家及用三角形標示出於 1942 年 被日本佔領的國家。(Please use circles and triangles to indicate on the map those countries which were occupied by Japan in 1941 and 1942 respectively.)

3. 若你作為當時日本的領袖,你會如何管治佔領的地區?為甚麼?(If you were the leader of Japan at that time, how would you rule the conquered region? Why?)

 小總結(Summary):

1. 1931 年,日本發動「九一八事變」,並佔領中國東北地區。(The Manchurian Incident was launched by Japan in 1931. The north-east regions of China was occupied by Japan eventually.)

2. 1937 年,日本發動「蘆溝橋事變」,開始發動對中國的全面侵略。(The Marco Polo Bridge Incident was launched by Japan in 1937. Japan began to launch a full-scale invasion on China afterwards.)

3. 香港於 1941 年被日本佔領。1941 年後,日本開始侵佔東南亞及太平洋地區。(Hong Kong was occupied by Japan in 1941. Japan began to invade Southeast Asia and the Pacific regions after 1941.)



 日本發動侵略戰爭後,在統治地區實施殘暴的管治政策。日本於 1937 年 12 月佔領 中國首都南京後,「南京大屠殺」發生,不少中國人被殺害。(After the launch of invasion campaign, Japan implemented brutal ruling measures in the occupied regions.

Japan occupied the capital of China, Nanjing, in December 1937 and the Nanjing Massacre happened. A lot of Chinese were killed.)

Figure 4 被日本人殺害的中國人 (The Chinese who were killed by the Japanese) (圖片來 源:教育局課程發展處,《抗戰勝利七十周年圖片集:徐宗懋藏品選》,頁 92。)

Figure 5 日本人殺害中國人的相片 (A photo about the killing of Chinese by Japanese) (圖 片來源:教育局課程發展處,《抗戰勝利七十周年圖片集:徐宗懋藏品選》,頁 93。)

1. 請在圖 2 的地圖圈出南京的位置。(Please circle the location of Nanjing on the map in Figure 2.)



2. 根據圖片所示,日本人如何對待中國人?日本軍人的神態是怎樣的?(According to the photos, how did the Japanese treat the Chinese? How can you tell the gesture of the Japanese soldiers?)

3. 若你作為當時的中國平民,你會怎樣做?為甚麼?(If you were the commoners of China at that time, what would you do? Why?)

4. 觀看有關南京大屠殺的影片(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmaMtgXX2Vs)。於 觀看影片後,請用 2 分鐘與同學分享你對戰爭侵略的看法。(Please watch the movie of Nanjing Massacre (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmaMtgXX2Vs). You can use 2 minutes to share your viewpoint about war invasion with your classmates after watching the movie.)

5. 戰爭導致不少人命傷亡,故此不同國家和平共處有助避免戰爭的發生。試設計一張 海報以宣揚維持世界和平(海報須包括口號及描述)。(The outbreak of wars caused lots of casualties. Hence, different countries should maintain peace so as to avoid the outbreak of wars. Please design a poster to promote the maintenance of world peace (the poster should include a slogan and descriptions).)



 在日軍入侵南京時,德國商人拉貝在南京建立一個「國際安全區」,保護部分中國 民眾,為 25 萬名中國難民提供避難所,拉貝還多次冒著生命危險阻止日本人對中 國人施以暴行,其行為感動當時的中國民眾。(During the period of Japanese invasion of Nanjing, a German merchant, John Rabe, established the “Nanjing Safety Zone” to protect a portion of Chinese citizens. The safety zone became an asylum for 250,000 Chinese refugees. John Rabe even risked his life in obstructing the brutal offences of Japanese towards Chinese. His behavior impressed many Chinese at that time.)

1. 試估估為甚麼日軍不入侵南京「國際安全區」?(提示:請注意拉貝的國籍及該國家 與日本於第二次世界大戰的關係。)(Please make a guess why the Japanese soldiers did

Figure 6 拉貝 (John Rabe)

(基於版權原因,有關圖片未能於網上發放)。建議於搜尋器輸入「拉貝+John Rabe」,以搜尋相關的圖片。

Figure 7 南京國際安全區 (Nanjing Safety Zone)


地圖集》(北京:中國地圖出版社,2016 年),頁 149;另建議於搜尋器輸 入「南京國際安全區+地圖」,以搜尋相關的圖片。



not invade the “Nanjing Safety Zone”. (Hints: Please pay attention to the nationalty of John Rabe and the relationship between the country of origin of John Rabe and Japan in the Second World War.))

2. 若你為拉貝,你會選擇對抗日軍嗎?為甚麼?(If you were John Rabe, would you choose to resist against Japan? Why?)

3. 若你作為當時被拯救的中國民眾,請設計一張送給拉貝的感謝咭。(If you were the Chinese who were rescued by John Rabe, please design a thank you card to John Rabe.)



 日軍侵佔南京後,繼續向南推進,並於 1941 年 12 月佔領香港,開始太平洋戰爭,

佔領東南亞國家及太平洋地區。看看以下地圖及資料,探討日本佔領香港的經過及 對香港的管治。(After the conquest of Nanjing, Japan continued its southern invasion and occupied Hong Kong in December 1941. This marked the beginning of the Pacific War. Different countries in Southeast Asia and Pacific regions were occupied by Japan afterwards. Please take a look at the following map and sources, and investigate how Japan occupied and ruled Hong Kong.)

Figure 8 日軍侵略香港 (Japanese invasion of Hong Kong)(Japanese army used 5 days (8-13/12/1941) to occupy New Territories and Kowloon Peninsula and used 7 days (18-25/12/1941) to occupy Hong Kong Island) (基於版權原因,有關圖片未能於網上發放)。建議於搜尋器輸入「日 本+侵略+香港+地圖」,以搜尋相關的圖片。



Figure 10 該酒店現今的模樣 (That hotel in nowadays Hong Kong)

1. 請在圖 2 圈出香港的位置。(Please circle the location of Hong Kong on the map in Figure 2.)

2. 試根據地圖,猜猜日軍為何只用了 5 天佔領新界及九龍,但卻要用 7 天佔領香港島?

(The Japanese army used 7 days to occupy Hong Kong Island whilst they only used 5 days to occupy New Territories and Kowloon Peninsula. Why was there such a difference?

Please make a guess with reference to the map in Figure 8.)

3. 港英殖民地政府最後於 1941 年 12 月 25 日向日軍投降,圖 9-10 為港英殖民地政府 簽署投降書的酒店(1940 年代及現今的模樣)。你知道該酒店的名稱嗎?試指出該酒

Figure 9 港英殖民地政府向日軍簽署投降書的酒店 (1940 年代) (The hotel where the British colonial government signed the surrender documents, 1940s)





店過往及現今相同及不同的地方。(The British colonial government eventually

surrendered to Japan on December 25, 1941. Figure 9-10 show the hotel where the British colonial government signed the surrender documents (1940s and present). Do you know the name of this hotel? Please identify one similarity and one difference of the hotel in the past and present.)

4. 你認為日軍會如何管治香港(根據日軍佔領南京作推測)?(What do you think of the Japanese rule in Hong Kong? (Please make a guess according to Japanese occupation of Nanjing.))

 日軍佔領香港後,開始三年零八個月的管治。日軍於佔領香港期間,實施一系列的 管治措施。請細心觀看以下資料。(After the occupation of Hong Kong, Japan ruled Hong Kong for 3 years and 8 months. During the reign of occupation, Japan

implemented different measures. Please take a look at the following sources.)

Figure 11 日軍進入香港島 (Japanese army entered Hong Kong Island)(圖片來源:教育局 課程發展處,《中國戰爭史教材套》,頁 162。)



Figure 12 日軍於香港設立的白米配給所 (The rice rationing station set up by the Japanese army in Hong Kong)

(基於版權原因,有關圖片未能於網上發放)。建議於搜尋器輸入「三年零 八個月+港九白米配給所」,以搜尋相關的圖片。

Figure 13 日軍檢查香港市民 (The Japanese army inspected the Hong Kong residents)

(基於版權原因,有關圖片未能於網上發放)。建議於搜尋器輸入「三年 零八個月+日軍檢查」,以搜尋相關的圖片。



Figure 16 日軍發行的軍票 (The military note issued by the Japanese army)(圖片由何明新 先生提供)

Figure 14 日軍佔領時期的中學教科書 (The textbooks of the secondary schools during the reign of Japanese occupation)

(基於版權原因,有關圖片未能於網上發放)。建議於搜尋器輸入「中學+香 港+教科書+三年零八個月」,以搜尋相關的圖片。

Figure 15 日軍佔領時期的香港居民身分證 (The identity card of a Hong Kong citizen during Japanese occupation)

(基於版權原因,有關圖片未能於網上發放)。建議於搜尋器輸入「香港+居 民+身份證+三年零八個月」,以搜尋相關的圖片。



1. 日軍佔領下的香港與現今的香港有很多不同的地方。試就以下的不同範疇,搜集一 下現今香港人的生活面貌,拍攝照片,並將資料貼於下面。(Hong Kong under Japanese occupation is very different from nowadays Hong Kong. In the following areas, please take some photos on the living conditions of nowadays Hong Kong people and paste those photos in the appropriate locations.)

香港的街道名稱 (Street’s Names) 及衛生 情況 (hygienic conditions)

香港居民身分證 (Identity Card)

香港的貨幣 (banknotes) 中學的語文教科書 (language textbooks)

超級市場 (supermarkets) 售賣的食品 街道的行人 (pedestrians) Figure 17 日佔時期香港的街道 (The streets of Hong Kong during Japanese occupation)

(基於版權原因,有關圖片未能於網上發放)。建議於搜尋器輸入「霧島通/寶 雲道」,以搜尋相關的圖片。



2. 試將你所蒐集的資料與圖 11-17 作一比較,並作分組討論,從以上的範疇說說日佔 香港與現今香港的分別。(Please compare and contrast your collected photos with Figure 11-17. Divide into a group of 4 and discuss the differences between

Japanese-occupied Hong Kong and nowadays Hong Kong.)

3. 請用 3 個形容詞描述日佔時期香港人的生活情況。(Please use 3 adjectives to describe the living conditions of Hong Kong people during the reign of Japanese occupation.)



 另外,日本於佔領香港及東南亞後,日軍亦實施高壓政策,將當地反抗人士拘留及 殺害。(After the occupations of Hong Kong and Southeast Asia, Japanese soldiers also implemented iron-handed measures. Many locals who resisted against Japan were imprisoned and killed.)

Figure 18 被日軍囚禁於香港集中營的外國人 (The imprisonment of foreigners by Japanese in Hong Kong’s concentration camps)



Figure 19 第二次世界大戰於東南亞被日軍囚禁的外國人 (The imprisonment of foreigners by Japanese in Southeast Asia during WWII) (基於版權原因,有關圖片未能於網上發放)。建議於搜尋器輸入

「WWII+PoW+Southeast Asia」,以搜尋相關的圖片。



1. 根據圖片及繪畫,被日軍囚禁的人士的生活是怎樣的?試從圖片及繪畫舉出線索作 說明。(According to the photos and drawing, how can you describe the lives of prisoners imprisoned by the Japanese soldiers? Please illustrate by quoting relevant clues from the photos and drawing.)

2. 若你作為當時被日軍囚禁的人士,你有甚麼感受?(If you were the prisoners imprisoned by the Japanese soldiers at that time, what feeling would you have?)

3. 你可以訪問你的長輩,嘗試了解第二次世界大戰期間日軍佔領東南亞的情況,並與 班中同學分享。(You can conduct an interview with your elder relatives and get to know how Japan occupied and ruled the Southeast Asia during WWII. Please share your

findings with your classmates.)

Figure 20 一幅有關二戰時期日軍於東南亞對待戰俘的繪畫 (A drawing that described the treatment of prisoners of war by Japanese soldiers in Southeast Asia during WWII)


「WWII+PoW+Southeast Asia+drawing」,以搜尋相關的圖片。



 日軍於佔領中國、東南亞各國及太平洋地區期間,強制民間婦女為日本軍提供性服


她們遭受日軍殘暴對待,生活苦不堪言。(During the occupations of China, Southeast Asia and Pacific regions, the Japanese army forced the women from the occupied regions to provide sex services to the Japanese soldiers. They were called “Comfort Women”.

Comfort women were from different occupied regions, e.g. China, Korean Peninsula and Southeast Asian countries. They were brutally treated by the Japanese soldiers.)

1. 透過觀察以上圖片,慰安婦的年紀多大?她們的生活如何?(According to the above photos, what can you say of the age and living conditions of “Comfort Women”?)

2. 現在還有一些倖存的慰安婦向日本政府追討賠償,你支持她們嗎?為甚麼?(Some survived comfort women are asking for compensations from the Japanese government. Do you support them? Why?)

3. 日本政府直至現在仍拒絕公開向各地的慰安婦道歉,你認為日本政府的做法正確 Figure 21 二戰時期慰安婦的分佈 (The distribution of “Comfort Women” in WWII)


集》(北京:中國地圖出版社,2016 年),頁 182-183 / 慰安婦的圖片來源:

建議於搜尋器鍵入「WWII+Asia+Comfort Women」,以搜尋相關的圖片。



嗎?為甚麼?(The Japanese government still denies to offer apologies to those comfort women publicly nowadays. Do you think that it is correct for the Japanese government?


 小總結(Summary):

1. 日軍於 1937 年 12 月攻陷南京,展開六星期的屠殺,約有三十萬的中國人被殺,史 稱「南京大屠殺」。(Japanese army occupied Nanjing in December 1937 and launched a six-week slaughter. 300,000 Chinese were killed by the Japanese approximately. The event was called “Nanjing Massacre”.)

2. 日軍於佔領南京期間,德國商人拉貝在南京建立「國際安全區」,為部分中國難民提

供避難所,並阻止部分日軍的暴行。(During the period of Japanese occupation of Nanjing, a German merchant, John Rabe, established the “Nanjing Safety Zone” and provided asylum to some Chinese refugees. He also stopped some of the Japanese brutalities.)

3. 日軍於 1941 年後亦先後佔領香港及部分東南亞國家,並實施高壓政策,囚禁及殺害 反對人士。(Japanese army occupied Hong Kong and some Southeast Asian countries from 1941 onwards. Japan implemented iron-handed measures in these regions. Lots of people who resisted against Japan were imprisoned and killed.)



課節二:日本的戰敗(The defeat of Japan)

 面對日本的侵略,中國軍民上下一心,頑強抵抗,最後成功擊退日本的侵略。另外,

香港亦有愛國人士組成游擊隊,對抗日本。(Under the invasions of Japan, Chinese military and citizens cooperated with each other in resisting against Japan. Japan was eventually defeated. Besides, some patriots formed guerilla forces to fight against Japan in Hong Kong.)

Figure 22 於日本侵華期間奮力抗戰的中國士兵 (The Chinese army fought hard in the period of Japanese invasion) (圖片來源:教育局課程發展處,《抗戰勝利七十周 年圖片集:徐宗懋藏品選》,頁 9。)

Figure 23 香港抗擊日本的游擊隊 (The guerilla forces that fought against Japan in Hong Kong)

(基於版權原因,有關圖片未能於網上發放)。建議於瀏覽器輸入「香港抗擊日 本的游擊隊」,以搜尋相關的圖片。



Figure 24 中國民眾發起的活動 (The activity initiated by the Chinese citizens) (圖片來 源:教育局課程發展處,《抗戰勝利七十周年圖片集:徐宗懋藏品選》,頁 106。)

Figure 25 中國民眾發起的活動 (The activity initiated by the Chinese citizens)



Money Donation




1. 根據圖片,中國軍隊及香港游擊隊的形象是怎樣的?(According to the photos, what were the images of the Chinese soldiers and the Hong Kong guerilla forces?)

2. 根據圖片,中國民眾怎樣支持軍隊進行抗日活動?試猜猜圖片中的活動。(According to the photos, how did the Chinese citizens support the soldiers in resisting against the Japanese? Please make a guess on the activities as shown in the photos.)

3. 若你作為當時的中國民眾,你會如何支持中國軍隊進行抗日活動?為甚麼?(If you were the Chinese citizens at that time, how would you support the Chinese soldiers in resisting against the Japanese? Why?)

Figure 26 中國民眾發起的活動 (The activity initiated by the Chinese citizens)





 另外,日軍於侵佔東南亞期間,其殘暴的管治亦激起當地人民的反抗,當時有不少 抗日的宣傳海報,而日軍亦發行資料以爭取當地人的支持。(Besides, during the period of Japanese occupation of Southeast Asia, the brutal rules of Japan aroused the resistance sentiment of the locals. There were a lot of anti-Japanese propaganda in

Southeast Asia at that time. Besides, Japanese armies also published wartime propaganda in gaining support from locals.)

Figure 27 一幅於二戰期間刊行的海報 (A poster that was published during WWII)





Figure 28 一幅於 1945 年刊行的海報 (A poster that was published in 1945)



Figure 29 一幅日本人於二戰期間於刊行的資料 (A piece of information that was published by Japan during WWII)

(基於版權原因,有關圖片未能於網上發放)。建議於搜尋器輸入「日本 +大東亞共榮圈+宣傳+共存共榮」,以搜尋相關的圖片。



1. 根據二戰期間刊行的海報,東南亞人民的形象是怎樣的?他們對日本的管治有何感 受?試根據海報的線索加以說明。(According to the posters that were published during WWII, what were the images of the Southeast Asians? What were the feelings of the Southeast Asians towards Japanese rules at that time? Please illustrate according to the hints of the posters.)

2. 根據日本於二戰期間刊行的資料,資料的內容包括多少種語言?為甚麼資料要包括 不同的語言?資料想表達甚麼內容?(According to the piece of information that was published by Japan during WWII, how many languages did that piece of information have?

Why did that piece of information need to include different languages? What was the message?)

3. 你會選擇相信哪些海報所表達的信息?為甚麼?(Which posters’ messages would you choose to believe? Why?)

4. 若你作為當時被日本佔領的東南亞人,試設計一張宣傳抗日的海報,以團結人民對 抗日本。(If you were the Southeast Asians who were ruled by Japan during WWII, please design a poster in rallying support in resisting against Japan.)



 隨著美國於 1945 年在日本廣島及長崎投下原子彈,日本最後投降,第二次世界大 戰結束。(After the droppings of atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the United States in 1945, Japan eventually surrendered. The Second World War ended.)

Figure 30 原爆後的日本 (Japan after the atomic bombing) (圖片來源:教育局課程發展 處,《抗戰勝利七十周年圖片集:徐宗懋藏品選》,頁 226。)

 小總結(Summary):

1. 中國軍民上下一心,共同對抗日本的管治,民眾透過募捐等不同的方法,支持中國 軍隊抗擊日本。(Chinese soldiers and citizens cooperated with each other in resisting against Japanese invasions. Chinese citizens supported the soldiers in fighting against Japan through different means, e.g. donation.)

2. 另外,日本佔領東南亞亦激起當地人的反抗情緒,當地有不少抗日的宣傳。(Besides, Japanese occupations of Southeast Asia aroused resistance sentiment among locals. There were a lot of anti-Japanese propaganda at that time.)

3. 1945 年,美國於日本廣島及長崎投下原子彈,日本投降,第二次世界大戰結束。(The United States dropped atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. Japan

eventually surrendered and this marked the end of the Second World War.)



第十條 香港特別行政區應當通 過學校、社會團體、媒體、網絡 等開展國家安全教育,提高香港 特別行政區居民的國家安全意識

香港的招聘廣告 職位:香港外籍傭工 月薪:約 4,410 港元 福利:享有每週休息 日、法定假期和年假

法治 (Rule of Law) 没有統一定義。當代最廣為人知及引用的有關著作是英國兵咸勳爵 (Lord Tom Bingham) 在2010年所寫的 “The Rule Of Law” (中譯本: “ 法治 : 英國首席大法官

• 「在香港定居的非華語學生與其他本地學 生,同樣是香港社會的下一代。……為促

李焯芬,地質及水利工程專家,曾任 香港大學副校長、香港大學專業進修

本校校友王嘉慧同學(傳播系二技港生)持朝陽科技大學學士班畢業證書,通過 香港學歷評審局審核通過,等同香港學歷資歷架構5級 (educational qualification meets the standard

探討:香港學生資訊素養 類別二:一般的資訊素養能力 識別和定義對資訊的需求.. VLE Platform – Discussion 討論列表 Discussion
